Lightning Round -2016/01/13

No one cares about your problems.
Related: I don’t want, I will.

The need for a fighting faith.
Related: Submission and conviction.

The anti-American empire.

On Trump. More.
Related: Concerns about Trump.

The alt-right needs to understand ethics.

On 2015 and the right.
Related: The trouble with 1488.

Immigration is rape culture, but women ignore warnings and are on lockdown. Related.
Related: Young women’s xenophilia.
Related: Will pro-refuge Christians repent?
Related: Orban was right.

Bathing in Cologne.
Related: Ivan Jurevic on Cologne.
Related: Germany springs into action against hate.
Related: Rotherham syndrome.
Related: Right-wing riots in Germany.

The Swedish cover-up of a mass sexual assault.
Related: Assaults in Finland.
Related: Norway is culturally enriched.
Related: 7-year-old Swede murdered by immigrant.

Understanding Muslims.
Related: Pronouncing the word ‘Muslim’ and identity politics.

Studies: Diversity + Proximity = War.

Illegal immigrants are more criminal, even removing their inherent illegality.

Diversity policies don’t help women or minorities, but do make white men feel threatened. Working as intended.

Monarchy, revolution, and the bourgeoisie.

Saudi monarch executes US agent.

A code of merit.

Reduce inequality, abolish the Ivy League.

Colonialism didn’t make colonial countries rich.

Zippy’s right. I did get dragged into voting last year because of gun control, even though I know I shouldn’t have.

On outrage porn.

Nightcrawler is modern journalism. A review.

Consanguinity and socialism.

Bronze Age dispersal patterns.
Related: Tentative neanderthal, denisovan DNA map.

Inuit and diet.

Defective identity.

Hard truths on Santa Claus.

Against IVCF and Campus Crusade.
Related: IVCF and Urbana go full SJW.

The overemphasis on evangelism.

A Femen activist repents.

Trading place: Pastor Saeed Abedini and his wife. His erasure and her fresh start.

How do wives petition a husband.

Why feminists hate objective standards.

In NY, you could get fined up to $250k for not indulging someone’s transsexual identity.

Your bitchy comment says your life sucks.

The power of a bad idea.

Practicing practicing.

The LIBOR scandal.

The biggest impediment to forecasting.

A background of the Oregon protest.

Free speech is firable.
Related: SJW’s disemploying people.

No reconciliation in the Puppies fight.
Related: All out war against SJ has been declared.

SJW’s get books banned in Toronto.
Related: The SJW’s strike at Goodreads. BG.

The pedophilic rape apologists of SFF fandom.

The truly new year.

SSC analyzes guns and states.

H/T: MR, Land

Christian Culture

Evo X asks why Star Wars is more popular than God. I’ll answer.

My parents were really into the Christian culture thing (my mom even owned a small Christian bookstore home business for a couple years) and so was I until some time in my early 20’s. I watched Veggie Tales, McGee & Me, the Greatest Adventures, Gerbert, and the rest. I listened to the music of Carmen and DC Talk (but not the Newsboys), and tons of Christian metalcore, punk, and hardcore (FaceDown Records!). I read the Left Behind, Wally McDoogle, Baker Street Sports Club (and spin-off), and Lightning on Ice series, among many others. I owned the Picture Bible (the Bible in comic book format), many of the Archie Christian comics, and Heroes of the Faith bible comics (which I thought were pretty cool at the time, because look at that blood and brain matter. That series was surprisingly gory for the Christian culture industry).

So, you can believe me when I say I know that there are people who do (or at least did) try to keep their kids in the Christian culture industry. As far as I can tell, some people in my church still do. I’ve seen kids in my church carrying around their Action Bibles and Christian manga.

The problems are many. First, it doesn’t work unless you isolate your children from non-Christian children. I enjoyed Veggie Tales, but when your friends at school have no idea what “Whoa I ate the bunny” is and are instead referencing the Simpsons (which you’re not allowed to watch) then you want to watch the Simpsons, just so you can understand what “Hi diddly ho, neighbourino” refers to. When the secular culture is omnipresent, its very difficult to confine your kids to Christian culture.

