Really? Women need a guide to be a decent person?

Hooking Up Smart had a post entitled “25 Politically Incorrect But Effective Ways to Make Him Your Boyfriend.”

Now, I know that some of the manosphere have differences with Walsh, but just read the piece, the advice is mostly good.

Despite the advise being good, the post also makes me kind of sad. Almost the entire list can be summed up as “be a decent human being” and “don’t be a neurotic bitch”.

Do women really need to be told this, likes it’s some sort of secret?

Is “don’t be a neurotic bitch” really politically incorrect?

Look at some of the things on the list:

1. Actively support him.
2. Have his back.
3. Appreciate him.
4. Physically care for him.

5. Have eyes for no one but him.
8. Be unconditionally generous.
10. Remember his favorites.
12. Be a pressure relief valve.

13. Do not compete with family and friends.
15. Avoid controlling and possessive behavior.
16. Maintain privacy as a couple.
17. Respect his privacy.
18. Suppress your neuroses.
20. Resolve conflict without emotional excess.
25. Never go into a relationship with an idea of changing a man into what you really want.


I’ve been accused of misogyny before, but unholy hell, how low an opinion of women must Walsh have to think that women actually need to be reminded to be a decent human being and to spell out how to be a decent human being in bullet form?

What kind of women does Walsh have at her blog?

The even more pertinent question is, do women actually need this kind of advice? Really?

But the final and far more worrying question: is this advice really politically incorrect?

Has our culture and its gender relations degraded to the point where it is politically incorrect to tell a women not to be controlling and possessive and to support her man? Is “don’t be neurotic” really advice that is culturally discouraged?

I don’t know what to say.


Also, this is an odd counterpoint to game. Game advice often boils down to telling men to be more of an asshole to attract women. Walsh’s advice to women is to not be a total bitch.

I don’t know which is more screwed up: that men need to be bastards to attract women or that women actually need to be told not to be bitches to attract men.


  1. No, it’s a bit more than just being a decent human being. A relationship calls for more and the contribution of each sex to a relationship is different because the sexes are different (although there is overlap). Mothers used to have “the talk” with their daughters on what a man is looking for and needs in a relationship. (Fathers did the same with their sons regarding a wife.) Now a days, the only talk a mother will give her daughter is the “you go girl” speech. Add to that the pedestalization most girls get growing up which nurtures supreme selfishness, it’s no wonder HUS has to come up with that list.

  2. Let me enlighten you so that your incredulity might be mitigated:

    “Really? Women need a guide to be a decent person?”


    “Do women really need to be told this, likes it’s some sort of secret?

    Most assuredly, yes.


    Yes, absolutely.

    “The even more pertinent question is, do women actually need this kind of advice?”

    For God’s sake, YES.

    You have to remember they have an entire lifetime of grrlpower feminist programming to undo, and princessess are unaccustomed to doing the things in that list.

    Let me know if you have any other questions. ;-)

  3. “….how low an opinion of women must Walsh have to think that women actually need to be reminded to be a decent human being”

    Not trying to WK for Susan Walsh, Lord knows she can hold and defend her own with as much or more skill than I, but I suspect her attitude toward the members of her sex is probably the same–relatively–as ours is toward members of our own.

    The difference being that we have game to help teach us non-Alpha guys to shrug off all those Beta teachings that undermine our relationships and spoil our lives…SW has that list as a counter to all that bitchy programming women get in the culture these days.

    Both sexes need to buck the conventional messages fed to them.

  4. I can understand the thinking of some of the MGTOW guys. Women want men who run from unpleasant jerks to Satanically evil killers and have to be instructed not to be unbearable bitches. Really it is a pretty sorry commentary on female human nature.

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