Category Archives: Lightning Round

Lightning Round – 2013/05/08

I’ve got been busy, so today’s Lightning Round is truncated, but fear not, that should only mean that next weeks is longer than usual.

Can man live traditionally?

There will be war.

The fall of the white man.

A long life.

Reflections on daygame.

A parable: the littlest feminist.

Early marriage: the environment matters.

Rebranding submission. Is giving in to rebellion really the best way?

Virginity and sluttery.

A hamster translation for y’all.

Narcissism in action.

Both Roissy and Ace have the same thought.
Related: She’s married? Wow. Also, seems Bill had the same thought.
Related: Rape hysteria and vigilantism.

Speculations on ‘one flesh’ and microbiomes.

5 minutes of alpha.
Related: The power of game.

Using the male pill to win an MRA victory.

Anime and reaction.

Why to start a journal.

The Westermarck effect.

29% of registered voters think armed revolution may be necessary.

A global food shortage?

Canada vulnerable to aboriginal insurrection.

Comment of the year.”

(H/T: Instapundit)


Lightning Round – 20130/05/01

Congratulations to nightskyradio and allamagoosa, two commenters from the manosphere who are to be married.
May God bless you both and may your quiver be full.
SSM gets results. Maybe I should get her to try to set me up next.

Love and respect.

Related: Don’t fight it.
Related: There are no rules.

How to fight the Cathedral.

Some men don’t get the message.

Thatch with some advice for Christian men.
Related: Sexual dystopia.
Related: Zhai on how to handle men like Thatch.

Some Christian dating problems/advice.
Related: Don’t trust mainstream dating advice.
Related: Seems JB is also entertained by advice columns.

Traditional marriage versus Christian marriage.
Related: In support of early marriage.
Related: Arranged marriages result in more love than “love” marriages.
Related: Be realistic about marriage.
Related: Hating love.

Responding to Tradcons: Nope.

War only requires one side; don’t collaborate.
When even feminists can see the damage they are wreaking on the culture.
What happens when women want a traditional household, but don’t want to label it traditional.

Shifting the frame: Use the words “natural gender roles.”

Losing your way.

A few new blogs added to the roll:
The Radish: These posters are amazingly awesome.
The Karazamazov Idea, here’s an multi-post epic on women in the military.
Dr. Faust, here’s a recent post on female worship. He seems to be in the angry stage of the red pill.
Unorthodoxy: A neoreactionary aggregator.

Beauty is not skin deep.
Related: Beauty is not subjective.
Related: The face is everything. Agreed.

A women’s world can be a great place to visit.

Some ignorant woman has never heard of the apex fallacy.

Roissy has some good links.

Player burnout.

Anti-racism creates racism. Who could have guessed?

Those abusive homeschoolers.

CPS kidnaps child after mother gets a second opinion.

Gun control by executive order.
Related: The gun control advocates are out for blood. Hehe.
Related: The little bitches cry. Schadenfreude is fun.
Related: Sweet, delicious tears.

Democrats love guns.
Related: Who needs “assault weapons”? Koreans.

A lot of gun freedom arguments from Smallest Minority.

Odd how liberal’s concern for privacy goes out the window as soon as it’s one of their pet projects.

A liberal-asking-stupid-questions two-fer:
Why aren’t there more female sci-fi authors? Because they don’t like science.
Why aren’t more women at Coachella? Because most music made by women is pop/crap.

Believing in evolution.

Incentives help fat people lose weight. Willpower FTW.

Drink alcohol for good health.

Voter fraud is a myth.

Governments create problems, then inadequately “fix” them.

Austerity in Europe never occurred.
Related: Is the Cathedral starting to recognize the dangers of printing money?

The official narrative might not be true? Shocking.
Related: A response from the father.

Women shouldn’t guard men’s prisons.
Related: Female prison guards rape inmates. Where’s the punishment?

The stupidity of the internet sales tax.

Any race but Caucasian. Thanks taxpayer-funded public broadcaster.

(H/T: Phineas, Instapundit, Borepatch, Observer, Althouse, Blazing Cat Fur)

Lightning Round – 2013/04/24

Remember the fundamentals.
Related: The basic goal should be the self-improvement of the comprehensive man.

A new blog’s come to my attention: Vigilante R. He seems to be more in the Reactionary camp than the manosphere proper and has embarked on a reading project, which I support. As with many of us, he’s asking what is to be done?

