Category Archives: Lightning Round

Lightning Round – 2014/12/03

Confidence trumps competence.

Naturally increase your testosterone.

Internal and external identity.

EW closes down.

Join Pax Dickinson’s campaign to expose media corruption.
Related: An interview with Pax Dickinson on his new project.

A harpy of a wife comes to a moment of self-revelation that changes her marriage. Women, read this.

Advice for girls to get noticed while online dating.

NBS with a great piece on Tick Generation Warfare.

What’s stopping young adults from getting married?

The instruments of terror.
Related: Looting is democracy in action.

Institutional capture and the eugenic monarchy.

Europeans and Faustian recklessness.

Against platonic rationalism.

Secession: the only way forward.
Related: Why separation won’t work.

Presidential prosecutorial discretion.

On the printing press.

A response to Hurlock’s property post.

Cultural collapse theory.

Thanksgiving: a racist holiday for bad people.
Related: Why leftists hate thanksgiving.

Steel anarchy. (A rather metal name). Related.

What gauche caviar looks like.

A history of Shinto.

The Cathedral and international development.
Related: The problems of international aid.

Milo dissects Anita Sarkeesian.
Related: The #GG blocklist backfire.
Related: Games aren’t welcoming, get used to it or get out.

Watching the world burn.

Ferguson on fire, world to follow.
Related: Undocumented shoppers.
Related: Morons riot for the right of big stupid people to rob, beat-up small people.
Related: White unflight and the naked might of the media.
Related: List of businesses destroyed in Ferguson.
Related: Destroying a neighbourhood is fine; protecting it is not.
Related: How to not get shot by the cops.
Related: The disingenuous of #blacklivesmatter.
Related: The sane and reasonable response in Ferguson.

Scott looks over racial bias in the justice system.

Hispanics replacing blacks.

The intended side effects of the Respect after Death law.

What is an SJW?

A massive doxing campaign has begun against ‘racists’.

Gavin McInnes and Ezra Levant talk on Human Rights Comissions.

NYT, Julie Bosman, and Campbell  Robertson try to get Officer Wilson’s pregnant wife murdered.
Related: Their addresses and phone numbers.
Related: Julie Bosman unhappy that she’s getting phone calls.
Related: Julie Bosman has a criminal record for shoplifting.

There is no tech worker shortage.

Wrestling with God. More.

The decline of Campus Crusade.

Real feminine strength.

Female supremacy: the endless quest.

Even professional female scientists care more about clothes and fashion than science.

Female managers hate making decisions.

How to avoid street harassment. Heh.
Related: A woman laments the lack of street harassment in Japan.

Facing divorce, go gay.

World War B: Is bestiality the next sexual trend?

Feminists: False rape accusers prosecuted too harshly.

Four female officers rape prisoner.

Rearing children.

Civil asset forfeiture is thievery.

The pygmies of today will always attack the giants of the past.

A new site dedicated to blue SF.
Related: The yellow art of the pygmies.

US condemns Syria bombing ISIS while bombing ISIS in Syria.

In favour of Walmart.

H/T: Jim, RPR, NV23

Lightning Round – 2014/11/26

 Get motivated.

Charles Murray: How to spend your 20’s.

Analyzing attraction.

A style guide for young men.

What love costs: Calculate how much relationships will cost you.

Pax Dickinson is starting an organization to combat media corruption.

Wright dissects a gossip.
Related: Vox responds to a leftist trying to isolate him.

The #waronnerds.
Related: Why geeks stand against feminism.
Related: Post-relationship omegas.

Institutional capture and the eugenic monarchy.

Tribal warfare and higher ideals.
Related: Why discussions between left and right are futile.
Related: Sharpening your tribal instincts in a modern setting.

England: land of discount slaves.

Europeans and Faustian recklessness.
Related: Not all Europeans are rolling over.

On Obama inviting invasion.
Related: Why Obama is pushing amnesty.
Related: TRS doesn’t think it’s going to be that bad.
Related: The 1986 amnesty baby bubble.
Related: Sailer asks a simple question.
Related: On Obama’s immigration order.

Ideology-driven social science.

Brittanus Americanus: a letter from a Jacobite.

The unconventional conservatism of the left.

Jobs and politics.

Related: The Puritanical political impulse.

26 kids and counting: Don’t hate the playa, hate the game.

Globalization and war.
Related: The globalist elite has no cohesion.

Roosevelt and Stalin.

Hong Kong: Don’t fix what isn’t broken.

Japan in recession following Krugman’s advice.

Places in the former Habsburg Empire are more trusting and less corrupt.

Defining post-libertarianism. I became post-libertarian after pondering the question of natural slaves.

With secession for all.

