Category Archives: Lightning Round

Lightning Round – 2013/02/27

A pro-western Christianity reading list. As if I didn’t have enough to read.

On male friendships.
Related: The death of a man.

How to become a better writer.

What makes you tick.

Tips for introverts.

Advice for the young, right-wing, black man.

On frame, emotions, and social roles. Drama game sounds interesting.

Dalrock points out a rich, spoiled women demanding her privilege.
Related: The Code of Modern Chivalry.

People are so naïve.

The necessary dichotomy between beta and alpha.

A survival guide for modern society.

How to get over a girl.

Really? That actually works?
Related: 100 different openers. I’m probably gonna pick it up.
Related: Foot-in-door game.

Would misogynists make better housewives than feminists?

John the Baptist syndrome.

Guide to lifting.

Don’t waste your time arguing. (But it’s fun).
Related: Why I’m not a liberal or conservative.

What you should know about making money online.

On charity.

Who needs family?
Related: Ideas have consequences.
Related: Are liberals waking up to reality?

We can win the gun control debate by pandering status to the idiots.
Related: Impossible. It was a gun-free zone.
Related: Biden’s self-defence advice would land you in jail.
Related: Only the media could get you to root for the government.

Charts: The Ph.D. bust.

Bureaucracy in action: they stole my boat and bitched at me on my blog.

Reality destroys ideals. Related.

America’s new mandarins.

The wonders of government economic predictions.

Good for the Grizz.

Looks like we’ve exported parts of our society to China. Yay!

How government and society made us fat. Related.
Science: Fat people don’t live longer.

Height and attraction.

The health benefits of semen.

When a women earns more, divorce is 50% more likely. Surprising.

Learn Latin. If I were to learn a new language, Latin would be second after French.

“We are not racist people.”

Adolescence is a marketing tool.

Wishing for a barking cat.

Some good Orwell quotage.
Related: Environmental activists have murdered 8 million children.
Related: The tranzis kill 8,000 more. Slacking a little.
Related: That’s more like it, I thought they were losing their edge.

40 unusual economic indicators.

The type of behaviour welfare incentivizes.

“The biggest winner from a halted Keystone XL will be the railroads. And of them, the biggest winner might just be the Burlington Northern Santa Fe, which is owned by Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate controlled by Obama supporter and Omaha billionaire Warren Buffett.” Talk about burying the lede.

The patents stifling the development of 3D printers.

Why Die Hard is the best movie ever.

All internet sites are connected within 19 clicks.

A demographic analysis of pornstars.

This is the intellectual level of the people we’re up against:

(H/T: SDA, GLP, the Captain, RWCAG, Maggie’s Farm, Instapundit)

Lightning Round – 2013/02/20

You don’t find your place in life, you make it and take it.
Related: The 4-way test.

Humanism: the worship of a mechanical god, and the death of the human soul.

Game should be simple: It’s not about running a game. It’s about being who you are.
Related: As a tall, handsome guy this gives me hope. I just need to learn not to screw up.

“In their revolt against the natural order, feminists have turned women into slabs of meat.”
Related: You have a right not to get hit by a car when walking into a highway drunk.

A reality check for females from Judgy Bitch.

A discussion of beauty.

Pursuit of the ideal man.
Related: Work on the underlying form; don’t cheat yourself.

Conversation tip: Share details.

Science and game.

The rise of patriarchy.

Dalrock writes on chivalry.
Related: Vox expands.

The feminist is nothing without the power of men behind her.

Why MGTOW makes more sense than MRA.

Some pop culture site did a manliness symposium. Not as bad as it could have been, and occasionally good.

Read this. “Then they came for the gun owners, and you liberal shitbags threw me under the bus, even though I’d done nothing wrong.  So when they come to put you on the train, you can fucking choke and die.”
Related: This is the left having a conversation about guns.
Related: Fighting back.
Related: She’d be better off dead than defending herself; ask a liberal.

