The Rape Gulag

The great and good hold that 1 in 4 (or 1 in 5) women will be raped at college. The Soviet gulags had an average mortality rate of 1 in 10.

So, sending your daughter for a 2-3-year college degree has similar odds of rape as 2-3 years in the gulag had of death. It would be fair to say that the great and the good believe that college is a rape gulag. Yet, these people also believe that college should be co-ed and that women should attend college.

Is it just me, or does this strike people as evil? What kind of person would advocate sending young women away to be raped?

Not to mention the young women who believe this? How self-destructive would a person have to be to voluntarily go someplace where the odds of rape were so high?

I think we should prevent women from going to these rape gulags; end co-ed post-secondary education. I’m sure given how horrible rape is and how much they campaign against rape, the great and the good should fully support this measure. How could one not oppose rape gulags?

Or are they being disingenuous with their numbers?


  1. And more to the point, what father would pay for his daughter to go to such a place?

    I can just see it now: “Want me to pay your tuition? Fine – community college and the local uni. And you’re staying home until you have a job.” And there was weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth…

  2. We’re talking about a chance of NewRape here, gentlemen. A 1 in 4 chance of a guy you kind-of-sort-of like trying to kiss you when you maybe don’t want him to is very different from a 1 in 4 chance of being tied to a chair, then brutally throat fucked against your will.

  3. One is required to be a priestess of Feminism in order to administer the rite of “rape victim”. If a laymen questions whether the rape is the serious kind that needs legal recourse or perhaps was the sort of “rape” that is the product of post-intercourse regret, then that laymen is fully liable to be considered a Blasphemous Apostate and shunned by the Feminist priestesses and their mob of supporters. The Apostate shall be then cast out from his workplaces, careers, and other associations.

    (The above was written tongue-in-cheek regarding a spiritual, religious institution that is becoming all too well known)


  4. Hello Free Northerner,

    As a fellow countryman, you are well aware that there are RRSPs, correct?

    Well, there is also a savings plan for education called an RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan). If I ever have a daughter, my plan is to contribute to this plan from day one. However, the money will never be spent on a university (I call them brothels, it’s more accurate).

    Like many here, I agree that university is a bad idea, especially for young women. It ruins most of them, physically, emotionally and financially. If a father has invested in an RESP, it is my theory that when an unruly daughter defies the wishes of her father and applies for financial aid in order to attend university, the bureaucrat will notice that her father has an RESP, thus denying her any other form of financial assistance. Of course said father should never use the RESP for its intended purpose.

    Once the daughter is older or married, I will get rid of the RESP. I may take a tax hit upon doing so – I may even lose the accrued interest on the principle. But that is a small price to pay for protecting one’s daughter from ruin.

  5. As a woman, if I thought there was statistically a 1 in 4 chance of ***truly*** being raped by going to a University, there’s NO WAY I would ever go, and nobody could get me to change my mind, no matter what they did or said (I never went to a University anyway, but not for that reason). If it were true, then such a place would be far too terrifying for any sane woman who values her physical security to even think of going. This is one of the ways to be sure that these women know darn well that true rape isn’t happening anywhere near that often. They know they aren’t being raped the vast majority of the time, they just don’t want to take responsibility for their choices.

  6. In this video, the situation I described can be seen, and, unsurprisingly, the woman playing the role of priestess is a member of the Vatican-Roman Church where Politically Correct paganism, also known as The Cathedral, plays a very robust role.

    Be sure to watch for the mention of the mob of supporters and the liturgical prayer-words “rape victim”.

  7. I always enjoyed comparing the dubious rape statistics to tobacco risks.

    People don’t smoke because of the risk of lung cancer. Lung cancer happens with 10% of lifetime smokers.

    And yet parents send their daughters to school with a 25% chance of rape


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