Category Archives: Lightning Round

Lightning Round – 2013/09/25

Laidnyc has a free e-book and wants you to help his dog.
Related: Dogs are awesome.

Victor Pride with advice for the entrepreneur.

Be inscrutable.

Have an abundance mentality.

I, Me, Mine. Men need responsibility and something of their own.

34 insight from Nassim Taleb.

Self-esteem is narcissism for losers and slaves.
Related: You’re lonely because you’re sincere.

Thumotic on testosterone replacement therapy.

Men determine what is beautiful in women.
Related: Empirical observations of weight negatively effecting attractiveness.
Related: Why there will always be a sexual double standard.

Ignore the socialist clap-trap; there is a good lesson here for young women.
Related: The effects of the wall laid out plain.
Related: The wall, in fast forward.
Related: Facebook and walls.

A few things on tattoos.

Single mother households have tripled? Astonishing!

It’s all lies.

Commitment hobbles men.
Related: The decline of man.

A nation of crybabies.

In-depth on the neg.

Florence Nightingale on female sympathy.

Radical feminists vs. lifeboat feminists.

The campus rape myth.

This comic hurts my brain.

Thoughts on morality, nihilism, and Christianity. A must read.

The internet argument checklist for liberals
Related: A little hamster appeared in my comments on my n-count post.

The thugs of the Cathedral.

Amos & Gromar destroy a piece of pseudo-philosophy.

I ended up on GMP’s site and has it ever gotten limp-wristed.

The increasing desire to “get fired and collect unemployment.”

The empirical claims of neoreaction.

Pax AMA. He is a neoreactionary and is familiar with Moldbug.
Related: CNN: Heresy could result in shunning.
Related: Anil Dash is a coward, a liar, and a bully.

Do American Christians care about Syrian Christians? Given the American support for the rebels intent on killing them I doubt it.
Related: Something sensible on Syria.
Related: The sham of democracy.

Decivilization in Detroit.

A Canadian example of the regulatory state in action.

Unions will be the next slavery.
Related: Unions are evil.

Progressives: solving the problems of those who have none.

The decline of a civilization begins in a decline of its people. We’re doomed.

Man panics over concealed carry, gets charged. Hehe.

Roissy outdoes himself in the immorality game.

Rand won the battle in the church between Jesus and Rand.

The Pope: Pastoral care over doctrine.
Related: Seems the media has been misinterpreting the Pope.
Related: Others think the pope is surrendering.
Related: Doesn’t matter, the Catholic universities will doom the church.
Related: Maybe it’s not so bad.

7 times as much sexual misconduct happens in the California public schools as it did in the Catholic Church.

The insanity of preventing military from carrying guns.

Facebook is child rape.

Science: Could you have multiple different personal genomes?

David Suzuki a know-nothing phony.

Obamacare in two charts.

Dutch king kills the welfare state, starts participation society.

The red state welfare claim is a lie.

I am becoming more ambivalent about vaccines the more pro-vaxxers talk. Also, why do totalitarians pretend they are libertarian?

Scientists told to cover up the fact the earth hasn’t warmed in 15 years.

Why you can never trust liberals: “the overwhelming majority of food stamp recipients are white… USDA data show that in 2011, 37 percent of food stamp users (pdf) were from white, non-Hispanic households.”

Romney becomes an adoptive grandfather of black child. Left reacts predictably.

Is addiction rational?

Stats on women in the military.

(H/T: SDA, Borepatch, Instapundit, Vulture, Zippy, CC, GLP,

Lightning Round – 2013/09/18

I’ve decided to try to be cool by joining the Twitter.  Check it out for whatever ideas I have that aren’t blog-length.  If you don’t follow me, you’ll miss out on lovely gems like this:

When men hoist the pirate flag.
Related: If no men showed up for work.

Turn laziness into accomplishment.

The Red Pill in Business Insider. It’s actually more balanced than I expected.

Why Gen-Y yuppies are unhappy.
Related: Feminism is causing the depression epidemic.
Related: Against female self-esteem.
Related: You are unhappy because you are free.

Malcolm’s lament: weakness is not goodness.

Creepiness and our unnatural social relations.

Science: The neg works.
Science: The appeal of male dominance.

The art of approach.

Don’t cram; enjoy the process.

DP explains game.
Related: The law of night game: have fun.

A note on frame control.

Girl game tip: be available.

Moldbug returns to analyze the Brown Scare.
Related: Frost on Pax Dickinson.
Related: CR talks to Pax about his new business venture. Found here.
Related: Is Pax a reactionary? His twitter feed shows a lot of red pill; he even links Alternative Right and Roissy, and retweets gyus like Frost, Stratton, Anarcho-Papist, and Anissimov.
Related: Capitalism is dead in the US.
Related: Pax Dickenson, public shaming, and the internet.
Related: State and race-baiters try to confiscate dead man’s estate.

32 facts about the systematic emasculation of American men.

Wright with an excellent piece on political correctness.

How to defeat NYC media liberals.

Calling liberals racist.
Related: Real men aren’t socialists.

“Christian discipline isn’t saying no to your desires, it’s figuring out what they really are and learning how to make them come to life.”

Cane: Game is like a toolbox after all.

Red pill alerts.
Related: Something to watch for when considering marriage.

When God asks too much.
SSM deals with the “what if my husband wants me to sin?” trope.

I agree in theory that the man away from home at work is not optimal, but other than self-employment/homesteading off the grid, how is this possible? Somebody has to earn and not everybody can do those two.

Examining the natural aristocracy.

