Category Archives: Lightning Round

Lightning Round – 2012/12/12

12/12/12 – Cool.

Comment of the week by Badger.

Private man gives some advice for new bloggers.

Build the foundations of your life project.
Related: Change your environment.

M3 chooses his path.

The lifecycle of game.
Related: The limits of western game.

Badger: Basic game skills.

The attractiveness of Batman and Superman.

A new strain of shaming language identified.

Tim’s thoughts on marriage.

Why men hate hypergamy.

I might feel sorry for these females if I didn’t feel such Schadenfreude.
Related: Your dealbreakers may be eliminating your dating pool.
Related: Which trade is superior?

Men don’t have commitment problems.
Related: The market-price mechanism of dating.
Related: Irresponsible men are the primary beneficiaries of feminism.
Related: Remember, women want the privileges of the old order but not the responsibilities. Work for your masters, slave.
Related: If you don’t get sex, why get married?

Men are deputy fathers serving at the pleasure of the mother.

Unpredictability is necessary for a marriage.

Childhood today lasts too long.

The hatefulness of a feminist extends even unto her own son.
Related: Something from the Atlantic that’s not entirely wretched. Sweden is going to have a lot of screwed up kids. Expect a lot of school shootings and/or suicides about a decade and a half down the road.

I occasionally feel the same way.
Related: The pot gender gap.

The real “War on Women”.

Vox asks why some people hate women.

My guess: most female rape fantasies are not the same as male rape fantasies. Their fantasies are not about rape per se, but are more about a very dominant man having a very strong passion overcoming his self-control. Read: Atwood’s Rape Fantasies. Although, there are probably a few outliers who have real rape fantasies.

Woman claims rape because sex was bad. I wonder why it would be bad?

Red pill test.

Even those outside the church can see its crookedness.
Related: SSM looks but cannot find.

Feminist gets scienced on evo psych.

Are feminism and MRM biologically sane? Probably not.

Science: Marriages where women are thinner are happier.

Feminism is its own worst enemy.

It’s enjoying seeing liberals discover what everybody already knew.

How to act at a funeral.

The importance of the division of labour.
Why the left hates the division of labour.

The economic stupidity of the left brings some amusement.
Related: The intellectual bankruptcy of Keynesians.

What government dependency looks like.

Death spiral states.

Vox on intellectual discourse. And again.

Calling women pet names.

What hair length can tell us.

Where homosexuality and masturbation do not exist.

Dearest Citizen of the World
Related: The death of privacy.

The police state in action.

Conservatism defined.

Leftists are all liars.
Related: The racial hypocrisy of the liberal.
Related: Very shocking.

56% of Mexican immigrants on welfare. Open borders FTW!

Feminism in Israel.
Related: Press freedom in Scandinavia.

On “sexism” and historical fiction.

Modern dietary science: salt.
Related: A possible connection between eating wheat and schizophrenia.

(H/T: Mangan, GLP, SDA, IP, John Wright)

Lightning Round – 2012/12/05

It’s hard to enjoy the decline.

M3 is in Limbo. This and the InCel post really speak to me.

Why hypergamy angers us.

The economic challenge to a young patriarch.

Had a date recently: this is something I really need to work on.

D&P argues for working hard in your 20’s.
Counterpoint by Bill, an older guy with perspective.

Bold & Determined is noticed by Jezebel. (Google cached).
Related: You too can attract a woman like Lindy West. Lucky you.

Advice for online dating.

Science: Women don’t like nice guys for either sex or relationships.
More Science: The dark triad gets girls.
More Science: Which openers work.
More Science: Sex and disgust.

More Science: Walk or life, don’t run.
Related: Marathons and SWPL’s.

Why white knights are worse than feminists.
Feminism only wins because we acquiesce.

Men and women have different definitions of “a normal guy.”

Talk about self-hatred.

The decline of a culture.
Being part Norwegian, this makes me sad.

Corporate work is designed for women.
Related: Feminism, environmentalism, and consumerism.

The death of the American Dream in Bakken.

An old man thanks youth for their sacrifices for him.

You can’t have American taxes and a European welfare state.

