Lightning Round – 2014/09/24

Start a blog that makes money forever.

The manosphere, hedonism, and reaction.

Red pill alienation.

Radish knocks it out of the park: Reign of Reason.
Related: …And social justice for all.

The first in a series on becoming an American traditionalist.

Preparing for the beginning of the end.

Gamersgate as an ideological litmus test.
Related: Gamersgate, cultural Marxism, and intellectual bullying.
Related: An indie developer writes on the diversity police.
Related: 4chan furor.
Related: Has 4chan been purged?
Related: War for the internet’s soul.
Related: Gamersgate escalates.
Related: Women suck at making video games.
Related: SJW’s get black developer fired for Gamersgate.
Related: Ebola-chan.
Related: Moot and Anita.
Related: Nazism is PC.
Related: GameJournoPros: Game journalists secretly colluding.
Related: A blacklist.
Related Conspiracy: Gamergate/DARPA connection?
Related: More conspiracy.

Feminism kills civilization.

Game theory solutions to collective action problems.

A wonderful progressive, pacifist, feminist civilization.

On the post-labour economy.
Related: On universal basic income. A response.

The great circle of make-work.

On the middle class.

Reaping the fruits of democracy.

Who killed adulthood?

Maturity, prominence, and homosexuality.

The media is the true power.

The SC judges know their invincibility and power.

Intelligence, education, and health.

Before slavery.

On the ISIS beheading videos. Related.

50 ways millenials are subhuman troglodytes.

The truth about the Spanish Inqisition.

The roots of marriage counselling.

Defending women who let evil men near their children.

Go to college to become a better whore.

Study: Women ignorant of fertility reality. (Also 1/8 couples struggle with fertility).

Why women are rejecting perfect men.
Related: Another concern-trolling ‘where are all the good men?’ article.
Related: 30 is the new 50: ‘old age’ is killing my dating life.

I wonder why no one replies to her messages.

More on the stupidity of pushing women into STEM.

Women have agency.
Related: Courts to decide whether women have agency in Occidental case.

NYT: Who runs the girls?

Teach women not to rape.
Related: Teach women not to rape 2.
Related: Rape epidemic by women.

A false rape accusation over $20.

Prostitutes with college degrees earn 31% more.

WW2 solipsism.

Homeless man uses game to find a place to sleep each night.

Even if you got it made, your kid still might not call you daddy.

Lying to the government.

Some links on Neil Degrasse Tyson.
Related: Wikipedia deletes mention of Tyson’s fabricated quotes.

A small mistake on Mao by the Economist.

The ebola exponent.

Japanese positioning against the yen.

World population likely to expand, mostly in Africa.

36 killed by vaccines in Syria.

Ted Cruz’s lying circus.

Democrats and Republicans are different. Vox discovers the ratchet.

Ancient DNA re-writing genetic history.

Ad for reliable workers banned as discriminatory.

How to decipher a book review.

On fake bestsellers.

A thread on the decline of Cracked.

What evolutionary biology can learn from creationists.

H/T: Land, RPR. Aurini, SSC, SDA, CC, Bill


  1. That xojane story about the woman who couldn’t get any dates from her dating profile is a masterpiece of self-deception (or a great parody). For even more fun, click through to the original story and read the comments. They’re mostly people brainstorming about how to improve the profile while either explicitly contradicting or not acknowledging the poor woman’s underlying problem. These people are either deluded or malicious. I can’t tell. Here’s a typical comment (from a white knight even):

    “I do agree with what most of the commenters are saying about dress. Even if that’s how you do you, it doesn’t hurt to err on the side of youthful for something like this. You’re a good-looking woman, so it’s totally in your profile, not your pics.

    Honestly, pick some really quirky things that are totally you. If you look at other women’s profiles (I’ve done lots of this), they’re ALL into Netflix, cats, running, cooking, music, and lattes. If it’s something pretty much everyone is into, I don’t think it’s worth mentioning much.

    As guys expected to break the ice, we’re BEGGING to be given something interesting to grab and use in our opener. Hulu and 5ks don’t give us much to work with, I’m afraid. Even if it’s an experience or something you’ve done. Trust me, we need all the help we can get.”

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