Lightning Round – 2012/08/08

Is this a depression? Bill thinks so.
So, does Aurini, who thinks it will be permanent.
The Captain also weighs in.
Related: An we wonder why we’re in a recession.

“People used to have decent aspirations. They wanted to have families. They wanted to do good work. They wanted to be good citizens, good Christians, good people. Now everyone wants to be a player and a porn star.”

If true this is sickening. Pass it around.

Dalrock argues Christians need game because the church has kneecapped marriage. Sad.
Related: Another argument for why game is necessary.

You are not entitled to happiness, so make your own.

A question I ask myself?

The difference between failures and haters. Failures are actually worth something.

I’d disagree, Canada is probably (slightly) better than the US when it comes to family law. At least in Canada, alimony usually has a time limit and alimony payments are set by law, so there is less arbitrary cruelty to the system.

Wright talks of sexual standards and nails it.

The media is the enemy.
I repeat: the media is the enemy.

The rape of Sweden: the sad result of multiculturalism gone wild.

Woman love drama. Once again science shows what we already know.

HAHAHAHA... She’s not someone I know so I can engage in some schadenfreude.


The downsides of power are still better than the downsides of powerlessness.

Why men are frustrated:
What is the ultimate male status symbol?”  41% of males answered a family.
“What defines a “real woman” in 2012?” 14% of females answered being a great mother and wife.

Answer: Because hard analysis usually requires complex math and most women don’t like complex math.

Amanda Marcotte demonstrates why women can’t be free.

A very wise, unnervingly intelligent, and most assuredly humble person has guest posts at both Patriactionary and Captain Capitalism.

(H/T: Glorio-US Bastard, OMMAG, Save Capitalism, FFY, Thinking Housewife, Partial Objects)


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