Against the mancave.

A social exercise for men.

Interesting post by Roosh. It seems like he’s slowly burning out.

What lucky husbands to have brides like these.
More lucky husbands.
She’ll make a wonderful bride.

How to pick a wife.
Related: 4 Benefits of Marrying Young
Related: How to meet shy girls.

Women have a monopoly on judgment.

Yay for the family courts in Canada.

Protect yourself from abuse: be a stay at home mother.
Related: Economic abuse? Really?

Remember, if something makes both sexes happy, feminists must oppose it.

The effect of feminism on blacks.

Porn is a substitute good. The economics of porn.
Related: Porn stars indicate feminism won.

A female is sick of the carousal and now, having hit the wall, wants betas to pay for her and pay attention to her in her 30s. Also, she spends the first half of the article attacking Venker’s, but Venker was exactly right about her by her own admission. The “logic” of a feminist.

But n-count doesn’t matter.

You can’t have it all.

Death panels? What death panels?

The sad state of modern atheism. Nietzsche would roll in his grave.

Why does God not give definitive proof of his existence?
Evidence for God. Read the comments.

How to start a single mom’s ministry.

The Pope and Roissy

If you’re asking, you don’t have it.

Colleges lack free speech.

Is the education bubble about to pop?

Your moral and intellectual superiors.

Good on him. If a social sciences study violates common sense, be skeptical.

Paying for college with prostitution.

Never understood why public whippings are cruel, yet solitary confinement is not.

Continuing our crusade against Krugman: he remains an intellectually bankrupt hack.
Yes he does. He’s a clown.

Speaking of intellectual clowns: Why not just make the headline, “I’m a dumbass who doesn’t understand statistics.” It’d be much more to the point.

Just in: Tax rates have consequences. Surprising.

Work is punished.

Nothing to see here: the system is working.

A letter from a religious business being forced to provide abortificants.

A free market fix to copyright law.

Advice on eating out.

A simple message: don’t be fat.

Best thing I’ve seen on the Petraeus affair.

Female tries to define masculinity for man. Fails.

This might not be so bad; it might leave the door open to suing the psychological profession out of existence.

5 Reason Modern Life is Driving Masculinity to Extinction.
Cracked; Big brother cometh.

From Danger and Play:

Via Stares at the World:

(H/T: RoK, SDA, GLP, Clarissa, Instapundit)

Lightning Round – 2012/11/28

Why the MAndrosphere?
Long live the manosphere.
Related: The manosphere is the counter-revolution.
Related: They are killing our sons.

An oldie I just discovered from Moldbug: A Letter to Ron Paul Supporters.
He mentions Yes, Minister. If there is one TV show I will recommend watching it is this one. It perfectly encapsulates how the government works more than anything other thing I have seen or read (and is humourous to boot). Watch it, it will be enlightening.

If I had to do it over again, I would either get a trade or become an engineer.

The importance of the beta male.

Divorce and 50/50 custody are means of enslavement.

“A woman’s courtship value is equal or less than the lowest price she ever gave her pussy away for. lzozozoz”

Concern-trolling men so women can vent their frustrations.

A good discussion on hypergamy.
New manosphere term: Koreogamy replaces femogamy.

Do not be ashamed of being “shallow“.

Game is a lifestyle, not a hobby.
Related: Train like an athlete.

Is Roosh tiring of the game? Possibly.

Shoot your television. Agreed: not having cable was an excellent decision.
Related: Turn off your TV for a week.

Mark Driscoll makes the case for MGTOW.
Related: SSM takes it to Christian feminists.

Wintery Knight has a must-read for women. How to avoid divorce.

Get what you want: take it.

Making a list of great books for men. (lozololzz)

Sexual sin and sexual frustration.

A new manosphere term: lapdogging.

Women want marriage; men don’t.

What attracts a woman.

A fun story of the female hamster in action.

Be the right kind of asshole.

We should take feminists at their word.

Harming your kids for attention and profit.

Win politically by reframing and mockery.
Vox offers his opinion on reframing.

Defund the left.

