Author Archives: Free Northerner

Lightning Round – 2017/01/25

Here’s the links for January.

Social Matter: 2016 in Review.

The meaning of monarchy.

Evolution, survival, and patriarchy.

The birth control basilisk.


Be the lighthouse.

The DE mission.

Fencing the dissident right.
Related: The alt-universe.

Absolutism and localism.

Anti-Trump classist hate.

Urgency vs centrality.

Dugin on WN.

The government is us.

The liberty of the slave.
Related: On snark.

The warrior archetype.

The Days of Rage.

The need for RW self-defence.
Related: Violent disagreements.
Related: The intolerant politics of reality.
Related: Lock-em up.

Literal obliviousness.

Reactionary geopolitics.

Diversity + Proximity = War.

Ethnic rage in Poland.
Related: Undemocratic Poland.
Related: It’s never for free.
Related: Making Italy great again.
Related: Somalis in the snow: invade the world, invite the world.
Related: The African threat against Germany.
Related: German father rescues daughter from immigrant.
Related: Swedish immigrants do what Swedish immigrants do.

The wicked flee.


Riding the viral whitelash.
Related: The fire rises.

Don’t expect mercy, white man.

How to force the end of sanctuary cities.

Sessions’ cringe.

An open letter to Scott Aaronson.

On race realism.

Blame Canada for Africa and Europe.

Hard Brexit it is.

English as a Trojan horse in Japan.

Helicopter justice.

Probing the overton.

The childfree revolt against life.

Life in the bubble.

Making a virtue out of necessity.

Automating the narrative.

MLK mythology.

Lying about history doesn’t help people.

New pizzagate allegations.

Trump against the spooks.
Related: Greenwald: The deep state goes to war on Trump.
Related:Fake news may be 4chan troll.

Trump offers free mega-viral marketing.

 Soros is worried. More.

On Scheler’s Ressentiment.

Welcome to Darwinian Reactionary.

Cultural marxism is a conspiracy theory.

The apolitical Fed.

Why westernization is failing.
Related: Why nation-building fails.

Against liberty.

DeploraBall cucked.

Cucks not learning.

A potential Trump baby boom?

The perils of government intervention in health care.
Related: Replacing Obamacare.


Dreher on the Cathedral.

The severed branch dies.
Related: Shakers: The end result of liberal faith.

The reasonability of feminists.

An attitude of abundance.
Related: Why men aren’t eager missionaries.
Related: Too stingy to pay respect.
Related: The fear of women.

The toll.

Teenagers and the education apocalypse.

Pretension is always in style.

The pretense of the profit motive.

Cane on the UBI.

On cherishing extremists.
Related: KKK documentary was staged.
Related: Pull some hair.

Trump not hiring Never Trumpers.

We found the leader of the alt-right.

Pell on the alt-right.
Related: The incoherent criticisms of the alt-right.

Con star or fighter.

SPLC report covers up at least 2,000 anti-white hate incidents.

97% of scientists support the consensus on climate change.

Spaces in the progressive world view.

All their base are belong to us.

Co-opting false news.

Idea: Trollumentaries.

Sowell retires.

Converged Apple.
Related: Wiki thought-policing.

The judgment of freaks.

Nat Geo, then and now.

Sailer fisks Sarah Zhang.

Reagan and the Cold War.

How Putin influenced the election.
Related: The evidence Russia hacked the election.

On fact-checking.
Related: Fake news at WP.

Closing down corruption.

16 most annoying people of 2016.

Obama is worst anti-semite of the year.

California legalizes child prostitution.

Trump and the Batman effect. If it works, all the power to him.

The 16 points of the cuckservative.

Eichenwald assaulted with gif by jew_goldstein. Topkek…

Greenwald under attack.

SoBL reviews Rogue One. My take: it was an okay, but forgettable, family action film. It was “diverse”, but not particularly anti-white.

Talking to a physicist.

Believing in magic.

Scalzi: the debased beta.

Frightening news: US women dies from infection resistant to all US antibiotics.

Some slave narratives.

When did Asians evolve?

Neanderthal pride.

Trumpenkrieg Strategies

In the past I have offered strategies to conservatives which they have decided not to adopt. On the occasion of President Trump’s inauguration, I not only bring these strategies to the fore once more, but offer him a few more strategies he could use to solidify his power and advance his political interests until the day of his coronation. All should be within the bounds of the law.

