Category Archives: Lightning Round

Lightning Round – 2013/07/17

I’m busy this week, so this will be a bit shorter than normal, but that only means there should be more next week.

Be who you are is good advice, if you know who you are.

Date ideas.
Related: Beating shit tests.

Child support is a replacement for marriage.

Killing in self-defence. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.

The morality of game.
Related: Self-improvement is the goal.

A view of privilege from the working class.

Being a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Men are bitter and angry and that’s awesome.

The master and the slave.
Related: Accepting victimhood.

Hen-pecking and empathy.

The harm of high expectations.

The incipient pelagianism of the orthosphere.

The 12 points of neoreaction.
Related: A criticism of formalism.

Liberalism leads to declaring pregnancy unjust and barbaric.

Keystone death squads.

Jesus invented individual liberty. Related.

Making sense.

Do men have an obligation to protect women?

Zimmerman acquitted. Excellent.
Related: DoJ materially supported anti-Zimmerman protests. No conflict of interest there.

In defence of big weddings. It’s not the size, it’s the intent.

President stasi. On the other hand, this may be a good thing.

The purposeful destruction of the American Catholic community. In the comments, EA makes a plan to retake Christian community.

Libertarian suicide.

Why feminized societies will fail.

Progressives are getting increasingly batshit insane. How hard is this, really? If someone has a Y chromosome, they’re male, else they are female.

Distrust science.

War and victory.

Adam Kokesh, liberty activist, raided and charged.

Some talk on false rape accusation statistics. Another.
Related: If you have sex, record it.

I partially agree with a pro-abortionist. Pro-abortionists should tell their stories about how they callously killed their own child for mere convenience; it will be far more effective in showing the true nature of the issue.

Hypergamy in the WSJ.

New alternative to the Boy Scouts in the works.

Live-in nannies are stupid.

Family farm fined $700k by Michigan government for raising pigs in a pasture.

Republicans more knowledgeable than Democrats.

(The rage of the beta male).

(H/T: Nick, Foseti)

Lightning Round – 2013/06/10

Advice for college men.
Related: Advice for the young.

A masculine man is a man of action.

Creating a tribal culture.
Related: Donal responds.
Related: The way forward: Creating a gang.

There is no ‘we’.

Woman are moral agents.

Stuck like Piglet.
Related: Feminism and Islam.

What you desire is not always what you will like.

Instapundit with some links and discussion on forced fatherhood.

Game is a lie.

JB talks on love and takes an ungrateful woman to task.

Science: Options and instability.

Being a good follower.

RESULTS: The more self-control people reported having, the more satisfied they reported being with their lives. And contrary to what the researchers were expecting, people with more self-control were also more likely to be happy in the short-term. In fact, when they further analyzed the data, they found that such people’s increased happiness to a large extent accounted for the increased life satisfaction.”

Celebrating the American Revolution.

On Detroit: The future, today.

The perils of near limitless wealth.

Regime change reflections.

Dicipres is starting his own reading list.

The Christian ‘amazing sex’ meme.

Accidental pregnancy” isn’t.
Related: JB reminding us women lie about birth control.

The pro-abortionists and Democrats being honest.

The female sex-drive is weak but omnivorous.

Why the American economy isn’t growing.

Bureaucracy, food, and perversity in Toronto.

Thoughts on aesthetics.

Breivik’s Norway.

Did Bloomberg let slip a hatefact?

On school lunches.

Science: Our lifestyle is killing is. Also, take Vitamin D.

Men and woman have different goals in cohabitation.

On a back to Europe movement.

The hikikomori, coming to a country near you.

Feminism: Rape jokes are evil, but threatening and hoping for the rape of legislators is a-ok.
Related: Feminist writes a hilarious poem.

JB on Barbie.

Cops aren’t rocket scientists.

The police state grows.
Related: Up to a year in jail for not baking a cake.
Related: The government is taking your mail metadata as well.
Related: Even the third amendment isn’t safe.

The revolution never ends.

A bizarre new application of political correctness.

