Monthly Archives: December 2013

The Monarch and the Poor

Calvin on the monarch and the poor:

“As God had promised to extend his care to the poor and afflicted among his people, David, as an argument to enforce the prayer which he presents in behalf of the king, shows that the granting of it will tend to the comfort of the poor. God is indeed no respecter of persons; but it is not without cause that God takes a more special care of the poor than of others, since they are most exposed to injuries and violence. Let laws and the administration of justice be taken away, and the consequence will be, that the more powerful a man is, he will be the more able to oppress his poor brethren. David, therefore, particularly mentions that the king will be the defender of those who can only be safe under the protection of the magistrate, and declares that he will be their avenger when they are made the victims of injustice and wrong. . . .

“But as the king cannot discharge the duty of succouring and defending the poor which David imposes upon him, unless he curb the wicked by authority and the power of the sword, it is very justly added in the end of the verse, that when righteousness reigns, oppressors or extortioners will be broken in pieces. It would be foolish to wait till they should give place of their own accord. They must be repressed by the sword, that their audacity and wickedness may be prevented from proceeding to greater lengths. It is therefore requisite for a king to be a man of wisdom, and resolutely prepared effectually to restrain the violent and injurious, that the rights of the meek and orderly may be preserved unimpaired. Thus none will be fit for governing a people but he who has learned to be rigorous when the case requires. Licentiousness must necessarily prevail under an effeminate and inactive sovereign, or even under one who is of a disposition too gentle and forbearing. There is much truth in the old saying, that it is worse to live under a prince through whose lenity everything is lawful, than under a tyrant where there is no liberty at all.”

Lightning Round – 2013/12/25

Merry Christmas. I’m enjoying my days off, so blogging will be light. Here’s some links to get you through. There will likely not be a Lightning Round next Wednesday. Enjoy your holidays.

Will starts up a new link aggregation site.
Related: Chad summarizes his last two years and links to some of his posts.

The Path to Legionnaire: Social

True Christian women do not need to be gamed: against Dalrock and Vox.
Related: Finding a good woman.
Related: The red pill truth for men.
Related: Withholding from the other sex will not make them better.
Related: Monogamy is natural; as it goes so to does civilization and beauty.

Lewis on love.

Aristotle on being a man.
Related: Boys and fatherhood.

Master of the Hall: a hospitality guide.

Twice as hard: Where all the good men have gone.
Related: Why America causes men to be unnatural.
Related: America: Home of the fey.
Related: Modern men are becoming lotus eaters.

For women: Why does my boyfriend pressure me for sex?
Related comment: Dating is a marriage relationship.

Women crave boundaries.
Related: A woman needs to be put in place.

American women, stay away from me.

To the women who choose not to have kids.

Refusing to man-up is rational.

The two modesties.

The 1% marriage meme.

The futility of online dating.

Life begins at 33. Something to look forward to.
Related: Life lessons from Machiavelli.

Building an internet business.

The Private Man offers himself up for interviews.

A reactionary library.

#HateUpNYC from A&G and Bryce. I’ll have to get in on the next one.

2014, Neoreaction, and the Art of War.
Related: Facing the future.
Related: When will we hit that critical 10% mark.

Democracy sucks and voters are morons.

Neologisms and concept development.
Related: The manipulation of the language to spread left-wing thought.

Is, Ought, and academics.
Related: The power elites.

The soft genocide of southern culture.

The left-wing roots of anarcho-tyranny.

The NYT dips it’s toe into HBD.

Is Putin one of us?

Being liberal on God.

GQ article on Phil Robertson, of Duck Dynasty.
Related: Duck Dynasty and liberal bigotry.
Related: Why Phil Robertson was really suspended.
Related: The conclusive proof of media bias.
Related: Dear A&E, you just committed suicide.
Related: What the Duck Dynasty folks should do.
Related: The pointlessness of the duck fight.
Related: Chik-Fil-A Day for Duck Dynasty.
Related: The only way to handle a bully is to stand up to them.
Related: Is an entertainer being fired for being Christian something that may be seen as a prelude to civil war?
Related: Backfire.
Related: The controversy that wasn’t.
Related: Steyn: Age of intolerance.
Related: Steyn: Re-education camp.
Related: The patriarch teaches.


The tyranny of the anti-homeschoolers.

Laidnyc also hates the stupidity of “correlation doesn’t equal causation”.

Teamwork is overrated.

There’s nothing to be done about mass shootings.

#RealisticFatTalk. RoK?

Munk Debates: Are men obsolete? All female debaters. I wonder how Dowd, Rosin, et al. would react if men held debate if women were obsolete.
Related: Fred responds.

About 1 in 200 women report having virgin births.

“I don’t want to really scare you,” he said, after half a chuckle. “But it was alarming how many people I talked to who are highly placed people in AI who have retreats that are sort of ‘bug out’ houses”

The greatness of Canada. I don’t have to care.

The Star attempts a coup on Rob Ford.

On the American labour problem.

