Lightning Round – 2015/10/28

Anti-Dem finishes his series on transhumanist pony masturbation.

Choice in Europe. Related.
Related: Winter-chan vs the invaders.
Related: The violence is heating up.
Related: Keeping track of those who hate their own nation.

Immigrants don’t share American values.
Related: America should be like Mexico.
Related: Increasing diversity leads to totalitarianism.
Related: Changing demographics threatens gun freedoms.

Hating your ancestors.

Strike at the root: usury.
Related: Fiat dollars explained.
Related: Debt theft.


Virtual and real status.

Sex is not a social construct.

Eight axioms for the alt-right.

Cantwell addresses ethno-national neoreactionaries. A response.

Communism in the animal kingdom.

Tesla vs. Edison and genius and loneliness.

Lessons learned from #cuckservative.
Related: Alternative media is winning.
Related: Twitter doesn’t matter.

Murder and war.

Jim watches female porn so you don’t have to.

Weimerica: Tween hookers.

Jim on the JQ.

IQ testing across space-time.

The logic of civil rights.

White House denounces FBI for doubting the narrative.

Webb and Sanders: ghosts of Democrats past.
Related: Bernie Sander’s: the white candidate. Heh.

The out-of-touch establishment.
Related: Canada and the impracticality of pragmatism.

Smearing soda like tobacco.

A weird story.

Urbit and impatience.

10 ancient histories.

Expectations of the Synod.
Related: Nothing new.

Before there was divorce.

Radical feminism in Focus on the Family.

All men’s fault.

Sexist monkeys.

Now feminists are realizing women’s needs don’t matter in one night stands.

The worst Beta of the Month I remember seeing.

Where Neal Strauss (author of The Game) ended up.

Don’t apologize.

SJW’s Always Lie is now in paperback. Time to buy it.

The non-science of global warming. Related.

Free speech is no longer a human right.

Framing shootings.

Dialogue with a moderate.

The weird thing about vaccination.

Status – dominance and prestige. More.
Related: Leadership.

America’s top fears. Government is #1, gun control is #11.

Video of GW Bush calling for laxer scrutiny of Arabs 11 months before 9/11.

Anti-#GG bias in the media.



  1. Soda should be smeared. High fructose corn syrup is bad shit. Most upper middle class people dropped it years ago.

  2. Re the transhumanist Pony-topia, I would totally go for a virtual reality where a harem of high school cheerleaders attends to my every need.

    Then again, if you prefer meaningless pleasure to real life, you don’t need sex or a simulation thereof. Just take some Oxycontin and Xanax and lose yourself in a six-hour orgasm of awesome.

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