Zimmerman is more black than Warren is Indian.

“If you expand the sample to include small metropolitan areas you can get even lower unemployment rates, though generally they’re in places (Bismarck, Fargo, Iowa City, Sioux Falls, Amex, Burlington, Grand Forks, Lincoln, Billings, Casper) that are also cold.” Why could that be?

Number of Americans on food assistance outnumbers private sector workers. Success!
Related: Socialism always ends the same.

Sometimes baby rabies is more obvious than others.

Pournelle on sexual harassment in sf.

“As President Obama has said, democracy is about more than elections.” We are now infecting Egypt with our newspeak.
Related: Wasn’t supporting democracy in Eqypt wonderful? It sure was.

A cool little map of literal place names.

Humour: 5 Horrifying Side Effects of Common Meds. Trust the doctors.

A MRM rock song.

(H/T: BoingBoing, SDA, Maggie’s Farm, Instapundit, Smallest Minority)

Lightning Round – 2013/07/03

SSM mistakes holding women to base moral standards for pedestalization. Three points:
1) Women have agency; being a woman is not an excuse for sin.
2) People have agency; temptation to sin is not an excuse for sin.
3) Teaching sin is a graver sin than the sin itself, which is why that thread should elicit special disgust.
Related: All mortals are debased and need a master.
Related: EW weighs in.

Reactionary books.

You need sex. An interesting comment.

Some good advice for conversation.

Making exceptions into rules.
Related: The poverty of NAXALT.

An economic treatise. Part 2.

“Some people are better than others. If you are inferior it isn’t a complex. It’s a cold, hard slap in the face from daddy reality.”

Work smarter not harder.
Related: An intro to the trades for you young’uns.

Dr. Illusion is not so negative about the death of patriarchy.

Hyper-hypergamy, the state, and black men.

Red pill contradictions.

Science: Be a ‘no, dear’ man.

Conservatives and the marriage strike.

Jim ties a lot of stuff on marriage together.

Christians who don’t support young marriage, don’t care about chastity.

Tempest on the RedPillWomen reddit.

A Christian’s duty is to God, not man.

Hehe… a fun story of a young natural.

Young Hunter returns a few days after I remove him from my roll with a good post on the Wall.

The double standard is created by women.

What has been read cannot be unread.

Catholicism, America and puritanism.

Marriage and ownership.

Men on Strike from society itself.

It’s nice to know you’ve helped people.

The corporate boyfriend.

A series on the laws concerning sexual assault.
Related: Danny’s false rape accusation. He must be lying because women never lie about these kinds of things.

Behind every successful woman are numerous poor ones.

“I think one of the most valuable things you learn in school is to get up in the morning and do something you don’t want to do every single day.” Public schooling defined in a nutshell; it’s almost sadistic how this is seen as a benefit, even if the commenter back-pedaled.

Some Roman history.

Weird fact of the week: The first American slave owner was black.

Radish: No reason.

CNN posts Zimmerman’s SS#.
Related: The media and a Zimmerman witness.
Related: GLP comments. GLP’s Zimmerman stuff.
Related: The real charge against Zimmerman.
Related: No hope for Zimmerman.
Related: Rachael and voting.
Related: What the racist left is really saying.

Tax single mothers.

Free Justin Carter.

Teachers are substandard.

“(as opposed to people who think they’re entitled to sex with women because they are dudes and sexual fulfillment is a right like health care). “ What more can I say? Slate women talking about PUAs.

Safety standards that are forced on every other part of health care, don’t matter for abortion clinics.

The reality behind striking down DOMA.

Colorado and Magpul fighting back against the tyrants.

More nails in the scouting coffin.

Good thing we’re supporting democracy in Syria. And Egypt.

70% of Americans are on prescription meds.

Most Americans hate their jobs.

Advice for sugar babies to maximize their benefits.

Reinterpreting the civil war.

Voting fraud is a myth.

Cop T-shirts and police culture. It probably reflect poorly on me, but I found many of these hilarious.

