Lightning Round – 2012/05/01

Everybody enjoying May Day? I hope you are.

Did you know that the average person could be making $100,000 a year? The Captain does the math.

A great speech given to the Fed. Long, but read it.

“The president has a very difficult time with the business community. Most people in business and most people who are successful are Republican that’s just a fact of life.” I wonder why?

The system is hungry; it must eat. Poor Sweden.

Marriage is fundamental to the church: when it declines, so to does the church decline.

Related: Why Evangelical Princesses are un-marriageable; a great post from CMDN.

We won! Yay!?!???

How you create a mass-murderer: Teach him to hate himself, then act surprised when he externalizes that hate.

Becoming as weak as your foes doesn’t help you or them.

Shame the beta month; it looks like it could be interesting.

(ht/ SDA, AMN, CC)


  1. Does anybody not hate having to use red pill thinking? (Barring a couple of alpha bad boys who score big).

    Wouldn’t we all love it a lot more if the sexes got along and wanted to please each other, women wanted to be feminine and traditional, and women were all hot for your average productive beta and shunned bad boys and players?

  2. Oh, absolutely.

    I believe there are, out there, Blue Pill types who see the logic of what we argue, but so hate hate hate the implications, that, to continue the Matrix metaphor, would be like Cypher, not wanting to know the truth, happier in their blinkered views. I have a Blue Pill friend myself who has explored the manosphere a bit, and it just completely rubs him the wrong way… I can’t help but wonder whether he finds himself more sympathetic to some of our understandings than he dares to admit to himself, because he doesn’t like the implications of that. Of course, I could be wrong, and it could just be what he told me, that our way of thinking is simply utterly alien to him…

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