Black Knighting.

The red pill quiz. I scored a 7; I’m a nihilistic, reactionary, Christian, it seems.

The pain of watching the dream die.
Related: Ian with a look at the future.
Related: The end of paternal investment.
Related: For men, it gets better.
Related: Danny pulls out some good comments by deti.
Related: The original thread.

Probably my favourite Mentu piece, reposted.

Judge harshly.
Related: Reasons to marry a non-virgin.

Men are not victims.

Christian’s perverted view of marriage.
Related: “Christians” arguing for the morality of fornication. How the church has fallen.

The “good man store” does not exist.

Feminist realizes the reality of “women’s rights”, but only when it affects her.

The evolution of game.
Related: This made me chuckle.

Have sex.

Edward Thatch hits the end of the hedonic treadmill.
Related: Do not chase happiness.

Seems Matt Forney was Ferd. I didn’t know; it never even occurred to me to try to guess if Ferd had a new site. Not too surprising though.

Civil war among the rabbits.

White men are scary. With interesting comments.
Related: Gun control is male control.
Related: Woman want to disarm America.

Let’s face it, if you found yourself living amongst the sort of moronic liberal pseudo-intellectuals that live in Cambridge, MA, you’d probably be more than a little tempted to turn indiscriminately homicidal too.”
Related: “Empathy without preference is psychopathy.”
Related: A bomb goes off in Boston and shows why America needs men.
Related: Let’s hope the Boston bomber is white.

The difference between love and supplication.

“The era when you could just show up to church for your weekly dose of sacraments and a sermon, then return to your ordinary, humdrum life of basic virtue and decency is over. Cultural Marxism has declared all-out war on basic virtue and decency, and it is winning.”

Neoreaction for dummies.

Praise is not pay. As for why I do it, it’s a combination of #1 & 3. As well, it gives me a place to rant and a place to think out loud: I found I was wasting time commenting elsewhere to no avail; I actually spend less time on the blog, while having more coherent and effective thoughts.

It rapes a village to take a child.

“The psychology of the looter and that of the hard core Leftist, the sort who were eager to dance on Mrs Thatcher’s grave, both share this common point: To them wealth is not created, it simply exists and should therefore be shared out. “

Orwell vs. Huxley.
Related: Chris pulls some good comments.

The myopia of the leftist.

Destroying the moderate middle.

Two perfect pictures of the zeitgeist.

Women converting to radical Islam at an alarming rate. Yet modern churches should water down the message to bring converts.

Rejoice in their tears.
Related: Keeping guns from “crazy” people. Who decides who’s crazy?
Related: Leftists explains the idiocy of gun control to other leftists.
Related: Good for them.

I’m beginning to like this minister.
Related: Should a Christian man be single or get married?

Where’s the feminist self-improvement counterpart?
Related: The uglification of modern women.
Related: Feminist commenters are fun.

Why you never attempt to appease the feminists.

Seems China has similar marriage market problems to us.

Divorce math.

Women with elite educations drop out of the workforce at high rates.
Related: The end of women.
Related: Agree and amplify: in labour market policy.
Related: Bring more women in to STEM by dumbing it down.

The double-standard of sexual harassment.

Why Tolstoy rejected the church.

Jesus loves you; God, probably not so much.

Denmark may reduce their welfare state.

White dudes need not apply. I was going to write on this but EW did first, so I won’t.
Related: University discrimination against males and cover-up.

I revel in showing my son that I could have slaughtered him before birth.
Related: Generation Death.

On Gosnell and the banality of evil.

Remembering through visualization.

Canadian politics are like high school.

Good news on the climate front.

This is what a feminist looks like. I survived 5 minutes, how about you:

(H/T: Althouse, Borepatch, SDA, the Captain, Patriactionary, Frost, Foseti, Instapundit)

Lightning Round – 2013/04/17

Why the manosphere exists.
Related: More on why the manosphere exists.
Related: 8 ways the manosphere changed my views.
Related: Hawaiian Libertarian with some blogging advice and some links.
Related: Professional blogging advice.
Related: How rabbits go to war.
Related: When rabbits react.

In line with HL’s post, if anyone new to the sphere has a blog or site they want to promote, e-mail me some links to a couple of your posts. If I like what I see, I’ll put it up in a Lightning Round . If I like what I read enough to want to check it daily, I’ll put it on my ‘roll.