(H/T: SDA, Foseti, Instapundit)

Lightning Round – 2013/06/26

The evolution of pride: No blog is more inspiring than Victor’s.

“If a man wants a certain type of woman he needs to dress as though he’s her type of mate.”

Be one of the good guys.

The incipient orthodoxy of the androsphere.

The scepter.

Even among “red-pill” women, add 10. Also, the number of supposedly ‘red-pill’ women advocating lying is disgusting.  I’m especially disappointed with Sis, assuming it’s this Sis. I thought better of her.

The pinkshirts (I like that) will attack you even for your silence.

Is the Red Pill approaching a turning point?
Related: Momentum.

WK with some questions for a prospective Christian wife. I think he’s a bit heavy on the science and politics; I don’t overly care if she’s scientifically illiterate or politically apathetic, but his point about attitude mattering most is the important thing.

A collection of “I need feminism because…” pics. A good laugh.

WRE: Women marking their territory in the military.
Related: Criminalizing male sexuality in the military.
Related: Taranto responds to his critics.

Why men don’t marry.

Chocolate and gold: a story of player burnout.

Mistakes women make leading to divorce.

SSM attracts some trolls. The intellectual snobbery of those only capable of hollow snark is amusing.

This is why I love Moldbug.

BTW, why is it, on NPR (the smart people’s radio station), they say stuff like, “Zimmerman says he acted in self defense, while prosecutors say he racially profiled Trayvon Martin”? As if 1)they both couldn’t possibly be true; and 2)they have anything at all to do with each other? I mean, if this is how they talk to the “smart” people, then what on earth are they telling the dumb ones?!?!!
Related: The NYT admits it has been reporting lies on the Zimmerman case.

The unimportance of policy.
Related: What is to be done?

CH with an economic solution.

Rule by the illiterates.

Technology and civilization: post-scarcity won’t save us.
Related: Prelude to the separation of nations.

You cannot reason with a liberal for he is not reasonable.
Related: Liberalism is emotion, conservatism, passion and honor, and libertarianism, intellect.

Stock trading, risk, and sex.

You cannot remove the desire for ritual and belonging from man.

Evolutionary psychology and the Catholic meme.

The first generation of women who will stop saying to each other “the day of your wedding is the most important day of your life” and will start saying “the day you get tenure / publish a book / start your own business / become a CEO / make a million bucks is the most important day of your life”, will be the generation with the same number of male and female Full Professors.” Probably correct, so never.

White Pride in my classroom.

The Hagia Sophia may be converted to a mosque.

Don Draper and the rape double-standard.

A rush of Slate:
Anti-freedom advocates using facts? Perish the thought.
Is the game concept of dread being supported by Slate?
Are feminists never satisfied?
Rebuild the mound.
Why women’s magazines aren’t serious.
The feminists have won on FB, now they’re going for Kickstarter.

What everyone already knew: interviews are worthless.

GOP member aces the SNAP challenge.

Syria: the rebels are Islamic extremists. Surprise!

Obesity is now a disease. Partial agree; it’s the product of a diseased and sinful soul.

NSA whistleblowers back Snowden.

Do I ever feel lucky?

(H/T: Nick Steves, the Captain, SDA, Foseti, GLP, TIWMGTOW, Instapundit)

Lightning Round – 2013/06/19

A Father’s Day call for repentance.
Related: Patriarchy 2.0.
Related: Fatherhood changes men.

Women’s place in society.

The neutering of man.

Game is stopping sucking.

Take up space.
Related: Use body language.
Related: On hiding emotions.

Perceived value.

Women want to be ravished.

Willpower is a muscle.

Living it up on a budget.

A good discussion on porn.
Related: A column on porn.

How leftists “think”.
Related: Rules for trolling.

When women play the virgin card.

Forney on self-shooters.

Horses and the red pill.

A parable.
Related: Danny with a cautionary tale.

Psychologists: Dread works.
Related: Hyper-hypergamy.

Life history and mate value.

WRE, even the mancave.