The need for loyalty oaths.

Friendship and HBD.

Those that disarm you are trying to kill you. Never forget.

The conformity of diversity and introversion.

How to make school better for boys.

Feminist Hanna Rosin: The patriarchy is dead. There’s a lot of red pill in the comments.

It’s time for women to women up.

Feminism is about “respect”.

Women, justice, and lenient sentencing.

6 reasons not to send your daughter to college. The comments are funny; they actually think you learn critical thinking at college.
Related: Evidence supporting why men don’t like “intelligent” women.

I wonder what Jezebel’s opinion on fat women that take up 1.5 seats is?

NFP and contraception.

Pope: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven. A mistranslation possibly?

How to fight being forced into immorality by the law.

Corporations demand cheap labour to replace the people they laid off.
Related: Government stupidity on criminal immigrants.

Economist: The US is broke; the fiscal gap is $200 trillion.

Obamacare intrudes into your sexual life. Wonder if this will rile the feminists?Obama openly aiding Muslim terrorists.

Nearly half of US births covered by Medicaid. Dysgenics in action.

Obamacare intrudes into your sexual life. Wonder if this will rile the feminists?
Related: Union: Obamacare must be appealed.

Fatter people have smaller brains.

How the academy has ruined science.
Related: Global warming models were wrong. Surprising.

Which is worse: chem weapons or sawing a man’s head off?
Related: German intelligence intercepts: Assad rejected use of chemical weapons.

Using BJJ against a bully. A heart-warming story.

A reminder: the lesser Krugman is still ignorant.
Related: Krugman, sneering while wrong.

Humour: The weirdest things we’ve learned since 9/11.

Sometimes liberal racism is more openly shared:

(H/T: Foseti, CC, SDA, MF, IP

Lightning Round – 2013/09/11

A man on a mission.

Questions to ask a potential spouse.
Related: Signs she’s a slut.

Franco learns a life lesson from an idiot.

Some wisdom from the comments: “The primary frame [of marriage] should be “what can I do today to help my spouse get to Heaven?” Note that the answer frequently is -not- “be nice to her”, and is never “act like a supplicating needy wuss”.”

The old order is broken.
Related: You are not alone.

The subtext of tattoos.
Related: The popularity of tattoos are a sign of our descent into savagery.

Black men went on strike before whites thought to.

The hypocrisy of modern women on paying for dates. My solution, I pay, but the first few dates are cheap. (Who doesn’t love gelati?)

Against dating; for courtship.
Related: Marriage, submission, martyrdom, and counting the cost.

Cane with the contradiction of Christian game.

A martial arts journey.

Roissy’s seduction reading list.

Don’t become associated with her negative feelings.

Roosh’s internal monologue.

Science: Menstrual cycles and fertility.

For women: How to demonstrate attraction and interest while being ladylike.
Related: JB with a good message for women.

Proto-feminism and the home.

An excellent collection of quotes from Fred Reed’s book.

The nuts and bolts of Cathedral indoctrination. Homeschool.

Legionnaire writes more in response on his hidden reactionary strategy.
Related: Why liberals keep winning and what to do.
Related: Know what is at stake.
Related: What’s a thought criminal to do?
Related: Our society is more corrupt than we realize.

Why I chose flight over fight.

Reactionaries are libertarians that have been mugged by reality.
Related: An apology for conservative anarchism.
Related: Libertarianism only works in communities of well-behaved people.
Related: A collection of libertarian links.

TRS on why they do not follow Moldbug.

The surrender of the dominant culture.
Related: The decivilization of America.

Obama is a product of the Obamanation. The Us deserves what it gets.
Related: America deserves collapse.
Related: How progressives killed the future.

Conservatism and the cognitive miser.
Related: The cognitive miser: Christianity and love.

Anarcho-papist unsurprisingly burns out. I’m surprised he was even able to go that long after writing 52 large posts in July.

A&G points out a new book for the FM list.

Christianity, paganism, and race.
Related: Political over-reaction.

Dupes and devils.

Another story of the rot in churchianity and the nuclear option.
Related: They should make a movie.

More churchian promotion of marital disharmony and divorce.
Related: Dethroning male headship.

Vox finds a crazy person on enshrining lookism in law.

Amos & Gromar on the positive pregnancy tests for sale.

Gay marriage is not about gays; it is a part of the Brahmin caste war.
Related: How gay marriage harms you.
Related: Christian bakery bullied and harassed into closing.
Related: Christian to be court-martialed for religious beliefs.
Related: At least the liberals are open about hating your freedom.

The STEM shortages are a myth.

Satire: Why moral duties don’t exist.

“This is the contradiction inherent in a democratic welfare state. The people are too dumb to manage their own affairs, but they are considered sufficiently competent to elect the leaders who are charged with running their affairs.”

This point cannot be stressed enough: “Capitalism is ultimately value free and will conform to the moral trends of society.”
Related: More from TRS on capitalism.

Zimmerman’s wife, a modern American wife.

FEMEN is led by a man.

The unintended consequences of DV laws.

State kidnaps newborn because mother ate salad dressing.

CC really hates himself some horses.

Her infertility may soon be your problem.

This article seems to support arranged marriage more than anything.

Synthetic love: a man and his dolls.

Just another reminder how ignorant Amanda Marcotte is.

Women are not moral agents.

The Atlantic discovers the trend of “breadwinner moms” is actually a trend of single moms.

The average man is stronger than 99.9% of women. Also, debate hint: if any women ever argues women are as physically capable as men, simply ask to shake her hand, and then grip as firmly as you would a man.