The divorce rate doesn’t matter.

Did I ever laugh.

An introduction to nutrition for men.
Related: An introduction to lean gains.

Boosting testosterone.

Humour: Trick yourself into eating healthier.

It’s prescription only in Canada, otherwise I might get some.

The 10 laws of money. A response.

10 signs we live in a false economy.

Science: Revealed sex preferences.

Remember: It’s men’s fault.
Related: Personality is not enough.
Related: 10 reasons you might still be single.

Economics and feminism.

Single ladies… woman up.
Related: What passes for an “adult” woman today.

Men and woman are equal as an apple is equal to a banana.

Quote of the week: “If you’re under 40, NARAL’s efforts make it much likelier that your mother didn’t even have children. There’s something both poignant and funny about a group devoted to abortion puzzling over its difficulty in finding young people to support it.”

The 3 types of leftists.

The left’s reluctant racists.

The US should pull out of Chicago.

Privacy tools.

No More Hesitation Targets ™. For when the police really need to get used to shooting pregnant women.
Retraction: DHS is not buying 1 billion rounds of ammo (at least for now).

Steyn: Every man a criminal.

5 best countries to be a criminal. We’re #3! Yeah!

It seems what’s good for the gander is not good for the geese.

“Income inequality increased more under Obama than under Bush.” How’s that hope & change working out for you?

Head start doesn’t work.
Related: Universal pre-school is a bad idea.

Did all the Vikings die off, leaving only the weak?

The whiskey business.

The truth about AIDS.

Ygglesias and the confidence game. He’s almost as bad as Krugman.

(H/T: BoingBoing, Blazing Cat Fur, The Captain, SDA, Smallest Minority, Instapundit, Conservative Sociologist)

Lightning Round – 2013/02/13

Becoming a better misogynist.

Why male self-improvement and game will always be creepy.

Praise for the average man.

The campaign.

Valentine’s Day advice, both good and bad.


A reasonable solution to the paternity test debate.
Related: Paternity testing ban upheld in France.

M3 on NiceGirls.

Women have no value apart from what you give them.

The female hatred of men doing things that don’t benefit them.

Coochie-couponing (what a great word) is unbiblical.

The conflicting message given unto women.
Related: Young women: Learn from those who tried it before you.
Related: The Captain analyzes the lives of feminists dispensing dating advice.
Related: Ian with advice for women on rolling their own alpha.

Prettier women are less slutty.
Related: The joys of deception.

Throwing feminists under the bus.

Leftoid egoism.

Women, guilt, and pit bulls.

A world filled with empathy is a world filled with lies.

Compliance and IKEA.

Knock ‘em dead kid. Vox responds.
Related: Bill thinks it’s a false flag.
Related: Looks like it’s over.
Related: Even the police state is crumbling in the decline.
Related: Drones being used against an American citizen in the US.
Related: How to kill a UAV.
Related: Of courage and cowardice.
Related: Map of botched paramilitary police raids.
Related: Raid of the Day.

Hate kills.

When rabbits rule.

Science: Men who marry higher income women suffer more ED.

A house is not an investment.

Why is the DHS buying billions of rounds of ammo?

Gun control is a test of your will.
Related: Oak Harbour shows the freedom haters what for.
Related: How gun confiscation will occur.
Related: Why the left fell out of love with guns.

The West’s entire problem can be summed up in two words: chronic kinglessness.
Related: 8 of the top 10 countries for press freedom are monarchies.

Our future.
Related: All is well.
Related: Betraying the young.
Related: Just 6 in 10 millennials have jobs; half are part-time. (IP)
Related: The debt is crushing the US economy? Surprising.

Does Obama fear the Praetorian Guard?

Voter fraud? What voter fraud?

Death panels? What death panels?
Related: Obamacare taxes.

The vulgar atheists.

Fox News is both the most trusted and least trusted news source in the US.

Comment of the week: “It is really, really difficult to offend God and Ozzy at the same time, but they managed it. Wow.”

