Being alpha means being a leader.
Related: Enduring friendship.
Related: How to write a resume that will get you a job and a life.
How an STD made Frost a better man.
The Sermon on the Mount.
Personality measures, not economic status, predicts crime.
Biological trade-offs in life.
More Right’s first year best of.
How crowds go mad.
The future of democracy: a wealthy elite managing the poor.
Keep your eyes on the ivory tower.
A Troublesome Inheritance linkfest.
Related: A round-up of reviews.
Related: Handle on Wade’s book.
The Jewish Question.
On economic value.
Jim on women and entrepreneurship.
The media pushing STD’s and sexual license.
The excommunication of Matthew Heimbach.
The right can also play the witchhunt game.
The thing that truly angers the SJW’s is being called what they are.
Related: The SF inquisition proves itself to be so.
Looking past humanity.
The edgiest political position.
Read #30. Someone is feeling the first creep of horror.
Intersectionality and nominalism.
The modern trauma of heartbreak.
Related: Destruction of the muse machine.
Never date a woman who has had an abortion.
The empty, amoral nihilism of the modern “child-free”.
Related: An uplifting abortion story.
Dutch women work less, but are happier.
Quote of the week: “My privilege is my intelligence. It’s hardly my fault that the other side correctly sees itself as being disadvantaged and underprivileged.”
Story of a woman about to lose beta bux because of her alpha fux.
Roissy starts attention-whore of the month contests.
Patton Oswald’s outrage-trolling Tweets.
Humour: Reporting the current year still leading argument.
A bit of conservative SF humour.
How to save the kidnapped girls.
Related: The insanity of Michelle Obama calling on the government to do something.
The effects of immigration and education on democracy.
Why climate change is good for the world.
Britain might give Revenue and Customs direct access to citizen’s bank accounts.
A quarter of Canadian university graduates don’t have basic literacy skills.
Related: Trying and failing.
Homeschooled 16-year-old graduates from college.
Science: Nagging leads to early death.
And if I’d read the piece first, I’d have figured that out.
Oh man. That picture. Oh that picture.
Thanks for the links
Thanks for the links FN!
“VXXC” is just one of those things that happens during the internet age. What a character!
The map still makes me laugh. Thanks for the reading list.