Monthly Archives: June 2015

On Homosexuals

I had a conversation with Anissimov, Bayne, and Mandrake on homosexuals. So I thought I’d write some.

Obviously, homosexuality is a sin and a perversion. That’s clear in the Bible. A man committing homosexual acts or lusts should stop, repent, and fall on the mercy of Christ.

On a societal level, ideally, homosexuality would be illegal, but the social mores and laws would make the privacy of individuals and the ability of police intrusion into the home and workplace so constrained that unless men were riding each other on the side of the street, nobody would get arrested for it. In fact, this is my position on most degeneracies, be it drugs, pornography, drunkenness, masturbation, gambling, prostitution, etc. Technically illegal, but as long as you keep it private there’s no way you could get charged..

This is not because I hate homosexuals (or johns or druggies or gamblers, etc.), but because it is what it best for society as a whole and for homosexuals. For society, these sorts of degeneracies tear at the edges of civilization: civilization is the family and sexuality is meant to bring husband and wife together to produce families and civilization.

For homosexuals, this behaviour is self-destructive. I don’t really have to explain the prevalence of AID’s and STD’s. But even just beyond the physical problems, the acceptance of this behaviour is psychologically destructive. I wrote on identity recently, when homosexuality is publicly accepted, as it is now, a homosexual can’t just be a guy who privately has sex other men, he must be out of the closet displaying his pride. It’s not that disconcerting, at least on a societal level, that some men like sticking their dicks in other men’s anuses, but what is is that these men base their identity, their sense of self, their spiritual sense of place, around the fact that they take hedonic pleasure is sticking their dicks in other men’s anuses. This is the true personal horror of the homosexual movement, that it pushes men into reducing themselves to their base hedonic tastes rather than identifying themselves with something more valuable.

(As for those who argue homosexual “marriage” will tame these effects, most don’t get married and most homosexual “marriages” are open. So, the impact is minimal, if it even exists.)

On a personal level, as I’ve written of clinical pedophiles, being predisposed to a particular sin is just a predisposition, and I don’t judge people for thought crime. As for friendships with homosexuals, I’ve answered this on before, it depends on their beliefs and how they go about it. If they are non-Christian I wouldn’t care as long as they kept it to themselves and weren’t annoyingly ‘flamboyant’ or creepy about it; Christ hung-out with degenerates. If they were Christian it would depend on their position: if they accepted it was sinful and were struggling with temptation I would support them and nothing would change. If they started to accept it as non-sinful I would cut Christian fellowship with them (after requisite admonitions). Although, I may still hang out with them in secular contexts (given the earlier caveats on flamboyancy), although, I’m not sure on this.

This is not entirely theoretical. When I was younger, I had a Christian friend come out as gay. At first, nothing really changed; he accepted that gay sex was sinful. Sadly, he slowly went down the dark path of acceptance. He let his whole identity get wrapped up in his homosexuality, to the point it was probably his main identity and he was alienating himself from others. He then started saying it wasn’t the sin. It got to the point where the friendship ended more or less mutually (he lost a number of other friends around the same time). He is the only gay I’ve ever really known.

In regards to (neo)reaction, I have no problems with a person who has predisposition and resists it being a part of, or even a leader in, (neo)reaction (assuming they didn’t act effeminate). Someone who is acting on a predisposition it can not be a leader, but as long as they aren’t promoting it, aren’t letting it taint their work, aren’t causing other troubles, and are keeping it private, I wouldn’t necessarily boot or shun them. For example, I read and respect Jack Donovan, despite his homosexuality, because he mostly keeps it to himself. I didn’t even know he was gay until some time after I had already read his work. I still wouldn’t follow him though.

Anybody who is trying to turn (neo)reaction pro-gay or is trying to normalize homosexuality should be immediately booted. There is a difference between tolerating or over-looking a personal degeneracy and accepting or promoting said degeneracy. The line can not be crossed.

As for working with those outside (neo)reaction I am willing to make limited alliances with useful homosexuals, just as I am willing to make limited alliances with anybody useful. An example mentioned was Milo. He’s not a close ally and I wouldn’t trust him elsewhere, I would consider him a loose ally on the issues of Gamergate and Sad Puppies, which may include linking to or retweeting him on that issue and trying to avoid attacking him unnecessarily.

So, there it is. My current thoughts on homosexuality.

Lightning Round – 2015/06/02

Don’t worry, despair. More.
Related: There will be no big event.
Related: Taleb refutes Pinker on war.

The Benedict Option.

A short argument for traditions.

A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.

The victimocracy.

Conquest’s Second Law.

Genetic failure.
Related: Are women without children failures?
Related: On young women who don’t want children.
Related: A divorced woman tells of the reality behind her happy lies.

On functional institutions.

Glanton quits Social Matter.

Expropriation and elite insecurity.

A comic on agency.

Half of science is wrong. An underestimate?
Related: The unreliability of science.
Related: Science magazine is not science.

When public policy meets elementary biology.

The moron elite.
Related: Re-educating the education.

The electoral addiction.
Related: The Athenians wanted democracy and got it good and hard.

The shape of censorship.
Related: Twister, a secure Twitter clone.

There is no solution to diversity.

Cargo cult liberalism.

Those old, effective, competent racists.

New Blog: American Identitaire. Tactical consideration.

Why thrust agency on those who neither want nor have it?

Why little countries become big symbols.

The end of the student loan bubble.

A review of Sarah Perry’s book: Every Cradle is a Grave.

A pill divided.

Calling writers: Irrational wiki.


Moral ambiguity.

On worship.

Vox answers some questions on Christianity and homosexuality.
Related: Gays and HIV.

The Anglican Church suffers the fruits of apostasy.

Sexual libertinism and trust.

Respectful submission.

On troublesome mother-in-laws. More. Related.

The mental health of women.


The non-profit tweeconomy.

Chuck C Johnson suspended from Twitter.

Transabled go mainstream. The ride never slows.

The end of the National Review. Related.

Top down patriotism.

The real reason for the anti-tobacco crusade.

The negative sum game of publishing and demographics.
Related: A lesson in opportunity costs in publishing.

Vox responds to Eric Flint and Mercedes Lackey.

Silk Road creator sentenced to life. More.

How to turn a liberal hipster into a capitalist tyrant in one evening.

More on AI risk.

A right-winger’s adventures in welfareland.

Pell at Cracked again: 6 Things you Learn Getting Paid to Troll.

The death of newspapers.

Autistic boy discovered to be a physics genius after removal from public school.

H/T: Land