Are feminists and leftists less than human?
Related: Agency as privilege.

Arguments for ending women’s suffrage. Another.

Civilian gun owners safer than police.
Related: Terror is the state of being of the anti-freedom types.
Related: Make the Whitehouse a gun-free zone.

Remember who the state believes is most dangerous.

Bulbasaur on Moldbug’s castes.

Google unpersons Mangan.

The first and last Vikings. Part 2.

Detroit: a mystery of decline.
Related: Detroit is the future of America.

Cleveland prosecutes cold case rapes;  Slate’s close to committing a hatefact?
Related: What a stupid law.

White majority gone by 2043.
Related: Open borders is a selfish position to help the rich get richer.
Related: War in Syria and 800k new Democratic voters, I mean, Muslim immigrants.

Menopause caused by men.

8 out of 10 women believe men never grow up.

Single mothers earning $29k gross more than people earning $69k.

Feminist says feminists have lost.
Related: Feminist opposite day.

It seems to be vaguely hypocritical for a feminist to complain about men involving themselves in girly activities.

This made me laugh. Read first for background.
Related: Vox has a little more fun.

Women should have it all, whether she wants it or not, paid for by the taxpayer of course.

A female SEAL by 2016. The double-speak is strong here.

RL Rosie the Riveter quit after two weeks.

Paternity and personal genomics.
Related: NYT: Is forced fatherhood fair?

A psychologist tears apart Schwyzer.

Every time I think I’ve seen the limits of the depths of depravity in progressivism, someone raises the bar. Of course, it could be a fake, hopefully.

The magical thinking of the Keynesian.

The Cathedral: family relations between the media and administration.

Is the Cathedral going to try to stifle free speech on the interwebs.

Parents fight school over Father’s and Mother’s Day.

Democrat thinks Obamacare is not fair when applied to congress.

Repeat after me: Voter fraud doesn’t exist.

(H/T: SDA, Observer, GLP, Instapundit)

Lightning Round – 2013/05/12

Hello to all my Russian friends. I have no idea what the page that linked to me says, but welcome here.

Steve Ermis, Sergeant Minnicks: Spread their names.

13 reasons you should start an online business. I gotta start working on mine again.
He also rereleased his Spartan’s guide to online businesses; hope you didn’t miss it.
Related: Advice for the intelligent slacker.

Statement-statement-question. Some good advice here.
Related: JB responds. Roissy with the tactics; JB with the strategy.

Cane with a gooder on sex.
Related: More Christian advice on sex.

Disclaimers for Christian men seeking marriage.

Most married couples are satisfied.
Related: JB responds.

Women like dick and that is a righteous thing.
Related: How to save your daughters from a shitty life.

Is WRE really PRE?
Related: The woman is not always the problem.

GIA explained: a great concept.

Hamsters and shrews.

Women like the strong horse: WW2 edition.

Deti’s advice on new girls.

The effort of game. Hardly seems worth it for a simple lay.

If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

EW analyses a poll.

Private Man is now offering one-on-one dating advice.

Ian drops his new book.

GBFM’s dating profile. Hilarious.

How game could have benefitted Jason Richwine. Advise for heretics.

Fear and apathy.

The price of taking the red pill. As to #4, I rarely self-censor.

The MRM is no place for men.
Related: Seems there’s been some controversy among the MRA’s due to a female MRA.

What MGTOW is.
Related: 10 Commandments of MGTOW.

The end of the feminist nomenklatura.
Related: The totalitarian trap of the long march through the family.
Related: Jezebel’s vigilante squad.
Related: Facebook censorship begins in record time.

Please Stop Hooking Up With My [Future] Husband. Oh, schadenfreude; aging single women are amusing.

M3 on the hypocrisy of fat acceptance.

What should reactionaries do? Create clubs.

Forney still does amazing book reviews; even if it’s a book I never heard of and don’t care the slightest about.

Why are people surprised by the IRS scandal? This is what governments do.
Related: The destruction of accountable government.

