Tag Archives: Talking Points

A Democratic Thanksgiving

A couple years back, I posted on the emptiness of leftists who think of the holidays as an opportunity for indoctrinating their family. It looks like the campaign has started again this year. (H/T: SDA).

If you want my thoughts this, you can read it there. Right now, I’m going to forgo any substantial insights and indulge in a little bit of lulz, by focusing on the content of the official Democratic site for turning Thanksgiving into an opportunity to spew political propaganda: Your Republican Uncle. The site states:

The holiday season is filled with food, traveling, and lively discussions with Republican relatives about politics sometimes laced with statements that are just not true. Here are the most common myths spouted by your family members who spend too much time listening to Rush Limbaugh and the perfect response to each of them.

Look at these “perfect responses” on Trump:


These responses are retarded. Maybe, I might be able to understand looking up and memorizing talking points full of hard statistics, sophisticated political philosophy, and strongly reasoned ideology, if you are broken enough that that what’s Thanksgiving and Christmas mean to you. But this? Who can not think up the stunningly intellectual arguments of “Trump is an evil xenophobe who went bankrupt a couple times” and “deportation is mean, you meanie-head” without the gentle guiding hand of a DNC shill.

Oh, and just in case you were thinking those links may expand on the arguments, they do not go to supporting documentation with anything more substantial, they merely allow you to tweet your ignorance and asininity to the people you know. Although, why Democratic operatives anybody would think anybody would want to publicly advertise their own vacuousness is beyond me? They must think even more condescendingly of their base than I do.

The rest are more of the same asininity. Read them if you thinks your IQ is too high and you want to lop off a few points.

Now, note the faces: The Republican Uncle is a grumpy meanie-face, while the Liberal, who has prepared and memorized partisan political talking points in advance so he can “win” a debate family dinner, is happy (because that’s what happy people do right?). But look at the happy face:


The smug just radiates from it. Even leftist PR flacks can’t imagine a liberal at a family dinner not being an insufferable, smug, condescending asshole.

Finally, look at this. The site was designed so that only the first talking point is shown when you open a category and you have to click to see more. This is what you click on to see more:


Note how condescending it is (that fool is still yapping). Then consider this, the site is implying that parroting the first of your inane Democratic talking points will so bedazzle ‘your Republican uncle’ that he will fall silent in awe of your superior genius and insight. Heh.

I found something even better. Here’s a DNC flack:

“This time of year, the only thing more annoying than holiday traffic is an awkward conversation with family about politics,” DNC Digital Director Matt Compton wrote in an email announcing the site. “We designed YourRepublicanUncle.com so that it look greats and loads quickly on your phone — no getting ambushed when you go back for seconds on stuffing.”

Political conversations suck, so make sure to prepare for and start them, and we know our base is completely ignorant about everything, so you can pull up rebuttals on your phone and let us do your thinking for you.


Now, I doubt (hope?) that there is (not) any statistically significant number of people who actually use these talking points, however many guides the media will put out.

Rather, the most interesting part of this is just how little the Democratic Party thinks of their base. The GOP cuckservatives will attack their base and ignore their base’s wishes, but at least they assume we’re evil. The DNC just assumes their base are a bunch of dysfunctional retards who are ignorant of the world around them and need to be handheld through basic human interaction.