Category Archives: Lightning Round

Lightning Round – 2015/02/18

Graduating gamma: physical & spiritual.

For the young: surviving public school.

How traditional women can signal red pill guys.
Related: There might not be a wife for you.
Related: A couple of my old posts on this.

Some basic economics.

Why historical perspective matters.

NRx is a culture of striving rightward.
Related: Anissimov on NRx.

NRx and the 3 estates. More.

Against America now, for America tomorrow.
Related: America is doomed but the West lives on.
Related: The US is old and doomed.
Related: Speculators.

Oil and the SS bust.
Related: The cost-benefit of social policy.

The orchestrated attack on Russia failed.

A cabal of its enemies.
Related: Minimizing politics in your company.

The wealth loss of student debt.
Related: Elementary school college indoctrination.

Fixing science.

The debasement of commonality.

AI, unemployment, and war.
Related: Taking orders from machines.

Why there are no conservative comedians.
Related: Are liberals funnier than conservatives?


The weak have it coming to them.

Where SJW’s come from.
Related: Even NPR is thinking feminism has gone off the deep end.

The TRS troll guide.

What is ritual?
Related: Worshipping the Mao mangoes.

The Germanization of Christianity.

Christendom and tradition.

Why women need a defined line of modesty.

The child outsourcing industry.
Related: The price of destroyed families.

The problems of 50 Shades are overhyped.

Conan the librarian.

On the Canadian flag.

Female Thor ruins Thor.

On “Brianna Wu”.

Another case of the media lying.

The FCC set to devour the internet.

H/T: NBS, Jim

Lightning Round – 2015/02/10

 Advice on becoming a man.

Performance and desire.

Nietzschean wisdom.

Advice from 1963 Harvard Business School Graduates.

CC has finished his newest book: the Black Man’s Guide out of Poverty.
Related: Forney reviews D&P’s book on juicing.

An example to follow.

Are men commitment-phobic?
Related: Laura provides some advice on what to look for in a wife.

Women are keepers of the average.
Related: Woman, the degraded aristocrat.
Related: An explanation of hypergamy.

Why Anti-Dem talks of anime.

On tradition and personal growth.
Related: The striver marriage.

The advantages of a large family.
Related: There is no family and therefore no incentive for children.
Related: Children aren’t worth very much which is why we don’t make many of them.
Related: Science: Daycare and social problems.

PRC, sovereignty, and feminism. Related.
Related: Fertility and economic prosperity.
Related: The weak galt hypothesis.

Jargon of the spergs.
Related: The petty materialism of public education.

NRx is always to your right.
Related: NRx and ethnonationalism.
Related: The similarities of WN’s and SJW’s.

Is neoreaction for real? Part 1, 2, 3.

NRx and Opus Dei.

Putin the autist.

Nick with a response to my earlier post of Post-Puritans.

Progressive labour theology.

Why conservatives will lose.

Conservatives may be mean but they’re honest.

Mind control.

The negative pose.

The strange fruit of cultural marxism.
Related: White devils.

Diverity+Proximity=Legislative War.

Fame and SMV.

Stop adding up the wealth of the poor.

NASA and diversity.

Soft equalitarianism is not helpful.

Genes for IQ found.

Genetic super-enhancement must be mandatory.

Mangan on vaccinations.
Related: Vaccine scare mongers.
Related: Measles risk.

Musings on transhumanism.

Related: Another mass rape by Muslims in Britain.

The crusades and inquisition.
Related: Myths of the crusades.
Related: Obama’s drones have killed more than the Spanish Inquisition.

Maybe America is not as screwed as some think.

What academic freedom means.

Stephen Fry and atheist ignorance.

The collapse of tradition in the protestant church.

Women are not exempt from moral law.

Modesty and the church.
Related: Modesty and Driscoll.
Related: Of pants and passion.

Half of divorced people regret their divorce.

The rise of the thirsty slut.

Distressingly low rape numbers on Canadian campuses.