It seems Fearsome Pirate has started blogging regularly again and he’s discovered Moldbug and the manosphere. He was one of my favourite bloggers before I entered the manosphere, but also stopped posting regularly about that time as well. It’s good to to see him back and peeking into our little corner of the internet.

Sunshine Mary has also returned.
Related:How much game should a Christian wife require? None.

Also added some aggregators to the ‘roll that I’ve been meaning to add for a while: Articles for Men, Delusion Damage, and Viva la Manosphere.

Remain positive.
Related: You are not insane.
Related: Don’t get too caught up in other people’s problems.

Human sexual behaviour 101.

Game is essentially developing fearlessness.
Counterpoint: The failings of the PUA.

It’s never the right time.

The unchristian supremacy of romantic love over marriage.
Related: The cowardly pastor.

Make sure you have The Plan.
Related: Vett your potential wife: make sure she’s not batshit crazy.
Related: If a lady cares so much about how you propose that you have to see a proposal expert, don’t marry her. Also, if a man goes to a proposal expert, don’t marry him.

GBFM’s Reading List.
Related: da professional womenz ode.

“Just be yourself” is horrible advice.

Don’t be an emotional tampon.

Control your frame.

Do modern women resent being mothers?
Related: My precious feminism.
Related: What a women means by “I don’t cook”.
Related: Why fat women should be sent to prison.
Science: Angry women are less feminine.
Related: Hamsters in action.

A crack in the narrative: SWUGs.
Related: The narrative is being affected.
Comment of the week: “It takes an expensive education to make living like a wino and prostitute sound like an empowering lifestyle choice.”

The underrated life of the stay-at-home husband.

Don’t go where women are plentiful; go where men are weak.

A series of controversial posts concerning entitlement, shaming, and MGTOW.

It’s not easy being mean. This post saddened me.
Related: Challenge her compliments.

How to get revenge on the left. Have good sex.

Porn kills your dick’s soul.

Looks like I was wrong. Hehe.

Why the 2nd amendment really exists.
Related: Missouri shares entire CCW list with Feds against regulations.

Rad-fem abstinence teachings.

More of the same: another Christian man-up rant.

Could someone possibly demonstrate more clearly they are a natural slave.

Feed your children to the state. Have the state feed your children to Moloch.
Related: The wolves are coming for your children.
Related: All your children are belong to us.

“I assure you, I guarantee you, that future history is going to remember feminists and everyone else who supported the 20th-21st century Holocaust of the Unborn with every bit as much disgust and horror as today’s progressives regard 18th-19th century slavers and 20th century Nazis.”
Related: EW responds.
Related: Kermit Goswell: Best abortionist ever.
Related: Even the Atlantic realizes the horror of this story, as does Slate.
Related: Nothing to see here. The murder apologists argue that there is a difference between a 24-week-old child in the womb and one that has momentarily expelled from the womb.
Related: The courtroom’s media section.
Related: 41 minutes for Basketball scandal, 0 for baby murder scandal.
Related: There is no media cover-up. Who doesn’t read the Grio regularly?
Related: Apostates team up with murder apologists.
Related: Where are the calls for a national conversation on abortion?
Related: “If #Gosnell had been murdering puppies in that fashion, my stop-cruelty-to-animals Facebook friends would all know & be filled with outrage.”

Rome and America: the decline.

What’s one more condom in the landfill?

Communism never died.

The world has changed; prepare your children.

Psychopaths can tell your vulnerability from your gait.

Why default is inevitable.
Related: A rush on gold?
Related: The astounding changes in banking.
Related: The EU is taking Cyprus’ gold.
Related: I made my first silver investments this week. $350 in rounds from these guys. Also, 3 $20 for 20 from the Canadian mint. The silver is overpriced, but it’s a straight trade in fiat currency, so I figured getting a few couldn’t hurt.
Related: 11 economic crashes happening right now.
Related: Australia taxes retirement savings.

it’s better to be tyrannized by the greedy than by the selfless.

I’m becoming increasingly fond of the Orthodox Church.

Why is a conservative group opposing spending cuts?

How the left stays in power.

This is one more reason to hate democracy.

Only immigrants and plutocrats benefit from immigration.

“They [drugs] kill because they break the chains that bind us to this life.”

How traditional medical “science” got it exactly wrong on food allergies.

Avoid clubs.

The attack on critical thinking.

The ideological war in SF/F.

Obama is whipped.
Related: Putin vs. Obama.