The clannishness paradox.

The naked emperor goes to war.
Related: The stupidity of those in charge.
Related: Our leaders are lying about Syria.
Related: AIPAC pushes for the Syrian war.

The allies were not paragons of morality.

From India: Central bankers never learn.

Poland nationalizes private pension plans.

To the NYT middle America is a foreign country.

UK scientists predict global cooling.
Related: A global warming parable.

Ghettotracker… hehe. Every good SWPL should know which neighbourhoods are bad without it being said.

Obama proud to partner with Muslim Brotherhood group.

Two pictures that speak for themselves:

(H/T: SDA, Foseti, Instapundit)

Lightning Round – 2013/09/04

The right time is now. This is a lesson I really have to ingrain in myself.
Related: “make a move within the first week or not at all.”
Related: Keep it real: women get approachee anxiety as well.

Don’t opt out; improve.
Related: I worked for this.
Related: You make your own luck.
Related: The morality of changing your personality.

Game is a kludge.

The biology of alpha.

Martel discusses selfishness.
Related: The proper way to be a knight.

Market differences between Christian and secular marriage.
Related: Market failure, parts 1, 2, & 3.

CM has another take on the Driscoll video.

Men rationalize as well.

Women are capable of love.

On talking with women.

Foseti on female sexuality.

How to handle high-level drama.

How marriage-minded women can meet a man.

Cail explains the desire of husbands for porn to women.

An interesting translation of Genesis.

On being a Cathedral infiltrator. (Post of my own on the topic to come).
Related: Anarcho-papist with advice on reactionary rhetoric.
Related: Observer on being a pawn of reaction.

The depths of the enlightenment.
Related: The success of superprotestantism.

More on the puritan hypothesis.

Anarcho-papist’s reactionary readings.

Radish: Libertarianism and racism.

Affirmative action is the emotional torture of minorities.

3 maxims for anti-feminist rhetoric.

“If it would so badly offend you to wear a longer skirt to help Mr. Jones keep his thoughts pure, if it would so badly offend you to not AMOG someone in front of his wife, if it would so badly offend you not to use harsh language or crack dirty jokes, then how can you expect Christ not to be offended by you?”

More proof more guns does not lead to more crime.
Related: California cracks down on the constitution.

More from Tracy: married but not a wife. How about contractually-bound temporary housemate?

Women are selling positive pregnancy tests.

More on breast-feeding.

Are anti-depressants ruining American women.

The real female equality.

Eve, the original feminist.

More on the pay gap.

“The clear-eyed man and the cynic can both agree that the estate of man is wretched indeed, but the difference is that the clear-eyed looks at the ruin men make of their lives, the self destructive behavior, the blind folly, the addictions, the sins, and see the glorious cathedral as it was before the ruin. He can see the image of God.”

ENCODE and its implications.

Societal evolution in action.

A round-up of racism hoaxes from August.

A reminder to keep your kids out of public school. You might give them a mind as servile as Allison’s. You and yours are expendable for the greater good.
Related: If you send your kids to public school you’re a bad parent.
Related: Steve Sailer defends Allison Benedikt.
Related: The 7 lessons of schooling. (I think I linked before, but it’s good).

The fascists live on in Germany.

You live in a police state.
Related: US military caught manipulating social media.

Will post-college testing drown the college industry.

The illogic of open borders.

You can trust the media on Syria.
Related: Were the chemical attacks in Syria done by the rebels?

Ygglesias, the lesser Krugman, is still stupid.

The “drug” problem is a spiritual problem.

Two sleep nights.

More on Duck Dynasty. 9 things you should know, and 9 more.

Proof for the Protestant work ethic.

(H/T: Wintery Knight, SDA, Dalrock, Trog, More Right, Eumaios, TRS)

Lightning Round – 2013/08/28

How to fix your inner game. Why to fix your inner game. Read them.
Related: Internal value and external value.

Richard Nixon on the meaning of life.

Vox gives some advice for the omega. Related. Great stuff.
From the comments: “The three key phrases. Yes. And then what happened? How do you feel about it. Repeat/”

Legionnaire defines the aspects of masculinity.

Why women probably won’t make it in the manosphere.
Related: Masculine and feminine discourse.

Face your fear.
Related: Live or die.

Stay on the road.

Don’t uptalk.

Don’t fight, win: Part 2. (Part 1). I don’t know; I like to view debates as a quest for truth rather than trying to win.

The best of Rollo.

You are living in a perfect skinner box.
Related: An afternoon with Stig.

Forney makes me want to read another book.

Science proving game.

Luck exists and is not a magical ability.

The Captain with an amusing anecdote.

Leap on the contrast of a year.

Could game have prevented the holocaust?

Trust the hamster.

Whether you pay or not depends on the kind of woman you’re looking for.

Keoni is enjoying the decline.

Faith in the truth.

The biological vote and conservatism.

The sanctifying role of motherhood.

Rebelling against Christian submission is literally Satanic behaviour.

Fighting nihilism among traditionalists.
Related: A defence of defeatism.

How conservatives can win.
Related: Reactionary strategy from Orthodox Jews.
Related: The beauty and violence of systems: let nature work.

Christians did not build the Cathedral: the humanist heresy.
A response.

The modern mind cannot be evangelized.

The destruction of the oldest civilization due to Muslim immigration.
Related: Muslim brotherhood destroys 47 Coptic churches.
Related: List of churches torched by the Muslim Brotherhood.

If race doesn’t exist, neither can racism.
Related: Racist = White person.
Related: Words and meanings.