If accused of sexual assault, you are always and automatically guilty.
Related: Another false rape accusation. The mattress-carrying slut.

Hehe… Slate LW notices that feminists are just trolling for problems.

Leftoids, women, and submission.

On working remotely.

The results of being good at math.

Newsman Brian Williams lied about getting shot down.

Two-stage martyr-killer theory of insurgency.

Entryism on Reddit.
Related: Entryism in MTG.

A quick rundown of contemporary Canadian politics.

9-year-old suspended for making ‘terroristic threats’ about a magic invisibility ring.

Denmark has a negative interest rate.

Jews leaving Britain out of fear its unsafe.

Black racist’s will overturned.

Temperature data rigged.

Heroin addiction treatment and society’s ills.

The FCC internet power grab.

Socialism in action: medical shortages in Venezuela. Coming soon to a country near you.

Man’s business destroyed to meet a quota.

Samsung TV that spies on your conversations.

The importance of salt.

The Hugo wars.
Related: The false advertising of SF.
Related: On the Hugo awards.
Related: The rabid puppies slate.

H/T: SDA, Land, RPR, CC, Dalrock, DS, SSC

Lightning Round – 2015/02/04

Advice on becoming a man.
Related: Masculine virtues.

A list of certifications.

Words from Epictetus.

Men need to prove they can dish out pain; women that they can take it.

Two articles of gibberish on the “redpill right” and neoreactionaries. (land)
Related: A fnording.
Related: Another MSM article on MRA and RP.

Mike has written an NRx ebook. Sample chapter.
Related: A criticism, of sorts.

The leftists’ motivation is hatred of Christianity and Western Civilization.

Society is a racial construct.

The clash of civilizations: 2015.

The happening won’t fix your problems.

The wordcraft culture war.
Related: Leftists of the right.

Some pushback against the puritan hypothesis.

The gameability of meritocracy.

Human self-domestication.

Prog attack: the collapse of the Portuguese Empire.

Intelligence, pick-up, and the suppression of knowledge.

The Parsis are going extinct due to modernism.
Related: The price of wealth.

The contradiction that rules feminism.
Related: Representation and liberty.

Social justice and slave morality.
Related: How middle-class suburban whites are playing the victim game.

The limits of moral argumentation.

Enjoying the race war? Thank the media.

Reporters are spies.

Southern reaction and NRx.

The utility of welfare. Related.

How progressives swallowed the Democrats.

More adventures in pedophile mainstreaming.

Southern European communesia.
Related: Non-existent Greek austerity.
Related: Greek vassals play the victim card.

Putin’s thinking.

The non-existent diversity dividend.

Natural inequality and the parable of the talents. Related. Scott is so very close.
Related: DNA phenotyping.

The results revealed very little evidence of parental socialization effects on criminal behavior before controlling for genetic confounding and no evidence of parental socialization effects on criminal involvement after controlling for genetic confounding.”

Steve Sailer wonders why nobody is talking about the Vanderbilt campus rapes?

The singularity swindle.

The environmentalist religion.
Related: Temperature adjustment.

The practicality of religion.

Mary was not a single mother.

Dalrock’s Driscoll week: Single mothers, baby mamas, disparaging men, & submission.

Women’s lack of responsibility regarding marriage.

Why women have casual sex.

Is the campus rape crisis an example of helicopter parenting?

The Alphabet: tool of the patriarchy.

Woman marries herself.

Men now presumed guilty in the UK.

A story of a man making a foolish mistake. (Or, hopefully, sugarbaby site astroturf).

On the top 1%.

On Wikipedia bias.

Jonathan Chait being eaten by PC. Related. Heh.
Related: Here’s the article.
Related: Do the left thing.
Related: African homophobia: Because white people.

Medical extortion.

Leftists reaping what they sow.

H/T: Nick, HBDC, RPR

Lightning Round – 2015/01/28

How to build a better red pill blogosphere.

Three fundamental truths.

A career is not a vocation.

9/10 businesses fail.

A intro guide to practical economics.
Related: The US is strangling entrepreneurs.