Elizabeth Warren, advocate for the $22 minimum wage, pays her workers $0.

Two of the big four TV channels may go off the air. Good riddance.

(H/T: Hawaiian Libertarian, Staged Reality, SDA, Instapundit, The Captain)

Lightning Round – 2013/04/10

3MM on Huffpo.
Related: Rollo on the interview.

The path to dark enlightenment.

Vox Day: Christ is Risen.

Advice on choosing a marriage partner.

Your spouse is not your friend.

Modern marriage is rent-seeking hell.
Related: Your life under matriarchy.

Vox on chasing sigmas. Ian on the same. After reading these I think trying to become a sigma would be much more in line with my natural personality than trying for alpha.

66 things on men, women, and game.

A classic from Mentu.

Guns, homes, and spouses.

Life is not a fairy tale. There is no one thing that will save it.

Five minutes of alpha gloriously illustrated.
Related: CH with a few must read links.

What women find attractive, men find sickening.

The collective terms for the socio-sexual hierarchy. Hehe.

Susan Walsh desires for manosphere men to out themselves so they can be crushed.

The dates feminism triumphed.

How real life change happens.
Related: Do 80% of life’s defining moments happen by age 35.

Entry level nootropics.

It is by not thinking that we cease to wonder. It is by an inundation an inculcation of mere words that the blue pill is poured in as an assumption of certainty.”

“If a compliment about your looks makes you question your professionalism and seriousness, then you have neither.”

Is the US economy weaker than the official numbers indicate?
Related: 101 million working age Americans do not have a job.
Related: More work needs to be done. Hehe.
Related: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Administration encourages lending to those with weaker credit.

Does doing the right thing even matter anymore, or does it just make you a doofus?
Related: Here comes the raid on your retirement.
Related: Portugal considering paying public servants in treasury bills instead of cash.
Related: Last week it was 60%, seems it gone up to 80% taken form depositors in Cyprus.
Related: Cyprus president withdrew millions before the deposits were taken.

Time to get out.
Related: Advice to get out now.
Related: You are a terrible investor. Advice on how to save for retirement.

From a Bosnian survivalist.
Related: 25 prepping tips.

Update: Krugman still an idiot.

The collapse in New Zealand.

Bill with links to disquieting news.
Related: The awful truth about SSI redux. The original.

Work under the table.

Remember, never try to please leftists. They will just spit it in your face, unless you grovel and supplicate in just the right way.
Related: Remember, feminists don’t like being called attractive. Make sure to call them ugly so as not to upset them.

How many years until this woman writes an unhappy article about how her boyfriend left her and she can’t find a man?

Sometimes it seems the gender equalists hate the feminine as much as they hate the masculine.
Related: This one’s great just for the feminist ideal list.
Related: Why do feminists denigrate domestic work?

“Talented young women who aspire to be rich and powerful would be advised to major in economics or electrical engineering… [and] work 60 hours a week at the office rather than combining shorter hours with home, family, and other pursuits they find fulfilling.”
Related: Maternal benefits limit women’s career prospects.

“What is the point of supporting a right that you don’t actually get to use on any substantial issues?”

The majority of police officers reject the claims of gun control advocates.

Margaret Thatcher died. RIP.
Related: A libertarian retrospective.
Related: Another view.
Related: Thatcher doing a Yes, Minister sketch.

Are the left beginning to notice the Cathedral?

The almost unbelievable case of censorship in Colorado.

The miseducation of America.
Related: Study finds university colleges are ideologically non-diverse. The study.
Related: Ryerson University student’s union disallows MRA club.
Related: Catholic university disallows Catholic group for being Catholic.

Don’t get a Ph.D.

The Ron Paul curriculum.

1 in 5 boys diagnosed with ADHD.

The reason why women are now allowed into combat is not because feminism has won, but because military contractors need a reason to produce more stuff to sell to the military.”

The Protestant Work Ethic vindicated.

Planned Parenthood argues for the right to post-birth abortion.

The death of freedom in Canada.

Something the current Canadian government gets right.

Silence of the Sheep: Canada and Abortion.

British “conservatives” give in to the Jacobins.

Gay marriage: a non-issue made into an issue for political purposes.

Piracy and the Vatican.

Penis size does matter, a little.

The poor do not lack access to good food.

Journalist may be going to jail for protecting sources. Unimportant because the journalist works for Fox.