The campus rape craze.
Related: Rape victim on rape.
Related: Freshmen means RAPE!!!!!!

Related: Presidential prosecutorial discretion.

The sane and reasonable response in Ferguson.

The history of Tarot gaming.

The case for idolatry. Related.

Gather ye rosebuds.

SJW game.

More on shirtgate.
Related: Noah Smith tries to sic Shirtstorm mob on Robin Hanson.

PZ Myers and sexist hypocrisy.

Don’t ‘let the little women do it.’

On breaking-up texts.

An actual strong women responds to death threats.

Confusing make-believe with reality, why feminists obsess over Barbie.

Women invents hunky man character, leaves husband for him.

Female managers hate making decisions.

Why is Pando’s Sarah Lacy leading an anti-male smear campaign against Uber?
Related: Buzzfeed vs. Uber.

What went wrong with SFF?
Related: The yellow art of the pygmies.

Golf Nazis.

Debt hole is bigger than advertised.

The decline of porn.

The paradox of international aid.
Related: Firestone in Liberia.

Green companies running out of government funds, moving to pillaging pensions.

No peak oil.
Related: Lies about energy subsidies.

Oxford University shuts down abortion debate, opposes free speech.

Socialism: So wonderful walls are built to keep people in.

Looks like the new Assassin’s Creed will portray the French Revolution accurately.

Obama administration asked CBS to block reporter investigating gun-running scandal.

Gay rights advocate arrested for sex-crime with 15-year-old.

The insanity of Geordie Tate.

Related: SCC, SDA, WK

Lightning Round – 2014/11/19

Become worthy.

Rescuing Christian masculinity.
Related: The church needs men.

Christians and identity.
Related: Identity and rebellion.

What factor best predicts the success of a romantic relationship.
Related: Buying happiness with money.

Where does a bachelor leave his legacy?

Advice for a prodigal daughter.
Related: What women can do to signal interest.

GBFM went down for violating ToS.

The Gramscian infiltration of America.

No enemies to the left, no friends to the right.

Sailer with a retrospective on the Bell Curve.

I am a: Objectivist Libertarian Total-Isolationist Nativist Fundamentalist.

Phalanx’s new Tumblr.
Related: Post-anathema: a NRx art site.

Technological advance is not inevitable.
Related: The decline of google.
Related: Kill whitey: Silicon valley edition.
Related: Technological stagnation.
Related: The decline in drug research.

The arts are too important to cede to idiots.
Related: The moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the Ivy League.

What is neoreaction?
Related: The difference between Rx & NRx is thede.

What you can do.
Related: The culture war on Twitter.
Related: The left wins because they’re willing to invest the time.

Reaxxion: A gaming site for men.
Related: Gamergate hysteria.
Related: #Gamergate is waking people up to misandry.
Related: The political effects of Gamergate: driving liberals our way.
Related: SJW entryism being plotted.
Related: Never retreat.
Related: An interview with a Czech game designer about #Gamergate.
Related: #GG is doomed again.

Political projection.

A lack of formalism leads to totalitarianism. Related.

Finding common ground on traditionalism and techno-commericalism.

The Outsideness Strategy.
Related: Elections don’t matter.
Related: Political donations by industry of employer.

Kicking the debt can.

On castes.

Sovereignty and nukes.

On Carlyle’s the French Revolution.

How the liberal MSM shapes the news.

Sedatives, health care, and suicide.

No cat-calling in 10-hours experiment in Sydney. How confusing.

Progress is bad science.
Related: Two genes linked to violent behaviour. Related.

The common link between America’s four most violent cities.

The great partition and the rise of white identity.

There’s something about Teutonics.

Tips for gentrification.

Progressive support for executive orders and secession.

Lessons from the Republic of Minerva.

To Pinochet.

A new East India corporation.

On the theory of mind.

Will’s experiences with racism.
Related: The $1-million victimization pyramid.

Neoreaction and Latin. Part 2.

Dampier reviews Land’s new book.

The outlier amplification effect.

The flaw in the assortative mating theory. A response.

Feminism and housewives.

Contra Jayman, divorce does matter for life outcomes.

To answer Legionnaire’s question: Andrew Jackson because he destroyed the national bank and paid off the national debt.

How the women’s vote led to big government.

Rotherham confirms the fall of Britain.

A rough foreign policy stretch for the USG.

Christianity and the boiling pitch.

A FAQ on usury.
Related: Against usury and immigration.

Traditionalism, Male Mother Need, Yes Means Yes, and Doublethink.

Students sue school for stopping them from praying.

A man realizing he’s become the beta bux.

Ladies: Take responsibility for your failed relationships.

Broken people, cats and Prozac.
Related: The end result of the sexual revolution.

A near-criminal lack of game.