Over a 10-year period most forms of non-permanent birth control are almost guaranteed to fail.

Kill the kulaks.
Related: The leftist mind virus.

What makes NRx unique. NRx Principles.
Related: The necessity of boundaries.
Related: Entryism.

The responses to Mike’s Frankfurt School post continue.
Related: The protestant ancestry of progressivism.
Related: The Frankfurt School is not the cause of progressivism.
Related: Forget cultural Marxism.
Related: Culture Marxism exists.
Related: Not all reaction is equal.
Related: Democracy and revolt.

The insanity of student loans.
Related: Scattered graduates.
Related: Making universities irrelevant.
Related: Millenials: childless and indentured for nothing.

A response to Yuray’s claims on education.

Women’s liberation is women’s prostitution.
Related: Feminism, university, and prostitutes.

Spanish fertility and patriarchy.

Can the state supplant the family?

Alimony and child support: Time to shrug.
Related: Man going to jail for refusing to pay for child that isn’t his.

On nerds and women.

The blowback of liberal schemes.

The government paper bubble.

Freedom of speech and government weakness.

A solution to the holiness problem.

The problem of role models.

An experience at Chipotle.

On the fluidity of race.

Le Pen’s lessons for the Anglosphere.


Idiocracy, democracy, and the SotU.

Institutions, Rome, and Carthage.

Usury and chattel slavery.

When Christians turn on Christians and atheists know the Bible better.
Related: Not all “Christians” are Christian.

The Anglican church has signed its death warrant.

650k march on Washington in pro-life rally.

A reversal: Bakery accused of religious discrimination for refusing to put anti-gay message on cake.
Related: More reversals.

Delaying sex leads to better relationships.

Sexual abuse is not egalitarian.

Abortion aborts itself.

Duck writes for a guest post for Roissy: “Who bitch this is?”

Women aren’t in STEM because they are not as good at math.

Feminists complain that Wikipedia is banning anti-GG feminists from making the GG page biased.

Tumblr feminism in Time.

Women outnumber men 2:1 in public service disability claims in Canada.

The ratchet goes on: What it’s like to date your dad. Related.

Free speech killed on Canadian campuses.

America’s new aristocracy.

Commies win in Greece.

Libertarian Brad Spangler turning himself in for molesting his daughter.
Related: Libertarian responses.

Pink SF is destroying SF.

Designing Twilight Struggle, an excellent board game.

Lightning Round – 2015/01/21

Create your own monomyth.

Stop complaining about your job and go to church.

Science may not be as good a career path as it seems.
Related: Almost half of college grads in jobs that don’t require a degree.

An RP round-up of marriage.

10 women Christian men should not marry. Vice versa.
Related: Your spouse is not your friend.

What to do when she turns on you.

 Wisdom from St. Louis.

Why monarchy?

The Frankfurt School caused progressivism.
Related: Land disagrees, as does Hurlock.

Some European history.

A reactionary is a conservative who has ceased to believe liberals engage in good faith.
Related: Ross Douthat supports reading Moldbug.

Teleofunction not tradition.

Anthropologist: We’re on the brink of collapse.
Related: Apocalypse when?
Related: 3 graphs.
Related: The boomer legacy.
Related: 2084. Heh.

Sound money and societal morality.
Related: Zippy has an e-book out on usury.
Related: Gold, Bitcoin, and reaction.

Women in the workplace.
Related: On fertility and pregnancy.

House of Cards and society.

Government failure.

Nazis were of the left.

The TRS troll guide.
Related: Troll-hunting tips.

Voting is a charade.

Left-liberalism: the diabetes of politics. Heh.

British poll on Jews.

Will reality sink into leftists following Charlie Hebdo?

Candlelight vigils and cavity searches.

Amish Coordination and how the Amish are different.

Rote learning rocks.

On egalitarian art.

On free speech.

Communist rabbits.

Pedophilia and post-modernism.
Related:The promotion of consensual incest.

Was homosexual “marriage” a bridge too far for leftists.
Related: Reality vs. marriage.