Selective Presidential Pardon

The president has the power to pardon federal criminals, as Obama has recently demonstrated by his pardons of traitor Bradley Manning and terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera. Through these pardons, the left has shown us that these can be used not just for the sake of justice but for political goals. I suggest the President make use of this power.

Let us imagine a mentally disturbed person who had forgotten to take his medication just happened to kill a particularly vile bureaucrat or a traitorous politician pushing for the continued displacement of Americans by Mexicans or even, perhaps, a federal judge with a penchant for a viewing the Constitution as a living document that always seems to say exactly what would be convenient for the progressive cause du jour. It would obviously be unjust for Trump to allow a mentally ill individual to suffer in federal prison. Would it not be merciful for Trump to pardon this obviously ill person? Would it no be even more generous for Trump to use his personal wealth to pay for this ill individual to be treated in a very comfortable mental health facility until he was cured in only a few short years?

Or what if a southerner opposed to the continued imperialist occupation of his homeland and cultural genocide of his people by the colnialist US government carried out some non-violent protests by peacefully bombing uninhabited federal offices by mail. Would Trump not show his absolute commitment to social justice by pardoning this non-violent political prisoner?

Or what if a group concerned about the racist violence of FBI officers against peaceful gun owners were pushed so far to the brink by unjust police violence that they had a peaceful demonstration and non-violently burned down half a college town (happening to peacfully destroy and loot an ATM from a local bank at the same time) and peacefully injured violent pro-police activists. Would it not show Trump’s commitment to ending police brutality if he pardoned those individuals?

Think of how much he could win the hearts and minds of the people with such magmanious acts.

Of course, Trump could only pardon those convicted of federal offenses, so he could only show his magnamanity to those committing federal crimes. Although, he could encourage such magnamanity among ideologically aligned state governors, showing himself to be even more committed to mercy and social justice.

Of course, there would be the obvious downside that right-wing individuals seeing the Trump was such a merciful president would commit even more crimes of a similar type. Why if this occurred early enough in his presidency, say, right after his reelection in 2020, there could an uncounted number of such crimes. This would be sad, but it a slight raise in crime is a small price to pay for the pursuit of social justice and an end to police brutality.

This strategy is borrowed from Kratman’s Caliphate.


South African Immigration

The dominant political strategy of the American left is to invite hordes of oppressed third world immigrants to America and provide them with government benefits to vote Democrat. Why should President Trump be any less merciful to oppressed foreign nationals?

There are four million Afrikaners suffering persecution, murder, and rape in South Africa. If America offered these poor, oppressed individuals refugee status, a short-term refugee relocation bonus and stipend (or maybe even some federal land to farm), and an immediate path to citizenship, I’m sure many would be be happy to escape oppression and move to the United states. No person with a heart could possibly object if these refugees just happened to be moved to important battleground states and just happened to vote Republican by a large margin.

Trump could also offer (former) Rhodesians the same deal to escape their hardships. With Namibia currently undergoing land reforms and expropriation, Trump could offer the same refugee deal to white Namibians, to preempt a humanitarian disaster similar to the one inflicted upon Zimbabwe.

With these deals, Trump could single-handedly dismantle the last parts of white colonialism and imperialism in South Africa.


Media as Public Utilities and Anti-Trust

Only 6 corporations control 90% of American media. Information is obviously a public good, but it is controlled by a small cabal of individuals. They also seem to have a shared political lean which they force on the public.

Such a one-sided corporate-controlled political debate is not healthy for American democracy. To remove the power of corporate media to dictate American democracy, President Trump could bring anti-trust suits against these corporations. Of course, he would have limited resources, so he could only bring these suits against those most damaging to American democracy. He could break media corporations up and end their stranglehold on American democracy.

In fact, one could argue that information is a public good and that platforms dedicated to the spread of information are public utilities. Some information platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter have become exceedingly influential in determining the information the American citizenry is exposed to. Nationalization or regulation of these platforms as public utilities could ensure that these platforms are not used in ways that could hamper American democracy.

Also, is it not dangerous to have a public goods in the hands of foreign nationals. For example, the NYT, one of the most influential media organizations is owned by a foreigner who could use it to influence American politics. Perhaps foreign owned media companies such as the NYT could be renationalized for the good of American democracy.