A new scapegoat for failed feminist predictions.
Related: Rose Eveleth is a horrible person.
Related: Feminists won shirtgate.
Related: The termagants and harpies crap on the feast; it’s what they do.
Related: Pornographer used as moral authority in t-shirt row.
Related: SJW’s hate science too.

#TakedownJulienBlanc shows the need for the patriarchy.

Women should not go to jail.

How to get away with molesting a toddler.
Related: Lena Dunham and the moral collapse of the elite.
Related: Lena Dunham and amygdala hijacks.
Related: More on Lena Dunham and modern child sex experts.
Related: Jia Tolentino and Jezebel defend sexually abusing children.

The terribleness of the Guardian’s Zoe Williams.

Feminism thrives on attention.

A transfat activist on his daily struggles.

Time ends ‘words that should be banned’ poll because ‘feminist’ was winning.

‘The sexual harassment policy that nearly ruined my life.’

Asians suing Harvard over affirmative action discrimination.

Decorated man being punished for telling lesbians to follow Army rules.

Jonathan Gruber, architect of Obamacare, praises the stupidity of the masses.

How progressive Hollywood shackles Bond.

Wright creates a library for children.

Education departments don’t produce competent teachers.

The politically correct origins of the confederate flag.

A possible Israeli immigration strategy.

Scalzi illustrates both Isaiah and Brave New World.
Related : He also illustrates delicious irony.

Vibrant author uses SJW alter-ego to attack competition.
Related: SJW’s devour themselves.

Salon writer condemns arithmetic as racist.

The silliness of Science readers.

Obesity will bankrupt socialized medicine.

Ethnic tension and the motte & bailey.


Lightning Round – 2014/11/05

I don’t care.

Kill Mr. Maybe.

Be uncomfortable.

#NoNothingNovember has started if you’re interested.

The lazy man’s guide to wealth.

Why you should join muay thai (or another martial art).

On anonymity.
Related: People oppose anonymity because they don’t want to think and want power. Related.

Why WRE?
Related: A nation of bastards.
Related: Mencken describes hypergamy.

Rules for reactionaries.
Related: Distributed organizations of men.
Related: Response to NRx needs capital.

The rise of the grey tribe.
Related: The three modern grassroots rebellions.

A primer on who/whom morality.

Why we’re pessimistic.

Some bog-standard Canadian socialist commenting on NRx.

On nationalism.
Related: Evolutionary models: ethnocentrism wins.
Related: NRX, techno-commerce, and society.

Is dysgenics ending? Related.

Wright put this up, so just a reminder, Handle is maintaining a list of political purges.

Don’t vote, you will be punished.
Related: Just say no to voting.
Related: Don’t vote.
Related: Voting is kabuki theatre.
Related: Vote out of spite.
Related: 100 reasons to vote.
Related: Democracy is rigged.
Related: The margin of fraud is 1.2%.
Related: Abandon electioneering.
Related: The key to the Republicans taking the senate.

SJW’s and the mask of sanity.
Related: Vox demonstrates a few SJW ‘debate’ tactics.
Related: Disqualify with lies.
Related: On rabbits, the group, and fear.
Related: Words like misogynist and sexist are simply weapons to the pinkshirts.
Related: The SJW identity police.

The difference between liberals and leftists.

How to make your princess-loving toddler the Right Stuff.

The Howard-Pliven children’s crusade may have killed 9 children.

Gamergate and the culture war.
Related: Gamergate and corruption.
Related: Ezra Klein, Vox, Gamergate, and the politicization of everything.
Related: Chris Kluwe and the lies of the anti-gamergaters.
Related: Gamers are almost all male.

The progressive machine is turning against Bill Maher.

Detroit blamed on white racism.

The Kitty Genovese murder after 50 years.

The American decline: Transportation edition.

On Obamacare.

The web of dependency. Related.

Lawns are signalling.

Spandrell on the anti-Christian ratchet.

 Kicking the secularist habit.

How to destroy a church. Part 2.

Where evangelicals diverge from orthodoxy.

Church broken into and pastor harassed after he endorses Republican.

Ballista and DS’ discussion of marital authority continues. Related.

Now is the time to start a family.
Related: Ballista responds to Matt.

A reminder not to marry a woman over 30.
Related: Women, age, and beauty, both inner and outer.

The etymology of man.

MGTOW is not binary.

Men experience more online harassment than women.

Men take more risks, women play it safe.

Sophia Katz and what ‘teach men not to rape’ means.

The death of the girl scouts.

Internal inconsistencies: Women prefer male bosses.

The friendzone from the women’s part. Also, don’t be Terence, except that bit where he cut it off.