John C Wright’s collected apology.

Christian church exploding in China.
Related: Possible revival in Europe.

4 terrible lessons taught at church.

Feminism is for ugly women.

Confessions of a serial rapist.

Feminist loudmouth Shanley  was a racist who dated white nationalist troll Weev.
Related: She’s been melting down on Twitter after being doxed. Amusement to be had.

Marine LePen in the NYT.

Canada enjoys socialist medicine.

Free speech for some in Canada.
Related: Private speech should not be publicly policed.

Socialism: Coming soon to a country near you.

Serial rapist requests euthanasia instead of prison.

Depression, suicide, and social dysfunction.

Immigration math in the US.

White Americans are very white.

MLK birthday party flyers.

Soros bankrolled Ferguson protests.

More journalistic integrity on display.

Getting women warriors wrong.

The pendulum swing in SF.

More on TrackingPoint.

H/T: Isegoria, SSC, DS, SDA, Land

Lightning Round – 2015/01/14

Some remedial red pill.

Passion and work.

If people didn’t have debt.

Phatic speech. If only I had read this 20 years ago. Maybe it will help younger mes.

Taki’s guide to good girls.

A warning: Jack Nicholson: “single and lonely and likely to die alone”.

Whores, daughters, and the patriarchy.
Related: Broken hearts, broken windows.
Related: Sex and natural law.

Parental involvement and civilization.
Related: The WP notices that there are a lot of single mothers and that’s not good.
Related: Children of single parents more likely to see domestic violence.

The three laws of behavioural genetics.

The culling of young entrepreneurs.

Modern monarchy.
Related: Beneficial effects of the Hapsburg Empire.

Smash the Overton Window.

Democratic loss aversion.

The break-down of moderation.

The emptiness of the 68ers.

The winners are those who are serious.

12 people killed in Paris by peaceful Muslims.
Related: The world is a dangerous place; the French have let that danger in.
Related: Free speech comes from the barrel of a gun.
Related: Malcolm thinks this may be big.
Related: Charlie was not us.
Related: This is what diversity looks like.
Related: Choose who you serve.
Related: Leftists love Islam.
Related: Je Suis Charlie won’t save free speech.
Related: Did Charlie Hebdo have it coming?
Related: Charlie Hebdo conspiracy theorizing.
Related: On Muslims and Jews.
Related: Tyranny of the minority.
Related: Multiculturalism’s last gasp.
Related: Moral retardation and Islamophobia. More.
Related: Why the left supports Islam.
Related: What will we do?
Related: European views of the nation.
Related: Anti-semitic Israelis and diversity.
Related: Netanyahu vs. Hollande.

NYT covering for Islam.
Related: Media hypocrisy.

FN in France.
Related: Le Pen denounced for calling for peace and democracy.

Deportation is not war.
Related: That’s what separate countries are for.

The coming annihilation of European progressivism.

Supporting #blackbrunch.
Related: On #blackbrunch.

Authoritarianism and adaptive complexity.

Islands of security.

The credibility trap.

The importance of mythology.

Nywracu’s thoughts on religion.

New NRx aggregator: Neoreactive, a competitor to Reaction Times.

NRx at the Catalyst Club.

A bit on the Great Filter.

Just a reminder, there are no consequences for lying journalists.

Singapore works.

More on Japan’s demographic time bomb.
Related: How Japan’s sexual apathy is threatening the world’s economy.

The success of Egypt’s junta.

On Nigeria.

Liberalism is a sin.

RP hope in the RC church.

The wake-up call view of marriage.
Related: An analysis of Stanton: Part 1, 2, & 3.
Related: How Christian counseling destroys marriage.

Churches unleashing the feral woman.

The downside of the soul mate myth.

We might not have so much divorce if people put as much effort into marriage as revenge.

Women playing for sympathy not truth.

13 examples of why women lie about rape.

The sex ratio is getting worse for men.

Thought crime at Dalhousie University.

Heh, spoiled girls.Related.