The days of the year Americans watch porn the least.

(H/T: SDA, Foseti, the Captain, Maggie’s Farm, Instapundit, GLP)

Lightning Round – 2013/02/06

Veteran being screwed by government. Donate here.

What are you going to write?
Related: When can we start shooting the bastards.

Just as you are not entitled to sex; you are also not entitled to respect.

Death will come; what will you leave?

“So we’ve wrecked the family wage, destroyed the labor market, created a generation of fat, depressed, unhappy, stressed out children and for what?  So women can utterly fail to compete with men in any meaningful way and then declare men “useless”?”
Related: The triumph of feminism.

A nice destruction of the idea that you can’t improve your attractiveness.

A dark thought.

Roosh on the poor people are happy meme.

Reactionaries and MRA’s. I’m definitely in the reactionary camp.

For women: How to properly reject a man.

The reality and motivations of gun control made plain.
Related: Just another example of self-defence with a gun. (ie. the people gun haters would like to see dead.)

Is cuckoldry less common then thought?

That’s a red flag if I ever saw one. What would possess someone to marry that?

The destruction of the economy in action.

A further point on women in combat.
Related: Marines’ biggest worry over integration: being falsely accused sexual harassment.

Science: Intelligence and extraversion explain 70% of GDP.

Science: Birds, promiscuity, and societal cooperation.

Science: Men, don’t do housework.

Reality strikes one idiot.

The kept conservative.

Really? Barely half of science majors say that astrology is not at all scientific.

The pretense of non-power.

Humour: 6 Ways Your Brain Sabotages your Sex Life

(H/T: The Captain, GLP, Instapundit, SDA, Foseti)

Lightning Round – 2013/01/30

Most people can’t handle the truth.
Related: The red pill will not make your life better.

The Age of Leisure is over; winter is coming.

Accept responsibility.

The manosphere is approaching a tipping point.
Related: The Captain is in the Washington Post.

Explaining MGTOW.

Biblical wifely submission laid out.
Related: Cane Caldo kicks the hell out of Christian marital egalitarianism.
Related: More on submission.

Frost: Take the he God hypothesis seriously.
Related: Might makes right.

A classic UMan post on Christian game reposted.

Shun the stale 7 questions; ask “why?” instead. This is excellent advice I’m gonna try to use.

This post and the comments are horribly amusing. Go Vox.
Related: I am enjoying Vox’s rabbit people talks immensely.

Be your own boss.
Related: Why you’re being friend-zoned.

Repost of the essential question.

The insanity of political correctness.

The disgusting self-annihilation of leftist ideology.

Sis hangs it up.

“The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not”. – Anonymous senior military official, according to Jim Garrow. Frightening if true.
Related: More information.

America! Fuck yeah!
Related: I think Bill’s attributing to malice, what can be attributed to stupidity.
Related: The natural slaves act like this is a bad thing.
Related: Boycott Intuit and Groupon.

Wright on women in the military. He’s correct on all points, but I’m not sure I agree with his final position for Vox’s reasoning.
Related: The point is to destroy masculine pride.
Related: The point is to keep the gravy train rolling.
Related: Men shot in back by traditional Christian leader.
Related: EW on women in combat.

21 rules of the rich.
Related: Average gets you nowhere.

Be a pessimist. (I prefer the term realist).

Dissident of the month.
Wow… Beta of the decade is right.

Science: Fat kills marriage. (No kidding?)
Related: Shame obesity.

Advice for young women.
Related: Be honest about your past.
Related: Common-sense is lacking nowadays. An amusing comment.
Related: Being taken for granted can be a good thing.

It’s a disaster that some women would prefer to exercise control over their home than shuffle paper.

Thoughts on consumption.

Youth unemployment in Europe is exploding. Will Europe bleed?
Related: The triple-dip recession.
Related: Why employment is dead in the water.
Related: Half of Americans are overqualified for their job.

