Liberal Holiday Troubles

I was reading this post on maladjusted feminist killjoys at the holidays, where SSM links to a guide for feminists for surviving the holidays.

In this guide they link to the Democrat’s guide to talking politics with your republican uncle. They link to another on how to argue for abortion and free birth control.

I noticed a similar, “bi-partisan”, article on Slate a couple of days back. I assumed it was tongue-in-cheek.

Doing a quick google search, I find a similar article from Salon, and one from 2012 as well. Here’s one from HuffPo on Obamacare. Ace of Spades finds a couple more, while Human Events received an Obama campaign letter on how to indoctrinate your family on the greatness of Obamacare over the holidays.

Rather than the tongue-in-cheek fun I thought it was when I read the Slate article, it seems this is an actual left-wing campaign.

It seems liberals literally have a campaign going to try to turn holidays into a political indoctrination session. What kind of Orwellian nonsense is this?

Not a single article in the first four pages of the google search was a right-wing guide, although, there were a fwe right-wing sites pointing and deriding the left-wing guides.

Are liberals really so alienated from their loved ones that they have to plan in advance how to debate them on the holidays? Is arguing the greatness of Obamacare really their reason for the season? Are they so intellectually vacuous and uninformed that they need a guide to hold their own in a political debate?

You always here liberals whine about the right-wing relatives picking fights at the holidays, but it seems that is mostly just projection.

No wonder they’re liberal. If I was so alienated from everything good in life, that my thoughts of the holidays were about winning political arguments and surviving the holidays rather than enjoying time with my family, I’d probably choose a self-destroying ideology like progressivism. At least if I became a new socialist man, my life wouldn’t be this pathetically empty.

Sometimes I wonder if liberals should be pitied more than anything. What a dreadful and empty life they must lead.

Post-script: I should note that I do enjoy a good political debate if it comes up, but I don’t really think about, look forward to it, or try to start one and I certainly don’t plan one in advance.


  1. Great post, Free.

    I should note that I do enjoy a good political debate if it comes up, but I don’t really think about, look forward to it, or try to start one and I certainly don’t plan one in advance.

    Yeah….it’s been a long, long time since I engaged in a good political debate with someone in person.

    But at Thanksgiving, a guest of my Sister in Law’s began to rattle off liberal talking points and I got fed up with listening to the pretentious bloviating , and I entered the conversational fray.

    He was a soft, pudgy, slightly effeminate snob with a beer belly and pasty skin. I found myself contradicting his pronouncements with some short quips and smirking bemusement.

    Don’t recall the entire conversation, but as it escalated he got into high dudgeon. He pronounced that the greatest social change of the past 100 years was the civil rights movement of the 60’s. I interjected –

    “Nope. It was the sexual revolution which entails feminism, birth control, promiscuity, no-fault divorce and abortion all combined to fundamentally changed the entire structure of society with the breakdown of the nuclear family.”

    He was utterly flabbergasted and speechless for a several moments. Then he started asking me how I could believe that, after just how horrible and oppressed the womynz were in the bad bad old evil Patriarchal 50’s.

    I answered, “What about the women? What about the CHILDREN!Thanks to the sexual revolution, we have over half of all marriages ending in divorce, and now over half of all children born out of wedlock and in fatherless homes! Homes broken by divorce psychologically scar children for life, and the Fatherless homes of the welfare ghettos are where feral children are bred, who then grow up to become criminals and thugs and the breeders of more feral children!”

    I swear his face almost turned purple.

    He was getting completely wound up and looked like he wanted to actually try and fight me.

    I was all lozlzolzozlzolzol inside…my family members in the vicinity were horrified.

    Anyhow, we went back and forth for a bit more, with him getting angrier and angrier. I think he got even more flustered when he realized his anger and outrage had absolutely zero effect on me.

    After I had had enough, I offered my hand and told him “Always enjoy a good debate, especially with someone who can disagree without getting personally upset and angry! Happy Thanksgiving!”

    The look on his face was priceless. Then he limply shook my hand and looked away.

    A family member called me later to tell me they couldn’t believe I’d gotten into it with this guy…he was a philosophy professor with a PhD from a Mid West University, on vacation. They’ve never seen anyone get him so flustered before in political debate.

    I guess he was just used to years of sycophantic students taking notes and trying to pass his classes, rather than objecting to his liberal talking point diatribes.

    But even more amusing, is the fact that I sensed he felt physically impotent. Whenever I answered him or made a counterpoint, I looked him directly into his eyes and held the gaze sternly, with serious intent, and made my points in a low volume voice, with a deliberate, measured, slow paced delivery.

    He looked away every time.

    I wasn’t trying to intimidate him, only show that I was not backing down in the least, and that I held my steadfast in my convictions. I could see literal hatred emanate from his eyes at me. Hilarious. His bluster had zero intimidation factor to me, and he damn well knew it. Seems to me like he was used to cowing people into submission and finally met someone who wouldn’t back down in the face of his fierce emoting. lol

    I guess it really is true for the progressive libs, “The political is personal.” Anyhow, our little debate apparently ruined the holiday spirit for everyone within earshot.

    I probably shouldn’t have, but after listening to him lecture everyone in the room unchallenged and assuming the voice of unquestioned authority for too long, I just couldn’t take it anymore.

  2. Keoni,

    You know, it used to bother me quite a bit when my husband would do what you did, because it made the room uncomfortable. I would be lying if I said it no longer makes me uncomfortable, but I have stopped asking my husband not to do that any more. The liberals are too comfortable. It’s time people start to shake them up regardless of feelings. I don’t recommend people starting a political debate at their family’s house during Christmas. However, given that this guy started it, there is nothing wrong with you finishing it.

  3. Good post. The further to the left you go, the more politics becomes someone’s religion. They are just carrying out their version of the Great Commission, and folks who act and speak as Keoni described are blasphemers.

  4. Sometimes I wonder if liberals should be pitied more than anything. What a dreadful and empty life they must lead.

    No. Never. If they could ever be happy with being miserable and leave the rest of us alone then I would pity them. But since they insist I join them in their Hell, they are my enemy.

  5. Mandela’s death is a great chance, so be ready. I’m sure our liberal do-gooders will worshipfully remember that Bolshevik white-hating terrorist scum.

  6. Rather than the tongue-in-cheek fun I thought it was when I read the Slate article, it seems this is an actual left-wing campaign.

    It seems liberals literally have a campaign going to try to turn holidays into a political indoctrination session. What kind of Orwellian nonsense is this?

    Not a single article in the first four pages of the google search was a right-wing guide, although, there were a fwe right-wing sites pointing and deriding the left-wing guides.

    One reason that the Left (and especially the Democratic party) can orchestrate campaigns like this is because it is zero risk to them. If the argumentative family member only succeeds in sowing discord within the family, then that is a success. The Left thrives on chaos, and the Democratic Party gets more powerful wherever traditional families are weaker.

    And if, perchance, the argumentative family member manages to convert someone to the Leftist cause, then that’s a success too.

    The Right, being on the side of happy family dinners, wouldn’t be able to use such a campaign to its advantage.

  7. @ KG: Great story. If someone brings it up; then might as well respond.

    @ Hale: I know. If it weren’t for them trying to bring everyone else into it though…

    @ Blood: We’ve already talked some of Mandela with my friends; generally it was not glowing. They were generally of the opinion that he did a lot of evil, but given the circumstances it might have been justified, which is a lot better than the sainthood he’s been given by the mass media.

    @ beor: I didn’t even think of the even more long-term repercussions.

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