The wrong guy game.
Related: All this random randomness is confusing.

Chuck exposes the Oberlin hoax.

The decline continues.
Related: % of never-married single mothers is 11x higher than in 1960.

Law Dogger pines for the old country.

“Apparently a handful of stingy men are dating a disproportionately large share of American women…” Alphas in action?

Now that is alpha.

Sis deletes PCM.

Stop and stare: feminist nonsense.
Related: Feminism as prostitution.

Solipsism as a moral compass.

Quakerism and progressivism.

Wright with reading recommendations and a defense of philosophy.

I find it hilarious that the system made to bully people is complaining about the people bullying back.

Even good laws harm you.

On bullying.

Vox is pointedly not mentioned by the Guardian. Hehe. If you haven’t been following the McRapey saga, you’ve been missing out.
Related: The crocodile humour of the SFWA.
Related: The ideological war in SF.

“My picture was stolen and turned into a fat-shaming anti-feminist meme.”
Related: Scalzi reacts to being made a feminist meme.
Note that simply a picture and the word feminist is enough to elicit such strong responses from both these people. It’s almost like they naturally know that they should be ashamed and preemptively try to reassure themselves.

Humour: Getting over yourself. (Also, is the new meaning of solipsism gaining traction?)

It is all about equality; it has nothing to do with power.

Intelligence and working class pride.

Even some liberals are recognizing that school is a prison.

A lament for the education system.
Related: An embarrassment to higher education.
Related: The devolution of universities’ common reading.

When welfare pays better than work.
Related: Liberals are liars. “Very few people actually qualify for all eight of the programs… fewer than two million households get TANF and only about four million get housing assistance.“ Only 4 million households… Is there anyone stupid enough to believe this BS?

I, Pedophile. Related.

Loneliness is deadly.

Why you should never trust advice columnists.

CDC study: guns help in self-defence, no proof gun control works.

Our laws should protect victims.” Therefore, our laws should remove their ability to protect themselves. Liberals and anti-freedom advocates are dumbasses.

Harrison Bergeron is one of the best short stories.

EU on the way to becoming the USSR.

The post-WW2 ethnic cleansing of the Germans.

23% of German men say 0 is the preferred family size.

Woman and military discipline.

No one is safe from entryism.

Doctor thinks most men who commit domestic violence are provoked.

Another alimony horror story.

IRS targets the American Legion.

US DoD calls founding fathers extremists. (I agree, but I’m a monarchist).

NRO on Duck Dynasty: a contrast to the rest of our degraded culture.
Realted: The lament of a permissive parent.

The value of copper.

Are atheists mentally ill?

Are liberals stupid? This article isn’t bad, but at the same time she complains both that daycare costs too much and that daycare workers aren’t paid enough.

Seriously, are liberals brain-damaged? How can you possibly be this stupid.

France running out of other people’s money.

Green German learns about unintended consequences.

(H/T: Phineas, SDA, RWCG, zhai2nan2, Maggie’s Farm, Instapundit, Clarissa, M3, Foseti, Anarcho-Papist, Rex Patriarch, Mangan, NRU)

Lightning Round -2013/08/21

This week my blog post, the Archetypical Modern Woman, shattered my blog’s records. It was over 3 times the number of views of my previous most viewed day. Most views came from The Red Pill Reddit which seems to have grown rapidly. Last time they linked I got less than half as many views. Also, shout to Viva La Manosphere who does a good job at aggregating content.

New blog: I am Legionnaire.
“If the morals standards you hold for yourself are ones that you can always live up, you aren’t holding yourself to high enough standards.”
Also check out Theden and Amos and Gromar.
New aggregater from Forney: The Electric Camel.
Also, added laidnyc. He’s been for a while, but I just found him.
Fearsome Pirate’s blog goes private.

Can the Red Pill subreddit survive?
Related: The manosphere in the Guardian.

The 3 Laws of the Red Pill.

Martel with a great one: House upon the Sand.

There is no manosphere schism.
Related: Anarcho-papist writes on the “manosphere schism.”
Related: Moralist and hedonist game.
Related: Neoreaction and the manosphere.
Related: Transcending the Manosphere.
Related: The manosphere knitting club.
Related: The Captain takes a stand against the manospambots.

From the comments: GBFM’s One Cock Rule.

“They fear the kindness will evaporate once convenient.”

Empower men by not congratulating them for having sex.

Advice for a break-up.
Related: Closure is BS.

Kids and other advice.

The hour makes the man.

Roosh on the paradox of choice.

Spot the alpha male. Also, it’s kind of sad when a girl that could be very attractive ruins herself.

Don’t get defensive.
Related: Navigating the status minefield.
Related: Don’t force conversation topics.
Related: Don’t ask questions, make statements.

Submission is a voluntary offer.
Related: The bargain of obedience for security.

More man-up churchianity, with an addition.
Related: Even manospherians are encouraging the rebellion.
Related: GBFM on the topic.

Laidnyc says not to marry a woman over 25. Similar to my advice.
Related: You date younger women because you’re insecure.

Forney reviews a book I should read.

CR has an interview with Hugo Schwyzer.
Related: CH’s disgust with Hugo really shows through.
Related; Rollo on Hugo.

The self-delusion of the spinster. Related.

Possible hidden consequences of the current divorce laws.

Is the pill a threat to femininity.

The extroversion backlash (is silly).

Starting a blue collar business.

The USSR vs. the US: the collapse gap.

Donal on the decline. Echoing Ace.
Related: The future of the West.
Related: I notice this too, talking with my friends.

