Lightning Round – 2016/11/30

The slow history methodology.

Western civilization is European.

Chesterton’s fence and democracy.

The need for Inquisitor Trump.

Creating souls in a laboratory.
Related: Being a right-liberal.

Is the orthosphere alt-right?

The 16 points of the alt-right for those of modest IQ.

No enemies to the right. Counterpoint.
Related: No enemies to the right.
Related: Branding.

On the NPI debacle. More.
Related: On Spencer and hysterics.
Related: Media discipline.
Related: Trump’s disavowal was of nazis, not the alt-right.
Related: VD does not disavow.
Related: The death of the alt-reich.
Related: The alt-right is dead.
Related: On Spencer’s conference.

The art of the word.
Related: The NYT’s #1 pro-Trump hate crime.

The party of Reagan is dead.

The awful mask of the alt-right.
Related: Stuck on cuck.

Hardcore and softcore Trump appointments.
Related: John Allison.

The Overton bubble.

Progressives need nurture.

On SA’s Trump piece.

Fracture the CIA.

Defeating ISIS.

The great man vs. cliodynamics.

Infiltration of the church.

A rational response to high divorce rates.

A case of divorce rape.

More on Pizzagate.

Reddit CEO modifies r/The_Donald posts and conspires against the subreddit.

FB deleting pro-Trump pages.

65 “journalists” who colluded with the Clinton campaign.

An experiment on experts.

NATO cannot stop Russia.


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