Critical Race Theory: Jewish Privilege

In all the critical theory writing of male privilege, white privilege, cis-privilege, thin privilege, ability privilege, etc. there is one major highly privileged group that no one ever writes about: Jews. So today, I’m going to add my own addition to the critical theory canon: Jewish privilege.

I started thinking about Jewish privilege a month ago when one Michael Mark Cohen wrote a paean to the word ‘douchebag’. He called himself “a white, middle class male professor” who asks his students to shout white racial slurs at him. Oddly enough, this Jewish person is not insulted by others insulting white people, saying:

The point of this sanctioned spewing of hate speech is that none of these words can hurt me. Because I am an individual. I can choose to not be offended, not to be affiliated with any group and rest assured in my sense of self.

I think the more likely answer for why he is not offended is because Cohen is not white, but Jewish.  I’m sure if people started throwing out insults like ‘hebe’ or ‘kike’ which actually applied to Jews rather than ‘cracker’ or ‘honky’, which do not, Cohen’s reactions would be much different.

Either way, Cohen then goes and advocates for the othering of white males by applying a new racial slur against them.

This is just one example of Jewish privilege: to be able to pretend to be of another ethnic group when convenient and using this position to advocate racism against that ethnic group on major media sites (the essay appeared on Gawker) without fear of backlash.


Jews make up only about 2% of the population yet are vastly overrepresented throughout are cultural and governmental institutions. So, here’s a small list of Jewish privilege, feel free to contribute more in the comments:

Jews are very wealthy. The average Jew’s net worth is $372k (p. 187), almost three times higher than the average American’s ($135k). Almost half of Jews have income of over $100k, compared to 18% of the general population. The percentage of Jews with income under $30k is half that of the general population.

Jews are far more educated than the general populace (p. 56). 35% of Jews have a post-grad degree, three times as many as the general population. 59% of Jews have a college degree, over double the general population, while only 3% of Jews have not graduated high school, compared to 14% of the general population. 5.4% of college professors are Jewish (religion). Jews are heavily overrepresented at the Ivy League composing “21 percent of the enrollment at Ivy League schools (30 percent at Penn, 29 percent at Yale and 26 percent at Harvard).

Jews are heavily overrepresented in the legal system. Jews make up 33% of the Supreme Court. The protestant white majority have no Supreme Court justices representing them. I can’t find modern statistics of overall justices, but under Kennedy and Johnson 10% of judicial appointees were Jewish and I’m sure the proportion hasn’t changed too significantly since. They also make up 26% of the nation’s law professors and 30% of the Supreme Court clerks.

Jews are overrepresented in government. 6% of congress is Jewish; of that, 10% of the senate is Jewish. 13% (2/15) of the cabinet is Jewish.

Jews are heavily overrepresented in cultural creation industries. According to Ben Stein, 60% of important Hollywood positions are held by Jews, while every major studio chief is Jewish. Of the 8 major US media corporations, at least 3 of the CEO’s are identifiably Jewish from their wiki page, a few more could be JEwish but are not so identified.

Jews can present as either whites or Jews, allowing them to claim both minority or majority status as is convenient. This heavily obscures their Jewish privilege, as it is simply chalked up to white privilege. Quite often I found I had to use religion as a proxy for ethnicity because Jews were simply lumped in statistically with whites.

The privileges held by Jews dwarf those held by whites. I think critical race theorists should spend more time and effort studying this understudied area of privilege.


  1. And you didn’t even mention banking but I guess that just goes without saying at this point.

  2. >Don’t forget the overrepresentation among Nobelists.

    Can you guarantee that the Nobel prize is a fair assessment of worth, unbiased by politics?

    I seem to recall Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize just for bombing innocent people.

    Thus, until I see arguments that Nobels are fair, I will assume that they are a meaningless popularity contest.

  3. “Privilege!!!!!!!” You sound like a damn feminist. All U.S. citizens are privileged. Privileged to bust your ass and become a success at what ever you decide is most important to you.