(This can lead to some ridiculous situations. If you can only listen to Christian music or have Christian cultural products, it becomes tempting to try to define what is Christian as broadly as possible, so you can enjoy what your friends do. Every even quasi-spiritual band is scouted for how Christian they were. I’ve watched as young Christians argued that Linkin Park is Christian).

Second, it’s limited. Sure, there are some comics, some shows, and some movies, but there’s only some (and even fewer which are actually good). How many times can your kids watch Veggie Tales before he gets bored? How may times can you turn on the Greatest Adventure, until you get sick of hearing it in the background, much less your kid? There’s more books, but still it’s limited. There are only so many Christian products being produced, you’ll eventually run out. I like metal, there’s some, but not very many, Christian power metal bands. I couldn’t fill my desire for metal on them alone.

Third, it’s comparatively crappy. Everyone, including almost every Christian, knows that Christian cultural productions are not very good. This is especially so in the area of movies and TV. The only truly good Christian movie I can think of was Gibson’s Passion of the Christ, which was created apart from the Christian culture industry. Most of the rest range from crappy to mediocre. As someone in our sphere (I think, I can’t find the piece), wrote on somewhat recently, it takes the whole support system of Hollywood to make a believable movie, and Christians just don’t have that.

It’s somewhat better in books, because those don’t require as much support, but even so: Left Behind was the Christian cultural phenomenon, but the books were decent at best (I read most of them) and the movies (I haven’t seen) were supposedly terrible. Wright’s the best contemporary Christian fiction author I’ve read (by far) and he’s outside the Christian culture industry. TheChristian talent pool is also much smaller, so the likelihood of a spectacular Christian writer is lower. As well, the need many Christians have for works to have an explicit Christian message and to eliminate vice (no swears or drinking) makes subtler and/or realistic stories more difficult, while also severely limiting some genres such as fantasy (ironic, given the predominance of Tolkien and Lewis in the genre, I know) or SF.

Music is also somewhat better. There are some solid bands, but still, Christian music is generally inferior. Besides the talent pool issue, one problem is the Christian music industry attempts to be relevant, which generally ends up meaning they’re chasing whatever trend is popular at the time. So, by the time they actually get around to writing and producing the music, they’re already feeling like mediocre derivatives of trends from a few years ago. KJ-52 is an excellent example of this. He is (was?) the biggest name in Christian rap, but he put out his first CD a year after the Slim Shady LP, and was signed to a Christian label a couple years later. He sounded like an Eminem clone chasing the trend (and naming one of his main tracks Dear Slim didn’t really dispel this). Most Christian music is like this, copying what was popular years, sometimes decades, before. The only genre I can think of where Christians really lead the fore is metalcore (I don’t know how or why Christians became such a strong presence in metalcore, although it might have something with the influence of Living Sacrifice).

The Christian music industry also has the problem of mainstreaming. There’s a general trend that as a Christian band distinguishes themselves and becomes more popular, they begin to tone down the Christianity and lose their distinctiveness. For example, my two favourite bands a decade ago were Disciple and POD. In their early stages, Disciple had a heavy, distinct, and somewhat vicious rap-metal sound with a very strong Christian message (most of their early CD’s contained a sermon as a closing track), but as time went on, they became more popular and started getting some mainstream attention. The music became more generic, less heavy, and the rap-metal sound was replaced by grungy heavy rock. The Christian message was heavily muted. Same with POD, who got a lot of mainstream attention for a Christian band. A band that had a song called “Abortion is Murder” and explicitly named Jesus in their first album, eventually moved to esoteric talk of Zion and Jah, sounding more Rastafarian than Christian. They also moved from a distinct, heavy rap-metal sound to a reggae-infused generic nu-metal. This process has repeated among countless other bands.

