Category Archives: Lightning Round

Lightning Round – 2012/04/25

Public schools do not exist for the benefit of students. They are holding cells to employ teachers and free women to teach other women’s children.

When you sell your children’s souls to secular culture, why be surprised when secular culture claims them.  (h/t CMDN)

When you sell your soul to those who hate freedom, why be surprised when they try to take yours? (h/t Glenn)

Man up.

On the other hand, some remain free of secular culture and the state. In my province, this would not be possible just living together for a few years means the state controls your domestic relationship.

You mean after they lied to us, stolen from us, and betrayed us at every turn, we’re losing faith in them? How could that possibly happen? (h/t Glenn)

The rabble should know their place.

Nothing to see here. There is no bubble. Related.

Who could have guessed that when the US started towards a European-model economy, they’d have European levels of unemployment? Enjoy that 50% OWS. (via the Captain)

The state wishes to control even the foods you eat and the advice you give. Be wary of advocating paleo, they may come for you. (h/t DG)

Why trying to reason with pro-abortionists and feminists is a waste of time. When they can not even conceive that the other side may have an argument beside being mentally disturbed, there is no point.

A ginned up show trial ends. He won’t be serving time, but since when can failing “to hold cabinet meetings focused on the spiraling crisis” possibly be considered a crime.

A union boss being hypocritical. Colour me surprised. (h/t Glenn)

Lightning Round – 2012/04/17

Ok, haven’t had much time this weekend, I’ve been busy. So here’s another lightning round as filler until I can make a real post.

Remember the consequences of listening to those who complain humans use to many resources and the world is overpopulated.

One trillion dollars: Guns save almost as much as Obama wastes. I’ve been hoping to get one soon, so I’m gonna keep an eye on this series.

Evolutionary psychology once again rears it’s ugly head. The realities of biology do as well.

Expect the welfare state to continue to grow. A surrogate husband will become increasingly necessary.

A good wife and mother will provide a counterweight to the state, which is why the left is attacking homemakers.

I like Paul Ryan more the more I hear about him. Subsidiarity is not something I expected form a mainstream politician.

I guess Slate hasn’t read much Steve Sailer. Red cities aren’t “walkable” because conservatives value family, space, freedom, and independence, and thus like space and cars, and so they go to where land is cheap and houses and yards are bigger. Blue cities are walkable because liberals value interdependence, nightlife, environmentalism, and have small families, if they have one at all, so they go where the people are.

Why is Israel the only Western country with any balls left?

Also, thanks to In Mala Fide for the link. Ferdinand posted some decent advice this weekend.

Lightning Round – 2012/04/12

Today, I introduce the lightning round, in which I link to and briefly comment on some recent articles that caught my eye.

First, I didn’t know you could have a major economic crash when your youth unemployment rate hovers around 50% (and your total rate was about 25%). You’d think it had crashed already; how much worse could it possibly get? Second, it’s good to know even European conservatives can be counted on to do the stupid thing. Why would anybody listen to economists about the economic effects of high tax rates? What would they know?

Here comes big brother. (via Instapundit)

Remember, fiscal sanity is an attack on women. We must protect women from economic reality at all costs.

Ahhh… Keynesianism. The liberals all cry about the materialistic, consumerist culture, but then base their entire economic world view around never-ending consumerism.  I will probably write a post on demand-side economics in the future.

Feminists fought so that women could follow their primal desires no matter the cost to tradition, civilization, religion, or family. Now they’re unhappy that women are following their primal desires.

Remember, be sure to show the boomers how much you appreciate everything they did for you when they’re all retired and living in nursing homes.

Not sure if I should feel pity or Schadenfreude. It seems like a problem that will eventually fix itself, though. When there’s enough unemployed lawyers, some of them will eventually sue some people until things change.