Lightning Round – 2013/06/05

Bill gives up his anonymity.

Why you don’t have a wife/girlfriend.

“Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.”

Dragon-slaying. Some inspiration.

Alpha != winner.

Manliness and working shitty jobs.

Comment of the week: “Matthew 5:48… Now updated to: “Be ye only slightly whorish, even as your gender neutral Parent which is in heaven is only slightly whorish.”

Red Pill in the mainstream.

A little more confirmation of the red pill.

Vox’s WRA seems to apply even to the MRA’s.

Why do WRA? Good comments by Stingray and Stickiwick.
Related: Vox and the gatekeepers.
Related: A one-sided FB censorship campaign.

Married vs. dating game.
Related: Advice for a woman not attracted to her husband.

The pill and divorce.
Related: More on the pill and divorce.

Christian dating dilemmas. Some decent advice in the comments.

The Right Stuff argues we should heighten the contradictions.

A listing of how we are screwed.

Avert your eyes.” Male feminists are as puritanical as fundamentalist Baptists and far more unmasculine.
Related: Feminist fantasizes about violence against a man because he is a man.
Related: He actually calls himself ‘beta dad’. That’s his screenname.
Related: Ian responds.
Related: The Slate effect.

4/10 households have the mother as sole or primary breadwinner.
Related: JB does an actual analysis of the study.

The Cathedral and the Hivemind.

Addicted by design.

Family, nurture, and mental health.

I almost feel sorry for them… almost.
Related: Why hate the boomers? 5 reasons.

MGTOW is not about revenge.
Related: A nice little bit of biting sarcasm.

Female dating sites give women bad advice. Surprising, I know.

Speaking of bad advice: Because a 29-year-old doing this is exactly the kind of woman a commitment-oriented man looks for in a wife. Why are women so stupid about this? Of course, Susan deleted any comments laying it out plain for the advice asker.

Another MRA/reactionary in the making?

The reality of abortion.

100k martyrs a year.

BDSM folks are more well-adjusted.
Science: Sluts don’t like sluts.

War is coming.
Related: Hate crimes in Syracuse.

Sweden is what happens when you destroy masculinity.
Related: Urban ‘planning’ and Stockholm.

Social breakdown worse than economic breakdown.

Student unions try to ban MRAs.

The Antigones.

10,000 hours is not enough in itself.

Proof once again that the pay gap is a myth.

Peer review works.

The death of naked liberalism.

Britons want their guns back.

IRS head took 157 visits to the White House.
Related: Nothing to see here.

The greater scandal of Canadian politics.

Neurological brainwashing may be in the future.

Big Brother in Scotland.

Greek community suspends all operations.

Why are liberals so rude?

The official story is not as it seems. Is Vox going to turn me into an anti-vaccine type?

Humour: Progressives modeled themselves on pirates? Not surprising.

Humour: Old economy Steve.

(H/T: GCBH, SDA, MF, Sarah’s Daughter)


  1. Thank you sir for the linkage and at the top of the page no less! That resulted in a bit of an earthquake amongst the sphere that I’m still trying to manage.

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