Tag Archives: Lightning Round

Lightning Round – 2014/06/04

Elliot Rodger: Foreshadowing something bigger.
Related: Elliot Rodger’s problems were deeper than game.
Related: Advice for a younger Elliot Rodger.
Related: Patriarchy would have saved them.
Related: Roosh thinks Eliot Rodger was a feminist.
Related: An analysis of Elliot Rodger.
Related: More analysis of Elliot Rodger.

Caitlin Dewey is a journalistic fraud.
Related: BBC smears the manosphere.
Related: The media is lying about the manosphere.
Related: Why the media is lying.
Related: Amanda Marcotte lies.

It’s time for a change.

Why there are fewer early marriage divorces.
Related: Dalrock comments.

Being nice vs. being loving.

Creativity is a masculine indicator of sexual fitness.

No equality between complements.

Neoreaction is a salon, not a movement.

Reactionaries need to stand up for family and healthy societies.
Related: Anissimov starts drawing some lines.
Related: Anissimov with more on rejecting Tunney.
Related: Nick responds.
Related: Nick writes on social conservatism.
Related: The final word on trannygate.
Related: There is no neoreaction, there are neoreactions.
Related: A parable.
Related: Spandrell comments on the issue.

Status, pay-off matrices, and civilization.

Seems people are still debating ‘the Cathedral‘ terminology.

A little neoreaction humour.

Seeking educational alpha.

How to cheat at employment.

Mark Shea notices the DE once again.
Related; The SPLC notices us as well.

A neoreactionary view of Canada.

How the Tudors destroyed the Catholic faith in England.

A historical perspective: the 1970’s and now.

Nicholas Wade defends his book.

The opportunistic ‘we’ in that Coates article.

The credibility shock roiling Europe.

On Thailand’s coup.

Borders prevent religious and political violence.

Irrational atheism.
Related: On atheism and morality.

You cannot be a pro-abortion Christian.

Female rebellion is the result of male rebellion.

Careers can wait; babies can’t.

The lie of the war on women in chart format.

Science: Men’s sexual frequency and satisfaction linked to slimmer waists and younger women.

“Don’t yuck my yums” sounds like an idiot phrase for retarded toddlers.

A good example of the sickness I described earlier: a 30+ Christian women on maintaining purity despite sexual struggle. Get married.

#YesAllWomen and the toxic gender war.

Liberal activist in Haiti raped by black man, blames white men.

Female hamsters on sluttiness.

Someone at Cracked rights an article about MRA’s; gets it all wrong of course. If you can’t tell the difference between the Red Pill Reddit and MRA’s, you’re too ignorant to be talking about said things.

The sterile wasteland of modern literature.

The WisCon guest-of-honor speech and why Wright is no longer in the SFWA.

Concern trolling in SF.
Related: Wright responds.
Related: Correia has fun with liar Damien Walter.
Related: Correia has more fun with liar Damien Walter.

Study: Before you spend a decade warping their minds, children understand the differences between the sexes.

The quiet prosperity of the Amish.

The courts give the Jacobins another purge list.

Once again, John Calhoun’s “Mice Utopia” experiment.

California state finances confuse a million and a billion.

Lottery winners who lost everything.

The NYT pushes illegitimacy to increase Japanese birth rates.

Adam Corolla gets left behind by Cthulhu.