Feminism is dysgenic.
Related: The dysgenic legacy of feminism.
Related; Co-parenting. The decline continues.
Related: Bronies: sign of the decline.

Pissing on the broken in America.

Detroit commentary: Missing the point.

Churchianity: gender-bending style.

Is the constitution broken?

WRE: Even the “strong female character.”

JB on the #slanegirl.
JB on the wage gap.

The 3 big factors of happy relationships: communication, partner knowledge, and life skills.

An alpha in action. This woman is insane.

A concise summary of reaction.
Related: True conservatism.

Reactionary youth. Guess I don’t count because I sit on the edge of the manosphere, the reactosphere, and the orthosphere.

All the workings of the Cathedral are just the personal interactions of the elite.

The real enemy.

The futility of left-wing cancer.

The media as commissar.
Related: A list of crimes less important than the using the word “nigger”.
Related: Funny how this brutal double-murder received no national attention.

Vindictiveness: Zimmerman’s wife up for trumped for perjury charges.

IQ, the Cathedral, and cognitive misers.

Why whites are privileged.

Lynching facts.

Guns make you safer: 18 facts.
Remember, disarmament is for the little people.

The naked authoritarianism of our liberal democratic governments.
Related: Lavabit founder may be charged for closing down Lavabit.

The banning of the clowns.

I wonder how the military will fare when the right-wing Christians no longer feel welcome.
Related: A bit more.
Related: Calls to lower military standards begin. Also, female colonel defames war hero.

Some abortionist quotes.

The media in action. Hehe.

Vox with a bit of science.

Stupid patriarchal nature.

Why the news looks worse than it really is.

This guy’s enjoying the decline.
Related: What’s a non-surfer dude to do?
Related: Budgeting for food stamps.

Vox can really turn a phrase.

Eating healthy: Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Liberals are racist. Why do they always assume minorities are irresponsible?

The “smart racism” study linked last Round had problems.

Another reason to homeschool.
Related: Homeschooling infographic.
Related: The products of the public school system.

Icons and the spiritual.

The culling of non-sociopaths from the banking industry.

Communism is hard and economics is cruel.

A test: which famous economist are you most similar to. I got Pete Klenow.

Libertarian populism doesn’t exist.

New peer-reviewed paper shows only 36% of geo-scientists believe in AGW.

The divorce of SF and competence porn.

Sexual scandal in the atheist blogosphere (atheiosphere?).

The joking computer.

Duck Dynasty shatters cable records. I applaud that; it is by far the best reality TV show I’ve seen. It’s entertaining, manly, and implicitly conservative with a solid moral core. Maybe it might bring TV from the liberal, female ghetto. (MF)

(H/T: SDA, MF, Whited Sepulchre, GCBH, GBFM, M3, The Captain, CM, Borepatch, Instapundit)

Lightning Round – 2013/08/14

Roosh disassociates himself from the manosphere.
Related: Martel responds.
Related: Reaction and the manosphere.
Related: A response from Dr. Faust.
Related: Krauser and Tom talk on the issue.
Related: It doesn’t matter.
Related: ABlack spade (cards) saw this was going to happen.

Truth unites the manosphere, but there is more to life than biomechanics.

Chad embraces the traditional lifestyle. Welcome brother.

You know enough right now.

Belated strengthening: raise your boys for conflict.
Related: How to screw your boys up for life.

How to stop living your life in transit.
Related: Don’t fake who you are.

Advice to my 15-year-old self.
Related: How to avoid financial regrets from college.
Related: Cyrus the Great on wealth management.

The crapshoot career: do what you suck at.

Newcomer Anarcho-Papist has created a taxonomy of the reactosphere.

A woman’s love can’t be reasoned.

The many levels of game.
Related: On shit tests from 1910.
Related: A new niche: blind game.

How women tool men.

Explaining trade-offs to women.

Manosphere analogies need improvement.

Remember, leftists greatest hate is reserved for leftists who aren’t pure enough. Also, look at the double-standards she holds towards the middle of her piece. Hilarious.
Related: Feminist excited by misogyny.
Related: This is amusing: sex positive feminists decrying the fruits of the sexual revolution.

This is what a male feminist’s mind looks like.
Wow… Watch the breakdown on Twitter (archived here) or in .pdf format.

Roissy with a good set of links.

Requiem for the patriarchy.

Rethinking Christian marriage: a plan.

Just another example of churchuanity.

Marriage advice: #2 misses the point and I’d be wary of #4.
Related: 8 signs a girl’s a keeper.

Managing money in a marriage.

Love and control.

The status of being married.
Related: Desperate for attention.
Related: Advice for young women looking for marriage.
Related: Some graphs and stats on never-married women.

Having children is important for women.

Child-free narcissism.
Related: The dark side of child-free.
Related: Higher female intelligence and longer lifespan lead to less babies.

Woman cannot achieve the same social status as men.

M3 with a smattering of sources on rape.
Related: Girls commit more dating violence than boys

Winner of the beta of the year award.

The collapse has already come. Collapse and disaster are different.

The history of leftism against freedom.

The Captain advocates heightening the contradictions.
Related: Enjoying the decline on food stamps.

Why am I a believer?

Kicking away the crutch of religion from the broken is “the cruel and thoughtless act of a self-centered asshole.”
Related: Don’t do heroin.

Anti-racism is a white thing. Related.
Related: Anti-racism is anti-white racism.
Related: Burn the witch.
Related: Jason Richwine needs to read some Moldbug.

Time preference and civilization.

The biological vote.