Marissa Mayers struggling at Yahoo.

A little story of women in STEM.

The tolerance of homosexuals.

Putin: 10th most admired man in America.

What gamergate taught us about social justice.

Horrifying civil liberties predictions for 2015.

Thoughts from Thomas Sowell.

The prohibitionist’s dilemma.

Bad policies based on fragile science.

The decline of science fiction.

Cracked discovers the wonder of government programs.

5 uncomfortable truths about Cracked.

H/T: Bayne, SDA, MR, RPR, SCC

Lightning Round – 2015/01/07

Kicking ass in the new year.
Related: Cure depression.

Ignore the women, get to business.

Mutiny in the marriage.
Related: Language matters.
Related: Attitude matters more.

Debate tips.

Young men: things to consider before becoming a doctor.

The cruelty of feminists. When will nerds learn, the left hates them.
Related: The entitlement princesses.
Related: Never give feminists an inch.
Related: Runaway rationalism.

Moving beyond the RP horror.

On #metalgate.

Better reading habits for reactionaries.

What is neoreaction?

Liberals cannot comprehend the dissident right.

A call for a post-modern paganism.
Related: It reminds me of an old post of mine.
Related: Better to resurrect the old if possible.
Related: There is no return, only generative catastrophe.
Related: Yuray sets them straight: you cannot create your own religion.
Related: Henry agrees Mark.
Related: The spread of secular religion.

Overdomestication and dysgenics.
Related: Japan’s demographic time bomb. Related.
Related: On MGTOW.

A natural solution to pathological altruism.

The rising anti-immigrant tide in Europe.

Liberals and self-esteem.
Related: Liberal psychology.
Related: The leftist paradigm.
Related: On SJW’s and hate.

Confessions of a reluctant culture warrior.

The rot was present in the 50’s.
Related: The era of the apex alpha.

The illusion of defeat.

Duck in the Washington Post and Daily Mail.

How to stave off the r-selected.
Related: Neoreactive web resources.

The Great Axis Rebellion.


The median voter and democratic activism.

Santa won’t save us.

Sacrificing to Mao.

FB and the destruction of private life.

An analysis of Interstellar. Go see the movie.
Related: I was going to write a short red pill analysis of It’s a Wonderful Life after watching it, but Rollo beat me to it.

New York and coups.
Related: The anti-cop pose is a libertarian strategic error.

The drug war as ethnic war.

Anti-asian discrimination.

Scalise being purged for speaking to EURO.

On the prime mover.

On taking the name of the Lord in vain.

Preparing your children against peer pressure.

How usury made the sexual revolution inevitable.

Pastor who has same sex attraction marries woman.

Why is it so hard to get married these days?

How to close the gender pay gap once and for all.

The institutional oppression of men.

What the charge of ugly feminists does.

The irrational fear of no.

53% of Indian rape cases were found to be false. Related.

Cucuo stepping off the feminist reservation.

Contented women don’t facebook.

@SuperSpacedad brings the hilarity.
Related: The shills of anti-gamergate.

The Wikipedia cultural marxism changes.

The unity of the Mongol horde.

West Hunter doubts the claim that killing is difficult.

Modia and Mundia.

Scott reviews What’s Wrong with the World. I got to start reading it again.

Scotland investigating offensive tweets.

Ontario Human Rights Tribunal rules ‘female only’ ad violation of human rights.

“Peaceful” mob storms ceremony honoring 100-year-old vet.

Anarcho-tyranny: Wine edition.


H/T: SDA, Land, Will, VD, SSC


Lightning Round -2014/12/24

 The Christmas season is upon us. I’m taking a break and won’t be writing much, if at all, during this time. Don’t expect anything new here over the next couple weeks. If this Lightning Round isn’t enough to tide you over for the Christmas season, check out the Reaction Times feed for more writing. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

A Christian Man’s Guide has been updated and re-released for free.
Related: Love God, love yourself, love your wife.

The Red Pill Handbook, a collection of top Reddit TRP posts, is now available for free download.