Ignorance of 1600 new regulations a month is no excuse.

A plan for traditionalists.

Civil society is built one action at a time.

Krugman remains a duplicitous hack.

Statist thugs will always exist as willing tools of oppression.

Why temper tantrums are in the DSM: the system wins.

The UK is getting more Orwellian by the day. Related.

Work 24 years to be supported the other 50+. That’s sustainable.

In Canadian courts, a father is viewed as little more than a wallet.

It’s sad when the communist Chinese government displays more respect for property rights than North American ones.

Who wouldn’t want to move to a country collapsing even faster than the US?
Related: How France built social exclusion into its cities.

Slate, hotbed for advocating the politics of bread and circuses, decries the politics of bread and circuses. Does not seem to notice the disconnect.

Gawker values: an adult disrespecting the graves of dead soldiers should be protected; teenagers making stupid Facebook comments should have their lives ruined.

Good news: the decline of newspapers continues.

Apes have midlife crises. Who knew?

(H/T: GCBH, SDA, Instapundit, GLP)

Lightning Round – 2012/11/21

Post of the week: M3 on his years as an InCel. Sure to become a classic.

Jack Donovan on why he does not respond to left-wing magazines.
Related: Hugo Schwyzer is a boot-licking little bitch.

Farewell to Will S. We’ll miss him, he’s my most prolific commenter.
Aurini in the Washington Post about his new book. Congrats to him.

American slaves.
Related: Modern serfdom.

The distinction between happiness and meaningfulness.

The origin of the mid-life crisis.

Vox Day begins a series tearing into Krugman. This will be good.
Related: “Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.”
Related: Why urban areas are anti-free market.
Related: Bernanke is also an idiot.
Related: Some good economic news.

Money is less important toe Western woman as they are isolated from reality.

Dildos, Taker and Makers: Parts 1, 2, & 3.

Detis advice for men and for women.

SSM takes a dip into Christian feminism.
Related: Questions for the Christian woman.

Strip-mining men.
Related: Be wary of what you’re communicating.

A new word coined: Femogamy.

The path to mastery.

On tribalism.


Hehe… The female version of the Real Doll.

Young boy sexually assaulted in front of millions. Treated as a joke.
Related: The double standard of 50 Shades of Grey.

Tales of betas being taken advantage of. Bitterly entertaining.

Putting women to the back of the queue will not be helpful.

Ron Paul’s final speech to Congress. God bless him.
Related: Ron Paul on secession.

Confessions of a racist.

Hipsters on food stamps are a symptom not a cause. (Part 1).

Ayn Rand in 600 words.

Why homeschooling is superior.
Related: Why charter schools are superior.

You ate our children.

When do you take a stand?

A discussion on smart girls.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

The demographics of adultery.

Have we been in intellectual decline for millenia?

Unions destroy Hostess and act stupid.
Related: The irrelevance of modern private sector unions displayed.

Could you live on social security?

An author rants on offending people. A very good rant.

What Catholics stand for politically.

The economics of Spotify.

Hehe… Man sues women over ugly baby.

Where was this Romney during the campaign?

(H/T: SDA, the Captain, Save Capitalism, Maggie’s Farm, Instapundit, GLP, Althouse, Neanderpundit)

Lightning Round – 2012/11/14

Just reeached 50k views today. Huzzah.

Also, this post will mostly avoid post-election analysis; I have a list here.

This has been a harsh week for the manosphere: Mojo is shutting down.
FFY closed.
Complementarian Loners is finishing.
CDM-N is turning off the lights.
Cygne Gris unexpectedly went private with no word of if its returning.
Hidden Leaves is tempting fate.

Comment of the week.

Best sentence I’ve read in a while: “is is is and not is is not is and not is is not is and the only government that works is one which accepts this is as true.”

Quote of the week: “Wal-Mart has done more for poor people than any ten liberals, at least nine of whom are almost guaranteed to hate Wal-Mart.”

We are forgetting.

Why you should tell ugly truths.

Keep your frame.
Related: Alpha science.

No rings for liberals.
Related: Avoid a poor wife.

