Lightning Round – 2014/07/16

Practice is 1/3, talent is 2/3.

How to make money online.
Related: How to get rich.
Related: How not to handle your finances.

3 charisma tips.

Don’t die like a mouse.

Telling a man his fiancé is cheating on him is the decent thing to do.

Women’s mating strategies and polygamy.
Related: The new sexual morality.
Related: Why women are no longer attracted to providers.
Related: Female education is dysgenic.

A little advice for protecting yourself from the knock-out game.

Related: Motte-busting.
Related: Why you need to respond to the left.

Capturing Gnon.

A Cathedral link compilation.

You are the counter-culture: Turn on, tune in, drop out.

We can’t save the system, but we can preserve pieces of civilization.

Civilization’s precipice.

The welfare state: a sign of civilizational decline.
Related: Rising civilizations are different; declining the same.
Related: Salon headlines.
Related: Women, pop music, and the Arab decline.
Related: American Pie: How much the culture has declined in only 15 years.
Related: Our narcissistic society in action.
Related: Frivolity accompanies pessimism.
Related: An influx of foreigners into the capital is a sign of decline.
Related: Peter and Jane at the art museum.

The decline in global IQ.

Explaining the decline in fertility.
Related: Fertility rates are dropping worldwide.

How leftism and homosexuality are destroying male friendship.

Jim and Anissimov on the economics of children.
Related: A response to criticism of the original article.

Judge argues in favour of incest using homosexuality as an example. The slippery slope is real.

Colonialism benefited the colonized.

On the ENR.
Related: Dialogues on evo-psych and Kevin MacDonald.

Libertarianism and consumerism.
Related: The capture of conservatism by libertarianism.

How communism was funded.

On social spaces.

The inverted samurai ethic of racial politics.

The only way to have diversity is through fascism.

‘Controversy’ generally means something progs hate.

Demography and dysgenics.

The paradox of ecclesiology.

On immigration and charity.
Related: Mexico makes deal to send more illegal to the US.

The importance of silence.

The end of the Anglican Church.

Younger evangelicals still hold to social conservatism.

More churchian male-shaming.

On Joan of Arc.

Feminism is a sin against children.

If you are irreligious man in the West, there is no reason to get married.

A message from a man in a dead bedroom.
Related: An evil slut defends hating her husband.

The ravages of time.
Related: Humour: A few more items off the list of desirable traits.
Related: The sad fate of Stacey Hacker-Hessler, professional crusader.

Even in film, you can never satisfy a feminist.

Man spends 9 years in jail after daughter falsely accuses him of rape. Daughter let off without punishment.
Related: Two teens exchange nudes. Male charged, female not; state wants to sexually assault male.
Related: NZ will presume those accused of rape guilty.

Sex difference in spacial reasoning greater in more egalitarian societies.

Is Jezebel racist or lookist?

Hiring and political correctness.

Some “men” are beyond hope.

The religious beliefs of the 10 smartest people.
Related: Godel’s proof for God proved true.

An estimate of the death toll of the Cold War.

Traditional sleep patterns.

Inflation being disguised by putting wood pulp in your burger.

Science: Chimp IQ is genetic.

On left-wing “refutations”.

Leftists still devour their own.

On Tiananmen Square.

Iraq has informed the UN that ISIS has taken control of thousands of chemical weapons.

Rolling Stone’s top 5 most dangerous guns. Are these people really this stupid?

Vox comments on literary propaganda in SF/F.

H/T: VD, RPR, SCC, Land, SDA, TH


  1. “Lumpenprole” and “bourgeois” are Marxist terms, so the only thing remaning is “kulak”?

  2. Re: “you are the counter culture”. Yeah – definitely time to “stick it to The Man”.

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