On romance.

The shit-test encyclopedia.

The truth of the friendzone.

How to handle private vice.

Why people drop out of the edgysphere.

White privilege as normative commons.
Related: The purpose of “privilege”.
Related: What is diversity?

Where are the American gulags?

The right needs to embrace its extremists.

 More on the deep state.

Academia and the corporation.

Links between NRx and propertarianism.
Related: The basics of propertarianism.

A monopoly on violence.

Denial of evolution and dysgenics.

The progress of psychology.

War is easy, peace is hard.

Why a bachelor tax won’t work.
Related: Fathers [sometimes] matter.
Related: Marriage rate declining due to porn. Vox comments.
Related: Divorce dominoes.
Related: The vanishing male worker.
Related: Young men exiting Britain en masse.

Once lost, chastity is gone forever.

The cracking-up of the left.

The political ends of the UVA hoax and Emily Renda.
Related: UVA Jackie stole her love letter from Dawson’s Creek and Scrubs.
Related: A cop’s personal experiences with false rape claims.
Related: Beejoli Shah makes a (possibly fake) rape accusation.

Actual gang-rape at a campus. Wonder why this didn’t create a media firestorm?

On rage and why the media ran with Brown and UVA.
Related: Why the media highlights dubious stories.
Related: Bird-watching: Where an absurd example already occurred.

On the millennial grasseaters.

The success of youthful wunderkind often hides significant advantages.

Is digital civilization sustainable?

Religion, prosperity, and morality.

An intro to the ENR.
Related: European neo-reaction. Not the same as neoreaction.

Season’s greetings to American Jews.

Entitlements as nation-state glue.

Epistemic horror.

Al Sharpton and kakistocracy.

Sweden’s volunteer auxiliary thought police.
Related: Troll hunters.

You asked for the police state.
Related: Two cops killed in retaliation.
Related: Media megaphone contributed to cop killing.
Related: 4GW in the US.

DS does not think adultery is grounds for divorce.

The parallels of usury and birth control.

The atheists have made a 10 commandments for atheism. Heh.
Related: A deconstruction.

Professor suspended for defending free inquiry on campus.

Women are not naturally good.

Top 10 feminist fiascos of 2014.

A pathetic creature.

Can a man who married a feminist be saved?

The lumbersexual.

Be careful of “pro-male” women.

Teaching rape law in law school is triggering.

Zoe Quinn and ant-GG attack Hotwheels and try to destroy his income.

Political correctness overrides security.

If you want grandchildren, don’t eschew a traditional division of domestic labour.

Science: View of cheating different between the sexes.

Absurd Cinderella law in Britain.

Instead of protesting, give 10%. The old ways work.

The cost of public health insurance.

17,000 Germans march in anti-Islamification march.

An actual backlash against a Muslim (conservative who wrote a satire of SJW’s).
Related: #Illridewithyou based on a hoax.

Posturing instead of fighting.

White men: the Navy doesn’t want you.

New anti-gun PSA encourages children to engage in multiple dangerous crimes.

Area Catholic offended by the phrase “Merry Christmas”.

Vox takes on troll Andrew Marsten.
Related: Vox deals with trolling seriously.

Wright outlines the notes behind his writing. I really want to read this series now.

A tale of secession.

H/T: SDA, Legionnaire, Steve, SSC, RPR

Lightning Round – 2014/12/17

Be the man.

Embrace the barbell.

Cultivating gratitude.

How to be based.

A Christmas benediction.

The bum mentality.

When to white knight for family.

For women: 5 ways you are unknowingly destroying your husband and killing your marriage.
Related: When a women isn’t in the mood. Part 2.

A life plan for women who want it all.
Related: Heartiste dissects how to spot a PUA.

Pity your enemies.

You don’t win converts by being rude.

#GG anti-bullying campaign cost Gawker over $1-million and resulted in firings.
Related: A petition to stop Gawker.
Related: Just a couple pages of anti-GG tweets.
Related: A debate between Hotwheels and wannabe-chekist Arthur Chu.