We should focus less on avoiding invading other’s property and more on protecting our own.

Wizard privilege.

High intelligence whites more likely to be hypocritical about race.
Related: The latest in stupid liberal offence-taking.

Evidence white women are the most beautiful.
Related: The white slave trade. More. More.

Traditional religion and eugenics.
Related: Soft eugenics. A bit more.

Hope for Norway?

The police state grows.

The US government can yank your passport very easily.

Lavabit goes down, as does American freedom.
Related: Silent Mail goes down as well.

The US to import thousands of refugees from jihad-filled country.

Carl Rove is an idiot.

It is official Democratic strategy to politicize tragedy.

American forests being destroyed and shipped to UK for renewable energy.

Skeptic of Darwinism.

Is the McDouble the greatest food in human history?

The dangerous side of birth control.

Slate feminist on child care. Like most on this issue, she can’t math.

The falsehood of comparative statistics.

The skills men lack.

Marketers know that women will intrude into men’s domains, but men avoid women’s.

The mirth the idiot left brings me.  We made a teenage pregnancy problem, now we are reducing it to less insane levels.

The insanity of hypocritical prudery surrounding breastfeeding.

The best period of American growth was before the Fed and income tax.

Krugman is an ass: when Keynesian becomes socialist.

Detroit’s debt and your debt.

Krugman is an ass: Japan shows inflation doesn’t work.
Related: Japan’s debt reaches one quadrillion yen; that’s 1,000,000,000,000,000 Yen.

The more tyrannical the vaccinators become, the more sympathetic I am to the anti-vaxxer cause.

Is libertarianism becoming popular enough to be hijacked.

Nudging: the new authoritarianism.

Jezebel verges on crimethink. Related. (Googlecache)

Proper mass orientation.

The handrail of the law.

Missing the point: we all have an “F” grade, but Jesus save anyway.

Pro-life doctors banned from presenting at conference.

Dr. Gay Hitler lived in Ohio. Hehe.

15 tips for language self-study.

40 maps that explain the world. I like maps.

Test your geek IQ: I got 209.

The economics of indie game publishing.

(H/T: BoingBoing, the Captain, SDA, Instapundit, Vox, Borepatch)

Lightning Round – 2013/08/07

The Minter event has led to a discussion of bitterness in the ‘sphere:
Dr. Illusion: Stop whining and be responsible for yourself.
Matt Forney: Most people don’t want to be helped, be one that does.
Aurini: The unknown unknown of MGTOWs is that men need women.
Young Hunter is disgusted.
Francis: Selling shit to the manospambots.
Kid Strangelove: Enjoy the world, it’s not so bad.
YouSoWould: Idolize no one.

A major player leaves the manosphere. I didn’t read Rob regularly, but what I did read was usually good. Check out his obituary for some of his hits.
Related: A eulogy for Rob. Another.

Game distilled. Sadly, I’m a “sperg”, so this is difficult.

What if you don’t like STEM or the trades? Enter sales.

The essential question: Does this bring any additional value to my life?

The fall of Hugo Schwyzer. Hehe.
Crush their spirits. (See them driven before you…)
Grerp is back with a post on Schwyzer.
More on the Schwyzer “saga”.

Comparative advantage and pussy.
The used car lot analogy.

The GoTo guy
Guys opting out.

Good is not always nice. Also, I didn’t know Kratman (one of my favourite SF authors) commented on Vox.

Roosh laments the loss of his ability to feel romance.
“Getting laid isn’t the addition of pleasure to your life. It is the removal of a punishment.”

The most hateful hatefacts.
Related: What will be the next insane antitruth?
Related: Does habitual dishonesty make clear-thinking impossible?

Donal on attraction and desire. Similar themes to a post of mine.

The ego filter.

The List and rebellion.

The subtle destruction of Biblical headship.

Rethinking the Christian marriage script.
Related: The dangers of a long engagement.

Women, be a low maintenance wife.

Sexual harassment talk is the persecution of omegas by gammas.

Dostoevsky on feminism. I’m about to start reading the Brothers Karamazov, so I found this interesting.

101 ways to castrate yourself.

A feminist defines patriarchy as the separation of private and public sphere by sex and the appropriation of individual sexuality by the community. She’s consistent on the latter. It seems like it might be the basis of a good working model.

The manosphere (MRA part) reaches the Canadian mainstream.

Australia: More pay for equal work.

15% of rape reports are false.
Related: Sexual assault and the US military.

Roy Baumeister: a red pill ally in academia.

Science: Woman are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear.

Defending male space.

Egalitarian libertarianism has no future.

Why you need entitlement.

How to talk to children. Maybe taking questions literally is one of the problems of those lower in the socio-sexual hierarchy.

I’ve never understood lying on the internet either.

New reactionary site: Theden.

The benefits of monarchy.

Was Benedict the last Catholic pope? A good discussion in the comments.
Related: The problem of Pope Francis.

Gay couple suing to force church to “marry” them. Because it is all about freedom and fairness.

Traditional Catholic taxation.

The first rise and fall of the English left.

The continued decline of the journalism industry.
Related: I wonder why?

The government tracks everything.

The university as a civil seminary.

Is the college bubble popping?

Are you smarter than an 8th grader from 1912?

Slaves to obesity.

Does smoking have some positive effects?

Xenophobia is a natural survival instinct.
Related: On racism.

White boy on school bus is culturally enriched.
Related: Britain is being culturally enriched.

28 years in jail for judge who was bribed to send black kids to private jail.