  4. gaikokumaniakku,
    The Nobel used to mean something. It meant that a person achieved something great that helped benefit all mankind. Now you can get one for running our country into the ground, or being a woman who escaped some shitty muslim country!

  5. It may be helpful if we call these ethnics, “Hebrews.” This permits us to critique Judaism as we critique Islam and evaluate Hebrews culture as racist (not that that’s a bad thing), and permits progressives to demand that Hebrews abandon their racist religion, giving us Europeans an opportunity to advance our own interests.

    Reference: Sam Harris

  6. This garbage pollutes the manosphere and the whole idea of the red pill. Grow up. Jewish guys are just guys. Too bad this privilege is not real. Maybe I’d have a better car and would not have to pay my ex so damn much.

  7. So Free finally decided to cross the Jewbicon? More and more people are finally waking up to the undeniable facts that the so-called New World Order is actually a Jew World Order.

    It may be helpful if we call these ethnics, “Hebrews.”

    Nah. The Hebrew Jews are the Sephardics. Most of modern Jewry, especially most of them in America and Europe and Israel, are Ashkenazis – the descendants of the Khazars. Euro-Russo-Turkic-Asiatic steppe barbarian pagans.

    This garbage pollutes the manosphere and the whole idea of the red pill.

    Not really. If one truly does “take the red pill” and “sees how far the rabbit hole goes,” they will always eventually get to THE CHOSEN ONES.

    What I think needs to happen, is for Christians to actually get a wake up call.

    What the “Christian Manosphere” seems ignorant of, is the 2000+ year history of Judaism and the great hatred and anger Judaism has towards Jesus Christ and Christianity. And it starts with the Talmud.

    Once a person endeavors to study just what is the Talmud, aka Babylonian Priestcraft, ALL the dots get connected.

    Communism, socialism, feminism, liberalism, environmentalism…all the -ism’s, are all derived from Talmudism.

    Rabbinical consensus to justify overturning God’s laws.

    All Christians that read this site, see how far this rabbit hole truly goes:

  8. I agree with badassjewlawyer and find this post to be vaguely anti-Semitic … I demand that this blog be shut down at once!

  9. I am not vaguely anti semtic I am anti semitc. They are a serious issue if you value individual liberty.

    Christians think jew and think Moses etc and not what they have become. The talmud is as foul as the koran

  10. I wish Jews were so well off. I drove my part time rabbi uncle to the grocery, doctor and other errands for years. He didn’t have a chauffeur or barely grocery money for that matter. I hope I’m actually seeing some satire here.

  11. Kevin MacDonald’s website is excellent for addressing this most serious issue.

    Jewish hypocrisy is legendary— it must be understood.

  12. Seriously, you are a bunch of small minded cretins. The talmud is not some secret document. It is medieval legal commentary. Stop being such scared little beta/delta/omega faggots. Grow up. Plenty of nasty evil jewish/christian/muslim fundamentals across this little planet. It’s not a religion thing. Are you so scared of me, because I am a badass jewish lawyer who could rip you a new one in court, in the ring, or in the street? Because I bench 260 and can drop you with an ar-15 at 600 yards? Because I like to bang christian sluts? Because I happen to be way the fuck smarter than you? Are you afraid? Good. I do NOT want this blog banned. I don’t go for censorship. Say whatever you like, demonstrate your ignorance.

    Kind of sad that a blogger like Free Northener who sometimes has something useful to say in the manosphere makes himself look so small and weak with this crap.

    Keep being afraid of the big bad jew bogeyman…..

    Boo!….scared you, I guess.

  13. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”

    Matthew 14:27

  14. FN,

    I just lost much of the respect I had for you. This post is Jew hating and subsequently Jesus hating. You are too good for this. Rethink your posture!

  15. Loool it never fails, write an evenhanded, statistics-backed post about Jews and they come swarming out of the woodwork like roaches:

    “You Jew-hating hate-filled bile-spewing hatemongering blindly-hating Nazi Hitler! I no longer wish to subscribe to your newsletter!” (because nothing says blind hatred like a dry list of verifiable statistics. Also, 100% chance anyone who says this never heard of the blog before this article went up.)