Scott Adams with feedback for feminists on the 10-hour video.
Related: Heartiste on the 10 hours video.
Related: TRS comments on the video.
Related: Who is microaggressing whom?
Related: Attention-whoring and the oppression Olympics.
Related: Cat-calling, race, and rape stats.
Related: Wright comments.
Related: The fundamental problem with man-hating feminists.
Related: 10 hours walking as a racist white woman.
Related: Should Congress Pass the Dig Up Emmett Till and Lynch Him Again Act of 2014?

Personality and why women don’t program.

Single motherhood: hard on women, easy on kids.
Related: Birmingham honours single moms over Tolkien.

When ideology meets reality: a feminist’s struggle.

UK women cashiers demand ‘equal pay’ to male warehouse workers.

A vivisection of Lena Dunham’s new book

GF gets her underage boyfriend drunk, they have sex, he accuses her of rape. Guess the response.

Beware your sins will find you out.

An amusing story of a hamstering gold-digger.

The ‘this is what a feminist looks like’ sweatshop.

Too poor to afford abortion. Vile people.

More on the motte and bailey.

Meet the world’s worst economist: Paul Krugman.

IRS arbitrarily seizes bank accounts.

Liberals: Too stupid to understand threatening things and too filthy to be disgusted by dirty things.

Obama: pro-economy, anti-family.

Student suspended for slicing an apple during healthy eating presentation.

Norwegians angry because female soldier told to do her job.

Sweden: a failing state.

The Red Cross suffers under the iron law of bureaucracy.

Two “Stop the Violence” activists beat down a third.

Wright has a well-written parody of dinosaur revenge fiction.

Toronto’s “conservative” paper: ‘Police shouldn’t wait for formal complaints to investigate.’

An ebola update.

What not to do.

H/T: SDA, RPR, CC, Pollack, SCC, Isegoria, Land

Lightning Round – 2014/10/28

Disobey fear.

Advice from Vic Pride.

Why men should avoid college.

20 things 20-year-olds don’t get. Not perfect, but some decent advice for younger readers.

Ballista and DS go back and forth and back again on authority in marriage.
Related: Replacing marriage with holy matrimony.

Why women need to be subordinated for successful reproduction.

Anarcho-tyranny and social technology.

Feminists, Gamergate, and the curse of Eve. Related.
Related: Matt Forney’s stance on gamergate.
Related: How Mike played pathetic bully Sam Biddle.
Related: Mike puts up some dirt on Gawker.
Related: Vox attacks a gaming parasite writing for the NYT.
Related: More on Gamergate from Wright.
Related: Why feminists want to destroy gaming.
Related: Gamergate and 4GW.
Related: Saluting gamergate.
Related: Gamergate vs. Morlocks.
Related: Gamergate is winning.
Related: Gamergate is America.
Related: Gamergate, harassment, and incentives.
Related: A little suspicious.
Related: An open letter to Gawker Media.

The sweet, sweet taste of media tears.
Related: The boringness of NYT Twitter.

Moving from objectivism to neoreaction.

Neoreaction is not traditionalism.

Whig history and collapse.

Leftism is perpetual warfare.

The not-so-secret secret government.

On cultural Marxism.

On thedes.
Related: Nydwracu responds defining thedes.

21-year-old in Britain thrown in jail for tweet, but nobody yet punished for Rotherham.

Canada on its knees.
Related: There is no link between the Parliament Hill gunman and the guy who ran down two Canadian soldiers.
Related: Canada will not be intimidated in their quest for self-immolation.

The threat of entryism.

Out-group altruism.

Riding while white.

A Jew finds he is not hurt by epithets for whites. Surprising.

Robert Caruso revels in the death of others.

Obamacare passed because non-citizens voted for comedian.

The collapse of the Ukrainian narrative.
Related: On US-Russia relations.

Atavisionary comes across a political litmus test for employment.

The FBI is worried about cell phone encryption.

On currency.

Is African-American studies a front for athletic departments?

Ferguson as a get-out-the-vote drive.

The superstition of words.

Maybe if gamers win, Christians will decide the church is worth defending from feminists.

Against transaction in the church and relationships.

California forces churches to fund abortions.

Women’s sins partially enumerated.

How pre-marital sex damages a woman’s ability to be in a relationship.

Relationship advice for the older woman.

New neologism: sexzoned.

Carol Costello delights in men assaulting women.

Teach women not to lie about rape.

Rape culture is a construct that only exists in the mind of crazy women.

Possibly fake, but a bleakly amusing story of divorce fantasies gone awry.

World War T continues.

When women stopped coding.

Democrats in Wisconsin carry out illegal raids on conservatives.

Hillary Clinton: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

On AA’s effectiveness.

EU tries to rob Britain of $25 billion.


Lightning Round – 2014/10/21

Success Rebel.
Related: Financial advice.