IRS Audits

As we’ve seen under Obama, there have been many conservative organizations that have not been following tax law fully. Perhaps there are many other NGO’s and charities which have not been following tax laws to their utmost. President Trump could have the IRS institute mass audits of charities and NGO’s to make sure they are following correct procedures and to ensure they are not improperly using funds on disallowed political activities. Of course, the IRS has limited resoures, so they will be forced to only target certain charities.

Lightning Round – 2017/01/17

Working through a backlog of saved links. This is my link list from December. Current links through January should be next week.


Moose is looking for volunteers.

Christ as victor, Christ as king.

Serving concrete gods.
Related: Liberalism is just politics.

Through the eye of the nadir.

On epistocracy.

On fealty.

Canadian tradition or Canadian values?

HBD, NRx, and alt-right.

When political-tribal warfare was unleashed.

In defence of a caste system.

NRx on the Benedict Option.

The importance of humility for the right.

Self-deceptive status filters.

The movement against global apartheid.

SoBL’s best of 2016.

The Dodd report.

Basic hunting guide for the reactionary.

Attrition in the meme war.

The Pim Fortuyn solution.

Trump’s NRx connection?

Trump’s revenge and game theory.
Related: Trump’s first 100 days.

Minority rule.

The national gerrymander.

Japan let in 27 refugees: 2 of them raped a woman.

Another job Americans won’t do.

Actually existing capitalism.

Has Germany become a Potemkin Society?

College is not required.

A warming world?
Related: Scott Adams on climate change.

Castro’s death and tears.

The pizzagates of hell.
Related: News reports of a pedophile ring being suppressed.

Fake news, real lives.
Related: Fake Russians and real news.
Related: Fake news fever dreams.

Four fake news hoaxes in one day. More.

Fact-checking Snopes. More.

The alt-right is alive.
Related: Carlos Slim’s fake news blog, NYT, on the alt-right.

Racist objects.

Aleppo shows asymmetric warfare is bunk.

Sowing marital strife.

Rubbing body parts together.
Related: The unexpected challenge to modern Christian orthodoxy.
Related: Complementarians believe wives can do no wrong.

Courtly love.

Dr. Russell Moore: wives don’t sin. Part 2.

The conundrum of gay divorce.

The page gap.

The stock photo snow job.

A society in decline.

The recount is exposing Democrat fraud. More.

Columbia student paper finds a hidden DE book. The comments are funny.

On World Peace.

A nugget from Chomsky.

The Mandela effect. More.

Clinton-funded Republicans.

Lightning Round – 2016/12/07

Hunting for the reactionary.

An economist’s cautionary note on free trade.

The masculine reaction against feminist globalism.
Related: Chile and the difference a steel spine made.

The fall of democracy and Lockeianism.

The end of the American century.

The Amerikaner Free State.

On Spencer being controlled opposition.

Holding frame.

Northern Dawn interviews Vice and the Edmonton Examiner.

Being right.

Trump already setting things right.
Related: The wiliness of Trump.
Related: Opportunity’s fleeting offer.
Related: On legality.
Related: Making war great again.

The sickness in Germany.
Related: Old world shit.

Media professionalism.
Related: The NYT goes partial NRx.

John Oliver the hypnotist.

Speech and enemies.

Demon worship and child trafficking.
Related: Keoni on Pizzagate.
Related: VD thinks the CPP gunman was a plant.

Cornell, j’accuse.

The failure of girl power.

Do not give to the Red Cross.

Most epic trolls of 2016.

On school vouchers.

H/’T: Land, VD

Legitimacy, Power, and Culture

We’ve heard it said, culture is downstream of power, or is power downstream of culture? Which controls the levers to the other?

As I’ve said before, power (the ability to force your will) comes from authority (the ability to command), which comes from legitimacy (people’s beliefs in your right to command).

The power/culture discussion is always off because it misses the underlying link between the two: legitimacy.

Power can do whatever it wants within its dominion. That’s the inherent nature of power. If you can not do what you want, you, definitionally, do not have power. The limits of power exist where you can no longer accomplish your will.

Someone with power over culture can change the culture to be whatever he desires. If multiple people have power over culture, the culture will be changed to wherever the limits of their power meet. Power creates, destroys, and changes culture.