Sometimes I wonder if liberals are literally brain-damaged? How utterly retarded do you have to be to not understand the distinction between having something imposed on you and not forcing others to subsidize your desires? It is almost impossible to overstate the absolute stupidity of the comments section.

A feminist really stretching to find her 2-minute hate. It’s kinda funny.

Hahaha… The delusion of the left is a wonder to behold.

Americans are more compassionate than socialist Europeans.

Unions picket child’s funeral.

Many of the buttons you are conditioned to press don’t do anything.

Woman brags about raising adrongynous boy and grumpy girl. Why do feminists seems to have a war on smiling?

FreedomWeb shut down by FBI.

The US government is re-writing economic history.

Chinese banks in trouble.

Just another example of the hypocrisy of the leftist elites.

Barack Obama, the left, and the growth of the state.

Congress exempted from Obamacare. The people exempted keeps adding up.

The US government subsidizes Al-Qaeda.


(H/T: BoingBoing, SDA, Vox, Patriactionary, Nick, GLP, the Captain, Foseti)

Lightning Round – 2013/07/31

A note: The Omega’s Guide will now be running on Sunday mornings to provide those following along time to implement the suggestions.

A new blog inspired by yours truly: Rise of the Omega. I wish him well in his journey and look forward to seeing where it goes.

Looks like Dark Brightness went down, while 3MM is now protected. Update: Seems Chris’ site is back up.

Hawaiian Libertarian puts up his reading list.

“Your personal shortcomings and natural talents are not moral triumphs.”

A critique of the Christian manosphere.

Be a predator.

Metaphorical height.

Validation addiction and beautiful women.
Related: Why females should despair at the massive attention they receive.
Related: Two hours of a woman’s inbox.
Related: One hundred messages a day.

The importance of truth. Related.

Manosphere scandal: Mark Minter’s getting married.
Related: Mark Minter’s a phony.
Related: Who cares? Be positive.
Related: Kill your manosphere idols.
Related: A man of his word.
Related: A failure of principle.
Related: Freedom porn and the downfall of the manosphere.

Fearsome Pirate attacks a hamster.
Related: Aurini attacks the same hamster.

Strategic silence.
Related: Introverts are happier when acting as extroverts.

Danger, violence, and attraction.
Related: Hypergamy TO THE EXTREME.

The stabilizing influence of masculine dominance in women’s lives.

A dialogue on patriarchy.

An explanation for women why cuckoldry is such a big deal.
Related: On paternity testing.
Related: More on paternity testing.
Related: Beware fake paternity tests.

The hypocrisy of lying about your N.

Science on consumerism and mate-guarding.

Is the claim “men won’t commit” projection?
Surprise: Men less committed to live-in relationships.

Advice on a sexless marriage. A bit more.
Related: A counterpoint.

The real reason behind the domestic violence industry.

Leftists fear themselves more than they fear conservatives.
Related: Why to leftoids hate hatefacts?
Related: Victor Hanson begins an honest conversation about race.
Related: Shut up allies.

How to actually get rich.
Related; How to not be poor.

You can judge a book by its cover.

The script.

Girls crowding out boys.
Related: Female sport as parasite.

Do not have sex with feminists.
Related: Women past their prime are more interested in younger men than older men.

Wow… Why would someone marry this?

Feminism began in the 1820s.

Tweets from the barbarians over the new prince. What vile people.
Related: JB comments on some more savages’ views of the prince.
Remember: if you give in to the savages, they will only shriek more.

An interesting concept: bibliolatry. Don’t really buy it, though.
Related: Idolatry and God as a noun.

Why God doesn’t answer prayers. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Update: Part 4.

Good books on introducing your church. I was actually planning to ask this question concerning Catholicism sometime in the next few months, but Bonald beat me to it.

The Grand Ideal of Nonthought: “The groups that the modern nihilists adore and support have nothing in common with each other, aside from the fact that they are evil.”

The destruction of our education system and the mediocrity of teachers.

Roissy with some links., the antiversity, is now up.
Anarcho-monarchism in the Shire.
Oaks vs. sandboxes.

An introductions to Maine’s Popular Government.

The safety of federalism.

Seems CC’s positive opinion of the cops is getting worn away much as mine is.
Related: The blue rot.
Related: The FBI, spamming, and entrapment.
Related: Undercover cop taped planting crack in arrested owner’s store.

A story of church and organic community in action.

How to be civilized.

Obesity: Magical explanations and personal responsibility.

Innateness and the cultural arrangement of society.

Hong Kong vs. Detroit.

A high trust society in action.

The research on homosexual families.
Related: A story of two fathers.

A letter from a marine captain in Afghanistan.

Women: don’t cut your hair short.

JB analyzes the drone study.

Why certain people hate the Jews.

A review of “This Town”.

Why libertarianism has a women problem.

Humour: Why you can’t believe what you read online.
Related: You can trust the media.
Related: You can trust the press.

Child support outrage story of the week.

Anti-gun nut who buys a gun is a neurotic, paranoid lunatic, yet no one died.

IRS workers opposed to Obamacare for themselves.

Be careful of medical advice.

18 similarities between 2008 and 2013.
Related: The stock market is completely divorced from reality.

The Keynesian fallacy.

It’s been a while, but Krugman is still an ass.

Journalists lie, post picture of racist anti-Zimmerman protestor as Zimmerman supporter.

A miracle: Ygglesias gets it right, not just once, but twice in a single week.

First National Bank of Wellston, Ohio burglarizes woman’s house, refuses to compensate her.

“Fair housing” coming to a neighbourhood near you.

Feds demand users’ passwords.

