Monthly Archives: February 2015

Lightning Round – 2015/02/04

Advice on becoming a man.
Related: Masculine virtues.

A list of certifications.

Words from Epictetus.

Men need to prove they can dish out pain; women that they can take it.

Two articles of gibberish on the “redpill right” and neoreactionaries. (land)
Related: A fnording.
Related: Another MSM article on MRA and RP.

Mike has written an NRx ebook. Sample chapter.
Related: A criticism, of sorts.

The leftists’ motivation is hatred of Christianity and Western Civilization.

Society is a racial construct.

The clash of civilizations: 2015.

The happening won’t fix your problems.

The wordcraft culture war.
Related: Leftists of the right.

Some pushback against the puritan hypothesis.

The gameability of meritocracy.

Human self-domestication.

Prog attack: the collapse of the Portuguese Empire.

Intelligence, pick-up, and the suppression of knowledge.

The Parsis are going extinct due to modernism.
Related: The price of wealth.

The contradiction that rules feminism.
Related: Representation and liberty.

Social justice and slave morality.
Related: How middle-class suburban whites are playing the victim game.

The limits of moral argumentation.

Enjoying the race war? Thank the media.

Reporters are spies.

Southern reaction and NRx.

The utility of welfare. Related.

How progressives swallowed the Democrats.

More adventures in pedophile mainstreaming.

Southern European communesia.
Related: Non-existent Greek austerity.
Related: Greek vassals play the victim card.

Putin’s thinking.

The non-existent diversity dividend.

Natural inequality and the parable of the talents. Related. Scott is so very close.
Related: DNA phenotyping.

The results revealed very little evidence of parental socialization effects on criminal behavior before controlling for genetic confounding and no evidence of parental socialization effects on criminal involvement after controlling for genetic confounding.”

Steve Sailer wonders why nobody is talking about the Vanderbilt campus rapes?

The singularity swindle.

The environmentalist religion.
Related: Temperature adjustment.

The practicality of religion.

Mary was not a single mother.

Dalrock’s Driscoll week: Single mothers, baby mamas, disparaging men, & submission.

Women’s lack of responsibility regarding marriage.

Why women have casual sex.

Is the campus rape crisis an example of helicopter parenting?

The Alphabet: tool of the patriarchy.

Woman marries herself.

Men now presumed guilty in the UK.

A story of a man making a foolish mistake. (Or, hopefully, sugarbaby site astroturf).

On the top 1%.

On Wikipedia bias.

Jonathan Chait being eaten by PC. Related. Heh.
Related: Here’s the article.
Related: Do the left thing.
Related: African homophobia: Because white people.

Medical extortion.

Leftists reaping what they sow.

H/T: Nick, HBDC, RPR

Post-Christianity and Frankfurt

Mike’s recent post on the Frankfurt School ignited a discussion which I haven’t commented on yet because the idea the Frankfurt School caused modern progressivism seems nigh undeniable; I thought his post was simply a restatement of the basics rather than anything controversial. That being said it also undeniable that progressivism preceded the Frankfurt School. It wasn’t Frankfurters who beheaded King Charles.

The puritan hypothesis seems like a good explanation for the general current of English progressivism that has slowly been leading to liberalism and “enlightenment”, while the Frankfurt School created a particularly virulent strain of the progressive mind virus that increased the viciousness and destructiveness of the ideological meme. I don’t really see how these are in contradiction.

On a similar note, when discussing the general trend of puritan-derived progressivism around here we tend to use the terms ultracalvinism, hyperprotestantism, puritanism, non-theistic Christians, etc. This brings up objections from many Christians who object to the use of these terms as nonsensical verbal games or simply wrong because there is no Christianity without Christ.

I’ve written before. the identification of ‘non-theistic Christians’ is not a verbal game but I have also written before of how the essence of Christianity is Christ, so I can identify with the objections to talking of a Christianity apart from Christ. As I wrote before, the concept of the ‘non-theistic Christian’ is useful as it illustrates the fundamentally religious nature of progressivism as well the mental confusion of self-proclaimed ‘rationalists’ and ‘atheists’ engaging in such religious absolutism.

So instead, of ultracalvinists, hyperprotestants, non-theistic Christians, etc. I propose we start using the terms post-Christians or post-Puritans. This illustrates progressivism’s cladistic lineage while also avoiding the objections that progressivism isn’t Christian in essence.