World War P Beckons

Someone on Twitter shared an Upworthy article on a 19-year-old pedophile who has never gone near a child (not giving Upworthy clicks). The Upworthy article was wasteful clickbait saying to listen to this This American life podcast (I didn’t listen to it). It also link to this sob story of 16-year-old pedophile.* It’s looking more likely that World War P may be on the horizon.

I’ve written on pedophilia recently and you can tell I am not unsympathetic to those struggling with this issue.

That being said, these poor-me articles are just the first step to the normalization of pedophilia. A quick follow-up to World War G and World War T. These pro-pedophilia articles have become relatively common over the past year or so. Over the next decade, expect to see these articles slowly and subtly shift from ‘we have to help these people’ to ‘we should tolerate these people’ to ‘we should accept these people’ to ‘there’s nothing wrong with these people’ to ‘this is an alternative lifestyle’. I don’t think there will be a follow-up to ‘the right to pedophilic marriage’, that seems a bridge too far, but then again, the left is often more audacious then I think they could possibly be.

This is the first blitz of a long war. Be prepared.

To those struggling with pedophilic temptations, the best advice is to suck it up. I know it sucks, but life sucks, get used to it. Don’t make it suck worse for other people. Don’t try to normalize your perversions, don’t try to be accepted, don’t try to have others tolerate your sickness. Recognize there’s something fundamentally wrong with you and do the best you can with it. Maybe talk to a close friend or a helpful online community about it, but otherwise keep to it yourself. Don’t try to force your brokenness on the rest of the world.

But even though you are broken, don’t give into the brokenness; you are a man, not a beast. You can choose whether to be a slave to your passions or not. Don’t abuse children, avoid other tie alone with other people’s children, and avoid illegal porn. If you must to keep temptation away, masturbate to your fantasies or some lolicon. Better a sin against yourself and your own soul than against a child. I would also say, pray to God and accept the Lord’s salvation; he’ll forgive you and love you even if you are fundamentally broken. But whatever you do realize you are not your perversion. You are moral agent, an autonomous being with a will. Exercise it. Do not let your perversion become your identity.

Dear non-practicing pedophile, you are broken at the most fundamental level. Accept it. Fuck your self-esteem. But just because you are broken does not mean you damned. Don’t let your brokenness define you. Define yourself by what you can contribute to the world, not by your brokenness. It will always be there, but you can rise above it. Choose to do so.

That’s all on this for now. Be prepared for the long war. WWP beckons and your children’s innocence is the cost of defeat. For pedophiles, WWP will be an inner war, the cost of defeat your soul and your humanity.


* Tangential side-note: From the article:

Another study found that being knocked unconscious before the age of 13 might be a factor. This may sound like quackery, but it points toward biological causation. In other words, it’s likely that pedophiles are born this way.

I didn’t know being knocked unconscious was something you were born with. I think left-wing slogans may have poisoned Luke Malone’s mind.


  1. Pedophilia will not be pushed through the same channels. It’s a little too reflexively evil. What they will do is lower the age of consent to around 14, which will seem acceptable to many as they will write article after article on how 14 year olds are having sex anyway so why not open them up to all kinds of sex. After that, there will be increasing indifference to raping children in the entertainment world (already happened in Britain). There will also be a coverup of ‘gay dads’ raping their adopted children. Adoption for sodomites will actually become a child rape industry in many places where our elites knowingly give children as young as 1 year old to people they know to be predators.

    Whenever anyone questions what we are doing and what we are supporting, remember this fact. Our enemy is pure evil.

  2. One needs to pay attention to definitions and recent history. Pedophilia refers to sex with prepubescent children. The term for sex with post pubescent teenagers, usually boys, is ephebophilia. Until very recently, the age of consent in most states was 16, and in some it was as low as 13, i.e., postpubescent. So, until very recently, ephebophilia was legal everywhere. Pedophilia was never legal. Playboy occasionally had 16 year old models in the 50’s and 60’s, but never nude.

    NAMBLA is pushing for ephebophilia, specifically between adult men and teenage boys. A simple change in the age of consent gets them what they want. How likely this is to happen I cannot say, but it is not inconceivable. One consideration is that by law about half of all high school students are sexual predators. A few have even been prosecuted.

    Griswold v. Connecticut established the right to privacy among adults in all sexual matters. Originally intended to let married adults buy contraceptives, it has been extended to abortion rights and sodomy rights. It will certainly be extended to legalizing prostitution (already legal in Europe) and polygamy. The religious rights of Muslims will guarantee legalization of polygamy. Feminists will go batshit crazy.

  3. Either way, I agree that ‘sucking it up’ is the least harmful course of action for a pedophile. It raises a question whether pedophiles are exclusively attracted to children. For those who aren’t, sucking it up wouldn’t suck very much.