Metalgate starts a slow burn.
Related: What is metalgate?

The deep state. Related.
Related: The Cathedral, shallow state, and deep state.

Game theory, mass media, and the Asche experiments.

No room to breathe.

Megaphonics. What discussion means.
Related: Mass media is over.
Related: The media’s problems are bigger than Rolling Stone.

The fake campus rape crisis.
Related: Feminist facts don’t align with actual facts.
Related: Women lie about rape.
Related: The girls who cry wolf.
Related: “To SJWs sexual assault and misconduct aren’t bugs, they are features.”
“College must be difficult for white, straight coeds, because it’s so hard to be a victim. You’re not black, you’re not gay, you don’t have leprosy — what can you do to acquire victim cool? Join the rape club!”

UVA story has more and more holes.
Related: Was it made up simply to make a man jealous?
Related: UVA, Erdely, and Renda.
Related: More on Renda.
Related: Emily Renda’s Senate testimony.
Related: Shopping around for rape victims.
Related: Steve examines the media dulling down.
Related: The real villain: Charles C Johnson. Visit him here.
Related: More on Jackie’s scam.

Woman makes false rape claim, gets caught, killed herself. Now she’s a martyr to feminists.

Man being charged with rape for being intimate with his dying wife suffering from dementia. He’s also a Republican. How much do you want to bet this is political? Either that or Linda Dunshee and Suzan Brunes are horrible people trying to get some inheritance. Possibly both.

Rapes the media avoids: Terry Bean.

Feminists need support from men.

SJW’s self-justifying student loans.

Why millenials are garbage.

On Meditations on Violence.

Against torture. Something I’ve changed my mind on over the years.
Related: The feigned outrage over torture.
Related: Torture reports reveals Americans are pussies.
Related: It’s not torture. Also, a comparison to the martyrs.
Related: The two torture standards.

Political correctness and actual correctness.
Related: Retarded white guilt.
Related: Only black lives matter, if you believe all lives matter you’ll be forced to apologize.
Related: White pussy Anderson Cooper celebrates the murder of his ancestor.
Related: Anti-racist statue destroyed for racism.
Related: White left-wing protester at Ferguson riot attacked by blacks with hammer.

Young woman burned alive in Mississippi.

Embrace cultural Marxism.

We can’t do anything.
Related: Secessionism in the Daily Beast.

Varied thoughts from Nydwracu.

Capitalism sucks.
Related: The origins of money. Related.

On natural rights.

Gruber, vice, and socialism.

The rise of Putinism.

The tyranny of value.

What is the proximate signal of shifting life history strategy?

On gassed furries and culture.

Honor the martyrs.

Once you have entered a wrong alliance.

Chaplain reprimanded for citing Bible in suicide prevention training.

California university kicks Ratio Christi off of campus.

Treachery against men in a men’s group.

Masculine runes.

More on rhetoric with an SJW.

If they don’t teach 13-year-olds hedonism, PP might run out of children to murder.

Man tells another man about wife committing adultery. Also comments.

The appalling stupidity of modern feminism.
Related: Some amusing feminist comments.

Advanced level black-knighting.

NYFD drops physical requirements to recruit more women.

High heels as a signifier of femininity.

“Ethicist:” Post-natal abortion is A-OK.

The nowhere people.

The madness of Queen Shanley. An odd theory at the end.

PJ O’Rourke watches Girls.

Anita Sarkeesian plagiarizes Cpt. Capitalism and lies about harassment.

The #Illridewithyou girl has issues.

What it’s like to be a 58-year-old virgin.

More sterling reporting. Indeed.

Soon the internet will be impossible to control.

Your personal health records will be everywhere.

Denmark unveils new sex-ed plan: Have babies.

Use of force.

19th century terrorism.

The failure of the science process.

Insane PC Christmas shopping tips.

Hard and soft SF.

Forney reviews the Overnighters. Sounds interesting.

Need more reason to watch Interstellar: Read Jacobin Mag’s review.