6 habits holding men back. 4 of them for me.

On the Christian feeling alone.

Guidelines for self-defence.
Related: For those with nothing to lose.

Science: Don’t buy a big ring.

Science: Overconfidence rules.

Introducing Phalanx: a reactionary fraternity.

Progressivism is nihilism.

Democracy kills economic growth.

NRx and identitarianism.
Related: SM interviews the editor of Radix.

On rushing to action.

Tribalism and politicization.
Related: A response.

Pinkshirts vs. #Gamergate.
Related: A gamergate response to ‘Brianna Wu’.
Related: Popehat goes NRx on #Gamergate.
Related: #GG: Harassment and threats.
Related: Contacting Gawker’s advertisers.
Related: A #GG boycott list.
Related: MasterCard sponsors Ezra Klein’s hate.
Related: The fruits of taking business advice from SJW’s.
Related: The historical reality of women in gaming.

The SJW’s against Lovecraft.

The ontology of a troll.
Related: Weev’s apostasy.

Ebola and political correctness.
Related: Ebola and the nation.
Related: Why ebola is evil.

Crime reports defy progressive narrative on interracial crime.
Related: The racial breakdown of people killed by cops.
Related: Forensic evidence that Michael Brown assaulted cop.

Context denial in Keene.
Related: Liberal context denial.

Charles Murray reflects on the Bell Curve 20 years later.

The decay of meaning of the word ‘rape’.
Related: Fighting rape.
Related: Feminists argue for being able to retroactively withdraw consent.
Related: Making the world safe for foolish, promiscuous women.
Related: Affirmative consent in action.
Related: Yes means fear.
Related: What the campus rape hysteria is really about.
Related: It’s not neovictorianism.
Related: Women are too weak to say no.

Leftists use words differently.

Occult secret services.

Land’s take on the coming caliphate.
Related: The culture and technology jihad.

Democracy is stupid.
Related: Alex de Tocqueville’s dark sides of democracy.

Generation masturbation.

Fair-world fallacy and nerds.

On abortion and supporting single mothers.

Portland: exhibiting the signs of collapse?

On Ephesians 5.

Billy Graham: “As wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah.”

Atheists with an actual atheist worldview.

Idaho Town: Do gay marriages or go to jail.
Related: Gay “marriage” and the abandonment of law.
Related: Remember, there is no homosexual agenda.

Against the NFL.

A review of Quintius Curtis’ book.

Man awarded custody after woman made false accusations of abuse.

Eye gaze and attractiveness.

Why girls with tattoos and piercings are broken.
Related: Science: Tattooed women are sluttier, lack foresight, are selfish, and are mentally ill.
Related: Some hatred of Matt Forney.
Related: Matt Forney receives death threats.

15% of women over the director level have had work affairs. 37% of them got promotions because of it.

The context of sexual harassment while waitressing.

US marriage rates at all-time low.

In last quarter of 2011, more iPhones were sold than  babies were born.

Feminists and Democrats against making birth control over-the-counter.

EW’s take on teenagers.

AmRen and the lies of Robert Sussman.

Robert Caruso wants blood.

How do unschoolers turn out?
Related: Homeschooling and the Oculus Rift.

On grade inflation.

How to tell who is lying.

Reality is beginning to intrude on liberal’s minds.

Socialist millionaire: “Clothes and food should cost much more…”

Freedom Socialist Party pushing $20 minimum wage offering $13 for developer.

The causes of the US deficits and debt.

On why Amazon is in the right.

Fastest growing cosmetic procedure in UK: fixing stretched earlobes.

Slate commits minor crimethink.
Related: Slate come so close to a major realization.

Astrology: Now a science!

US still has world’s worst corporate income tax rate.

Will posts a classic Manowar song.

A story of a Compassion sponsor visiting his child.

The casualties of non-existent chemical weapons.

RT: RPR, SDA, CC, Pollack, Blake, WK

Lightning Round -2014/10/15

We interrupt your regularly scheduled set of links for this important announcement.

The Showdown Has Begun: Trevor Blake and I are having a debate on the topic ‘To be Christian.‘ The goals and terms of the debate can be found here.

Trevor has started it with his Opening Statement. My Opening Statement will follow on Friday.

This is my first formal debate, so there should be fun and learning to be had.

Also, we are raising funds for Samaritan’s Purse, one of the few charities I actually respect (as far as I can tell, it has not yet been lost to Conquest’s second law). If you’re liking the debate, consider a donation.

We will now continue with your regular set of links. Although, I’ve been busy, so there’s fewer than usual, but that just means more next week. Enjoy.


The simple math behind early retirement.

How to be a maximalist.

Tolkien on intersexual relations.

Men are literally becoming feminized.