That being said, given the nature of the music industry, there are some great Christian bands out there. In metal, Theocracy is one of the best power metal bands, period, while Tourniquet played unique progressive thrash I have yet to see matched. I’m sure most other genres have similar examples.

Finally, a major issue for individuals is cost and availability. Christian stuff simply costs more and is available in fewer places. A mainstream CD costs from $10-15 (CAD) from HMV, which can be found in any mall. A Christian CD from a Christian bookstore is generally $15-20 (or more, I remember one Disciple CD putting me out $28), and you have to drive out of your way to get there. Even buying from Amazon it costs more. I remember the books costing more and the movies costing more. Amazon may be leveling this out, but I remember the price differences being quite significant.

So, the Christian culture thing is possible and people do it, but there are a lot of factors that pull against it and make it difficult. Bu even if you do do it, in the end, it doesn’t really work. Even if you homeschool, eventually your kid will join the rest of the world (unless you do an Amish colony type thing) and secular culture will get him. There’s a huge trend of Christian kids losing their faith in college and the Christian cultural industry is one of the contributors to it. Antibodies to secular culture needs to be built up while young so the child has a hope to resist it. For example, I’m the only one of my siblings to remain a practicing Christian, despite our upbringing in the Christian cultural industry and my parents attempts to limit secular culture. I’ve seen a number fo other families whose Christian-culture raised kids have strayed upon leaving high school. Some come back, some don’t.

A Facebook Poll asked people to list their favorite books; while Harry Potter came in first, 7.2% of people listed the Bible.

Obviously this is not a good way of comparing affection for Star Wars to affection to the Bible, but having interacted with people, 7% feels rather close to the actual percentage of real Christians.

This one is interesting, because despite my regular quotations of the Bible around here, I would likely not list the Bible as being among my favourite books.

I’m not fully sure how to explain it, but there’s something separate between the sacred and the profane. Important sacred things are measured by different standards than mundane things. I wouldn’t read my Bible for fun and enjoyment and I know of few Christians who actually enjoy reading scripture, yet it’s the book I’ve spent the most time reading by far. I wouldn’t call it my favourite book, but it is definitely the most important and influential book in my life. It’s simply measured differently.

Maybe a more relatable example will help. Amazing Grace is simply the most beautiful, emotionally moving song I know. Yet, I have never listened to it for entertainment. It’s not and has never been in my iTunes or on my MP3 player. I would definitely not call it my favourite song. It’s in a separate category all its own, along with other hymns. It’s set apart.

Relatedly, however much I love heavy metal, I’d strongly object if we added heavy metal worship music to my church. It simply wouldn’t be right.

That might be the problem with the Christian cultural industry, particularly music. It is trying to make the sacred profane and bringing the profane into the sacred. Worship music is set apart; the old hymns have a power and meaning to them. Translating that power, that meaning, into popular music is difficult. The Bible has deep truths, translating those into mundane stories of popular fiction is difficult, something only the most skilled wordsmiths are capable of doing right, which is why so much popular Christian literature is so heavy-handedly clunky.  It takes a lot of skill to produce Narnia, very few writers have that skill. While trying to make a mass market thriller spiritually meaningful is a near hopeless task.

One example of the profane infecting the sacred that really rankles me is Grace Like Rain. It’s a “redone” Amazing Grace in contemporary style that adds a course. The song itself is okay if you like CCM, but churches have taken to adding this to the worship music repertoire. So, you’ll be singing along to Amazing Grace, then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, a pop music course of “Hallelujah, grace like rain…” will interject itself, completely ruining the power and atmosphere of the hymn. The sacred song is profaned by the injection of CCM.

The secular and the sacred are separate. Adding the sacred to the secular is difficult and the unskilled will ruin it. Adding the secular to the sacred ruins the sacred. (also, CCM should be kept out of the church).

