More Mark Shea; getting trolled hard. Although, I must say, I do want to try out “Hey girl! I want to inspect your phenotype” some time.
Related: He got trolled, but that doesn’t matter because we’re all evil racissses.
Related: Gromar comments on the punking.
Reaction does nothing; there is little to be done as our path is more or less inevitable. We are pointing out error so that restoration can take place when the inevitable occurs.
The point of a monarch is not to rule. The absolute monarch fills the highest position of authority, so no one else can. The monarch dicking around instead of ruling is a positive, not a negative.
“Bright girls believe that their abilities are innate and unchangeable, while bright boys believe that they can develop ability through effort and practice.”
Both Gromar and Die Gallantly have gone to self-hosting. I think it’s time for me to do over the next couple of weeks. If anyone knows how to do a 301 redirect from the WordPress domain, that’d be super.
Matt and Roosh in running for most hated man on the internet. Notice the order in which the Cathedral ranks horribleness.
Guy who lays sluts and hurts self-esteem > guy who opposes self-esteem > two guys who celebrate/advocate soldiers deaths > KKK/Stormfront racists > guy who posts gore > guy who helps criminals find people testifying against them
Related: A letter to Caitlin Dewey.
Related: A bit more on Caitlin Dewey.
Slate discovers what anybody with a brain already knew: Broken families block social mobility.
Related: Parental income’s and genetic effect on income inequality.
Related: Assortative mating creates income inequality.
Science: “As it turned out, having more sexual partners was associated with less stable relationships and less relationship satisfaction. “ Surprising.
“The hardest part of marrying for me, NOW, is knowing that my wife has been absent from my life all these years. Where has she been? Married to another man, being his helpmate instead of mine? Dating frivolously, spending time and attention with various men that were interesting to her?” This resonated.
Related: Ballista comments on why Christian men don’t pursue Christian women.
A creationist, an evolutionist, and a Darwinist walk into a bar…
Seems there’s some kind of drama happening in the manosphere. I hate drama, but here’s a small rundown:
Seems it started at 3 Bromigos, not a blog I read regularly.
Ace thinks disagreement is good and even dregs can be prophets.
Sploosh plans to stay positive.
Matt is right in what he says, but wrong in his opposition. We should support women in the military: it will reduce the military’s effectiveness for whenever the state decides to unleash it on the populace. Also, once a half-dozen women come back from some sandy wasteland as naked, raped, bleeding corpses, maybe some people will wake up to reality.
Merry Christmas. I’m enjoying my days off, so blogging will be light. Here’s some links to get you through. There will likely not be a Lightning Round next Wednesday. Enjoy your holidays.
Munk Debates: Are men obsolete? All female debaters. I wonder how Dowd, Rosin, et al. would react if men held debate if women were obsolete.
Related: Fred responds.
“I don’t want to really scare you,” he said, after half a chuckle. “But it was alarming how many people I talked to who are highly placed people in AI who have retreats that are sort of ‘bug out’ houses”
“Who is more at risk of having her writing career damaged by something she was written: an American writer who publishes a book or article highly critical of the US national security establishment, or an American writer who publishes a book or article highly critical of gay rights, or progressive feminist and racial orthodoxies?”
Saving SF from strong female characters, part 6.
Related: Pink vs. blue SF.
Related: The fatal conceit of SF: how can maladjusted nerds understand the banality of the mass-man?