People don’t seem to understand a father making more is a sacrifice not a prize.

What statistically makes for a stable marriage.

The slippery slope “fallacy”.

A book review of the Privileged Sex.
Related: The EZ way to get men to fight for you.

Stereotypes, honesty, and ignorance.

Ebola, Spain, and holiness.
Related: Become so holy the flesh rots off your bones.
Related: More on Ebola.
Related: The ebola curve.
Related: Ebola math.
Related: America can’t fight an epidemic.
Related: Institutional breakdown in the time of Ebola.
Related: The incompetence of health experts.
Related: The ultimate Ebola scare.
Related: Leave the volunteers in Africa.

On the War of Southern Independence.

Jim doubts current GDP measurements, thinks China will be richer by 2030.

Monarchy and technology. Related.

Commie Catholics.
Related: Catholic Church report flirts with self-immolation.
Related: Dropping bombs on the family.

On Darwinian blithering.

Women driving the delay in marriage.

Selling sin.

Unmarried cohabitation began in the 70s.

Our dystopia of single moms and masturbating bastards.

Women in the game industry.

Some hilarity from Tumblr.

Why the NFL Breast Cancer Month is a joke.

The pill destroys lake eco-systems.

They’re coming for your children.

Gender insanity at the schools.
Related: 5-year-old punished for pointing a crayon and saying ‘pew, pew’.

The slave trade in medieval Italy. Part 2.

Laurie Penny as an ‘outsider’.

Detroit: Homeowner offers to swap house of iPhone. Vote Democrat!

Doctors “euthanizing” those with psychiatric problems in Holland.

Pregnant Austrian teens who joined ISIS regret it. Ha.

The Media Party colluding in Canada.

H/T: CC, Dalrock, SDA

Lightning Round – 2014/10/08

Self-defence and situational awareness.
Related: Killing in self-defence.
Related: Remember, always shoot to kill.

How to conquer the fear of success.

Where the sexes work and some career advice.
Related: Will found some career advice.

Avoiding seasonal affective disorder. Not something I get, but maybe it will help someone.

The need for hope.

Inspiration: An interview with the founder of 8chan. Related.

5 bench press mistakes which will stall your progress.

A primer on Canadian commonlaw relationships. (ie. Don’t let a gal move in).

Inspiration: A truly strong woman.

Single men with jobs becoming a scarce commodity.
Related: Fewer men are working and marriage is dying.
Related: Some remarriage rate charts.
Related: It is women who are causing the increasing delay in marriage.
Related: Are young, unmarried women sincere about wanting to be married “some day”?

How to treat rebellious spouses.

Neoreactionaries don’t plan to be a ruling class.
Related: Moron bites: On the idiots who ‘wonder’ if we think we’ll all be aristocrats.

Libertarians ask: What is neoreaction?

Towards organization.
Related: The superversity.

Scot writes an excellent post on out-groups and the blue tribe. More feces to fling.

The red and blue empires.

The social justice industrial complex.
Related: What is an SJW?

Shut them up twice as hard.

Secession will not be clean.
Related: The dissolution of Austria-Hungary as a model.

The free speech entryist strategy.

The totalist media.
Related: Press silence and black privilege.
Related: NYT cutting 100 newsroom jobs. A good start.

Ebola and leftism as the great filter.
Related: Ebola, the great filter, and the abstract threat.
Related: Some stuff on Ebola.
Related: Homeschool or die: Ebola version.
Related: A lesson on disease containment from the Spanish flu.
Related: Ebola: Patient #2?

Evola versus evo-psych on ethics.

The presumption of racism.
Related: What’s racist and what is not.
Related: Lesbian sues because her baby is black.

Why immigration matters.

The silver linings to the long march through sports and games.

Gamersgate hits back: Intel pulls ads from Gamasutra.
Related: Did Intel stand up for white males?
Related: GameJournoPros set to close down.
Related: How sloppy, biased video game reporting almost destroyed a CEO.
Related: Gamersgate: One simple test.
Related: GG News: Eron’s hearing. Related.

The principles of sorcery.
Related: The branches of magic.

FSD vs. 4GW.
Related: An interesting sounding book: The Node.

Hong Kong needs an inquisition.
Related: The great circle of despots.

If Dwight Eisenhower could see us now.

Linguistic functional fixedness.

The inevitability of infertility eugenics.
Related: Lesbian eugenics.
Related: Prog hypocrisy in one delicious package.

The validity of twin studies.

Songs about killing teachers and simpler times.

Do you live in London? The Nietzche club is looking for members.

There’s been some debate between Christians and ethno-nats recently. I’ve already addressed the issue here.
Related: Race as the most important issue of our time.

The demolition of what remains of Catholicism begins.
Related: The beheading of marriage.