Superior and Inferior

The Wright/Malcolm monarchy debate has ended. I’m late to the debate, but I’m not debating, instead I just want to comment on something Wright said and implicated a number of times:

I have never met anyone who talks like you before. Even the zany materialist Dr Andreassen, who thought himself nothing more than a meat robot, did not think himself my inferior. Quite the opposite.

Then you are a slave in spirit, if not in law. If so, there is nothing to discuss: for you are a man willing to have another decide your fate. If so again, I decree that, as a free man who outranks you, I have unilaterally decided you should enjoy, while in America, the rights for which I but not you are willing to die.

If you argue with my high handed decision, then you are either being presumptuous (as you say) or you are secretly possessed of the belief that you should be allowed to participate in the decision about your life as if you owned it, and were equal with me. But this would indicate that you believe yourself possessed of an inalienable right to equality. But If we are equals, and I am free, you are free. In which case you believe in an inalienable equality of rights. This is in directly logical conflict with the legal theory of monarchy, which holds that the civic power passes by inheritance, as a family property, down a bloodline set aside by law as superior to all others.

So merely by entering into this discussion at all, you cast doubt upon your position. Freedom is not something discussed between equals. Superiors need not discuss such matters with inferiors. The superiors merely decide. The inferiors show respect, show deference, and obey.

First, political freedom is not freedom true. Political freedom is the right of the mob to force their will upon the rest. Republicanism is only superior over democratic mob rule insofar as it is anti-democratic and explicitly hierarchical. Whether you are ruled by a king and ruled by a mob, you are still ruled, although, in the former you are ruled only by one, in the latter by all. Having laws outlining how you are ruled and a judge who “interprets” those laws, doesn’t mean you are any less ruled, it simply means you are ruled by an unelected judge rather than a king.

Second, no man is free. We are born into the world the subject of our father, become the subjects of our teachers, and are always the subject of the state, be it autocratic or democratic. “Freedom” is impersonal authority rather than personal authority. The “free man” wishes to be a servant without a master. To be ruled by a constitution (manipulated by politicians and “interpreted” by judges) is still to be ruled, only it is the rule of impersonal forces set in motion by faceless elites, rather than the personal rule of a known individual. The free republican wishes to be ruled by the Star Chamber rather than the king. Base anarchy is the only true freedom, and nobody wants to live in base anarchy because it means getting brained by the stronger man who wants to eat your venison and rape your woman. (Admittedly, the stronger man might enjoy himself, at least until he is no longer the stronger man).

Third, the consent of the governed doesn’t exist. You are born into a society and indoctrinated in its ways from before you can even speak consent, let alone meaningfully understand the concept. The ideas of your fathers control your mind before you are even capable of realizing it. The liberal may respond, ‘but I rebel against the ways of my fathers’, not knowing rebellion is the way of his fathers. The consent of the governed is the consent of a women not protesting because she has inadvertently consumed rohypnol.

Fourth, republican freedom is not a sign of superiority, but inferiority. The superior man’s superiority comes from the responsibilities for the burdens of others he bears. He is free to act only insofar as others trust him to act for them. The free republican man is free because he bears no responsibility for the burdens of others, only his own. Even the inferior man is superior to the free republican man, for the inferior man bears the burdens and responsibilities entrusted him by his superior. (Of course, it need not be said, the slave is lowest of all for he does not even bear his own burdens. Even so, a slave can still be of value and worth).

The defining feature of the free man is that he rules no one as he himself is not ruled. To call oneself superior to another is to deny one’s own freedom.

Fifth, being a subject is not being a slave. A slave obeys force. A subject obeys a man, an office, and a tradition.

Sixth, being inferior to one is not being inferior to all. Kneeling before the king does not imply kneeling before Mr. Wright. Relatedly, being inferior in one aspect does not make one inferior in all. The king may kneel before the priest come mass, but the bishop kneels before the king come court.

Lightning Round -2016/01/06

Identity, civilization, and ethnoculture.