Note: Culture is always, to at least some degree, organic, so power over culture is always widely distributed. No one ever has absolute power over culture.

But, power creates culture only insofar at it has authority. Culture is organic and of men. If men do not obey, there is no power and culture can not created, destroyed, or changed. Culture is only changed insofar as men allow it to be changed.

Men only allow culture to be changed, in so far as they think the change and the power causing the change are legitimate.

This is where culture influences power. Legitimacy comes from culture. If the culture holds to the Divine Right determines power men will obey power with Divine Right. If culture holds to patriarchy determines power, men will obey fathers. If the culture holds to popular will, they will obey democratically elected politicians.

Power is downstream of legitimacy, which is downstream of culture, which is downstream of power.

By changing culture, power can change what men view as legitimate, changing legitimacy, authority, and, ultimately, where power lays.

This is how power destroys itself. It changes the culture that made itself legitimate, which then changes what legitimizes power, changing the basis of authority, changing the power itself. Power changing culture undermines itself.


Culture change is slow and difficult, so changing the method of legitimacy is slow and difficult. It is easier to destroy legitimacy than to create. Culture change is also unpredictable. When you destroy culture, what replaces it may not always be what you expected or hoped.

This is why revolutions are so turbulent and unstable and often end in a strong man: one can destroy the legitimacy of the present order, but creating a new order viewed as legitimate is time-consuming and difficult. When you destroy a culture and legitimacy, it is hard to predict what form legitimacy will take, hence revolutions often destroying their instigators.

In a legitimacy vacuum, the simplest form of legitimacy to create is martial: men naturally respect strength and strength is relatively simple to demostrate. A strong-man short-circuits the legitimacy-creation process by focusing the creation of legitimacy among a group of armed men through his strength. Once he obtains enough power through this specific legitimacy, he kills those who oppose him until they obey. He is then free to influence culture until another strong-man overthrows him or until he creates a more sustainable legitimacy.


Power flows from legitimacy. Culture creates legitimacy. Power influences culture.

In a stable system culture will reinforce legitimacy which will reinforce power, which will in turn reinforce the culture. For example, the church supports supports divine right, which legitimizes the monarch, who in turn supports the church.

In an unstable system, power destroys culture (or its own legitimacy) and/or culture undermines power’s legitimacy. For example, enlightnment ideas and culture undercut divine right, the monarch mismanages power squandering legitimacy, and then revolution occurs.

Lightning Round – 2016/11/30

The slow history methodology.

Western civilization is European.

Chesterton’s fence and democracy.

The need for Inquisitor Trump.

Creating souls in a laboratory.
Related: Being a right-liberal.

Is the orthosphere alt-right?

The 16 points of the alt-right for those of modest IQ.

No enemies to the right. Counterpoint.
Related: No enemies to the right.
Related: Branding.

On the NPI debacle. More.
Related: On Spencer and hysterics.
Related: Media discipline.
Related: Trump’s disavowal was of nazis, not the alt-right.
Related: VD does not disavow.
Related: The death of the alt-reich.
Related: The alt-right is dead.
Related: On Spencer’s conference.

The art of the word.
Related: The NYT’s #1 pro-Trump hate crime.

The party of Reagan is dead.

The awful mask of the alt-right.
Related: Stuck on cuck.

Hardcore and softcore Trump appointments.
Related: John Allison.

The Overton bubble.

Progressives need nurture.

On SA’s Trump piece.

Fracture the CIA.

Defeating ISIS.

The great man vs. cliodynamics.

Infiltration of the church.

A rational response to high divorce rates.

A case of divorce rape.

More on Pizzagate.

Reddit CEO modifies r/The_Donald posts and conspires against the subreddit.

FB deleting pro-Trump pages.

65 “journalists” who colluded with the Clinton campaign.

An experiment on experts.

NATO cannot stop Russia.

Lightning Round – 2016/11/23

The racial hatred of the election.
Related: Hate letters from coastal elites to middle American whites.
Related: The Federalist says my prediction was right. My prediction.
Related: The malevolent banality of the anti-white left.

Trump’s victory as a reaction to the White Death.

A new Mahout in town.

Debt + diversity = community death.

Fraying in the core. Although, NRx is generally in favour of patchwork.

Trump viewed from the right.
Related: Anti-Dem’s thoughts on the election.

Stories from people who have met President Trump.