(H/T: BoingBoing, Instapundit, Borepatch, Dr. Helen, Vox Day, SDA, Maggie’s Farm, GCBH, GLP)

Lightning Round – 2013/04/03

Why aren’t men responding to economic signals. Vox’s response.

A game lesson from the Bible.

How to help yourself succeed.

The knowledge is spreading.
Related: In Mala Fide’s in Cracked. Seems Ferd’s a “certified asshole.”

The observer has the same quandary I do. Is not pursuing what I desire, really morality or is it just an excuse?

Eye contact tips.

Potemkin women.

The true Proverbs 31 woman.

You deserve the girls you get.

The return of shame.

Winning hand: a good description of “settling”.

The C-Card.

Where to find a foreign wife.

The power of make-up.

“Doesn’t being the victim get tiring? Doesn’t it get infuriating to live with the belief that all the wrong in one’s life is the fault of someone or something else? How can one possibly maintain a healthy mental condition when they pretend to be so powerless in their circumstances?” – Personal Responsibility shaming.

Could it be that women remain single not because there are careers and independence to win, but because she has never been loved by a dominant man?  A love that will make her fall to her feet in adoration and make all these silly worldly pursuits seem meaningless.   On the same token, could it be for all the talk of men not wanting to marry, is it  just that they have never been truly loved by a submissive woman?”

How to make a man fall in love with you.
Related: More advice for the young woman.

The revealed preferences of drunk girls.

Sodomizing Christ.

Sikh man cites religion in anti-gun control lawsuit. I wish him luck.

Sundown in America. Not the kind of thing you’d normally see in the NYT.
Related: Waiting in the cheese.

Become disabled.

Government creates plan to have banks take deposits in Canada.
Related: Cyprus depositors to lose up to 60% of their deposits.
Related: Inflation is the way the US will steal deposits.

The invisible bitch-slap. I’m going to have to remember that term.

A reposted classic from Private Man.

Doesn’t she make herself sound like a catch. I bet you really want to check out her profile.
This one too.

Why Las Vegas bartenders are mostly women. For obvious reasons. When money-making and pretty lies collide, the former wins; we can’t have pretty lies ruin something as important as gambling.

On courtly love.

The many reasons men rape women.

Science: The men who use prostitutes.

Race and feminism.

Thinking on equality.

Science: Fathers and families are important.

Why the right fights the illiberal left.

They are who I thought they would be. Anyway, religious leaders stop the spread of AIDS.

Some math on college opportunity costs.

Boys, grades, and the school system.

Student punished for not reciting pledge of allegiance to Mexico.

Group children by ability in education, not fantasy. Why are liberals always decades behind rightests in acknowledging reality?

The courage of Lawrence Auster.

A novelization of the TV miniseries: the Bible. What fresh insanity is this?

Environmentalists kill a few more.

Slate celebrates Democrats being liars.

SMP rank by video games.

A new ice age?

(H/T: SDA, the Captain, Maggie’s Farm)

Lightning Round -2013/03/27

Getting to the point of the red pill.

There are 3 logical endpoints to the red pill.
Related: Red Pill bitterness. Vox’s response.

The fundamental premise: “Eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap.”

Amusing ourselves to death.

You people make me sick.

Last Psychiatrist with another thinker: “The feminism debate, labeled equivalently as “gender discrimination” or “women sabotage themselves”, is not about women, it is about LABOR COSTS, making working for something other than money admirable.”
Related: You are emotionally retarded.

Why are men silent?
Related: They are not.

“The hallmark of the inferior, the sure sign of the self-admitted inferior, is the individual who demands others live up to standards that he refuses to accept for himself.”

Dominance and the constant crisis mindset.

Raise your boys with masculine virtue.
Related: What the schoolteacher actually teaches.

“A man’s job is to not engage in silly cat and mouse games with women; especially with those women are who purposely initiating and playing these games. And when that happens, all a man can do — and must do — is to get up and walk away.”

Why you shouldn’t date feminists.
Related: The only relationship game you’ll ever need.
Related: 8 signs you should break up with her. It sounds almost like a Cosmo article title.

Easy day game tip. My friend, who is opposed to game, is always like this. Everything he says is filled with positive superlatives. He has a lot (and I do mean a lot) of female friends. He doesn’t have sex with them though, because he is morally opposed to it. I’m unsure if he could or not if he tried.

Julius Evola and femininity.

