Monthly Archives: December 2013

Liberal Holiday Troubles

I was reading this post on maladjusted feminist killjoys at the holidays, where SSM links to a guide for feminists for surviving the holidays.

In this guide they link to the Democrat’s guide to talking politics with your republican uncle. They link to another on how to argue for abortion and free birth control.

I noticed a similar, “bi-partisan”, article on Slate a couple of days back. I assumed it was tongue-in-cheek.

Doing a quick google search, I find a similar article from Salon, and one from 2012 as well. Here’s one from HuffPo on Obamacare. Ace of Spades finds a couple more, while Human Events received an Obama campaign letter on how to indoctrinate your family on the greatness of Obamacare over the holidays.

Rather than the tongue-in-cheek fun I thought it was when I read the Slate article, it seems this is an actual left-wing campaign.

It seems liberals literally have a campaign going to try to turn holidays into a political indoctrination session. What kind of Orwellian nonsense is this?

Not a single article in the first four pages of the google search was a right-wing guide, although, there were a fwe right-wing sites pointing and deriding the left-wing guides.

Are liberals really so alienated from their loved ones that they have to plan in advance how to debate them on the holidays? Is arguing the greatness of Obamacare really their reason for the season? Are they so intellectually vacuous and uninformed that they need a guide to hold their own in a political debate?

You always here liberals whine about the right-wing relatives picking fights at the holidays, but it seems that is mostly just projection.

No wonder they’re liberal. If I was so alienated from everything good in life, that my thoughts of the holidays were about winning political arguments and surviving the holidays rather than enjoying time with my family, I’d probably choose a self-destroying ideology like progressivism. At least if I became a new socialist man, my life wouldn’t be this pathetically empty.

Sometimes I wonder if liberals should be pitied more than anything. What a dreadful and empty life they must lead.

Post-script: I should note that I do enjoy a good political debate if it comes up, but I don’t really think about, look forward to it, or try to start one and I certainly don’t plan one in advance.

Lightning Round – 2013/12/04

The importance of faith and hope for men.
Related: The burdens of leadership.
Related: The difference between thug and alpha is the environment.

Leadership, submission, and the neoreactionary social order.
Related: The value of feminine virtue, part 1.
Related: Against backleading.
Science: Women controlling their emotions makes a marriage happier.

Feminism is dead.

Aurini resurrects a classic from the Solomon blog.

The road to greatness begins now.

When did it become acceptable to shame being a man?
Related: Heterophobia.
Related: Is humanity becoming androgynous?
Related: The rise of the mangina.

On male competition.
Related: Life isn’t personal.
Related: Women controlling their insecurities.
Related: Embracing rejection.

How Roosh stood up to the mob and won.
Related: How Victor make $10k/month blogging.

Martel on the difficulty of following your own advice.
Related: Only take advice from those who have done what you want to do.

A good essay on the history of divorce in the US. No fault divorce might not have been as drastic a change as previously thought. Has a little bit on the puritans, the enlightenment, and the interaction of elites and the masses for the reactionaries as well.

Waiting for sex and waiting for marriage: the evangelical dilemma.

Christians teaching wives to collect their 30 pieces of silver.
Related: Focus on the family advising women on how to divorce rape their husbands.
Related: Someone dislikes the manosphere a lot. The comments are rather amusing.
Related: Empath responds.

Divorcee complains that open marriages are threatening serial marriage.
Related: The trap of the “pro-marriage” professional divorcee writer.
Related: Almost a third of married women haven’t found Mr. Right.

Single motherhood is hazardous to children.

Danny answers “where have all the good men gone?”

A great read: The cult of political correctness.
Related: Saving SF from strong female characters, part 5.

Leap examines leftist thinking.

The case for vulgarity.

Porn use is due to the feminization of men.
Related: Women, Jesse Stone, and porn.

Kathleen Hannah: Do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do feminist.
Related: Why feminists are ugly.

Rhetoric: Ben Franklin and the Socratic method.

Gift game.

Alternatives to marriage.

People can accurately perceive men’s intelligence, but not women’s.
Related: Sex differences are hardwired. Related.

New Moldbug: He absolutely shreds the TechCunch article and other anti-reactionary talk.
Related: Another article on the neoreaction; we’re creepy. A&G respond.
Related: Amos & Gromar respond to a criticism of neoreaction.
Related: It looks like North Korea is going to be the Cathedral’s meme.

Thinkinglike a neoreactionary: part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7.

Moldbug e-books.

The path to Legionnairre: series introduction. A neoraectionary bootcamp. Looking forward to this series.

Conquest’s second law; why do organizations become leftist?
Related: Default liberalism and the liberal advance.

Anti-anti-reactionary FAQ: war and democide.

Conscription, unity, and immigration.

The need for neologisms in conservatism.
Related: Polymaths and monopaths.

Trust in the US is declining.
Related: A little more boomer hate.

The pretense of powerlessness.
The true colour of liberalism.

8 reasons democracy doesn’t work.

The cult of neoreaction.
Related: Working with disinformation in our map.

The microscopic differences between socialist and liberal in Seattle.

The Cathedral in action: CNN edition.
Related: CNN turns from news to reality TV.

Personality goes beyond the soul.

Traditionalism is also for protestants.

Schism against heresy.

7 things Roosh learned from his viral article.

Manosphere wisdom about texting your ONS’ goes mainstream.
Related: Men confident in their relationships text less; women text more.

A woman experiences equality; doesn’t like it.

A story of women and degeneration.

Maladjusted feminist killjoys at the holidays.

RAF women gets £100000 for being forced to march like men. Yes, women really do belong in the military.

The case against female education.