Humour: 7 reasons the TSA sucks from a security expert.

The third-worldification of Britain: businesses to be paid to turn of lights to prevent blackouts.

UK: Feminists vs. Muslims over gender segregation at university.
Related: UK boys to be given courtship lessons due to fears porn has warped their minds.

Contrary to the false beliefs of some, Marilyn Monroe was skinny. (Yes, the article is exceedingly annoying, but the point is interesting).

Red skin was not a slur against aboriginals.

20 things the rich do every day. redux.

3 reasons not to become a lawyer right now.

Amusing hardline anti-Christmas carol parodies. I guess you have to make your own fun when you don’t celebrate Christmas.
Related: The missing 12 days of Christmas.

(H/T: SDA, Will, Land, GCBH)

A Living Wage is Impossible

Recently the idea of a “living wage” has come to the for with the “Fight for 15” campaign. The living wage has been a popular idea in the left for a while. I don’t plan on on showing how a “living wage” it will increase unemployment or hurt economic growth, you can find that stuff elsewhere. Rather I am going to show you how a living wage is impossible; it is simply not something that can exist given our present society.

As I have pointed out before, housing is the single largest expense in most households (other than possibly taxes) and is effectively a positional good. (Read the link for the full argument). Americans spend about a third of their income on housing, a number which has been increasing over time. As people become richer, they tend to spend more absolute money to obtain larger houses keeping proportionate housing expenditures at similar or even higher amounts. Housing costs as a proportion of income do not decrease as incomes rise on a societal level.

If you increase the minimum wage, people on minimum wage will spend more on housing as competition for housing increases deu to its status as a largely positional good. This will drive the costs of housing up. After a time of correction, housing costs will have increased in absolute terms but have stayed roughly the same relative to income. There will be no real improvement in the housing situation of most people.

The next big expense for homes with children and working parents is childcare. I’ve already explained why child care will always be unaffordable; essentially, given child care worker to child ratios, a minimum of a quarter of one person’s income is necessary per child for child care. If you raise the minimum wage you simply increase child care costs proportionately.

Finally, the costs of all other goods will increase as well. If you pay minimum wage workers more, the price of all goods will increase across the board, raising the cost of living, particularly for the poor who depend the most on low-cost goods.

Increasing the minimum wage will create minimal improvements for poor families receiving minimum wage (they may create moderate improvement for poor singles who don’t have child care costs and have lower housing needs) because the increased costs of good and services, particularly housing and childcare, will eat away any gains from the higher nominal wages.

A living wage is impossible for this reason; increases in the minimum wage will simply inflate the value of goods proportionately, so there are minimal real agins for the impovershed.

(This of course ignores the impact on the middle class; who will be greatly damaged by a “living wage” as the costs of goods and services increase while wages stagnate).

The Brown Scare: Duck Edition

I’m a little late on the bandwagon, so by now you’ve probably heard that Phil Robertson was suspended by A&E from the reality show, Duck Dynasty for some comments made during an interview with GQ. I made a small series of tweets when I first came across the event.

This event is significant because it is the first time the brown scare has impacted a particular person this well known to the mainstream. Sure, Watson, Dickenson, Summers, Richwine, Derbyshire, et al. were victims of the witchhunt, but none of those names are ones the average Joe on the street would rcognize. Sure, Chic-Fil-A was persecuted, but its a faceless corporation; who’s ever heard of Dan Cathy?

But Duck Dynasty is huge and Phil Robertson is a recognizable individual. It’s the most-watched nonfiction show of all time and A&E’s highest rated show fo all time. He is somebody your average middle-American knows and likes.

The culture war has been raging for a while, but mostly in words and on the political level. Phil shows the red states, the vaisyas, how far the the progressives are willing to go to enforce ideological conformity. It shows how much the elites truly do detest middle America. It makes the culture war personal by showing that they’re ready and willing to not just denounce you, but to steal your livelihood simply for speaking what you think.

Now that the working-to-middle class whites now have a sampling of the elites hatred towards them, hopefully they will see the class war being waged against them.

For hate is the only explanation* for this: Duck Dynasty is insanely profitable and popular for a second-rate cable network previously best known for Law and Order reruns. There is absolutely no business reason to mess with a formula that works. Any fool can see that the 77% of America that are Christian vastly outnumber the <4% of America that is gay.

The cultural elites hate the conservative low-to-middle class whites that are the primary consumers of the show and they hate the Christian morality and traditional family structures the show portrays.

They wish to destroy these whites, their lifestyle, and their morality.

Oh, how the elites at A&E must rue how their attempt to mock the rednecks has backfired. I would have loved to see their faces when they realized their laugh-at-the-rednecks show become popular for all the ‘wrong’ reasons. It’s Archie Bunker all over again.

In a cultural wasteland of “reality” programming showcasing degenerates, freaks, perverts, broken homes, blackened souls, and empty, twisted hearts, Duck Dynasty focuses on a normal, functional, loving family holding to a solid moral framework and enjoying their lives. It presents a cultural alternative to the broken, empty world the cultural elites are trying to force onto the masses.