NSA collecting phone records of Verizon customers.
US government monitoring information on 9 major internet companies.
Related: The US government is completely lawless.
Related: Edward Snowden is a hero.

Against NFP.

The importance of fatherhood.

Sports: boys vs. girls.

More Christian man-up rants.

Reaction as a return to natural order.

The trust premium of civilization.

An open letter to the nation’s seniors.

Elite does not equal conservative.

The next credit crash in the making.

Letting criminals immigrate so the state can expand.

Who’s dehumanizing them more: those who pimped them out, or those who deny the existence of their volition?
Related: “Moral responsibility is the essence of humanity.”

Mental illness and progressivism.

The Atlantic: Weak, seeker-oriented religion drives young people away.

Female sexual predators.

Men are more pro-life and pro-marriage.

Female doctors cause doctor shortage.

Non-profit giving free guns to the poor.

We should ban public schooling to prevent these kinds of tragedies.
Related: Single mothers should be held accountable.

I think we should extend this: given that more children are killed because of public school than guns, we should prosecute every parent that sends their children to public school.

Also, Justin Peters (Slate) is a lying intellectual whore, like most liberals:
“Of course, the most effective way to eliminate accidental shooting deaths would be to eliminate guns. But that’s never going to happen, and, frankly, I don’t think it should happen—contrary to what some might think, I’m not flogging this issue as some sneaky method of advocating the abolition of gun rights.”
The next day: “This thing is legal now, but let’s hope it isn’t for long.”

Never back down to the savages. WRE in the school.

Homeschooling is growing.
Related: How to handle teachers unions.
Homeschool or die.

College is still a scam.

A mock commencement speech. Hehe.

Breaking news: responsible people more likely to have responsible opinions.

Youth unemployment surges in Europe.

(H/T: MSEG, MF, Foseti, Instapundit, CM, Roissy, HUS)

Lightning Round – 2013/06/05

Bill gives up his anonymity.

Why you don’t have a wife/girlfriend.

“Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.”

Dragon-slaying. Some inspiration.

Alpha != winner.

Manliness and working shitty jobs.

Comment of the week: “Matthew 5:48… Now updated to: “Be ye only slightly whorish, even as your gender neutral Parent which is in heaven is only slightly whorish.”

Red Pill in the mainstream.

A little more confirmation of the red pill.

Vox’s WRA seems to apply even to the MRA’s.

Why do WRA? Good comments by Stingray and Stickiwick.
Related: Vox and the gatekeepers.
Related: A one-sided FB censorship campaign.

Married vs. dating game.
Related: Advice for a woman not attracted to her husband.

The pill and divorce.
Related: More on the pill and divorce.

Christian dating dilemmas. Some decent advice in the comments.

The Right Stuff argues we should heighten the contradictions.

A listing of how we are screwed.

Avert your eyes.” Male feminists are as puritanical as fundamentalist Baptists and far more unmasculine.
Related: Feminist fantasizes about violence against a man because he is a man.
Related: He actually calls himself ‘beta dad’. That’s his screenname.
Related: Ian responds.
Related: The Slate effect.

4/10 households have the mother as sole or primary breadwinner.
Related: JB does an actual analysis of the study.

The Cathedral and the Hivemind.

Addicted by design.

Family, nurture, and mental health.

I almost feel sorry for them… almost.
Related: Why hate the boomers? 5 reasons.

MGTOW is not about revenge.
Related: A nice little bit of biting sarcasm.

Female dating sites give women bad advice. Surprising, I know.

Speaking of bad advice: Because a 29-year-old doing this is exactly the kind of woman a commitment-oriented man looks for in a wife. Why are women so stupid about this? Of course, Susan deleted any comments laying it out plain for the advice asker.

Another MRA/reactionary in the making?

The reality of abortion.

100k martyrs a year.

BDSM folks are more well-adjusted.
Science: Sluts don’t like sluts.

War is coming.
Related: Hate crimes in Syracuse.

Sweden is what happens when you destroy masculinity.
Related: Urban ‘planning’ and Stockholm.