Simon Grey settles the who pays debate.

Spiritual harlotry leads to physical harlotry.

Testosterone Week Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5.

It’s the patriarchy’s fault.

Fascist libertarianism.

White privilege indoctrination won’t make kids liberal. The opposite I think; as I wrote before, people tend to identify with their in-group, however that in-group is established.

The new power of the clerisy.

Are we capable of love anymore?

Science: Facebook envy.

An interesting review of 50 Shades.

Weird: usually feminists are complaining about how children are delaying their careers.

Rules for surviving the workplace.

The dangers of porn.

Quebec gets it right on cohabitation.

11 Preposterously Manly Fantasy Series. I’ve read 3 of them.

Counterfactuals concerning sex can harm you.

Science: Women marry taller men.

Women ruin everything, including Title IX.

Hurry up and die.

Akin to beating up a disabled child.

Good economic idea from the WSJ.

Just when I though liberal economists couldn’t get any stupider, Yglesias does: “What’s the problem, exactly, that the budget balancing solves once we’ve stipulated that spending has been cut to an appropriate level?”

The Gospel of Slavery: A Primer of Freedom.

The science of high school.

A Russian family cut off from society for 40 years.

Government compensation.

I’m a couple weeks late on this, but if you haven’t seen it watch it. Alex Jones destroys Piers Morgan on gun freedom.

(H/T: Art of Man, Instapundit, GLP)

Lightning Round – 2013/01/23

Simon Grey has an excellent post on Christian marriage, wherein he excoriates whiny MRA’s.

“How anyone could think that something God forced upon Adam and his seed as just desserts for sharing that apple with Eve is fun or liberating is just daft.”
Related: EW asks women why any woman would do this to herself and family?

Would you play the ovarian lottery? Nope, so don’t complain so much.
Related: It’s always great to be a man.

Gary North on what it means to be rich. Going in the reading list.
Related: Maverick Traveller’s guide to making money online.

When analyzing yourself simply ask: So, how’s that working out for you?

Why you should start a blog. (So you can link to me, of course).

Danny gives some advice for young men.

Growth vs. comfort.

The Mind of the Manboob. I asked, Heartiste answered (although, probably not to me).

Be forever young: marry young.

Parental divorce is the strongest social indicator of early death.

Hehe… Dalrock with some well-used snark.
Related: The American exodus from marriage.

Modern and post-modern discourse.
Related: Vox on Rabbit people. Kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit.

Control the frame, win the debate.

What is government planning next that causes them to fear armed rebellion?

Why are anti-gun freedom activists so violent?
Related: Anyone who is not responsible enough to own a gun, is not responsible enough to vote and should be disenfranchised.
Related: “If someone is so dangerous that we don’t want them to have a gun, and we know his name, why the f*ck are we letting him roam the streets?”
Related: Guns are for fighting government.
Related: The real reason for gun bans.
Related: Local gun politics.

Executive orders for gun control.
Related: Obama’s executive orders explained.
Related: Bill thinks they’re more sinister.
Related: NRA more popular than Obama.

The liberal media is no longer hiding their hate.

Economic murder.

Credentialism creep.

Auto-pilot game.

Don’t raise a pussy.
Related: A great story of a guy manning-up (in a good way).

All girls like it rough.

Science: Women prefer taken men.

Is it fair? No, but life isn’t fair. Deal with what you have.

The evils of artificial birth control. I used to be very “Protestant” on this issue, but I think I’m becoming more “Catholic” over time.

I was just about to write this same post. I even got the same juicer for Christmas. (I’m still going to write it, but my thunder is gone).

The hidden slavery of the debt system.

The maggots will begin to feast on Bakken.

The end of the American empire is coming.
Related: America is a new totalitarian state.
Related: It will take 7 years for the US to repatriate German gold.
Related: Billionaires dumping American stocks; scary if true.

The definition of fascism.

The prison-industrial complex.

An example of off-the-wall psychoanalysis replacing logical thinking.