SSM on sex in marriage; she’s not a poor wife. Also a great collection of links on sex for the traditionalist.

Do not get married.
Why not to get married, from history.

Men don’t mother.

Alte has a point, some in our parts put too much stock in IQ ; culture does matter.

SSM has a point, hypergamy is, but it is not something to be angered over.

A discussion on sluts.

Intersexual communication. (Sounds dirtier than it is).

It’s not men’s job to clean up women’s dating mistakes.

Modern slavery.
Related: Every man is born a slave, but can choose freedom.

Freedom comes when you have nothing left to lose.

The patriarchy is not returning.

Why demographics matter for the young man.
Why the concept of value matters for a man.

The “bright” side of illegal immigration.

I’ll continue disliking hipsters on food stamps anyway.

Seems some others are jumping on Danger & Play’s juicing bandwagon. May have to check it out some time.

There’s finally an introduction to the new anthropology. Still not sure I buy it, but it’s interesting stuff.
Related: Cracked on anthropology. Some of it seems to line up.
Science: Weapons made us human.

Roosh with links to free college courses.

Science: Sauroniops. Cool.

The social justice jugend.

The NYT argues against suffrage.

Stay classy Jezebel.

Hahaha… Slut lies to husband for 40 years. Somehow, the husband is in the wrong.
Heartiste responds.

Entrepreneurs will always outsmart bureaucrats if there is enough profit involved.

American elections are fair. Voter fraud doesn’t exist.
Even liberals seem to be finding it rather strange.
Related: Rollo & Dalrock on Petraeus.

Ron Paul knows the end is nigh.
Related: I think secession is an idea whose time has come.

Dishonesty is inherent to electoral politics.
Related: People vote stupidly because their is no self-correction.

Government is a pimp.

Homosexuals celebrate having their personal relationships controlled by the government. Personally, I’d like my personal relationships free from government control, but in my jurisdiction the state intervenes in any relationship where I live with a woman for a certain period. Guess homosexuals just like being controlled by the government.

The fact that people might enter politics because they have convictions and wish to do good for their country and people is something that completely eludes this liberal (and most of her commenters). To the liberal, power, status, and free shit are everything.

Embracing digital socialism to save atomic capitalism.

Hehe… Still community policing is a good idea.

Kalmar: an idea whose time has come.

A chart of beauty; it brings joy:

(H/T: SDA, CC, Vox, Instapundit)

Lightning Round – 2012/11/07

The election is currently resolving itself. At this point it looks like America has chosen a rapid decline over a slower decline.
Related Humour: 8 election myths you probably believe.

Baumeister (of Willpower fame) released an academic paper on sexual economics in response to this book. Read it.
Mangan responds.
Roissy responds.
The Captain responds.

If women do not want a hook-up culture, they could just, you know, not participate in hook-ups.
Vox criticizes the historical ignorance of writer.

The importance of relationship game.
Related: An old post on relationship game.
Realted: A discussion on love and alpha.

How to be a Husband. How to be a Wife.

Slate almost comes close to having a decent idea on how to fix marriage. They than have a whole bunch of other ideas that are mostly stupid.

Women are not taught the reality of the dating market and marriage.
Related: Marriage works.

Being a virgin longer predicts your future life success.

Kill the inner beta before he kills you.

Young Men thinking about their career: Read this and part 2 and part 3.

Eye contact is something I’ve been trying to work on.

A great piece of satire. Hilarious.

I am a huge fan of Kipling, so I really liked this: the Gods of the Copybook Heading Illustrated.

Sadly, I’m not hustling as hard as I should be.

Not everybody is capable of freedom.

Roissy on why women vote Democrat.

An inspiring story of masculinity.

You are soft.

The Atlantic shockingly discovers that men exist and have troubles too.
They also discover there are few good male role models on TV.

Male and female professors teach differently. Of course, men teach like professors did back before post-secondary education became worthless.
Related: Studies on the liberal bias in academia.
Related: Education and demographic suicide.
Related: Parents on hook for children’s’ student loans.

You can not call a market where the government controls between a third and half of GDP a free market.
Related: Economics for immigrants.
Related: Buying votes.
Related: Hehe. Which of Herod’s programs would Jesus support?