The more I read, the more sympathetic I become to Vox’s WRE.
Related: More from CR.
Related: WRE, Tech conference edition.
Related: Why make tech more female-friendly?
Related: A (somewhat) happy ending.
Related: The problem is the cowards who give in.
Related: We need black knights.
Related: Men are beginning to fight back against feminists.
Related: The feminist media warps the story.
Related: What kind of person volunteers as the thought police?
Related: What a developer evangelist is.
Related: Equality means women have a right not to be offended.

Young Hunter on natural slaves.

Oneitis and the Ponzo Effect.

The Captain finds a selfish, entitled little princess. EW’s response.

Men need to be “re-educated” so they can man-up.

Why do we encourage college, but punish marriage?

What’s in a number?

“[Old men dating young women seems wrong] because you’re a miserable cow who just spent a decade or more using sex to emotionally manipulate your partner and now you can’t stand that men have pretty much had enough of your shit and are looking to greener pastures?”

Rationalization hamsters.

“Work for THE Man = Freedom. Work for YOUR Man = Slavery.”
Related: How much it costs for a yuppie woman to “have it all”.
Related: The chore gap is really a care gap.
Related: A lesson for women.

Female age and market value.

The Proverbs 31 idol.
Related: Home-making and entitlement.

Breaking Beta: the boob test.

Comment of the week: “The amusing thing about the ignorant, is they tend to be entirely ignorant of their own ignorance.”

Character trumps diversity.
Related: When effort matters more than results.

What society values.

Study of Men’s Falling Income Cites Single Parents.
Related: Men will choose women over money.
Related: Interesting discussion thread.
From the thread: “if you want be married with 2 kids at 30 you need to have the first kid at age 26 (to space them). If you want to be married at 26 you need to be engaged by 25. If you want to be engaged by 25, you need to find a good boyfriend by 23. If you want to find a good boyfriend by 23, you need to start thinking about marriage at 21.”

The problem is you.
Related: “A victim, a real victim, is a person who has been wronged through no fault of their own.”

Career advice: Be a climber.

So you want to be a professional blogger, part 2. (Part 1).

What if I told you a philosophy book predicted all this?

A micro-lesson in alpha.

Alpha vs. beta on display in sex diary.

Ultra vires and American sovereignty.

No wonder McCarthy drank himself to death.

On propaganda.

Cyprus “saved”.
Related: It’s amazing what you can do to an unarmed populace.
Related: Have the rich Russians withdrawn their cash?

Kudokushi: The reward of progressivism.

Government stats on gun deaths.
Related: Cracked on guns.

Get the fuck off Facebook.
Related. Anybody who reports something like that should be strung up, as should the child welfare agent who investigates.

Race relations in Philly.
Related: The reaction.

Dan Freedman’s babies.

GOP suicide.

Leftists hate it when science has Unapproved Results.

University student suspended for not stepping on Jesus.

Fox News critics wrong.

Good. Let them burn.

The unseriousness of the administration.

The joy of Obamacare.

Mainstream economics, in charts.
Related: Krugman is wrong. Just shocking.

(H/T: Maggie’s Farm, SDA, Foseti, the Captain)

Lightning Round – 2013/03/20

What makes a man? Being a victim damn sure doesn’t… A man is Conqueror.”

Maintain your I frame.

The harem, the tribe, and the pride.

Looks like Matt’s first book is about to drop.

3MM just launched it’s new project: Best of the Manosphere.

It seems Roosh is on the path to reforming.

Where the good men are.
Related: Where the good women are.
Related: Where are the women?

Generation alpha widow.
Related: Comment with some good data.
Related: The science of alpha chasing.

Failed female strategy of life-splitting.

Ian with a message for women contemplating divorce.

That men only want sex is a myth.

Overspending women seek retarded millionaires.
Related: Liberated women blindsided by reality. A seemingly never-ending source of amusement.
Related: “Successful, Gorgeous, and Amazing friends.”

The rise of single-motherhood for 20-somethings.
Related: Smart women have babies in their 20’s.

AG with a chart of sexual frequency.

Moldbug with an amazing take on economics.

Being betrayed by your own country.

We’re wiping out the savings class.

Potential bank runs in the future?
Related: It can happen here.
Related: A game-changer.
Related: A future banker-assassination policy?
Related: Your money is not safe.
Related: Left-wing economists think they aren’t stealing enough.
Related: It did not pass.

Is the tide starting to turn on home-making?
Related: One reason women stay home.