Social breakdown worse than economic breakdown.

Student unions try to ban MRAs.

The Antigones.

10,000 hours is not enough in itself.

Proof once again that the pay gap is a myth.

Peer review works.

The death of naked liberalism.

Britons want their guns back.

IRS head took 157 visits to the White House.
Related: Nothing to see here.

The greater scandal of Canadian politics.

Neurological brainwashing may be in the future.

Big Brother in Scotland.

Greek community suspends all operations.

Why are liberals so rude?

The official story is not as it seems. Is Vox going to turn me into an anti-vaccine type?

Humour: Progressives modeled themselves on pirates? Not surprising.

Humour: Old economy Steve.

(H/T: GCBH, SDA, MF, Sarah’s Daughter)

Lightning Round – 2013/05/29

Both nihilists and civilizationists are necessary.
Related: Why it had to be PUA’s.

You might be a patriarch if

da manosphere summarzied by daGBFM

No guts, no glory: love does exist.

“When the sky gods war or the earth goddess dances, when the human curse of zealotry or simple stupidity lays waste to our delicate civilization, it takes Men, doing Manly things, to bring us back from the edge of barbarism.”

The proper framework for marriage.
Related: The fallacy of mutual submission. More.

Why ‘you always find someone when you aren’t looking’ works for women.

The male equivalent of the slut is the beta orbiter.

The blue pill and the red pill: reality and ideal

Victor Pride with some more motivational writing.

The reason the red pill tastes bitter.

Approach factors.

Do desert dates instead of dinner.

Why PUA’s don’t have all the answers.

Fat girls don’t deserve love.

The pretense and necessity of responsibility.

Treat mediocrity as a crisis.

Heavy is the head.

Study sends shockwaves through feminist groups. Hehe.

Should we redistribute based on sexual desirability.

My condolences go out to Danny.

The Captain and Private Man on Samsung.

The Captain is asking for some help.

Gender Nihilism.

5 easy steps to get him to propose.

Aging, selfish, entitled women is angry no men want to have children with her.
Related: An MGTOW reply in the MSM. Going mainstream?

Being single has its perks.
Related: Women 40% more likely to develop mental illness.
Related: 30% of women are sexually dysfunctional.
Related: Women commit the majority of domestic violence.

Non-institutional false rape accusations also occur.

The same site that attacked Karamazov, has turned to another manosphere denizen, Frank. Is this the start of a trend? I find it amusing that people who communicate mainly in .gifs  and substitute emotion for reason are insulting his intelligence.

Blogging, the MSM, and trust.

Reducing the links in your blogposts.

Is the tide turning? The comments on this Schwyzer article are almost all pro-male.

In defence of the use of ‘the Cathedral’.

The sociology of reaction.
Related: Going forward: the specialization of reaction.

Heroes of the Dark Enlightenment. I hope I’m important enough to get the card treatment next issue. Also, Radish seems to be going by Karl now. Wonder if that’s his real name.

The Cathedral demands its sacrifice.

The progressive glossary.

Is the doom and gloom overhyped?

Has intelligence been declining since the Victorian era?

Revenge on the bankers.

Frightening facts about the US economy.
Related: US treasury will take from pension funds to avoid default.

Sweden is being culturally enriched. So is Britain.
Related: Stockholm continues to enjoy being culturally enriched.
Related: They don’t want to integrate.
Related: Only dark explanations explain Sweden.

Islam in Europe: how it ends.
Related: According to SDA, this is not satire. I weep for the Vikings.

On SHTF; what the collapse could look like.

Canada firearms laws; persecuting the innocent.

The police state is warming up with some political, unlawful arrests.

The scary part of the IRS scandal is the general reaction.
Related: Foseti on the IRS scandal.
Related: The personal effects of the IRS scandal.
Related: Gibson targeted by federal raids for political activities.
Related: Pravda edits the news: MSM neutrality? A lie.
Related: Obama met with IRS union head before Tea Party targeted.
Related: Obama administration on why government should be smaller.

Britain is increasingly becoming a police state.