Whatever our opinions of TV, the simple fact is most Americans are consumers of TV. Duck Dynasty is one of the few shows to show working-class whites, Christianity, and traditional morality in a positive light and it is one of the few that gives the masses something moral and uplifting.

For this Duck Dynasty and Phil Robertson deserves support.

*There is a very small chance this was a publicity stunt by A&E. I don’t think its likely, but you never know.

Lightning Round – 2013/12/18

The Path to Legionnaire: Mental.
Related; Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?

Love is a verb.

A great product sells itself.
Related: Deti on why men fail with women.
Related: Betapedia: examples of what not to do.

The easy way to get people to do what you want.

A quick solution to being boring.

How to read books. It’s shorter than the book.

What Mark Driscoll gets wrong.
Related: Mark Driscoll continues to sink into silliness.
Related: Selling sense for men and marriage.
Related: Moral lemmings jumping off the marriage cliff.
Related: So you want me to man up and marry?

Treat them mean.
Related: Chicks despise nice guys.
Related: Game: Biting.
Related: The degradation of the age.
Related: Women’s desire to be roughed in the bedroom is a perversity of true submission.
Related: Wives should submit to their husbands.

There is no such thing as unconditional love.

Chesterton and sex.

It all seems backwards.
Related: The calibration glasses.

Explaining the paleo fad.

Madonnas and whores.

A few points from Sex Wars.

Women in the manosphere.

Advice for women to avoid temptation.
Related: Advice for women feeling neglected.
Related: Women: Why you’re on the bang, don’t marry list.
Related: Six ways for women to stamp out the risk of divorce.

On the ‘beautiful, chaste young woman’ who can’t find a husband.
Related: Leading your daughters to marriage.
Related: Game for nerd girls.
Related: Women: How to get a Christian man to marry you.

If you are subhuman narcissistic filth, you don’t deserve a good relationship.
Related: Maureen Dowd: choosing to be mean, even when nice works better.

Why men should leave America.
Related: Chile: A possible expatriation destination.

I was unfamiliar with this passage from Malachi. It seems to give scripture an even greater pro-natalist position than I had previously thought.

Dalrock criticizes Matt Walsh.

Dalrock notes progress: Taranto spills red pill all over the WSJ.

Danny’s planning another meet-up.
Related: A bit more on the meet-up.

Will quits Twitter. 25 tweets. 25 more tweets.

It’s a man’s world and always will be.
Related: JB responds to a Jezebel response.

The hilarity of feminist programming languages. It’s not supposed to work.
Related: Feminist Software Foundation: “No coding experience is necessary.”
Related Humour: C+=
Related: Throwing out Aristotle.

Virtue and the dictionary.

Agon contemplates the web holding him in place.

Be tall.

Understanding the reaction and the new right.
Related: A&G responds to the new right neoreaction article.

This paper on IQ and dysgenics has been making the rounds.

The rightist singularity.

I always look forward to the new Radish: Anarcho-tyranny.

The origins of northwest-european guilt. Related.
Related: White guilt as a morality contest.

Leftists may (sorta) acknowledge the falseness of their ideology when it comes to them getting murdered.

The brown scare in Sweden.

The rise and contraction of Elysia.
Related: Advice on the coming decline.
Related: How could the west collapse?

The madness of some singularity thought: Roko’s Basilisk.
Related: The abstract horror of the great filter.

Mississippi slave narratives.

On the Jewish conspiracy.

When did white trash become normal?

Orwell, newspeak, the common man, and cognitive miserliness.

‘Poverty impedes income’ shown to be BS.
Related: A twin study showing educational achievement is mostly genetic.

A loudmouth female cadet, Trayvon Martin, and the knockout game.
Related: Put guns in schools.

Faith, family, community, and work create happiness. Also, conservative women are much happier than liberal women.

Black men and white women.

‘Hey nice guys; please wait for us while we waste ourselves on losers.’

Spanish feminists do what feminists do. Take extra notice of the pictures.

Women’s sexual desire fades over time in a relationship.
Related: Half of women would rather go without sex than without their smartphone.

Remember white men; if you want to help “anti-racism” and “anti-sexism” you are a second-class citizen who should shut up.
Related: ‘My students don’t want to be forced to attend sermons accusing them of being racist sexists. Therefore we should change the entire college model.’
Related: We’re all racists, but intelligent people are better at covering it up.

Who is more at risk of having her writing career damaged by something she was written: an American writer who publishes a book or article highly critical of the US national security establishment, or an American writer who publishes a book or article highly critical of gay rights, or progressive feminist and racial orthodoxies?”

Some pictures with an interesting take on a tumbler meme.

The most abominable Christian wife on the internet.
Related: Plans for her second marriage. What kind of insane man would marry her now?

Women should get no more than 2 divorces. I think Danny’s one divorce too generous.

Does the BMI underestimate female obesity?

Slate Feminists: Why do feelings of gender inequality exist when we constantly stoke them?

