Lightning Round – 2017/03/29

All freedom are exercises of discriminating authority.
Related: Passive exercises of authority aren’t.
Related: Objective freedom: the formless void.

King Henry’s rabbit hole.

The geopolitics of empire.

The wall is being built.
Related: No exit, no entry.

Tribal realism.

The mannerbund and coordination.

Tyler Cowen’s unexpected neoreactionary manifesto.

Integration’s who and whom.
Related: The inevitability of right-wing Europe.
Related: Be the CEO.
Related: On the fourth-turning.

The sin of Denethor. More.

Why the liberal media talks about the alt-right.
Related: The journalistic mind.

The whore enthroned.

Lessons from the Gulenist movement.
Related: Flynn’s Turkey work.

The CIA’s NSA.
Related: Valuing privacy.

Implementing patriarchy without the state.

World war meme.

Dispatches from the witch hunt.

Notes on Right-Petersonian Deviationism.
Related: On Peterson vs. Harris.
Related: Notes on propaganda.

Marx, nationalism, modernism, and fascism: Gregor (1, 2, 3, 4) and Griffin (1, 2).

The solution we do not want.
Related: Population vs. civilization replacement.
Related: “Have 5 children, not 3.”

Harrison Bergeron CRISPR Babies.

Demographic breakdowns of the election.
Related: An experiment of a sex-swapped presidential debate.

The decline and fall of a cavalier family.

Fake American.

Fixing healthcare.

Intolerable school funding.

Good leaders are rock star divas.
Related: Trust Trump.
Related: More Reagan than Reagan.

Winning by losing.

Trump was spied on.

Japan becoming capital.

Wilders’ Weimarish headwinds.

Species of exit: Israel.

Hope & Change.
Related: Beating up the Black Bloc.

On Hitler.

Seeing like a state.

The illegality of the courts.

Is racism an instinct?

Racism in education.

Waking from the fever dream.

Dougherty’s paleocon blues.

Defanging the dragon.

Romance and the red, blue, black, purple, and white pills.

The desire for the full Titanic experience.

On the Gen. 29 love story.

Fighting for his lady’s honour.

Feminism in a picture.

Female Author: Feminism is bad for most women.

The decline in married sex frequency.

Amazon pulls a Castilia House book. More.

People are gunning for Nick Land’s job.

The opposition media covers alt-tech.

Clinton’s office covered for a pedophile.

A theory falsified.

An Israeli Jew was behind the anti-semitic bomb threats.

Modern Ainu.


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