A question with an obvious answer. The global warming hysteria was never about warming, it was about expanding government control and attacking capitalism. Geoengineering doesn’t expand government control, hence it’s not a ‘real solution’.

Man uses semi-automatic pistol for Russian Roulette.

H/T: SDA, CC, Land, Jim, Hurlock, RPR

Lightning Round – 2014/12/10

Infographic: The science behind a happy relationship.

How to train your voice to be more charismatic.

In defence of patriarchy.
Related: The sexodus,Part 2.
Related: The emasculation of boys.
Related: The decline of young people’s economic prospects.
Related:The future of permanent unemployment.
Related: The gender disparity in grades.

A simple test for how a potential wife views divorce.
Related: NYT’s happy talk about divorce. More.

Give up porn.

I don’t care and you can too.

Baby boomers will be kicked to the curb.
Related: Young people: Social security is not going to be there for you.

How to shift public opinion.

The outer right coalition.

Shame and boycott cowardly men.

UVA: A rape hoax for book lovers.
Related: Rolling Stone issues a retraction.
Related: Salon climbs down, but only somewhat. Related.
Related: Steve wonders why there is no attention being given to 3 real gang-rape cases.
Related: More on the poor journalism.
Related: The true story of a false rape claim at UVA.
Related: Vox points out an obvious error.
Related: A little round-up.
Related: Roissy wonders why so many rape hoaxes?
Related: Sabrina Rubin Erdely has destroyed the credibility of Rolling Stone.
Related: Erdely has done this before.
Related: 15 people who used the UVA hoax to push a false narrative.

Seems like Lena Dunham was lying about being raped.
Related: Turning against Lena Dunham.

Balkanizing the news.

Even Slate XX thinks the campus rape hysteria has gone too far.
Related: On SJW’s moral authority.

The moral outrage over police militarization cannot be resolved.
Related: Robocops and Ferguson.

Darren Wilson: a cautionary tale.
Related: The artificiality of Ferguson rage.

With all the crime out there, how come leftist martyrs are always scum?

On Eric Garner.
Related: If only it was racism.

Our society and Running Man.

SJWs are out to destroy games.

Modernity’s debasement of language.

Humanity is in the details.

Leftism, equality, and uniformity.

Heroic entrepreneurship after the restoration.

Mass androgyny and World War T.

The monster factory.

A response to David Brin’s Neo-Reactionaries.

Diversity and community are fundamentally incompatible.
Related: The Germans are rising against Muslims.

Exit to Puerto Rico.

Another little piece of Twitter stupidity.

IQ is real and reliable.

Jim on the death of Christianity.
Related: Lessons from papal history

Don’t forgive without repentance.

Why women can’t teach men in church.

I know DNLG, but I couldn’t find this clip elsewhere: Wannabe nun describes meeting Jesus. This is not how Jesus’ love works.

 Rollo on menopause.

A short parable: the button.

Vox finds an article on girls and robots.

Girls dig dark triad and sluts be crazy.

Are transsexuals that sleep with men guilty of rape?

Moderns explain why they ended their relationship.

Israeli feminists reject bill that would make rape by women a crime because of false rape accusations.

The Soviet fox experiment.

European standards of living are overrated.

Be careful what you tell your doctor.

Protesters may not like actual democracy.

The economic imperative of the asteroid wars.

SPLC worker gets himself killed by two blacks.

Biology, economics, and decision-making theory.

New DNA evidence: A breakage in the Tudor’s dynasty due to infidelity.

Scott shows the dishonesty of Vox.

Racistsgettingfired girl can’t handle her own medicine.
Related: Seems her name is Rosi Vo and she lives in a $650k house.

A good ending to the Watson Nobel Prize story.
Related: Another real-talker burned.

How the science got settled.
Related: UN poll: No one cares about climate change.

Excess success in psychology journals.

On the GM and Chrysler bailouts in Canada.

The Libertarian Police Department. A reply.

Net neutrality laws would increase internet costs.

When even XKCD notices the decline…