Only the rich can afford to work.

As the captain would say: capital flight is a feature, not a bug.

Hehe… This guy is lucky he got out.

A harsh lesson for young women.

The Frankfurt School. Fuckers.

The FBI responds to Freedom of Information Act request with 111 blank pages. Now that’s transparency.

(H/T: Save Capitalism, the Captain, Alpha Game, SDA, Smallest Minority, GCBH, Instapundit)


I also edited the Free Man’s Reading List once again after talking with friends who are into philosophy.

I added:
On War
Fear and Trembling (for some existentialism)
The Aenid

I replaced:
Whose Justice, Which Rationality with The Malaise of Modernity
Mere Christianity with After You Believe.

Lightning Round – 2013/01/16

The Last Psychologist stacks so much good stuff in that I can’t summarize.

Knowing the red pill is not enough; act.
Related: Truth is universal.

It’s your fault.
Related: You’re miserable by choice.

Young people are screwed: here’s how to survive.

Drop being nice; don’t invest in women.
Related: The crime of being nice.
Related: It doesn’t matter; reality wins in the end.
Related: Schwyzer was right. Nice guys are manipulative. More.
Related: No one is entitled to commitment.

Vox tears down lies about false rape accusations.
Related: Roosh also destroys the lies.

Do not accept infidelity in your social relationships.
Science: Being committed to marriage makes marriage happier.

For women: How to pick a husband if you want to have kids.
Counterpoint: Run little hamster, run. A women arguing why depriving children of their fathers is a good thing.
Related: More rationalization.

The best explication of sin in the marriage bed I’ve read.

America! Fuck yeah!
Related: NRA approach to school violence supported by majority.
Related: We need to regulate cars the same way we regulate guns.
Related: Contacting your congressman made simple by Ruger. Molon Labe.
Related: Gun control I can get behind.
Related: Props to this kid.
Related: School shooting stopped by armed resource officer. Odd that this is not on the news?
Related: A black man asks to return to his chains.
Related: Liberal self-annihilation.
Related: I joined both the NRA and the CFA, the Canadian version, this week. Some of the few non-profit advocacy organizations I don’t detest.

The shaming of going Galt.

Our vampiric culture.
Related: I’m a monster.

We’re all criminals now.

I should probably watch They Live at some point.

The first shots?
Counterpoint: Doomsday isn’t coming.
Related: It can’t happen here.
Related: Frightening if true.
Related: “Sorry to sound tinny, but I’m pretty convinced that this sudden, intense push for gun control is directly related to the fiscal issues facing this Nation. They don’t want an armed citizenry when the SHTF. This may be government recognition that we have passed the event horizon.”

Registering precious metals a prelude to confiscation.

SSM is disturbed at the world of male sex toys.
Related: Ian on sexbots.

Hmmm… The possibility ofthe criminalization of skipping birth control.

CT West hangs it up.

Samson’s Jawbone breaking from the manosphere.
A response.

It boggles the mind; people upset because a professionally beautiful woman was called beautiful. The moral inversion of the political correctists.


Habits of likable people.

Science: Men are attracted to attractive women. (Shocking!)
Science: Hotter women leads to better sex.

Boys discriminated against in school.
Related: Why girls get better grades.

A map of high school sexuality.
Related: A lesson for young women.

Good for Tarantino; if only more people in the spotlight would do this kind of thing.

Study on porn rethought after researchers unable to find men who didn’t view porn.

Self-hatred in Canada.

Travelling the road to serfdom.
Related: Balancing the US budget requires reducing SS, medicaid, and medicare.

More Krugman hate, because there can never be enough.
Related: Krugman is an idiot.

Statism in action.

When teacher’s aren’t smarter than fifth-graders.

A new trend: selling yourself to pay for college.

“Basically, the reason that there are not more female libertarians is because females, as a general rule, do not like liberty.”
Related: What were they thinking?

Sometimes the old ways are best.

The spiritual but not religious are more likely to have a mental disorder.

British National Weather Service: Global warming hasn’t stopped, just “stalled”.
Related: Global warming is dead.


Lightning Round – 2013/01/09

Young men: Read This. Accumulate skills early.
Related: Facilitating is more important than attracting.

A game intro.
Science: Game works.

The Captain lays out clearly and in list form why men hate feminism.
Related: Why do some women hate feminism? Hehe… We’ve already met this contributor before, so we know what to expect.

Young men, remember to thank your elders.

Feral love: the trap of romantic love.

A guide to wife-finding.

Sex isn’t a right; you have to win it.

You are responsible for your own happiness.

The fruits of rebellion.
Related: Answering rebellion.
Related: Everybody’s into (fake) submission now.
Related: Frost has a warning for good women.
Related: Men have been bred out of the marriage market.

Hehe… Ferris Bueller Syndrome.

Rothbard had it figured out decades before the manosphere.

Gun control is a feminist attempt to castrate males.
Related: Police state progressives.
Related: How to answer the anti-freedom nuts? Baaaa.
Related: A good round-up of firearms articles. I just ordered Boston’s Gun Bible; will review when read.

Too bad it’s not legal here in Canada.

A win for the good guys in Canada.

Science: Life isn’t fair.

Science: The necessity of fathers.
Related: Cads outbanging dads?

Black America is our future.

There is no better way to destroy white males than to turn them into victims.

Ferd of In Mala Fide has finished a book. I have ordered, will review when read.
The Captain has also finished another book. Will also review when read.

SSM tries to think like a man and is horrified. To answer her questions: yes, we do sexually rank, in some way, every women we meet. Most women over a certain age and fat/ugly women are automatically and instantly subconsciously ranked in the “No” category (some go in the actively repulsive category, which may get some second looks of morbid curiousity, sort of like slowing down at a car crash).  All other women are “checked out” insofar as socially acceptable and graded in comparison to others available. It takes an active will to resist “further checking out” (ie. staring at) the most beautiful women in the room.

Arguments for and against state marriages. My view: I’d get a non-state marriage if my jurisdiction allowed it and the state should get out of marriage entirely.

The propaganda nation.

I did not work as much this break as I planned to, so this I find this relevant.

Grooming is something I need to work on.

Science: Gift game.

Don’t be a feelings slut.

Some conversation tips.
Related: Non-verbal openers.

The feminization of rhetoric.

The Social Pathologist concludes there are Peter Pan manboys. He’s probably right (at least partially), but the question is not if there are, the question is what incentive does a guy have to not be a Peter Pan manboy? The conservatives and women can hector all they want, but why should any man care if the incentives for being responsible suck?

The manosphere is in the MSM, twice. (Sure it’s Australia, but still…)

Putting this aside for the future.

Lowering the boom.

Do not donate sperm.

Fat people know fat acceptance is a lie.

Mary the anti-feminist ideal.

How many women and children does a man want? As many as he can have.

The decline of the West in infographics.

The electronic leash.

What does it feel like to be a hot girl who gets old?

For a while I was getting a small amount of google search traffic for Free Northerner scumbag. Maybe it has something to do with this.

Why to avoid the MRA.

Woman prefer 1950’s men.
Related: Be a misogynist.

A history lesson on chivalry.

Death panels? What death panels?

The evolution of the cartooning industry.

Why American government support of culture will fail.

“Our economy should not be based on consumer spending in the first place.” Exactly.

The fallacies of Keynesians.

Why a lot of economics is garbage. Kind of ironic coming Yglesias.
Related: Hehe… Krugman is a hack.
Related: So’s Tom Friedman.

Government failure in car safety regulation. Just in case you forgot how incompetent it is.

Fuck Monsanto. I generally support GMO’s, but this is not acceptable.

Haha… Newspaper which persecuted gun owners, hires armed gun men for protection. Remember, gun control has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with control.
Related: The law of unintended consequences.
Related: Where are the Journal News Employees in your neighbourhood?

(H/T: the Captain, Frost, BoingBoing, GCBH, Mangan’s, SDA, Save Capitalism)

Lightning Round – 2012/12/26

Happy Boxing Day

The struggles of a Christian male.
Related: Men and the Church.

A dad is the 10th most popular Christmas gift request.

Be an oak.

The female cartel.

Marriage is inevitable.

Blaming the other.
Related: It’s not rape with a women does it.

Holy Hand Grenade is a lucky man.

Don’t marry a women in her late-20s.
Related: Bad news for post-marital spinsters.

Gentleman-up. Conservative feminists.

How to be effective with a friendzone strategy.

On grooming. Something I need to work on.

Good for CT.

An opinion on gun control. Read it.
Related: Liberals are ignorant of guns.
Related: And they lie.

The NRA did not fold, but I am definitely against their idea to put armed police officers in schools. Private security guards, sure, armed teachers, excellent, but not cops.
Related: By rejecting gun freedom, you are rejecting your own humanity.
Related: Gun amnesty programs are a win-win for both cops and robbers.
Related: What you won’t hear the media talk about endlessly.

The moral of the story: outlaw divorce. Also, why does it always seem in these kinds of anecdotes that liberals poor impulse control and broken families? Is there some kind of connection?
Related: Talk about making the problem worse. There’s a crisis of masculinity, so let’s attack it further.
Related: Our disintegrating society is poisoning us.

“Tip: If you find yourself in total agreement with people you wanted to murder in the last election, you’re wrong.”

Why gun deaths are high.
Related: The Drudge paradox; who are the real racists?
Related: 5.3 Newtown massacres every hour, every day.
Related: 10 shot in Chicago on Friday. Not white and Chicago has a gun ban, so no one cares.

Simon grey smells conspiracy.

The Boy Scouts are under attack because it’s the last bastion of positive male development.

Vox’s Holiday survival guide, parts 1, 2, & 3. Only a day late, but next year.

Are the women at Jezebel incapable of telling the difference between TV and real life?

VR sex is almost here.

The culture of liberty is necessary for liberty to take hold.

Poverty won the war on poverty.

Bill thinks the earth is gonna cool.
Keoni agrees.

The EU hate’s Switzerland’s success with low taxes.

The morality of the people is important, probably more important than the economic system.

Are liberals almost beginning to discover that you can’t just switch millennia of evolution off?

Hehe… The left is funny.

Anarchism is retarded.

Wright discusses hell.

Elihu on Christianity.

The internal illogic of solutions to declining birth rates.

Science: Hypergamy confirmed.

Investment: Ape the Rich.

(H/T: Smallest Minority, SDA, M3, the Captain)

Lightning Round -2012/12/19

Canadian right-wing blogger Blazing Cat Fur is being sued for linking to Steyn. Donate to his legal defence.

The shooting was what a society on the decline looks like.
Related: Bill thinks Sandy Hook was a false flag. He has proof. I’m doubtful, but I do agree the elites will spin it for their own purposes.
Related: Francis Begbie’s thoughts on the shooting.
Related: Electricangel’s thoughts.
Related: An interesting letter.
Related: Roissy’s thoughts.

The war on gun freedom set to begin anew.
Related: The magical thinking of freedom-haters.
Related: Do not give the haters of freedom an inch.
Related: Tim lays out pro-freedom arguments.
Related: It’s time for an outright ban
Related: Ban gun-free zones.
Related: Time to look at repeal.
Related: Do gun control supporters have the blood of children on their hands?
Related: When you say “we” should control the guns, you really mean “they” should.
Related: Time to ban schools.
Related: Home school or die.
Related: A school shooting thought experiment.
Related: The facts about mass shooting.

The depravity of journalists.
Related: The media should be ashamed.

Quote of the week: “The sheep chooses to be frugal. The lion chooses to make more money.”