How a wife can handle a troublesome mother-in-law.

Science: Shared life history is a strong predictor of relationship satisfaction.

Intellect and dopamine.

Gun horror is not a productive emotion, but learned helplessness disguised as moral superiority.”

“America does not have a gun violence problem. Obamerica does. And Obamerica has a gun violence problem for the same reason that it has a drug problem and a broken family problem. These social ills cannot be solved by banning something.”

Who should have guns? Everyone.
Related: Guns are a natural convergence between libertarians and consevatives.

Because you invaded their country.

Tazing the Statue of Liberty sends the wrong message.

Kindness as weakness.

Schelling Points and the Catholic Church: the last bastion of civilization.

Last week in the land of the free.

Your future under socialism, in the US.

The making of black America.

The change in law enforcement.

Foseti with an oldie, but goodie on government employment.

Patent law may have outlived its usefulness.

How to make a water well.

Indoctrination starts early.

SPLC lies.

The global cooling scare.

A quarter of women lie on social media at least once a month.

Canadian politics: the “Conservatives”.

(H/T: Shining Pearls, the Captain, SDA, Instapundit, Roissy, Vox Day)

Lightning Round – 2013/03/13

Be straightforward, be direct, be a man.

A teenager’s guide to the red pill.

“If you’re contemplating change, then you’ve already made your decision.”

What I learned from death.

“The nuts and bolts of being a man is to produce more than you consume.”

Althouse has an insightful comment on the same article I wrote this post about. “The stereotypical traditional male works so that a woman would have him and he could have love. Love was the end, not the means. If, for the woman, love is the means and the end is career advancement… then what? And why?”

The Thomas Carlyle Club tackles masculinity.

Seems SSM went down.
Related: Orthosphere women rank pro-marriage manosphere men on dating appeal.

Many women are simply not worth courting.
Related: Hehe… The solipsism of a female banker.
Related: Danny’s bubble gum analogy.

Fighting your nature.

The importance of marriage.
Related: The marriage strike is real.
Related: Are pre-nups no longer valid?

Alpha male power moves.

The real problem is laziness and entitlement.

Conservative Sociologist should remember that not everyone wants help. There is nothing for her to do.

An excellent introduction to reactionary thought from a non-reactionary.
Related: McCarthy was right.

Men turning their backs on modernity.

It’s about tribe. Also, Adam Corolla has a pirate ship.

CR on racial social interactions.
Related: Liberal terminology translation dictionary.

How to respond to “you don’t know how it feels.”

On offensiveness.

Cooking and game.

Keoni enjoys the Heart Attack Grill.

Banning porn is ugly women’s attempts to control male sexuality.

Matt runs down the basics of starting your own blog. Part 2.

Gun control is male control.

A fairly unbiased piece on why firearms research is unreliable. Part 2.
Related: Why do pro-freedom advocates oppose funding for science research?

Hmmm… It seems the US still has an ammo shortage. Odd, we don’t here in Canada. I went to Cabela’s last week and picked up 2100 rounds of .22LR for the regular price. They had tons. You’d think they’d send some of that south.

80% of NYC high school graduates need to relearn the 3 R’s before entering community college.
Related: The school system is designed to prevent learning.
Related: More on the lobotomy factories.

New teaching methods could be hurting autistics and the socially awkward. The school system is increasingly becoming about creating rabbit people.

Fuck the mancave.

A general rule for social science research.

Study: Feminized boys like smaller breasts; real men like big ones.
Related: Judgy Bitch comments.

Christian television and popularity.

When all is said and done, big business demands cheap labor, and then imports a bunch of illegal immigrants who work illegally for wages that American citizens can’t legally compete with on price.  And then the government makes it exceedingly difficult for Americans to circumvent big business by starting their own business.”

To be perfectly honest, the fundamental problem with free trade is not that the federal government allowed foreign companies to sell their goods in the US, but that the federal government imposed a massive regulatory regime on domestic producers, as well as costly taxes, and generally onerous labor laws.”

Hiring tips.

The stupidity of Ygglesias. Related.

The paradox of libertarianism. A response.

You are miserable because you are free.

Trade-offs and decisions. The corruption of government.
Related: Why leftists cut essential services instead of trimming waste.
Related: 310k federal workers and 40 Obama aides have not paid their taxes.

Remember, voting twice is only a crime if you’re old and have dementia.

Some Canadian politics stuff on our “Conservative” party.