Alert the presses: Amanda Marcotte is wrong.

The truth of false rape accusations.

George Zimmerman and SMV.

The manosphere producers vs. the mainstream parasites.

26 more signs she’s a slut.

Blind faith is not faith.

The stupidity of ‘don’t judge.’

The Greek of meek and humble; disciplined and lowly.

A child’s father is a major factor in religious behaviour.

Teaching kids to think by teaching writing.

Immigration then and now.

Is mass immigration a method of ethnically cleansing blacks?

The uselessness of the boycott.

Are you an enemy of liberty?

Media bias in regards to shootings.

Police state: 10-year-old suspended for shooting imaginary arrows.

NY liberal tears over Obamacare. Delicious.

More 6-figure white collar jobs for the elite. Go #occupy!

The minimum wage is the wrong tool.

The hidden divide in American institutions.

The dysfunction of the modern labour market.
Related: The Fed notes that college doesn’t pay off for most.
Related: Retroactive grade inflation in law schools; because your degrees were already worth too much.

There will always be a 1%.
Related: Low-level employees are worth less than CEOs.

The decline of the underclass on TV, profiting the Democrat demographics.

Hilarity at Mandela’s funeral.
Related: More amusement.
Related: Mandela and the W-force.
Related: Mandela’s legacy in video. Shoot the Boer.
“And was this also not the truth about the whole of the Mandela memorial ceremony? All the crocodile tears of the dignitaries were a self-congratulatory exercise, and Jangtjie translated them into what they effectively were: nonsense.”

The US Cathedral infiltrates Canadian politics.

Microsoft categorizes the USG as a cyber-criminal organization.

The vile try to bring down the ideal in fiction, rather than raise themselves up.
Related: Scalzi defines game.
Related: A fun little exchange of rabbit rationalization.

The hypocrisy of gay activists.
Related: The barbarians pleading for tolerance are intolerant when they come to power.

Uber might be the next big company of the future.

Lifting reduces cancer risk.

The heart of libertarianism.

The land tax.

(H/T: CC, Danny, Bill, GLP, SDA, RPR)

Labels and Libertarianism

Michael Anissimov has put out the 5 premises of neoreaction with which a someone must totally agree to be a neoreactionary. He argues that “anyone who disagrees with any one of them is almost certainly not a reactionary.”

I agree fully with all the points except possibly #4, which got me thinking about the rather petty problem of self-labelling. Particularly the fact that my self-descriptive label on my about page has been “reactionary libertarian” since I last updated it months ago.

I hold to a form of libertarianism, anarcho-monarchism, as the optimal form of government for English people, something which I just commented on that a couple weeks back. If asked I’d describe myself as a reactionary anarcho-monarchist.

But then again, I don’t “make personal freedom axiomatic“; rather I hold to the principal of subsidiarity. I do not “refuse to consider the negative externalities of that freedom to traditional structures” but rather I believe these structures are best preserved by distributing power primarily to the individual, family, and the community to best “foster community, family, and social cohesion”.

I definitely do hold to the “socialism” of “family and friends helping each other of their own free will.” (I wouldn’t call it socialism though).

Rather than not caring “if a libertarian society would leave many out in the cold” I have thought of the problem of natural slaves, although, simply having strong community values and mores from birth would probably take care of the problem.

I don’t think any who have read my blog are overly concerned about me being “excessively materialistic” in my outlook.

It would seem his criticisms of libertarianism do not apply to me or my thinking.

So, maybe I fall into the category of “theoretically compatible with libertarianism, but is not compatible with the mood and spirit of libertarianism”?

Or am I simply an unwitting entryist?

Could it be possible I’m “lonely and want friends to debate politics with, or [am] intrigued by the personalities of reactionaries, though they are not one”?

Or maybe by rejecting the axiom of a natural right to freedom, I am simply not a libertarian, whatever the similarities?

Maybe it’s time to retire the libertarian label.

I’ve worn it for many a year, but maybe I’m in the ideological territory of post-libertarianism and the label no longer fits.

Are New Atheists Idiots?

I came across this artice on Slate on some arrogant, “intellectually superior” atheist named Martin Pribble is leaving the atheist community because the religious are unthinking and irrational.

He spends the first few paragraphs deriding faith and religious people, with such arrogantly superior gems as this:

There is no point in it. All this back-and-forth sniping serves to do is to make us feel a sense of superiority to the person making the claims and does nothing for them except leave them with a smugness about their assumption that “atheists are all mean.” Faith overrides knowledge and truth in any situation, so arguing with a theist is akin to banging your head against a brick wall: You will injure yourself and achieve little.

Just after a few paragraphs of this type of arrogance, he then states this:

I have decided to define myself by what I stand for in life rather than what I don’t believe in. I call this “methodological humanism.” In essence, methodological humanism is a standpoint by which everyone, theist, agnostic, and atheist alike, can agree on as a platform from which we can all benefit: the need for food, water, and sanitation; the protection of our natural environment; and the preservation of the world as a whole. Without these things, we, as a species, cease to exist.