The growth of the fourth branch of government.

Why there can be no conversation about guns with the freedom haters.

60% of Jamaicans think they would be better off as a British colony.

Permanent affirmative action.

Workers find out what’s in the health care bill.

Abuse is one thing, but the NYC school system cannot abide this.

Public school is literally more lethally dangerous than guns.

John Dewey is one of the most evil Americans of the last century.

The federal government issues speech code recommendations for universities.

Rob Ford and the politics of class.

Susan Walsh and the Atlantic manage to somehow miss the obvious demographic question. Sometimes I wonder if they are being purposefully ignorant of if goodthink is simply that ingrained.

The pope is theologically wrong or at least on the very edge of wrongness.

It’s been a while, so once again: Paul Krugman is a lying intellectual whore.
Related: Lobbyists should write bills I approve of.

Monsanto is big government.

Shell: We can’t’ find capable women.

Mother Jones: Blacks more likely to be murderers, pedophiles, and rapists.

The glories of the union.

The business of Cards Against Humanity.

Bad advice tumbler.

The fatkini; because sloth and gluttony are nothing to be ashamed of.

Freeze your eggs for when you realize you made a mistake in life.

Feminist just discovers that boys like groups, girls like pairs.

Veganism kills.

Does it say something about our society when so many movies about the apocalypse and the white house are being released this year?

The MGTOW’s continue to make good arguments.

(H/T: Instapundit, SDA, Bill, Foseti, Save CapitalismTIWMGTOW, CC, Maggie’s Farm, Shining Pearls, Castles & Cooks)

Lightning Round – 2013/05/22

There are no winners in a shit-test.

Beta training.

What kills love?

Dalrock on traditional marriage.
Related: A divorce story.
Related: Against marriage licenses.
Related: You do not have the right to marry.

How churches abandoned the Christian single.
Related: Looking for the one.
Related: Why I will probably never attend church services again.

The idiocy of the state replacing the family.
Related: Weaker men more likely to welfare state and redistribution.

Logos and Agape: reason comes before love.
Related: Some people need civilization beaten into them.

“The curse of Eve is the irresistible allure of the unknown.”

Science: Build comfort by talking about her.


Don’t you even have a life?

Body and face. I’ve always had a preference towards face myself.

The paleo attitude.

Some rhetoric advice.

Do not become misologic.

It is not weird to have feelings for a girl.
Related: Loneliness if deadly.

An alpha gene?

Science: ED caused as much by partner as it is by age.

The failure of overparenting.

Eating disorders and feminism.

Misandry does not exist.

Going ghost and the parasites.
Related: Obamacare a raw deal for men.
Related: Vox comments.

Be a security guard or join the military.

The loser I was; a story of porn.
Related: A story of self-destruction.

Always be in control.

Most sexually abusive men, were sexually abused by females.

An evolutarionary psychologist on PUA’s using his work.

Game, DE, and Reaction.

The Gods of the Copybook Heading in a nutshell.

IQ denial is a religious belief.

Is the right growing a spine?
Related: Even if people don’t accept biological IQ differences, maybe they should at least research them.
Related: The open-mindedness of the Cathedral.
Related: On race as a biological construct.

Not whether but which.
Related: “Indeed, our society has killed God only to leave these people searching for him up their ass.”

On r/K life cycle theory.

Now arriveth the consequences of anti-natalism.
Related: Hamsters hitting the wall.

Using ‘leviathan’ instead of ‘cathedral’. I prefer the latter; the religious connotations are essential to exposing the reality of the issue, the former strips that layer of meaning.

The abuses of the IRS. Big brother in action.
Related: The real scandal of the IRS scandal.
Related: The IRS scandal is not about the president.
Related: Polls: No one cares. Why the Republic is doomed.
Related: IRS told pro-life group it must promote abortion.
Related: IRS steals 60 million medical records.

EPA shows favouritism for liberal groups.

Bill with a list of executive orders.
Related: US military overturns Posse Comitatus.

Did the administration spy on congress?