It isn’t mercy to send someone down the road to hell.

Atheists Kickstarting their own religion. Hilarious.

Young, churchy evangelicals actually believe the Bible.

What keeps men out of church?

Give the rebellious wife what she ‘needs’ or the baby gets it.

Heartiste on California’s affirmative consent law.

Feminism is on the retreat.

Men continue to oppress women by working hard for free.

Male and female predators.

Narcissism, rape culture, and why millennial girls are monsters.

Why men are pissed.

A typical day in the patriarchy.

How gamma’s are made.

The lament of the desouled woman.

Anti-feminism morphing into the new feminism.

Transgender and transage. I think Vox is nudging against Poe’s Law there, though.

I’m gonna save the NIH $466,642: Fat girls get less dates because they’re less attractive and they engage in riskier sexual behaviour because they’re more desperate and therefore more likely to give into male demands for risky behaviour.

The Onion: ‘I’m sorry to say this but you’re just not the man I blindly hoped you would transform into.’

An article advising women to lower give themselves better standards.

The anti-dowry.

Slavery and buying children.

An idiot’s guide to the right.

Another firearms incident.

Obama and the bell curve.

Political correctness and anti-harassment efforts create mistrust in the navy.

4 females guards ‘rape’ prisoner.

The college experience isn’t worth it.

The incredible shrinking labour force.

A captcha program defines human as a liberal.

Did you know: Norway and Finland had the highest per capita rampage shooting fatalities.

16-year-old goes to jail for 3-years without trial for being (falsely) accused of stealing backpack.

Preferred music style is tied to personality.

10% of Americans are alcoholics.

H/T: RPR, SDA, CC, SSC, Pollack, VD, Wright

Lightning Round – 2014/10/01

Drinks and gendering objects.

Never trust a man who hasn’t been punched in the face.
Related: Civic virtue.

Mangan has a new book on supplements.

Being from a large family reduces divorce risk.
Related: Science: Predictors of infidelity.

On the Iliad.

The culture war is turning.
Related: The SJW’s mistakenly think they have won.

Men don’t share feelings.
Related: Attempting the impossible.

Weimar Germany and America.

The way of the gang.

The lumpenintelligentsia.

Reaction, Jews, and Christianity.
Related: Jews and divided loyalties.

Ordinary racism and future hyper-racism.

Hawks, doves, and game theory.
Related: Population, decline, and productivity.
Related: Game theory and the omega point.

Neoreaction as an analytical rightward synthesis.

The real culprit is the government.

Pulling the centre.

How standardized testing undervalues men.

Ethnic cleansing in Europe.

Britain: the sick man of Europe.
Related: Britain is only getting what they wanted.

A brief history of black riots.

Woman is culturally enriched, diverse vibrant stopped by armed man.

Repatriation is off the table.

Land has some fun with one Michael Rectenwald on Twitter.

Disconnected NYT alienated from Christianity.

White evangelicals and discrimination.

Philosophy vs. tradition.

Truth, love, and tolerance.

Christian college’s accreditation threatened because it adheres to Christian values.

More on our previous conversations on the Israelite genocides. My opinion remains as it was. I still need more than ‘it’s wrong because it’s wrong’ to be convinced.

“There are 65 employed [unmarried] men for every 100 [unmarried] women.”
Related: Vox: Get the Fed to fix women’s marriage prospects.

A war on men waged through false accusations and courts.
Related: Men are fighting back against false rape accusations.
Related: It has come to this: A ‘yes means yes’ app.
Related: Any man accused of rape should be immediately convicted with no evidence, even 2 years later.
Related: Man fired from Forbes for trying to protect women from rape. The article.
Related: If we applied feminist logic to other crimes.

University of Michigan: Withholding sex and ignoring feelings are abuse.
Related: Indian court: Denial of sex is cruelty.

Women commit domestic violence as much as men.

The BETA shield.

How feminism holds women back from high achievement.

Men unemployed; women hurt worst.

Why there are so many marriage problems today.

Modern women follow those with indifferent contempt for them, rather than their loving husbands.
Related: Stay-at-home moms are happier and have stronger sense their life is worthwhile.

Those aging eyeballs.
Related: Science: Men like women in their mid-20s. Surprising.

Science discredits feminism.

An anecdote of why you should avoid loose women. Another.
Related: Another alpha widow.

Remember: Women self-admittedly bang the assholes & losers, while making responsible men pay full price.
Related: Woman spends youth with bad boys, now wants to find someone ‘who deserves her’. Just as she hits 31 too.

Feminist: Feeding illegal, potentially unsafe drugs to your child is awesome if it’s to do an abortion.

25 signs of the destruction of modern women by the sexual revolution.

The back-up plan. Half of women have a plan B.

