I partially agree with a pro-abortionist. Pro-abortionists should tell their stories about how they callously killed their own child for mere convenience; it will be far more effective in showing the true nature of the issue.
“RESULTS: The more self-control people reported having, the more satisfied they reported being with their lives. And contrary to what the researchers were expecting, people with more self-control were also more likely to be happy in the short-term. In fact, when they further analyzed the data, they found that such people’s increased happiness to a large extent accounted for the increased life satisfaction.”
“If you expand the sample to include small metropolitan areas you can get even lower unemployment rates, though generally they’re in places (Bismarck, Fargo, Iowa City, Sioux Falls, Amex, Burlington, Grand Forks, Lincoln, Billings, Casper) that are also cold.” Why could that be?
SSM mistakes holding women to base moral standards for pedestalization. Three points:
1) Women have agency; being a woman is not an excuse for sin.
2) People have agency; temptation to sin is not an excuse for sin.
3) Teaching sin is a graver sin than the sin itself, which is why that thread should elicit special disgust.
Related: All mortals are debased and need a master.
Related: EW weighs in.
“I think one of the most valuable things you learn in school is to get up in the morning and do something you don’t want to do every single day.” Public schooling defined in a nutshell; it’s almost sadistic how this is seen as a benefit, even if the commenter back-pedaled.
“(as opposed to people who think they’re entitled to sex with women because they are dudes and sexual fulfillment is a right like health care). “ What more can I say? Slate women talking about PUAs.
Even among “red-pill” women, add 10. Also, the number of supposedly ‘red-pill’ women advocating lying is disgusting. I’m especially disappointed with Sis, assuming it’s this Sis. I thought better of her.
WK with some questions for a prospective Christian wife. I think he’s a bit heavy on the science and politics; I don’t overly care if she’s scientifically illiterate or politically apathetic, but his point about attitude mattering most is the important thing.
“BTW, why is it, on NPR (the smart people’s radio station), they say stuff like, “Zimmerman says he acted in self defense, while prosecutors say he racially profiled Trayvon Martin”? As if 1)they both couldn’t possibly be true; and 2)they have anything at all to do with each other? I mean, if this is how they talk to the “smart” people, then what on earth are they telling the dumb ones?!?!!”
Related: The NYT admits it has been reporting lies on the Zimmerman case.
“The first generation of women who will stop saying to each other “the day of your wedding is the most important day of your life” and will start saying “the day you get tenure / publish a book / start your own business / become a CEO / make a million bucks is the most important day of your life”, will be the generation with thesame number of male and female Full Professors.” Probably correct, so never.
13 reasons you should start an online business. I gotta start working on mine again.
He also rereleased his Spartan’s guide to online businesses; hope you didn’t miss it.
Related: Advice for the intelligent slacker.
Who’s dehumanizing them more: those who pimped them out, or those who deny the existence of their volition?
Related: “Moral responsibility is the essence of humanity.”
I think we should extend this: given that more children are killed because of public school than guns, we should prosecute every parent that sends their children to public school.
Also, Justin Peters (Slate) is a lying intellectual whore, like most liberals: “Of course, the most effective way to eliminate accidental shooting deaths would be to eliminate guns. But that’s never going to happen, and, frankly, I don’t think it should happen—contrary to what some might think, I’m not flogging this issue as some sneaky method of advocating the abolition of gun rights.”
The next day: “This thing is legal now, but let’s hope it isn’t for long.”
Comment of the week: “Matthew 5:48… Now updated to: “Be ye only slightly whorish, even as your gender neutral Parent which is in heaven is only slightly whorish.”
“Avert your eyes.” Male feminists are as puritanical as fundamentalist Baptists and far more unmasculine.
Related: Feminist fantasizes about violence against a man because he is a man.
Related: He actually calls himself ‘beta dad’. That’s his screenname.
Related: Ian responds.
Related: The Slate effect.
Speaking of bad advice: Because a 29-year-old doing this is exactly the kind of woman a commitment-oriented man looks for in a wife. Why are women so stupid about this? Of course, Susan deleted any comments laying it out plain for the advice asker.
The same site that attacked Karamazov, has turned to another manosphere denizen, Frank. Is this the start of a trend? I find it amusing that people who communicate mainly in .gifs and substitute emotion for reason are insulting his intelligence.
Heroes of the Dark Enlightenment. I hope I’m important enough to get the card treatment next issue. Also, Radish seems to be going by Karl now. Wonder if that’s his real name.
Susan Walsh and the Atlantic manage to somehow miss the obvious demographic question. Sometimes I wonder if they are being purposefully ignorant of if goodthink is simply that ingrained.
Using ‘leviathan’ instead of ‘cathedral’. I prefer the latter; the religious connotations are essential to exposing the reality of the issue, the former strips that layer of meaning.