Lightning Round – 2015/07/08

Time for secession.
Related: Putin supports Texas secession.
Related: Americans see the confederate flag as a symbol of Southern pride, not racism.

On white genocide.

It’s not a conscious conspiracy.

The Harvard Crimson’s support for the Khmer Rouge.

A tale of two ancestor myths.

Greece runs out of others people’s money.
Related: Greece votes against the Euro-deal.
Related: The EU doubles-down in Greece.

Accounting, economics, and capitalism.

Jayman with a large post on HBD.
Related: National merit.

Computers be racist.

Why rightests should troll.

Disgust and biocognition.

An analysis of Back to the Future.

A really good overview of the Benedict Option.
Related: In the world, but orthogonal to it.

SCOTUS and Christ.
Related: Be a bigot.
Related: It’s the same war.
Related: State silences bakers and fines them 135k.
Related: Will is being a bigot. #LoveWins.
Related: Only 45% of gay “marriages” are monogamous.
Related: The ratchet wastes no time: Man applies for marriage license to marry second wife.

Christian culture’s antipathy towards fathers.

On submission.

Beware relationship gurus.

Women choosing travel over family.

Grerp reviews two documentaries on porn.

Never cave to social media.

What Tim Hunt “said” was all a lie.

Stamping out sexism in science.

Reddit Revolt.

On Randi Harper. Part 2.


Trump gets more popular as businesses cut ties.

Hillary does something right.

On Adam Kotsko.

Takei calls Thomas a clown in blackface.

Public schools in Seattle giving 6th graders IUD’s without parent’s permission.

UK schools can confiscate “unhealthy” lunches.

World War B in Cracked.

Some SF history.



  1. Every time you post a lightning round I gleefully click through the links. And when I get to the end, you remind me that I stopped reading Cracked years ago. I go, “Oh yeah, that site does still exist. Well, let’s see how they’ve held up.”

    Cracked is an unfunny waste of time and a click hole hell.

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