    “Heh, bet you’re just jealous that I BANG all those CHRISTIAN SLUTS!” (N-no… not my Christian sluts…)

    “Oy vey, my uncle Shlomo is not so rich! He doesn’t even have a chauffeur!” (No commentary needed)

    “Jesus was a Jew, what do you think he’d say about your BLIND HATRED?” (I have no doubt FN joins me in hoping that all Jews receive the gift of faith in Christ, but for that to happen they’ll have to stop lusting for worldly wealth and power; recall that they killed Christ because he brought a kingdom of love and fellowship rather than the military victory and political dominance over the Romans that the Pharisees wanted. In the meantime, anyone hoping to see Christian values spread and flourish in the world is inevitably going to run up against the greed and materialism of Wall Street, the perverse decadence of Hollywood, and the grasping ambition of Washington, and to claim it takes hatred to see the patterns FN pointed out is a good example of what Steve Sailer calls the War on Noticing.)

    A suspicious person might think there was some kind of organized Jewish effort to swarm comment sections with drive-by Nazi accusations, but that kind of paranoia and vindictiveness seems to much even for- oh, wait a second:

    Anyway, props to Free Northerner for the thoughtful post, crossing this line takes true stones but the more people who spread these facts the harder it gets to keep up the facade of lies and obfuscation.

  16. An interesting and thought-provoking piece.

    Statistics don’t lie. But they don’t always tell the whole truth either. Jewish people tend to live spend and do business differently. And it may be that this is responsible for their “unequal share of blessings” – not their race. And as others have said, not every Jewish person is rich, influential, slim or attractive. “Thou shall prosper” by Rabbi Daniel Lapin is a good treatise on the “classic” Jewish mindset.

    In my mis-spent youth I spent a year of my life worked in a Jewish-owned business. It was a fascinating experience – I happen by the grace of God to be non-white, and I have encountered more overt racism from Jews than any other people. Not in a sense of hatred, supremacy or entitlement, but a mentality of inherent superiority. One of my fellow employees (a Jew) summed it up like this: “It comes easily to us – we have been raised to believe that we are God’s chosen people”. It wasn’t that they believed that they were better than blacks; they believed that they were better than *everyone*. However, I freely admit that not all Jews are like that, nor do I expect or assume them to be.

    It is the same reason why immigrants do so well… right up until their children and grandchildren fully embrace the American Dream and become just like the rest of us.

  17. Excellent post Free Northerner.

    Notice that the Jews who came out of the woodwork NEVER condemned that Jew who was whipping up hatred toward Whites. Jews are a problem – that is beyond dispute, and any belling-aching from the Chosen proves it.

  18. which jewish commenter was whipping up hatred? Not me. If you were really unplugged and red pill men, Christian or whatever, you wouldn’t be afraid of the jewish bogeyman. Pathetic scared little losers. I don’t care what your faith is, you are scared little losers. I don’t subscribe to the jews being the chosen people, those are old fairy tales. I fix my own problems and make my own way. Maybe you were too busy smoking and drinking beer to finish your studies, work hard and smart and make something of yourselves. Not my problem, you little blue pills pussies. Are you any better than the rioters in Missouri who are blaming whitey (which includes you and me) for their problems so they need to smash some windows and steal some TVs? Nope, you are blaming the ‘other’ for your own shortcomings.

    I hope FN keeps his blog up as long as he likes. Keep on publishing stupidity and hate. Bring it on.

    Real red pill men work on fixing themselves first. See you in the gym.


    Scared ya again.

  19. The best defence against unchecked jewish group self interest is to simply expose their inordinate ownership/influence in Media, Government and business. Expose israel’s atrocities . And expose jewish deflection of valid crticism by their shameless use of the halocaust card. 99% of the World is not jewish so its in the Worlds best interest to keep in check the jewish innate need to dominate the rest if us. Mazol tof!!

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