Why urbanism is doomed to failure.

Never talk to the cops.

Vox points out that “charities” rarely care about helping people. This, combined with the statism of most major charities is why I stopped donating to non-Christian charities a couple years ago.

The plight of Christians in Syria.

I rarely agree with Clarissa (although, she is one of the more sane and consistent feminists out there), but I do share her hatred of communism and her opinion of the fools who continue to hope it can somehow work.

Always remember, when a feminist talks of her abortion rights, she is usually talking about how you should be forced to pay for it.

Some evolutionary science.

A paper on domestic violence.
Related: Who perpetrates teen dating violence? Mostly women.

The gender pay gap is a media myth, but we all knew that already.

The decline of western culture in one photo. Sadness.

Tolerance in action.

A good rule of thumb for healthy eating.

If only I could believe it.

The story of Narcissus.

I feel some schadenfreude.

Hehe. What muppets.

(H/T: the Captain, Danny, M3, GLP, Instapundit)

Lightning Round – 2012/10/31

“The One” is inferior to “my one and only”.
The soul mate is a ridiculous myth.

Game is handling women, go and learn.

Vox with reasons to marry.
Related: A marine’s take on marriage.

Marital advice for the unhappy wife.

Shaming men will not work.

What it means to be a man.

The University of Man is gone.
Related: As a Christian, I find this depressingly true.

Not Mentu nukes hamster. Hilarity ensues.
Related: Another hamster cut down in his prime.

On the other hand, Roosh has a new site up.
Some advice to start with.

Some more good advice, except the last; I don’t like coconut.

The benefits of lifting. I really should get started on that.

The manosphere should not be about misogyny.

The age of flakes.
Related: iPhones kill love.

As a government worker, I agree fully.

Western economic woes start from the bottom up.
Related: Economic moral history.

UK central banker: debts won’t be repaid.


Research finds men and women can’t be friends.

IQ matters.

Global warming a sham?
A huge presentation on why it is a sham.

Science article censored because women are upset.

How the government hides the bread line.
Related: An infographic of the modern bread line.

Someone on minimum wage has more disposable income than someone making $60k.

A good observation on race.

An inspiring story from Libya.

Why you should vote.
Why not to vote.
Related: The expansion of voting rights has destroyed other rights.
Related: Strong evidence for why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

You are probably libertarian.

What men and women think of makeup.
Related: Roissy on makeup.

Misandry is everywhere. I actually had friends who weren’t allowed to watch Berenstein Bears for that reason.

Even gays are getting screwed by feminist family courts.

Asking “do I know you?” now punishable by law.

Crazy nut throws away marriage to be live like hobo and be arrested.

Vox attacks Krugman. (Also, liberals ignorant of where things come).

Socialism is barbaric.

Government investment in action. Efficiency ensues.

The welfare state increases divorce rates. Who could have known?

Some hilarity.

How to answer “How old are you?” I had one older friend who simply refuses to tell people how old he is.

88% of sexted photos end up as porn.

We must upend all of society to fix a non-existent problem.

Women rate 80% of men as below average, but write them anyway.

More on neanderthal/human interbreeding.
Related: Who would win in a fight: humans or neanderthals?
Related: More on the Denisovans.
Related: How humans almost became extinct.

(H/T: Maggie’s Farm, Instapundit, the Captain, God’s of the Copybook Heading)

Lightning Round – 2012/10/24

Are you masculine enough to deserve the feminine woman you demand?
Related: Feminism can not exist where masculine men do.

The Captain gives entitled whiners a smack down.

Oneitis causes death.

A good wife is a home maker; a bad wife is a home breaker.

A women declaring oneself a born-again virgin would be a greater deal-breaker than her not being a virgin. If a woman has slutted it up, she should at least be honest about it instead of living in self-delusion.

Marriage: What’s in it for men?

Athol has a post on the effect of vasectomies on sex. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a negative effect, as semen gives benefits to women and a  vasectomy may block some of those.

This seems fake to me. I’ve never seen a women be that rationally calculating before.