Newton’s third law of politics.
Related: Islam and game theory.
Related: The western immune system.
Related: Diversity is a process, not an end state.
Related: Collapse or correction.

Immigrant rape culture.

Race is not a social construct.
Related: Whites exist genetically and culturally.

Emancipate yourself.

Ethnocentrism and oxytocin.

In favor of a repressive state religion.

Stereotypes are more accurate than most psychology.

The alt-right at Buzzfeed.

Capitalism and tradition.

The truth is not immediately useful.

Intellectual alchemy.

It’s the degeneracy, stupid.

What to do about censorship.

Americans are losing faith in democracy.

New years and schelling points.

Men doing their own thing.

Towards a white student union.

Amerikanskiy zones.

Raising money for Africa.

Cafeteria realism.

MPC on nerds.
Related: Subcultures and status.

Elite cosmopolitanism.

Lesbians (and feminists) as imitation men.

The Slattery report: our lying media.

The Guardian.

Kathy Keller: Unhinged. More.
Related: Shades of rebellion.

Authority and marriage.

A review of Christian movie, War Room.

Why SJW’s always lie.

Star Wars and the lack of manly pride.

A response to the Hateful Eight.

Race in Hawaii.

Stuff on metformin.

Life is shitty for a lot of people.

Lightning Round – 2015/12/24

I’m taking a break over the holidays. I’ll be back in the new year, so here’s a Lightning Round to tide you over.

Zippy lays it all out: In the land of lies, every day is opposite day.

The lack of meaning of Christmas.

Nobody has a sense of numbers. Related.
Related: A voter’s guide to thinking.

Why men don’t get married?

Demographic statistics.
Related: Facts are useless.

Cities as culture killers.

De Jouvenel: Power and culture.

The strong horse.
Related: NYT threatens Trump.

GOP branding.
Related: What the people want from the GOP.
Related: There’s a market demand for free speech.

The pledge of media professionals.

Simon Gray with some reflections on Cuckservative and Islam.

Soft power is dangerous.
Related: The US military vs. the CIA.

A strange new respect for Orban.

Support for democracy declining.

On the Daily Show and Rumsfeld.

Baltimore is doomed.

To oppressed minorities: you’re welcome.

The despairing Marxist.

On Theranos.

What’s the point of the DHS?

Calling a criminal a criminal is offensive.

Chaucer and virtuous poverty.

Christian revival and charismatic churches.

Cartesian sex.

Servant leaders mind their own business.

Electricity and religion.

A pro-paganism screed.

Keeping your daughter off the pole.
Related: Demon mom of the year.

Widows aren’t single mothers.

How to critique women.

The Netherlands resist the invasion.
Related: Geert Wilders refuses to turn on his extremists.

Canadian Liberals to ban spanking.

An SJW tell.

Sailer connects the dots on Sioux County.

Sailer takes apart an NYT op-ed.

Intelligence genes found.

Conservatives are Losers

Conservatives are losers.


This is not an insult, this is a statement of empirical fact.

Here’s one (((Noah Rothman))) who proves it beyond a reasonable doubt. He attempts to outline conservative wins to convince the base that the GOP leadership is awesome. His list of the epic accomplishments consists of 3 points:

  • Rolling back some of the worst of the Bush/GOP implemented No Child Left Behind national curriculum standards (and the resulting Common Core).
  • Preventing a $2.5-billion bailout of Obamacare, while failing to actually change the part of the Obamacare law he set out to eliminate.
  • Planning to give all illegals legalization, but not citizenship.

The conservative base should trust their GOP leaders because they undid part of what a previous GOP leader did, will legalize criminal immigrants, and temporarily, not permanently, halted some small portion of the funding of Obamacare.

What heroic leaders giving their all for the cause.

I’ve noted before how conservatism is always doomed, but never has anything I have written been so pathetically proven right. What kind of losers trumpet a record like that? If that was my record I’d commit seppuku in shame. Hell, I probably wouldn’t have enough honour left to be worthy of seppuku.