Passport control is people control.

Obama admits he’s a socialist? Maybe overstating based on the context.

Gay pride has killed more homosexuals than the closet.

We now know what leftists are. They hate you.

Diversity saves.

They come for Victoria Day.

If she wants baby it’s murder, if he wants baby it’s choice.

Targeting boys with anti-teen pregnancy ads.

Hate-fuck hoaxer is a violent criminal. Hehe.

Eating disorders and feminism.

Göbekli Tepe and social evolution.

Socialism follows the same script it always does in Argentina.

Will shares some specialized dating sites. Hehe.

Creepy things kids have said.

Best conspiracy ever?

10 facts about sleep.

Map of world’s most and least tolerant people.

Trivium pursuit. Home-schooling the Trivium.

(H/T: SDA, Clarissa, Phineas, Maggie’s Farm, zhainai, Save Capitalism, Sarah’s Daughter, GLP)

Lightning Round – 2013/05/15

Three critiques of common manosphere themes worth reading:
Against alpha males.
Against ‘Enjoy the Decline’.
Against alpha.
Related: A reply and talk on ethical systems.

Will’s back and returns with prison sex.

Be the strong horse.

Jack Donovan answers a few criticisms on the Way of Men.
Forney (Ferd) has always had entertaining book reviews.


Become better at the things that matter to you.
Related: Be interesting.

Do you believe this is possible? Can you do it?

The Red Pill Princess. Now that’s harsh.

Argumentum ad AMOG.
Related: How to argue with leftists.
Remember: when a leftist wants a conversation, it means them talking and you shutting up.
“But politics isn’t about common sense, logic or reason, it’s about manipulating the perceptions of the ignorant, the apathetic and the inattentive.”

“If all sex is potentially rape, only potential rapists will have sex.”
Related: The wages of feminism.
Related: Men 30-50 less likely to want to marry.

The society-wide shit-test.

Patricia’s smartphone. Rather amusing.

Whore-ible mothers.
Related: Grotesque liberal attitudes towards children.

A little Chesterton on feminism.

Purple wedding dresses for promoting chastity.

Game: The elephant in the room.

Male suicide, where’s the outcry?
Related: Could men be taking their own lives to take back their masculinity?

Science: Men like young women. Surprising.
Science: Chicks dig aloof assholes. Surprising.

Evil men get laid more.

Hamsterlations for both men and women.

The liberal germ theory.

The Dove beauty con.

Feminists hypocritical? Shocking.

The Mosou matriarchy.

On supplements.

The anti-Monsanto diet.

“Only in America can you be labeled a hero for doing the most basic human action, helping someone in need.”

The decline of entrepreneurialism.
Related: Avoid going into business with a partner.

Fun facts about the 1950’s.

Why big corporations welcome big government.

Radish with more great posters.

Gay marriage advocate: Gay marriage is about destroying marriage.

The new European revolt, the young may just move away.
Related: Will leftists turn on each other?

Universal suffrage is a terrible idea. Although, I’ve been edging more and more towards the belief that suffrage is itself is a terrible idea.

Is the Flynn effect incorrect?

A biometric database of all Americans hidden in immigration reform.

The Obama administration spies on AP.

Media and administration: blood brothers.
Related: Remember this when the media tells you what is so.
Related: The politicization of the IRS.
Related: It doesn’t matter.
Related: IRS leaked Tea Party information to the media.

Why conservatives fail.

Not sure what to say about this one. The comments are both amusing and insane.

Don’t see what’s so bad about this. $130/hr is excellent pay, especially for someone disabled.

Eating taco’s is offensive to Mexicans.

Bureaucracy strikes again. Oh well, it’s now striking the SWPL foodie-types; maybe they’ll start paying attention.

The deficit crisis may solve itself if politicians remain gridlocked.

Slut culture killed Rehtaeh Parsons.

Vox on the TED talks.

The Japanese becoming more militaristic?

The Decline and Fall of the British Empire.

(H/T: Instapundit, SDA, TC, Foseti)