Obesity is more dangerous than anorexia.

Science: Casual sex and negative mental health outcomes.
Related: Women regret past sexual encounters; men wish they had more of them.

Naomi Wolf is quotes the Bible and advocates hair coverings while decrying porn.

Slut-shaming: sure to make a girl psychotic.

EW on Goldie Blox.
Related: It seems I’m not the only one criticizing Goldie Blox.

The states as girls.

British racist totalitarianism has reached new heights. (The principal’s e-mail).
Related: Normal vaisyas are beginning to gain racial consciousness. This will not end well.
Related: Just another hate crime hoax.
Related: GLP with a decent quote from Chomsky.

Iceland and Shanghai do well the PISA; the US does not. Slate ignores the obvious.

Your kids won’t make you happy.

A town without big corporations.

By ceding the spiritual to women, we allow it to be feminized.
Related: The church’s overemphasis of joy.

The misinterpretation of Matthew 5:27-28.

How the spirit of inquiry is being suppressed in the West.
Related: Science fraud.

A decent life for decent people and the purpose of public schooling.

Personal responsibility, passive voice, and the lower classes.

“Antarctic sea ice has grown to a record large extent for a second straight year, baffling scientists seeking to understand why this ice is expanding rather than shrinking in a warming world.”

It might be time to start hanging IRS agents.
Related: American taxpayers are fools.

A tactic that works against liberals.

The decline in jobs and make-work.

News editors regarding Obama: “We must accept that we, the press, have been enablers.”
Related: Obama describes himself as “not a particularly ideological person.”

SC to hear case on Obamacare persecution of religious.

Obamacare as an Orwellian information collection system.
Related: The Chinese may be controlling your Obamacare data.

The Chinese rich are fleeing. Big news on the horizon?

Sweden, immigration, and rape.

Ukraine turns to Russia and China.

On Syria.

Our declining rate of technological progress.

Pilgrim socialism and the thanksgiving story.
Related: Thanksgiving, then and now.

Is it any wonder the American empire has been declining when this is how they treat their allies.

On historically-illiterate atheists.

The treason of unions during WW2.

In a mathematically literate world

Amazon charts vs. stock price.

Banghazi: Krugman’s best-case scenario.

I never noticed this before, but Slate actually publishes the time it takes to read an article on the side bar. Most are in the 1-2M range. You can tell the level of intellectual quality they’re shooting for.

I regret not cheating on my boyfriend. Cosmo really is trash.

The scam of black Friday “deals”.

(H/T: SDA, GLP, Vulture, HBD Chick, RamzPaul, Borepatch)

Disordered Eating

The Return of Kings has had one of their recent articles, 5 Reasons To Date A Girl With An Eating Disorder,  blow up: so much so, even the Daily Mail has written a piece on it.

I think the arguments in the post is rather stupid. Aurini outlines why you should not date a girl with a dating order. Essentially, she is a disordered, self-destructive person who will destroy everything around her, including your relationship with her.

This is not a defence of the article, rather it is a short analysis of the response to this article and the response to a previous RoK intitiative, #FatShamingWeek.

Both obesity and anorexia are disordered; both are unhealthy, self-destructive lifestyles.

Yet, when RoK shames the former self-destructive lifestyle, RoK is decried as evil, but when RoK preaches acceptance of the latter, RoK is also decried as evil. As usual, Jezebel best exemplifies this lack of logical thinking

How can both acceptance of self-destructive eating habits and shaming of it be evil?

Or, to turn it around on the social justice types, why is it acceptable for people to body-shame anorexics?

This is perplexing to me: how can being unhealthily skinny be worthy of shame, while being unhealthily fat is not?

The best answer I can find comes partially from here:

Easy: change is hard.

It is a lot easier to come to accept (and possibly overcome) your self-loathing mentally than it is to overcome the pain of diet and exercise. Self-loathing is vague and amorphous, pain is immediate and direct.

Self-loathing can be reasoned at, self-justified, denied, and overcome by other emotions. There is no reasoning with, denying, or ignoring pain: pain is.

Instead of facing the pain, it is easier to accept the self-loathing.

Being obese is easy, being anorexic takes willpower and self-control.

The social justice war for fat acceptance and against anorexia has nothing to do with health, nothing to do with proper eating, nothing do do with a balanced life; it has everything to do with self-control and responsibility.

What the modern social justice warriors hate more than anything is personal responsibility. They do not want to be held responsible for their choices, they do not want to have to accept the consequences of their actions, they do not want to have to change, and, above all that, they do not want to feel shame or have anyone to judge them for their failings.

But how can they avoid shame when they are fat, which is shameful?

They can try to make obesity seem good, which they try but fail at because nobody can deny the disgust they feel at seeing a morbidly obese landwhale and the landwhale can’t help but notice the poorly-hidden looks of disgust often directed her way.

The second method is to deny people, themselves, agency; they have to deny that people are capable of controlling themselves and their destinies. How can they be responsible, how can they feel shame, when they have no control over their situation?

But, the anorexics show this for the lie it is: the anorexic takes complete personal responsibility for her weight, to a disgustingly unhealthy degree.

The anorexic shows extreme, unhealthy levels of self-control and self-discipline.

So, for the social justice warriors to maintain the lie that people become fat (or poor, or unsuccessful, or failures in other manners) for reasons beyond their control they have to pathologize the anorexic.

They can’t pathologize normal levels of self-control, because most would see through that, but they can pathologize unhealthy extremes of it.

To the social justice warrior, the fight against anorexia is a fight against the concept of self-control.

The health aspects of it are only secondary.

This is the only reasonable explanation I can think of as to why being morbidly skinny is somehow much worse than being morbidly obese.