Make sure to read the link to “methodological humanism.”

Are atheists really this intellectually blind? Can he honestly not see the disconnect?

He derides faith, then blindly creates his own little faith-based beliefs which we should all agree for we will all “benefit”.

But I’m probably just “banging my head against a brick wall” as even if he reads this he probably will not see.


Bonus Fun: On the sidebar of his blog he states “I am a member of Secular Woman”. I have no point with this but it amused me.

Male Friendship

I came across these two discussions of the lack of friendship among males, particularly white, heterosexual males. The dearth of male friendship is a serious problem in our modern world. The average American has only 2 close friends. While, as per the Salon article above, white, heterosexual males have the fewest friends.

This lack of friendship comes from a variety of factors, but there are three specific to men. The first is the confluence of both philia and eros under the word love, and the resultant conquering of love by eros. Due to this, in our present language “manly love” might as well mean queer. Related to this is the rise of the homosexual lifestyle in popular culture.

The Slate article almost gets this:

Chalk this heart-squeezing shift up to our limiting ideals of masculinity, which define themselves in opposition to all things feminine. Friends are empathetic, affectionate, not afraid to leave their tower of self-reliance for occasional support. You know who else is like that? Women. “Being a good friend…as well as needing a good friend, is the equivalent of being girly,” Wade writes, so the boys end up opting out.

Wade doesn’t mention the rainbow elephant in the room, but I wonder whether men are less afraid of girliness here than homosexuality. In many ways, it’s a distinction without a difference, since homophobes tend to imagine gay men as effete. But if a man ever is allowed to relax his stone face, it’s around his romantic partner. Being open, communicative, vulnerable—all of these behaviors evoke love relationships. It makes a sad kind of sense that boys trying to assert their masculinity would steer clear of playing the “boyfriend” around other guys.

But as usual, they miss the mark, and make a demonstration of the third reason:

Friends are empathetic, affectionate, not afraid to leave their tower of self-reliance for occasional support. You know who else is like that? Women. “Being a good friend…as well as needing a good friend, is the equivalent of being girly,

Affectionate and empathetic? It just sounds queer.

The reason this sounds queer is these are not masculine friendships, these are feminine friendships.  (Not that the feminine mode of friendship is wrong; it’s good, but for women).

The third reason for the decline is male friendship is the colonization of the language of friendship by the feminine. The words used to describe friendships in the above articles are good examples of this: empathy, affection, intimacy, emotional support, etc. are all womanly or would be reserved for your lover; to apply these to a masculine relationship sounds gay.

If this is what friendship is painted as, of course men are going not going to have friendships. Who the hell wants to gather around in a sob circle with their male friends?

But by defining friendship as the feminine, the modern world is pushing out (has pushed out?) the ability to express male friendship through the English language.

To reestablish male friendship, we need to reestablish masculine relationships. We need to retake friendship, retake philia, retake manly love.

(Bro is a decent attempt at this, but bromance just sounds retarded and queer).


For the theoretical framework of masculine friendship we can go back to Jack Donovan’s Way of Man. Male social bonds were formed as a part of the gang. Men bonded through hunting and war parties. They bonded not through faggy emoting, but through shared action, shared virtue, shared goals, shared suffering, and shared victory. They built each other up to work together against the common foe.

Obviously, we can’t go back to the old warband model. There’s no opposing tribes to make war against anymore outside of the ghetto (at least not until the happening), and if you tried to do so, you’d go to jail. But men can attempt to rebuild the same pattern through the creation of a gang. Read the Way of Man for more on this.

We can rebuild the male friendship without the need to go murdering our neighbours. Aristotle outlined the virtuous male friendship many centuries ago:

Perfect friendship is the friendship of men who are good, and alike in virtue; for these wish well alike to each other qua good, and they are good themselves. Now those who wish well to their friends for their sake are most truly friends; for they do this by reason of own nature and not incidentally; therefore their friendship lasts as long as they are good-and goodness is an enduring thing. And each is good without qualification and to his friend, for the good are both good without qualification and useful to each other. So too they are pleasant; for the good are pleasant both without qualification and to each other, since to each his own activities and others like them are pleasurable, and the actions of the good are the same or like. And such a friendship is as might be expected permanent, since there meet in it all the qualities that friends should have. For all friendship is for the sake of good or of pleasure-good or pleasure either in the abstract or such as will be enjoyed by him who has the friendly feeling-and is based on a certain resemblance; and to a friendship of good men all the qualities we have named belong in virtue of the nature of the friends themselves; for in the case of this kind of friendship the other qualities also are alike in both friends, and that which is good without qualification is also without qualification pleasant, and these are the most lovable qualities. Love and friendship therefore are found most and in their best form between such men.