An interesting hypothesis: Feminists cry because they are brain-damaged.

I am in favour of chivalry as a concept, but I believe it should be reserved for ladies and not wasted on ungrateful feminists, sluts, and egalitarians.

Sometimes, Roissy can really turn a phrase.

The etymology of the word slut. It is exclusively female.
Related: SSM has a revelation.

The Captain opines on black men and the manosphere.

A good look into the insane, rambling mind of a frivolous divorcee, hypocritical feminist, and self-indulgent narcissist. Fascinating reading of a hamster going full-tilt if you can stomach the pure, unfiltered mind vomit of a horrible example of womanhood.

The church-going travails of a traditionalist.

Teaching teens game. I’m interested in how this will go.

Proof of the attractiveness of the dark triad.

Seems Frost has jumped on the Koanic Tech/Edenism band wagon. Not sure if I buy it, but it’s interesting. I plan to learn more.
Related: Forney has created an Edenic link aggregator.

Frost is picking himself up after arriving back to where he began.

Let the boomers starve.
Related: Screw the boomers, they fucked us over hard.

The “war on women” is a dangerous myth.
Related: Women are beginning to realize the damage feminism has done.

Whited Sepulchre prescribes some truth pills on Obamacare.
Related: Death panels? What death panels?
Related: Yeah… Our health care is not better than the Yanks’.

Vox has an interesting post on the lawsuit against the Italian geologists. Not sure what to think, but he makes a persuasive argument.

Wright on why libertarian purists should vote for Romney.
Related: Romney kills a speech and rips liberal a new one.
Related: Why are there so few female libertarians? I think it’s simply because women are herd creatures, while libertarianism is an individualist philosophy.

If Romney’s stable family and home threaten your values, there’s probably something wrong with you.

Tim 2012. I’d vote for him.

The squeeze on the middle class.

The people you meet on public transit. Hehe.

If you’re giving child support and poor, it’s about to get worse.

Some humour from /b/. Hehe.

The unintended side effects of divorce on ballroom dancing.

Steyn on the feds controlling children’s lunches.

I might have linked this before, but it bear repeating. Paul Krugman is a dishonest hack.
Related: An excellent chart comparing the Reagan recovery and the Obama “recovery”.

Peak oil is the BS of dishonest hacks.

The IRS sells your private information for only $35.

The implications of being able to genetically identify potential future criminals.

12-year-old shoots home intruder. Props to her.

(H/T: SDA, Instapundit, Maggie’s Farm, SSM, Alpha Game)

Lightning Round – 2012/10/17

Read this post. Ian knocks it out of the park on Happily Ever After.
Related: The boomers destroyed traditional society, now, they reap the consequences.
Related: Childless women are miserably happy.
Related: Twu Wuv and game.

Feminist realizes traditional courtship is pretty good.
Related: 5 dates; what a lucky guy.
(Dude, if you somehow come across this: RUN NOW).
Related: Said feminist was a fraud.
Related: Feminist sex is a fraud.

Manosphere news: In Mala Fide has returned as an archive. It starts well.
More News: Congrats to the Captain.

When civil society dies, people will vote for their own self-interest.

Men are trained to be more afraid of fighting than of being hurt.

Violence is ok if it’s anti-ideological. Only sick people have ideology.

“One wonders if there’s a high correlation between “Angry Radical Leftists” and “Folks Who Don’t Get Math” ?”

Educated women’s contempt for men.
Related: Another article on snark; humour for the mentally enfeebled (when used in excess).
Related: A women mistakes feminist snark for humour.

Florida gets itself race-based academic goals.
GL Piggy comments.
Elusive Wapiti comments.
Related: I agree with France on the no homework thing, but their reason is idiotic.
Related: Education is not scalable.

Men struggle in marriage; the MSM is almost catching on.
Even the NYT notices it (in Italy).

How the destruction of marriage effects the welfare state.
Related: Bread and circuses.
Related: Is it really a win if the other team forfeits?

40% of every small business dollar goes to regulations.
Related: Thank you ADA.
Related: This guy is a total bastard.