It will be a mercy to these people when the Sweet Meteor of Death puts them out of their perpetual misery.

Conservatism can not die fast or hard enough.

Lightning Round – 2015/12/16

I just plumb forgot to post this yesterday. So, here it is a day late.

Mannerbund 101.
Related: Patriarchal culture.

Nationalism vs. globalism.


Obama’s NRx activism.

An aesthetic declaration of independence.

The end of the radical centrist.

A strategic default on white debt.

The death of France.
Related: Genocide-by-attrition at the funeral parlour.
Related: The establishment betrays France, as the anti-nationalist conspiracy succeeds.
Related: Leftist word games.
Related: Finland resists the invasion.
Related: America and France move right.
Related: A grave moment for France.

On Houellebecq’s Submission.

Why we culturally profile Muslims. Lots of data.
Related: 95% of child rape/molestation convictions in the UK were Muslims.
Related: Political correctness crippled national security.
Related: Islam and peace.
Related: Right-wing terrorism vs. Muslim terrorism.

When the Russian mafia is not a Russian mafia.

On neoconservatism.
Related: The Feinbergs and Kleinbergs.
Related: Multiculturalism in Australia and Israel.

Citadel on the Trumpening.
Related: Trump is running against the media. Related.
Related: Trump the SMOD.
Related: Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler.
Related: Why Trump?
Related: Preventing Muslim immigration is constitutional.
Related: Will elites blow up the GOP?
Related: Values and interest.
Related: Esoteric Trad on a few things.

Sum Ting Wong.
Related: Flooding the racism market.

Birth of a religion.

When SJW’s attack, we are all Spartacus.

Keoni reviews Cuckservative.
Related: Cuckservatives embrace immigration.

A new book coming on the right-wing critics of American Conservatism.

The benefits of foreign labour are a lie.

The state vs. bandits.

Peace sells, don’t buy it.

Grifting climate change.
Related: From the Senate hearing on climate change.

The left lies about not wanting to take your guns.

Chinchillas and modernity.
Related: Evo X on pets, dogs, and cats.

Bring back antitrust?

There’s been a dust-up over monarchy at Wright’s. Malcolm responds.
Related: Zippy joins in.

Conservative uncertainty under liberalism.
Related: Liberal mass killing and parasitism.
Related: Guns, liberalism, and liberty.
Related: Liberalism as a Predator.

The fads of liberalism.

Nothing new under the sun. Congrats to Moose.

James Deen rape and porn.

Is it ok to be obsessed with sex or not?

Birth control makes women unattractive.

Parental choice in marriage. More.

An in-depth look at the Bible on divorce.
Related: God only hates divorce without financial rape.

Complementarian women’s studies.

The expectation of assistance.

Women outperforming men.
Related: On women soldiers.

The amazing trend in smiles.

On the Santa Clause.

Keoni regrets listening to satanic metal.

British most prejudiced against young white men.

The 2015 punchable shitlib face tournament.

China bred out high IQs.

Japan’s 105-hour workweek.

The removed part of Sam Harris’ interview with Salon.

Writing is a hobby.

Gavin McInnes gives some dressing advice to young men.

Small-game fallacies.

Hive mind and national IQ.
Related: Some passages from Hive Mind.

Puppygate on Jeopardy.

H/T: VD, NBS, AG, Land

Order, Chaos, and Regimentation

Reaction is about establishing order. A reactionary society is an ordered one, an ordered society is a conservative one. A disordered society is chaotic. Civilization is order, chaos is barbarism.

Regimentation is not necessarily order. A communist society is heavily regimented, but also chaotic. There is not order. Our growing anarcho-tyranny is heavily regimented, disordered, and chaotic all at once.

Natural order flows flow naturally from the relationships men are inclined towards. Regimentation is artificial, it is unnaturally forced upon society rather than flowing from it.