The 3 axis of politics.

YOU are probably a child pornographer. By the standards under which this person was charged, my parents are.
Related: On trial for thought-crime.

“Still, I blame the storm more than I blame the computer models.”

Some science on the first Y chromosome.

Did the Neanderthals die out to the sapiens because of rabbits?

(H/T: GCBH, Smallest Minority, Foseti, Maggie’s Farm, Troglopundit, Middle of the Right, Instapundit)

Lightning Round – 2013/03/06

Things 18-year-olds should know.

Modernity is the problem.

The guide to getting things done.
Related: Real men are busy.

Be thankful we don’t live in this Orwellian society.

A must-read post, Capitalism: a Hate Story.
Related: What we have is not capitalism.


I pooped.
Related: Two words women need to hear: You done?


Give them something real.
Related: The essence of game: Be the best version of yourself and be real.

A lot of people don’t want help or the truth. Don’t give it to them unless asked.

Alpha is relative.

Take each other for granted.

Male Settling Order. Aiming for #3 and will settle for naught less: I’ve always preferred cute (pretty) to hot anyway.

7 reasons not to seriously date women over 30.
Related: Advice to a women in her 30’s.

5 signs you should marry her.

Judgy Bitch with a great rant.

STD testing and sluttiness.
Related: Virginity and sluttiness.

Chick crack.

Using PoF.

Hugo Schwyzer’s big idea: make men more feminist by sodomizing them. Makes sense: a catamite would generally be more feminine, less masculine, more submissive, and an almost literal mangina, so I could see any man willing to be sodomized as more likely to be a feminist. If you’re willing to degrade yourself sexually, why wouldn’t you be willing to degrade yourself in other ways. Also, I love how feminists define “secure in their masculinity” as meaning having not even a tiny ounce of either masculinity or self-respect.

The ponzi life.

Related: The consequences of hoplophobia.

3D-printed guns keep getting better.

It’s been 20 years since the FBI murdered 76 people.

Manpower: The most abundant and renewable resource.

God doesn’t forgive the unrepentant and neither should you. Good comments as well.
Related: On judgment.

A sterile culture.

Some red pill humour. More. More. More.

Putting the pieces together results in shame.
Related: Liberal champions of white supremacy.

Why old people don’t get respect.
Related: A battle is coming.

Eat fats.

Women: in poor shape because they do less housework.

The effectiveness of single-sex classrooms.

Yet another reason to homeschool your kids.
Related: You’re screwing your kids.

Mark Steyn tears one out of the anti-bullying campaign.

Science: Boys get worse grades than their test scores should indicate, except when they act like girls.

How about that: it seems women are the actual sexist bosses.

Why men are wrong and need to be more like women. Anyway, I think a advice blog dedicated to giving red pill answers to those with questions would be pretty nifty.

When guys do the same things as girls, guys are mean.

Women, men, and biology.

Equality is more important than safety.

What if everything you know is wrong.

Half of employers say college grads are a disappointment.
Related: Almost half of college students don’t graduate in six years.

The banks are unprofitable without subsidy.

How Amazon published the “Keep On and Rape A Lot” shirts.


Everyone finds a religion.

Hipsters growing up.

Science: Pessimists live longer.

Nothing to see here. The Department of Homeland Security needs 2700 tanks for something, something.

Teen stops armed gun man, gets suspended.

Hehe… some take a bit longer to notice reality.

Shit. I smirk, talk in a tone of absolute certainty, and use sarcasm; I must be abusive.

Really? I highly doubt that a 6-year old is aware enough to identify as transsexual without the parent’s pushing. Also, you can tell this is the parent’s using their child as a political pawn as they called their male child “Coy”. Using your own children as a sociological experiment is hideous.

Crimethink in Canada.
Related: I’m disgusted is not an argument.

If only the socialists were always this concerned about government thugs.

The neo-feudalism of the ruling class.

Virginia man charged for following Biden’s advice.

Man thrown in jail for saying panties.

New Atheist courage on display.

On the differences between economists and others.

Is the jury system breaking down because people are stupid?

It seems the White House threatened a journalist. I’d be more concerned if I was remotely surprised or believed the media wasn’t already the slave of the government (or vice versa).

Not much for partisanship between the Republicrats, but this is funny:

Her contact information.

(H/T: BoingBoing, Instapundit, Maggie’s Farm, Save Capitalism, ar10308, SDA)