Lightning Round – 2016/08/31

What the alt-right is.

Who is Pepe , really?
Related: The chaos magic of the alt-right.
Related: On writing for the Daily Caller.
Related: Spandrell on the alt-right.

Trichotomy Down.

Clinton’s booby-trap.
Related: Politics beyond the pale.
Related: On Hillary’s alt-right speech.

Why the press feels so free to criticize Trump.

Assimilationist liars.

The Frankfurt School didn’t cause progressivism, but it made it worse.
Related: Jim argues natsocs are centre-left.

Correct naming.

The West must be defended in secret.
Related: Multiculturalism erodes security.

The myopia of H1B.

On Dems R Real Racists.

Cold war 2.

The Netherlands belongs to us.
Related: Fundamentals matter.

By order of the court.

America as communist.

Why do democracies get weaker?

Marginialization and class.

Brutality can terminate riots promptly.

Do universities do anything good?
Related: Diversity indoctrination fail.

Examining a shitlib GoFundMe.
Related: GoFundMe 2-minute love.

Naming the enemy: Babel.

By the rivers of Babylon.

Christian nationalism.
Related: The family that feuds.
Related: The Christian nation.
Related: Judeo-Christian is anti-Christian.
Related: Churchianity.
Related: Andrew Klavan cucks, as does Cathy Young.

The voice.

The evolution of evolution.

The black hole of modern politics.


On Idiocracy.

The Great Ming Emperor on women.

Harper Lee and sexual strategy.

Cash and prizes causes ~40% of divorces.

The crisis of female porn addiction.

Trump did not flip-flop on immigration.

Playing the Buckley card.

Shapiro attacks the alt-right, then runs away.

Spot the common denominator.

The bizarre media blackout of the hacked Soros documents.

Is ISIS good for Israel?

Never donate to the Red Cross.

Fat pictures please.

Why EpiPens are expensive.



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