  4. >>To those struggling with pedophilic temptations, the best advice is to suck it up. I know it sucks, but life sucks, get used to it. <>Over the next decade, expect to see these articles slowly and subtly shift from ‘we have to help these people’ to ‘we should tolerate these people’ to ‘we should accept these people’ to ‘there’s nothing wrong with these people’ to ‘this is an alternative lifestyle’.<<<


    Because the utter horror parents experience thinking someone might abuse their kid is going to disappear?

    You are just typing out of your ass.

    IMO, these articles are there not out of some sort of agenda, like in case of LGBTs but because in this day and age writers are really desperate to be original and thus delve everywhere.

    Also, I remember a similar article in a national magazine about seven years back and so far nothing has changed. Non-offending pedophiles still attend state-sponsored therapy and support groups, offending pedophiles get sent into prison or mental institution, and are eventually set free onlyif they consent to surgical castration. Re-offense rate following castration is very, very low.

  5. I’m not sure if he’s serious, but Jim Donald suggested that if we legalized adult rape, or made it a property crime, very few women would be raped. Instead, they would quickly get married and stay home having babies, and the West’s demographic death spiral would be reversed.

    Progressives legalizing pedophilia might also have a silver lining. It would motivate more parents to unplug themselves from the Progressive matrix and homeschool their children, instead of both parents working and entrusting the kids to total strangers. These children would grow up into rational, mature adults instead of unemployable brainwashed public-school occutards.

  6. I remember back in the early 70’s the Toronto Star had a sympathetic article towards pedophiles.

    Stanley Kurtz in the Weekly Standard had a series of articles regarding the efforts of social activists to normalize pedophilia. Many of these activists were located in the Boston area. They kept a very low profile when the Boston Archdiocese pedophilia was broken by the Boston Globe. I thought the scandal was a good thing, because it forced a lot of pedophilia advocates to scurry back under their rocks.

    Over the medium term pedophilia will gain a greater acceptance for the following reasons:

    1. The Catholic church will have fewer scandals as the efforts to root out the abusers gradually take effect. There will be fewer reminders to the general public that pedophilia is evil.

    2. The main stream media will lose market share and will fragment. The old MSM always likes a Catholic scandal because it attracted viewers and readers. There are a lot of Catholics and anti-Catholics (the two groups are not mutually exclusive.) Fewer pedophilia scandals will be exposed.

  7. @Mark Citadel
    True. Even that the age of consent at 14 seems reasonable(as it is not paedophilia) they will push further until real paedophilia becomes acceptable.

  8. >>What they will do is lower the age of consent to around 14, which will seem acceptable to many as they will write article after article on how 14 year olds are having sex anyway so why not open them up to all kinds of sex. After that, there will be increasing indifference to raping children in the entertainment world (already happened in Britain). There will also be a coverup of ‘gay dads’ raping their adopted children.

    Given the way things worked in ancient Greece, medieval Japan, and present-day Afghanistan, we’d likely see a lot more men than just gay dads raping 14-year-old boys.

  9. The Political Cesspool radio show has been doing segments about exposing child sex-trafficking among Satanists and corrupt politicians. The investigator they interview was on again during Saturday’s show and it’s worth checking out.


  10. @hb

    ”Given the way things worked in ancient Greece, medieval Japan, and present-day Afghanistan, we’d likely see a lot more men than just gay dads raping 14-year-old boys.”

    Rather than age of consent per se it should be age of marriage(a man and a woman instead. Hence deligitimizing all homosexual predation.

  11. “Recognize there’s something fundamentally wrong with you and do the best you can with it. Maybe talk to a close friend or a helpful online community about it, but otherwise keep to it yourself. Don’t try to force your brokenness on the rest of the world.”

    This is not helpful or productive advice. It’s largely true — in the fundamentally wrong part — but it’s not helpful or productive.

    Neoreaction is usually pretty cold-eyed realistic in thinking about normal human sexual drives, which is why they advocate young marriage; they understand that the Churchian “just be abstinent until you’re 35 and ready to procreate” message is an inadequate response to the human sex drive (especially as amplified by contemporary culture). But when it comes to gays/trans/pedos, they imagine “suck it up and deal” is an adequate response.

    Sorry, but this won’t get it done. There are indeed gay/trans/pedo men (women, too, I guess) out there, and the more the culture tolerates/approves those things, the more the Church needs to go beyond “suck it up” and actually show these people there is hope for them by providing support groups, etc. (e.g. Sexaholics Anonymous-type deals)

  12. Traditional societies did not provide such people with “support groups”. They criminalized and ostracized their aberrant activities and thus forced them to conform to the standard of everyone else. The Reactionary is not really concerned with special little snowflakes and how they need to be understood and helped and not judged. It is authoritarian in its pursuit of order and moral absolutes as the locus for society. Allowing people to do their own thing and have their own way based on how they feel is a Modern concept.

    We can though hope for medical cures to these perverted tendencies.

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