DM in charge of creating a sex ed curriculum for young children is a child pornographer who opposed background checks for adults working with children.

Don’t fight Nazism by taking nazi-like actions.

Goods new: The honey bee is not going extinct.

(H/T: SDA, the Captain, Maggie’s Farm, Nick Steves, Vox, Foseti, Instapundit)

Lightning Round – 2013/07/24

The Need and the Void.
Related: Relationships and oneitis.
Related: What game really is.

Why should a man marry?
Related: Marry for money.

Advice for gammas and omegas.

Love is dying.
Related: News you already knew: Marriage is declining.

I missed this: Sis apologizes for her controversial Reddit comment. I wasn’t the one wronged, but insofar as it concerns me, I forgive her and hold no ill will and encourage the same from others. She is still welcome here.

Karl hangs up his hat.
Actually, he doesn’t. (Yay!) He seems to be channeling Elric: “Blood and souls for Arioch.”
But he is begging for money.
Radish on Starship Troopers, my favourite novel.

New blog: The Puerarchy.

The efficiency of being a dick.

Never give an inch; the barbarians will devour you either way.

Be bold.
Related: Your time will come.
Related: Perception isn’t reality.

How to live well.
Be a go-getter.

Hail Caesar.

Maverick Traveller with a good post on desire.
Related: You can’t convince a girl to like you.

Roosh with a good post on ego and sex.

Eye contact.

Advice for women.
Related: Love him like his dog does.
Related: How to be a lady.
Related: Men want Cinderella, not the ugly step-sisters.
Related: The parable of the cordwainers.
Related: The beauty exception.

The tragedy of the hook-up culture.
Related: Women will submit, but to whom?
Related: JB on feminism, hook-up culture, and race.
Related: WK on the hook-up culture.

“It’s amazing that women can easily rebel against God, biology, society, their husbands, but they’ll drop on their knees for a cad. It’s no wonder PUAs are so full of themselves.”

On weakness and women, from the Bible.

The wolf in sheep’s clothing; unChristian advice from a Christian magazine.

Resegregate the sexes.

Dominance and virtue.
Related: Virtue game.

Control defines a man.
Science: Dominance, not looks, matters.

GBFM with many a truth-bomb.
Related: Read da great bookz for men.

Beers, boobs, and defining masculinity.

Forfeiting the patriarchal dividend. Related.

What’s great about Facebook.

The decline of sperm production.

Who’s having babies?

Craftsmanship. Do it right.

Working in the trades.

PUA roundtable in NYMag. No Roissy, Roosh, Mystery, or Strauss? Also, why is half the roundtable on PUAs female?
Related: Slate understands neither thin-slicing nor probability.

Don’t subsidize the feminists in the SMP.

More feminist narcissism.

You know you’re desperate when

Sometimes a woman’s evil intent is obvious.

Promiscuity is a form of self-mutilation for daddyless daughters.

What’s wrong with equal custody?

White privilege as substitute religion.
Related: White privilege is an inexpungible original sin.

Steyn on the downfall of Detroit.
Bankruptcy: Coming soon to a city near you.

The cause of social decay.
Related: Socialism destroys trust and social capital.

An economic survival plan.

The death spiral tightens.

The collapse of Portugal.

Revolt of the Masses: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.

Religion and reaction.
Related: If it helps, I am religious and a reactionary.

Problems with the church.
Related: Evangelicals continue their leftward drift.
Related: The religious left are the biggest suckers of all.

Networks of influence; profiles of the Cathedral clerics. Part 2.

Theology and clear-thinking.


Women now have more power to control men without criminal charges or a trial.

Girls day is for girls, boys day is for all.

Thank goodness we integrated the military. Thank goodness.

NSA can search your e-mail, but not its own.

The power of the shield.

About an honest conversation on race.
Related: WS gets honest.
Related: Trayvon doesn’t matter.
Related: The no-fact zone.
Related: Zimmerman pulls man from truck.
Related: The most important message of the trial was that Jeantel can’t read.
Related: Zimmerman’s chief crime was acting ‘uppity’.
Related: The Croatia effect.
Related: Welcome to the USSA.
Related: Racist liberal cannot imagine a black guy not punching a stranger.
Related: Some liberals are actually capable of investigation.
Related: Zimmerman was a Democrat and tutored black children.

Black man with pistol kills white teen, is acquitted. Where’s the reaction?

The fun begins.

Black privilege.

Some people are too idiotic to suffer to live.

Why do liberals believe minorities are too stupid and/or irresponsible to obtain ID?

A little more proof of the nature hypothesis.

The ministry of truth in real time.

Watch Ender’s Game opening weekend.

China works to lower divorce rates.

Politics is a waste of time.
Related: Some political one-liners.

Politically ignorant congress.

For the Moldbuggians in the audience: Stuart Anglicanism.

The new prince has been born. Not sure what to think; as a monarchist I support the increased profile the monarchy has, but as a Jacobite, I support the ascension of the Stuart line to the throne.

Immigration and human rights violations.

A homeschool curriculum discussion.
Related: The best students are home-schooled.

Vaunted Scandinavian education system not so good.

Does some behind the scenes changes in the Marines’ leadership signify something greater.

UK’s war on porn.

Less research is needed.

The joys of banking regulation.

More positive reviews of Modafinil.

Abortion “logic”.

How many times will you see your parents before they die?

Surprise Results: Woman are less informed about the news.

Tim Hortons moves back to Canada.

(H/T: SDA, the Captain, MF, Foseti, Ian, Vulture, BB)