“Emma Watson wants you to know her life – that of a pretty, rich, famous, popular female megastar – has been monstrously traumatic, because of sexism.”
Related: Feminist Emma Watson: Says men should move from gender stereotypes, dates says dates alpha male rugby star.
Related: Emma Watson’s banal hypocrisy.

Laci Green is trying to censor Youtube.

Trolling and the business of rage.

Transgender man joins women’s MMA, seriously injures woman.

College allows old perverts to expose themselves to little girls.

Female secret service agent overpowered.

No fault divorce hurts women as well.

An actual objective mainstream article on #gamersgate. Bravo TechCrunch.
Related: No need to be a whiny bitch.

The bureaucracy of a bulldozer.

China has fewer bureaucrats than us, but still let go of 100,000 employees who did no work.

Gladwell was wrong: 10,000 hours won’t make you great.

One of my friends once recommended Mister to me.

German Ethics Council: Incest a fundamental right.

On asexuals.

Nerds, science, and testosterone.

Streetlight psychology.

Scientist argues black holes don’t exist.

The leftism of Wikipedia.

Neil Degrasse Tyson: ‘Maybe you can’t find that quote in official records, but I cite the highest authority: me.’
Related: Criticize Neil Degrasse Tyson and they’ll delete your Wikipedia page.

Buzzfeed has a list of evil authors. Wright is number 6.

Appearing on the Daily Show is a bad idea.

Global warming ‘97%’ figure is a lie.
Related: Science: Wind farms create more CO2 than they prevent.

On cannon fodder.

An amusing twitter conversation.

H/T: RPR, SCC, SDA, RoM, VD, Dalrock

Lightning Round – 2014/09/24

Start a blog that makes money forever.

The manosphere, hedonism, and reaction.

Red pill alienation.

Radish knocks it out of the park: Reign of Reason.
Related: …And social justice for all.

The first in a series on becoming an American traditionalist.

Preparing for the beginning of the end.

Gamersgate as an ideological litmus test.
Related: Gamersgate, cultural Marxism, and intellectual bullying.
Related: An indie developer writes on the diversity police.
Related: 4chan furor.
Related: Has 4chan been purged?
Related: War for the internet’s soul.
Related: Gamersgate escalates.
Related: Women suck at making video games.
Related: SJW’s get black developer fired for Gamersgate.
Related: Ebola-chan.
Related: Moot and Anita.
Related: Nazism is PC.
Related: GameJournoPros: Game journalists secretly colluding.
Related: A blacklist.
Related Conspiracy: Gamergate/DARPA connection?
Related: More conspiracy.

Feminism kills civilization.

Game theory solutions to collective action problems.

A wonderful progressive, pacifist, feminist civilization.

On the post-labour economy.
Related: On universal basic income. A response.

The great circle of make-work.

On the middle class.

Reaping the fruits of democracy.

Who killed adulthood?

Maturity, prominence, and homosexuality.

The media is the true power.

The SC judges know their invincibility and power.

Intelligence, education, and health.

Before slavery.

On the ISIS beheading videos. Related.

50 ways millenials are subhuman troglodytes.

The truth about the Spanish Inqisition.

The roots of marriage counselling.

Defending women who let evil men near their children.

Go to college to become a better whore.

Study: Women ignorant of fertility reality. (Also 1/8 couples struggle with fertility).

Why women are rejecting perfect men.
Related: Another concern-trolling ‘where are all the good men?’ article.
Related: 30 is the new 50: ‘old age’ is killing my dating life.

I wonder why no one replies to her messages.

More on the stupidity of pushing women into STEM.

Women have agency.
Related: Courts to decide whether women have agency in Occidental case.

NYT: Who runs the girls?

Teach women not to rape.
Related: Teach women not to rape 2.
Related: Rape epidemic by women.

A false rape accusation over $20.

Prostitutes with college degrees earn 31% more.

WW2 solipsism.

Homeless man uses game to find a place to sleep each night.

Even if you got it made, your kid still might not call you daddy.

Lying to the government.

Some links on Neil Degrasse Tyson.
Related: Wikipedia deletes mention of Tyson’s fabricated quotes.

A small mistake on Mao by the Economist.

The ebola exponent.

Japanese positioning against the yen.

World population likely to expand, mostly in Africa.

36 killed by vaccines in Syria.

Ted Cruz’s lying circus.

Democrats and Republicans are different. Vox discovers the ratchet.

Ancient DNA re-writing genetic history.

Ad for reliable workers banned as discriminatory.

How to decipher a book review.

On fake bestsellers.

A thread on the decline of Cracked.

What evolutionary biology can learn from creationists.

H/T: Land, RPR. Aurini, SSC, SDA, CC, Bill