Wrath of the god-emperor.
Related: Trump: Steps ahead.
Related: Change is coming.
Related: Media SJW’s double-down.
Related: Own goal.

Lugenpresse strategy.
Related: Still crying wolf.
Related: How to handle NPR.
Related: Bending the knee to Trump.
Related: The NYT is trying not to get outFoxed.

Terminal frame.

It’s not about you.

A mass Twitter purge of the alt-right.

Richard Spencer’s media indiscipline.


 In praise of mediocracy.

The churchian corruption.

Working for poor governance.

Divorce: a cold calculation.

Acting normal.

Physiogamy is real.

The alarmed and the anxious.

Study: Illegals have effected US elections.

Shapiro: An enemy of Christendom.

Dreher contemplates the red pill, while Mark Shea remains himself. Also, Shea was fired from the NCR.

Football in America.

Lightning Round – 2016/11/16

Welcome to the Trump Triumphant edition of the Lightning Round.

But first, a new project to establish a true Canadian Right is starting up:
Check out Northern Dawn.
Here’s the call to action for all right-thinking Canadians.
Also, check out the FB page.

Hail Trump, but let’s not lose our heads.
Related: Keep up the pressure.
Related: Draining the swamp.
Related: Don’t worry about Trump reversals yet.
Related: Go bold, Emporer-elect.
Related: T-Day.
Related: Two paths for the alt-right.
Related: Trump’s first fight.
Related: Past and future identity politics.
Related: The alt-right hails its god-emporer.

Best election ever.
Related: President Trump.
Related: Trump wins.
Related: Trump reforges FDR’s alliance.
Related: Winds of freedom already blow.

How Trump already saved the world.
Related: Trump already lessening illegal immigration.

Counterpoint: A victory for liberalism and white supremacy.
Related: Immigration restriction as liberal self-preservation.

In favour of helicopter rides.

How GamerGate crowned the god-emperor.

Inquisition 2.0.

Modelling failures.

Chimps and riots.

Destination Baltimore.

On Straussian entryism.

Social turbulence.

The 7 sacraments of progress.

The mirage of localism.

Recap on global warming.

Hillary in the bunker.

To the Left on Trump

You are the reason Trump won.

Trump is a gamechanger, not necessarily because of what he’ll do, but because of what he represents. Trump is the first time white Americans in the US have voted, somewhat tentatively, as a tribe. Prior to this election, white Americans voted primarily against other whites based upon values, ideology, and intra-white tribal affiliations. This is the first time whites have voted tribally against non-whites.

Or to be more accurate, this is the first time white males and their wives have voted as a group against single females and non-whites.

This is a massive shift in American politics with potentially huge consequences.

Until recently American politics has been defined by a number of varying, but overlapping, ideogical and tribal cleavages and the alliances between them: southern vs northern, coastal elites vs the American heartland, rural vs urban, religious right vs secularists, business vs unions, left vs right, interventionists vs isolationists vs peaceniks, and so on.

Racial and sexual politics were but one cleavage among dozens. Some feminists voted based on sexual politics, but most men and women generally voted based on other loyalties. Nationally, inter-racial politics was a subset of some greater intra-white ideological or tribal conflict. Blacks were clients of northern coastal elites, latinos were loose clients of big business and coastal elites (due to the immigration issue), Asians kept themselves out of the spotlight, Jews were part of the coastal elites, and Cubans were the clients of anti-communists.

This has changed. Over the last decade or so, the left started pushing intersectionalism and social justice very hard. Ideological niceties aside, what this practically resulted in is non-whites, single women, gays, etc. seeing themselves as oppressed by the white male patriarchy. This intersectionality has essential made minority group band together to attack white males.

At first this was confined to universities and liberal neighbourhoods, so nobody really cared, but the over the last few years, it’s moved into the real life. You went after their enterainment. Real people started getting fired for your liberal crusades. The major turning point was the bakeries; not content to get gay “marriage”, you had to sadistically force your beliefs on normal people and destroy their businesses if they didn’t bend the knee.

But every political action has a reaction. White men are realizing you’re not content with winning, your goal is to humiliate us, hunt us down, and destroy us. W’re realizing their is no live and let live, there’s not go along to get along. We either have bend the knee to your false religion or be destroyed.

So now white males are waking up, they’re tribalizing, just as I warned. