Feminism and Housing Costs

Today I read this (h/t: BitterBabe) and this one quote really stood out: Commentators said yesterday that pressures on women to work and pay mortgages mean that many do not have the same choice over having families that their mothers did. I’ve discussed feminism and choice before, and I’ve discussed how feminists are in opposition […]

Feminism and Homemaking are not Compatible

TC linked to this article in the Atlantic on feminism and homemakers by Wurtzel. While the original article has its inaccuracies and slip-shod thinking, it is absolutely correct in its main point: Let’s please be serious grown-ups: real feminists don’t depend on men. Real feminists earn a living, have money and means of their own. […]

Feminism Does Not Represent Women’s Interests

We here in the manosphere often condemn feminism, and rightfully so, but usually our condemnation is based on how feminism works against the interests of men. This is important, but only half the story; feminism also works against the interest of the majority of women as well. In essence, radical feminism* is a coterie of […]

Feminism: Contributing Factor to Obesity

It looks like it’s fat day over at In Mala Fide with two posts on obesity today. The first is on the feminists’ contradictory positions on two unhealthy body types: fat and anorexic skinny. Manuel questions ‘why the contradiction?’ My answer: in our modern prosperity, it’s much easier to be unhealthily fat than unhealthily skinny, so […]

Why Are Children So Expensive?

I wrote this a few months back, but never got around to posting it. Scott’s post on wage stagnation reminded me to post it, because I discuss some of the same things here, while he ignored what I think is the most obvious cause of wage stagnation. Someone posted on twitter, asking why kids became […]

Lightning Round – 2017/04/12

Constitutionalism is a myth. Ethnonationalism and aristocladism. Basic strategic concepts. The rise of the reactionary: 1, 2, 3. Against realism. The inglorious revolution. Political freedom and the banality singularity. Related: Show liberals know mercy. Related: Non theories begat non sense. The long romance of socialism and liberal democracy. The Northern Dawn Symposium. The WASP question. Meet the […]

Lightning Round – 2017/03/29

All freedom are exercises of discriminating authority. Related: Passive exercises of authority aren’t. Related: Objective freedom: the formless void. King Henry’s rabbit hole. The geopolitics of empire. The wall is being built. Related: No exit, no entry. Tribal realism. The mannerbund and coordination. Tyler Cowen’s unexpected neoreactionary manifesto. Integration’s who and whom. Related: The inevitability of […]

On Cost Disease

SSC has written on cost disease. Essentially, a lot of important goods and services (health care, education, infrastructure, and housing) have increased by up to 10x their cost with no improvements in service for no discernible reason. He gave some though to it, and a number of others provided explanations. The explanation that immediately sticks […]

Lightning Round – 2017/02/21

A guide to reactionary political theory. Politics is war. Related: The conservation of group conflict. Punching Nazis. Related: Everyone is fair game. Related: SJW’s double-down on promoting violence. Related: Beatings are not hateful. Related: Kicking the hornet’s nest. Related: BLM: White people are sub-human. Carlyle considered. Efficient political order. Cost disease. (I have a post on the topic coming this […]