But it is natural that such friendships should be infrequent; for such men are rare. Further, such friendship requires time and familiarity; as the proverb says, men cannot know each other till they have ‘eaten salt together’; nor can they admit each other to friendship or be friends till each has been found lovable and been trusted by each. Those who quickly show the marks of friendship to each other wish to be friends, but are not friends unless they both are lovable and know the fact; for a wish for friendship may arise quickly, but friendship does not.

The friendship of the good too and this alone is proof against slander; for it is not easy to trust any one talk about a man who has long been tested by oneself; and it is among good men that trust and the feeling that ‘he would never wrong me’ and all the other things that are demanded in true friendship are found. In the other kinds of friendship, however, there is nothing to prevent these evils arising. For men apply the name of friends even to those whose motive is utility, in which sense states are said to be friendly (for the alliances of states seem to aim at advantage), and to those who love each other for the sake of pleasure, in which sense children are called friends. Therefore we too ought perhaps to call such people friends, and say that there are several kinds of friendship-firstly and in the proper sense that of good men qua good, and by analogy the other kinds; for it is in virtue of something good and something akin to what is found in true friendship that they are friends, since even the pleasant is good for the lovers of pleasure. But these two kinds of friendship are not often united, nor do the same people become friends for the sake of utility and of pleasure; for things that are only incidentally connected are not often coupled together.

Barring the fact that love in this case indicates philia, but likely comes across sounding closer to eros due to our fallen language in this modern age, does this sound gay? Does it sounds womanly?

No. These are not friendships of men getting together to whine about their woes. These are friendships of men testing each other for shared virtue and working towards the mutual good.

This is manly friendship. This is what we men need to return to: a masculine view of friendship based around shared virtue and goals, rather than emotionalizing.

We need to start speaking of friendship in words that don’t sound faggy. We need to move the language of male friendship from that of a romance or an AA support-group to that of a warband. ‘Bonds of brotherhood’ and ‘shared virtue’ rather than ‘affection’ and ‘intimacy’ and ‘test’ and ‘shared suffering’ rather than ’emotional support’ and ’empathy’.


Now the question becomes, how do we retake male friendship?

We can’t on the cultural level, other than using masculine language for male friendship to reclaim manly love and friendship from homosexuals and women.

But you can do some things on a personal level. Start a gang.

First, you need to find some good men. If you’ve got some good, reliable friends already, that’s excellent. If you don’t, look through your church, your activities, your social groups, and find men of good character and virtue with whom to bond.

Try to avoid half-men, scalzified weiners, psychological eunuchs, pc nutjobs, those lacking virtue, emos,the easily offended, and the like.

Second, start some specifically manly activities together; exclude women from these activities. Some good ones are hunting, fishing, camping, shooting, poker, gaming, etc.

Third, when at these activities talk, but not just of girls, video games, and beer; talk of deeper things. Don’t get all emotional about it, but talk of philosophy, religion, metaphysics, goals, ambitions, virtue, politics,

Once you’ve gotten close to some men, you can talk of emotional things. Again, don’t get all sobby and faggy about it, but there’s nothing out of place with a matter-of-fact discussion of emotions that may be afflicting you once a close enough bond has been formed.

The goal is to build a solid group of men who have your back and whose back you have.


As for myself, some of us our in a book club; when my choice of book comes it will be the Way of Man, to help put the idea of forming a gang in explicit turns in my social circles. I already have a couple solid guys I’ve been friends with for over a decade and whom I’m close to. This will form the core of the gang and there’re others whom could be a part. Over the summer I tried to arrange days in the woods shooting to move some of my friends towards a more warband-esque grouping; it never turned out, but one of the core is planning to buy a gun and the other really wants to but hasn’t been able to on the planned days; others have expressed interest in shooting as well. So come spring, I should be able to get some days in the woods going, and maybe even convince a few to hunt with me next fall. But beside that, we’ve started fishing over summer, we go camping once a year, and we game regularly. So things look well in that respect.


So, go an do likewise. Read the Way of Man to develop an idea of masculine friendship, make some solid male friendships, and try to make those male friendships you do have into a stronger, deeper bond. Form your own gang, your own warband.

For friendship is important, and every man needs his comrades-in-arms.

Lightning Round – 2013/12/11

Are you thinking of taking up hunting? Tim finishes his book. I plan to read and review it here.

Path to Legionnaire: Health and the Physical.

Great post: The institutionalization of children.
Related: Outlaws.

You are your own worst enemy.

Leadership and dominance.

Exercising your weak virtues and gaining balance.

Conquering your fear of success.

The canary in the coal mine.

From fear to greed in the marriage market.

Prepare for death; be ready to burn it to the ground.

Family and mission.

Adulthood is accepting that the world is not perfect.

Marriage doesn’t make sense.

Society is conditioning you to think: “I am so fucking lucky. I got married to a whore, that fucks like a prude.”

10 ways women can destroy a man.

Roissy makes some amusing posters.

Accidental alpha.

The feminine virtues.

When women stop loving betas.

Feminism is hate.
Related: The barbarians at the gates.
Related: The eternal rebellion of the left.
Related: The evil of pro-abortion feminism on display.