Regimentation may be necessary at times: a soldier in the army is artificially regimented as opposed to the naturally ordered warrior of a warband, but an army of soldiers is necessary for survival, as the warrior has been made obsolete (for now, 4G looks to be changing that).

Just because something is lined up nicely in a row or is heavily controlled does not mean it’s ordered. In fact, it is likely means it is regimented chaos. Chaos requires regimentation, order does not. In fact, order may look disorganized to the casual observer who doesn’t know better.

Regimentation is not order.

End Gun Violence

We need to end gun violence.

Almost two-thirds of gun deaths are suicides. 80% of firearms suicides are white males. This means that about half of gun deaths are suicides by white males. If we’re serious about ending gun violence, we need to focus on preventing white males from wanting to kill themselves.

White male suicide rates peak in middle age, a group that used to have relatively lower risk of suicide.

What drives white male suicide?

Two of the biggest risk factors are not being married and being unemployed.

So, if we want to stop gun violence, we need to make it so that white men can get married and have a job.

If you’re serious about ending gun violence, you need to oppose the war on the family and the hook-up culture. You also need to oppose immigration, bureaucracy, regulation, high taxes, and out-sourcing which are destroying which destroy American jobs.

Stopping the denigration of white males and ending the false idea of white male privilege also wouldn’t hurt.

It’s the only way forward to a reduce gun violence.

H/T: CM from VP for the idea.

Lightning Round – 2015/12/09

When a man should start looking for marriage.


Rise of the shitlords.

Setting things right.
Related: Neocolonial on greater realities. I disagree with one point. Plain reaction is order; neocamerialism (and formalism) is the particular order that puts the neo in neoreaction.

Regarding servants without masters.

McCarthy was right.

Point deer, make horse.
Related: How to win.
Related: The long cold civil war.
Related: The media and public are at war.
Related: How much terror the police state has stopped.
Related: Paternity leave caused the shooting.
Related: How many mass shootings are there, really?
Related: Heartiste on the San Bernardina shootings.
Related: Leading you off a cliff.
Related: We stand with you.
Related: New York Daily News: liking the NRA is as hateful as shooting  a dozen people.
Related: Manson family fears backlash.

Trump wins if nothing insane is done to stop him.
Related: Why the media hates Trump.
Related: A proposed Trump cabinet.

Trump to ban Muslim immigration, says “I don’t care”.
Related: How many dead Americans are you willing to pay?
Related: France’s new Joan of Arc.

“Refugees” don’t want to come to Canada. They’re desperate, but not desperate enough to move here.
Related: Sweden’s immigrant dream is over.

Importing ethnic tensions.

On territorialism.

The US supports ISIS.

Day’s Cuckservative has been released.
Related: Cuckservative responses and why no footnotes.

Heredity matters, parents, not as much. Read the original article.
Related: The Quillette. A new online mag, that’s somewhat DE adjacent.

Ethnic competition and defection.
Related: How to increase cooperation and decrease defection.
Related: Culture wars and setting the default.


Culture and civilization are statistically white and male.

The media will hide the decline.
Related: Technological decay.
Related: Infrastructure.

The satanic core of liberal niceness.

Being a bad follower guarantees bad leaders.

We live in white supremacy.
Related: Leftism assigns all agency to whites.
Related: In-bred liberals.

What the alt-left is?

The Daily Beast on the alt-right.

Lynch law. Read the whole story.


Huge analysis of the achievement gap. Conclusion: Not (concentrated) poverty.
Related: What do Black Autumn protestors want? To never have to leave campus.
Related: On black names.

Superheroes and princesses.

Lessons from Tim Tebow’s break-up. More. Maybe a false story.

Countries where women don’t work outside the home have comparatively happier women.

Feminism is a status game.

Failed leadership in the US.

Finland may implement basic income plan.

The Ainu and the fringe.

Why English is weird.

David Marcus gets cucky. On Twitter.

H/T: SSC, Land