“Nagging begot the Nanny State on Steroids.”

Women spend more on health care. Am I ever surprised.

The moral case for capitalism.
Related: An economics experiment.

Oh California

The MSM, only a few months behind the Captain. Some day they’ll catch up.

Society is of women, civilization is of men.
Related: Cliques are for high school girls, not men.

The manosphere loves women by saving them from themselves.

SMP is harsh for both men and women. You can’t always get what you want.
As this guy exemplifies.
So does this women.

A man’s virginity is worth 1/100th of a woman’s. Colour me surprised.

Confidence in self-destructive choices.

What she doesn’t see, is that women enjoying womanly things is anti-feminist.

Amanda Todd was the result of a sick society. No legislation or anti-bullying will rectify this.
Related: How our schools train narcissists.

Why some parents hate parenting.

The purpose of psychiatric medication? No riots in DC.

What happens when you screw over a generation.

Science: This is kinda cool. Wonder what Koanic would say about the Denisovans?

Slowly, but surely, the MSM is coming to accept the science.

Fat is not only unhealthy, it will lower your testosterone.

The drug war explained in a single chart.

Only an over-educated, intelligent idiot could possibly believe the deficit is too small.
Only a liberal could believe we have too little debt.
Related: Krugman is a dishonest liberal shill, just like most “Keynesians”.
Related: Keynesianism just means spending.

Some thoughts from Nassim Taleb, an intellectual I actually respect.

Thomas Sowell, another intellectual I respect, shreds Obama.

That is hilarious. How do some people function in society?

Remember, Southerners, Republicans, and conservatives are racist.

4% of Americans get a “free” cell phone from the government.

Oh, for when Britain was free. How far she has fallen.

There has been no warming since 1997.

The UN needs to go.

Walmart gets into banking. Could be a game-changer.

How libertarians and alt-righters feel about the election:

(H/T: Maggie’s Farm, Instapundit, SDA, the Captain, Save Capitalism, Mojo, Patriactionary, Dalrock, the Hunt, GLP)

Lightning Round – 2012/10/10

A salute to conventional wisdom.

Destroying our kids, one drug at a time.
Related: John Dewey is one of the worst Americans ever.

If she’s had sex before marriage, she’s probably had better sex before she married you.
Related: Ruined by 5 minutes of alpha.

Debasing marriage.
Related: Peter Pan Manboys.
Related: Mark Minter on marriage. Nihilism in action.
Related: The importance of marriage. Part 2.

Feminist responds to Aurini. Can’t handle red pill; calls him a monster;.
Aurini responds.

The Bible: the original Red Pill.

Some brides are just disgusting.

Most women aren’t worth chivalry.

No dating relationship should last 9 years.

Game Theory: The Axioms of Game.

The misandry bubble has popped. The anti-feminism bubble is beginning.

Boomers and the War on the Young.

SAT Data: Boys score better, even though girls do better in school.

The manosphere is for men.

The good guys win one.

Female doubts about a marriage lead to divorce (men’s don’t).

Science: Slowly destroying egalitarianism brick by brick.

Better strength than smarts.

Frost contemplates being back home.

As I’ve written before: child care is not economical.

Cool. I hate the phone, but I hate texting even more.

Why liberals are ugly redux. The original.

Society requires old men to be dangerous.

The decline occurs because society is corrupt at every level.

Liberal economics. We trade “leadership” for stuff.

Estonia: Austerity works. Screw you Krugman.
So did Reagenomics. Screw Keynesianism.

Producer tells the truth. Leftists freak out.

Alternatives to tough luck for libertarians.

Socialism in action. Good food banned in schools.

I hate the phrase “correlation doesn’t equal causation“. It is almost always used as an intellectual cop-out by people who don’t understand it.

The miracle of photoshop.

Hehe… Tolerant leftists and dating conservatives.

Striking is for ignoramuses without self-respect.

How it feels to be smart. I’m not quite as smart as the writer, but his observations seem about right.

(H/T: SDA, Maggie’s Farm, Bitter Babe, 3MM, the Captain, Instapundit, Shining Pearls, RWCAG)