Laidnyc has a gooder: ‘The trouble with progressivism is eventually you run out of other people’s civilization to plunder.”
Related: Feminism and the progressive principle.
Related: Leftism, the feminine, and devolution.
Related: Turning women into miserable sluts in mud huts.

Frost on the two games and the coming player invasion of the church.

The destructiveness of the single mother.

A few good comments: “We live in awkward times… too late to vote and too early to start shooting.”

The selection effects of the pill.

Eros, lust, and double-think.

Saving SF from strong female characters, part 6.
Related: Pink vs. blue SF.
Related: The fatal conceit of SF: how can maladjusted nerds understand the banality of the mass-man?

Another guide on avoiding a false rape charge.

The creeping horror of the neoreactionary mind virus.
Related: Cipher ideology.
Related: Neoreaction in the news.
Related: The reaction ruckus, links.

The dark enlightenment is the new right lite; how the new right sees us.
Related: If you don’t like Nazis, you should be a neoreactionary.

How many people are you willing to impale for equal opportunity?

Entryism and the tyranny of nice.

Victimhood and neoreactionary theory.

Cargo cult education.

The US needs state-level border laws.

The high level entitlement trap.

We call a man a bigot or a slave of dogma because he is a thinker who has thought thoroughly and to a definite end.”

The monks of progressivism.

As mass-murdering marxist terrorists go, Mandela wasn’t that horrible.
Related: The essence of Mandela was his passivity.
Related: Mandela in perspective.

The new democratic coalition culture war.

Democracy devolves to self-interested child sports.

The heart of progressivism is change for change’s sake.
Related: The heart of conservatism is opposition to change.

Tirado and the defeatist leftist worldview.

Speculation on the future.

“Can you think of something? If so, God exists.”

The distinction between human nature and sinful nature.

On coarse language and Christian discussion.

The pope destroying the church.

Could father absence permanently rewire the brain?
Related: Working the night shift and weekends harms your kids.

Who shows up wins; who doesn’t loses.
Related: The minimum number of children any  (married) Christian should have is 3.
From the comments: A great solution.

Family is the reason for the Fast and the Furious’ success.

Don’t use the word “gender”.

Save Capitalism checks out.

The economic leftist singularity intensifies in Detroit. Businesses are being destroyed solely for the joy of destruction.
Related: Why Detroit will remain 3rd-world.

Are the vaisyas starting to revolt in Britain?

A graph of 2012 PISA scores which makes the obvious plain.

Humour: Leftist campaigns back-firing? Never.
Related: Anti-bullying campaigns encourage bullying. Surprising.
Humour: Laws having the exact opposite of their intended effect.

Criticizing Obama is racism.
Related: The hate crime hoax epidemic.

The Cult of Fish.
Related: WHYouth now exists. Not even trying to hide it.

Top 40% of earners paid 106% of income tax.

Seems the Greek HIV story I linked last week wasn’t true. It was an editing error by the UN.

The wages of socialism, Cuba Edition, coming soon to a country near you.

How to get blogging groupies.

Kipling in the NYT. A lesser man scorns his better.

Newspaper prints false letter by non-existent engineer.

Why not to trust sexual studies.

Fudging the climate data.

Peter Higgs and the self-destruction of publish or perish.

Men kept from daughter for 12 years through a £100k court case.

Men increasingly using uptalk.

Remember, standard advice is for women to lie about cheating on their future husbands.
Remember, being a “romantic” beta is creepy.

Man sued for not-marrying in breach of contract case.

Jane Austin MMO for women. A good solution to women in gaming.

Gun freedom support on the rise.

The anti-gun sticker at an establishment may be a lie of the left.

Sometimes, the best revenge is to give people what they want.

NYPD accuracy: 2 out 3 bullets hit (innocent bystanders).

More idiocy of Matt Ygglesias.
Related: He’s also a bad writer.
Related: Matt is defended.

US organization manufacturing dissent in Canada.

The Last Psychiatrist on the Hunger Games.

Diabetics responsible for 25% of NYC hospital admissions.

(H/T: SDA, vulture)

Neoreaction and Subsidarity

One of the themes of neoreaction is that different groups of people will naturally evolve different forms of government and a government that is optimal for one group may fail when applied to another.

For example, anarcho-monarchism may be right for the anglosphere, but would likely fail outside of the natural institutions and culture that have evolved within the anglosphere.

As Bryce puts it:

The insight of neoreaction, contrasting this, is that the differences between groups do significantly determine the optimal form of governance. To different groups, different political doctrines. Insofar as different treatment of groups is institutionalized, it tends to be institutionalized in respect of the differences those groups. A different group of people calls for a difference in evaluation. This will not and in most cases should not be simplistic, but again, the most optimal forms of evaluation are not going to be able to be wielded by every society.

If national groups require differing forms of government would not regional, or local groups require the same. Two different counties, towns, or even neighbourhoods may have different optimal forms of government.

