Laidnyc has a free e-book and wants you to help his dog.
Related: Dogs are awesome.
Victor Pride with advice for the entrepreneur.
Have an abundance mentality.
I, Me, Mine. Men need responsibility and something of their own.
34 insight from Nassim Taleb.
Self-esteem is narcissism for losers and slaves.
Related: You’re lonely because you’re sincere.
Thumotic on testosterone replacement therapy.
Men determine what is beautiful in women.
Related: Empirical observations of weight negatively effecting attractiveness.
Related: Why there will always be a sexual double standard.
Ignore the socialist clap-trap; there is a good lesson here for young women.
Related: The effects of the wall laid out plain.
Related: The wall, in fast forward.
Related: Facebook and walls.
A few things on tattoos.
Single mother households have tripled? Astonishing!
Commitment hobbles men.
Related: The decline of man.
A nation of crybabies.
In-depth on the neg.
Florence Nightingale on female sympathy.
Radical feminists vs. lifeboat feminists.
The campus rape myth.
This comic hurts my brain.
Thoughts on morality, nihilism, and Christianity. A must read.
The internet argument checklist for liberals
Related: A little hamster appeared in my comments on my n-count post.
Amos & Gromar destroy a piece of pseudo-philosophy.
I ended up on GMP’s site and has it ever gotten limp-wristed.
The increasing desire to “get fired and collect unemployment.”
The empirical claims of neoreaction.
Pax AMA. He is a neoreactionary and is familiar with Moldbug.
Related: CNN: Heresy could result in shunning.
Related: Anil Dash is a coward, a liar, and a bully.
Do American Christians care about Syrian Christians? Given the American support for the rebels intent on killing them I doubt it.
Related: Something sensible on Syria.
Related: The sham of democracy.
A Canadian example of the regulatory state in action.
Unions will be the next slavery.
Related: Unions are evil.
Progressives: solving the problems of those who have none.
The decline of a civilization begins in a decline of its people. We’re doomed.
Man panics over concealed carry, gets charged. Hehe.
Roissy outdoes himself in the immorality game.
Rand won the battle in the church between Jesus and Rand.
The Pope: Pastoral care over doctrine.
Related: Seems the media has been misinterpreting the Pope.
Related: Others think the pope is surrendering.
Related: Doesn’t matter, the Catholic universities will doom the church.
Related: Maybe it’s not so bad.
7 times as much sexual misconduct happens in the California public schools as it did in the Catholic Church.
The insanity of preventing military from carrying guns.
Facebook is child rape.
Science: Could you have multiple different personal genomes?
David Suzuki a know-nothing phony.
Obamacare in two charts.
Dutch king kills the welfare state, starts participation society.
The red state welfare claim is a lie.
I am becoming more ambivalent about vaccines the more pro-vaxxers talk. Also, why do totalitarians pretend they are libertarian?
Scientists told to cover up the fact the earth hasn’t warmed in 15 years.
Why you can never trust liberals: “the overwhelming majority of food stamp recipients are white… USDA data show that in 2011, 37 percent of food stamp users (pdf) were from white, non-Hispanic households.”
Romney becomes an adoptive grandfather of black child. Left reacts predictably.
Is addiction rational?
Stats on women in the military.
(H/T: SDA, Borepatch, Instapundit, Vulture, Zippy, CC, GLP,