Sentence(s) of the week: “Well Kirsty, the reason I’m interested in politics is for much the same reason that farmers are interested in wolves and locusts. I feel my property and years of painful toil slip away every time I hear an elected official open his or her mouth. And those are the politicians I like.”

The culture of “blame someone else” has to end.

To the left you are a dog; a part of the unthinking masses.

Giving the system a blowjob to punish it by making it want you more.

Gresham’s Law applied to sex.
Related: The economics of sex.

The Private Man gives an exercise he got from Danny.

Deti comments on the necessity of dark, emotional posts.

6 Harsh Truths to Make You a Better Person.
Related: What’s the hell’s your excuse?

When churchians attack.
Related: The Pharisees win one. Joseph did good.
Related: 22to28 comments.

Dr. Illusion’s thoughts on the old order and feminism.

Manly barbarism and conspicuous consumption.

The stupidity of some pro-marriage advocates. Do they not know they basically sound like they’re advocating slavery.

Don’t marry a girl who believes in soul mates.

Hehe… The side hug. I made the mistake of a sidehug at the end of my most recent date. I planned on a front hug but when the moment came automatically did an obtuse angle side-hug. I cursed myself out for my betaness on the way home. It’s something I need to work on.

Mormon patriarchy.

We are free.
Related: The tale of the slave.
Related: Slavery is the highest form of socialism.

Aurini with some prognostications. $85-billion/month inflation: the mind boggles.
Praise the Fed.

Matt Forney Francis on depression and eating well.discusses douchebags. He’s in favour of them.

Francis on depression and eating well.

For the women: girl game.

Feminism degrades women by wishing to remake them into men.

How to be more productive.

Blacks speak about being black.

Women should stop discriminating against fat men.

The necessity of shame.

The myth of the Peter Pan Manboy in statistics.
Related: Danny on herbivores and isolation.

The public school system is working as intended.

Where radicals and traditionalists overlap.
Related: The left rediscovers traditional home roles.
Related: “Also, people who want to take care of people and can’t stand doing work that doesn’t relate to that should probably be parents. There are very few jobs that are truly just taking care of people. And most of them pay very poorly, if at all. So you may as well do it for your own family, where the pay is not so important.”

Just another example of delusional, narcissistic entitlement.

It’s old, but it’s funny. Princely adventures in online dating.

Women wants to have it all; wants others to give it to her.

53% of all infants on WIC.
Related: The US has enough welfare spending to pay each household in poverty $50k/year.
Related: Stop social safety net child abuse.

Economics is not meaning; it is simply a means.

Right-to-work states have better employment and wages.
Related: Unions doing what unions do. Keep on doing.


A eulogy for the OWS.  My take: they saw what was wrong, demanded more of what was wrong, then were angered when they got what they wanted in the form of a nightstick.
Related: A syllabus for OWS.

Once again for good measure; Krugman is a vile hack.
Related: A brilliant plan.

The Soviet war on individualism.

The decline of the Inuit man.

How to guard your privacy.

A discussion on the limits of free will.

Retrophobia, political correctness, and fantasy.
Related: Vox’s take on retrophobia.
Related: More on SF from Vox.

Treating the church as a corporation.

The degeneracy of the modern church in pictures. (Hopefully it’s satire/secular).

Neo-conservatism is leftism for uncool people. I disagree with his assertion that Beck should advocate creating an alternative; while an alternative is good, the state will simply make state-regulated common-law relationships mandatory for anybody living conjugally  (as it has here in Canada), so it’s accomplishing nothing but kicking the can down the road.

The problem of females on TV.

Advice for GOP donors: pander to ignorant women.

A model for how homosexuality is passed down.

Infographic: Abortion in Canada.

Fraud in the peer review process. I’m shocked.

(H/T: Althouse, Conservative Sociologist, Maggie’s Farm, Primordial Slack, GLP, Instapundit, SDA, Borepatch, the Captain, Elusive Wapiti)