Because of this the principle of subsidiarity fits naturally within neoreaction:

One of the key principles of Catholic social thought is known as the principle of subsidiarity. This tenet holds that nothing should be done by a larger and more complex organization which can be done as well by a smaller and simpler organization. In other words, any activity which can be performed by a more decentralized entity should be. This principle is a bulwark of limited government and personal freedom. It conflicts with the passion for centralization and bureaucracy characteristic of the Welfare State.

Subsidiarity is often a basic and explicit principle of reaction, particularly Catholic reaction, but in neoreaction it tends to be implicitly accepted but not formally acknowledged. For example, Moldbug’s patchwork is inherently subsidiaritist in nature, but I do not remember coming across him explicitly promoting the principle. Searching google for neoreaction and subsidiarity, bring up mostly Nick Steves‘ comments and a bit of Bryce’s work, as would be expected.

The primary purpose of this post is to make more  encourage neoreactionaries to pay more explicit attention to, what I believe to be, an underlying principle of neoreaction, subsidiarity.


From this, a reactionary basis for libertarianism or anarchism can be reached. Rather than basing libertarian thought around such things as non-existent human rights, libertarian thought can be derived from the subsidiarity principle.

The individual is the smallest and simplest human organization possible. If everything is to be governed by the smallest and simplest organization capable and an individual is capable of governing itself, it stands to reason that libertarianism is the optimal form of governance.

The problem with this formulation is that not all individuals are capable of governing themselves. Natural slaves, those constitutionally incapable of governing themselves, present a challenge to this form of organization.

Thus we come back to the original theme, different groups of people will have differing optimal forms of governance.

In a society with few, if any, natural slaves, anarcho-monarchism would be the optimal form of government. Most people could govern themselves, the presence of a king would ensure his citizenry refrained from trying to govern each other, and the few natural slaves could easily be cared for through private, charitable organizations.

Thus, for Englishmen, a self-reliant people used to freedom and self-organization with strong natural social institutions, anarcho-monarchism is the optimal form of governance.

For other peoples, with a higher proportion of natural slaves, other more restrictive forms of governance may be necessary.


From this we can also discern a factor in why the size and power of government has increased while the non-English population has increased.

As non-English populations have been imported into English countries, the proportion of natural slaves have increased. More natural slaves necessitates more governance.

Thus, immigration from countries where the populations lack English virtues of self-reliance, spontaneous self-organization, and freedom will necessarily lead to more governance.

This is but one reason why immigration, particularly from incompatible cultures, should be severely restricted.


We now come to the post that inspired this post, a Town without Big Corporations:

There is no question in my mind that this town has saved itself from eventual decline. Not only is it much less ugly and depressing than nearby towns with chain stores but one has the sense that the people who live there identify with it as a community and feel some loyalty and pride. I say that based on my experiences simply talking and listening to the people who live there. So even if it allowed chains, but restricted their garish signs, the town would be worse off.

Instead of a Pizza Hut, there are individually-owned pizza restaurants and a couple of young entrepreneurs take a traveling wood-burning oven to the farmer’s market. People raise goats, sheep and chickens and sell the meat. There are a number of cheese makers who seem to do reasonably well and who sell things immeasurably superior to corporate cheese.

According to free market radicals, this town is engaging in practices that are fundamentally wrong. It is engaging in explicit protectionism in favor of small businesses. Or free market radicals will say that it’s okay to do this kind of thing here and there on a small scale, but the underlying principle of restricting commerce is immoral and tyrannical.

First, Laura is simply incorrect, but incorrect in an understandable way that almost every person is incorrect today.

The free market and large corporations are not one and the same. In fact, corporations, particularly limited liability joint-stock corporations, are a government-manufactured and -enabled institution that distorts the free market. The corporate takeover of the Anglosphere is not a product of free markets, but rather another government intrusion into the private lives of English citizens.

While I can’t say with utmost certainty, but removing the government-created, limited liability, joint-stock corporations from the free market would most likely halt the corporate takeover of the Anglosphere. How many would be willing to become involved in a world-spanning enterprise and be held responsible for the entirity of what the organization does?

Neoreactionaries should oppose the corporate system, as they are another failing of modernism.

Aside from that though, as a free market reactionary, the free market is the most efficient method of wealth-production in almost all cases; this is historically unarguable.

But wealth-creation efficiency is not the end of society; different peoples may have differing goals for society.

In societies without the basic levels of common trust, neutral courts, and non-corrupt government found within the Anglosphere, the free market may not function at all and/or what may be called a “free market” may be nothing of the sort and may actively harm people.

In the Anglosphere, I would not oppose economic regulation by the king, but I would oppose any regulation by our current democratic, national governments. Almost all economic regulation in our national democracies is created for the good of the state-created corporations, and almost all work against the independent entrepreneur.

Not to mention national regulation thoroughly violates the principle of subsidiarity.

On the local level though, local communities should be free to regulate commerce as they wish. Our social institutions have been annihilated by modern progressivism; some local regulations over commerce should be fine until the English people reassert their historical freedoms under the king.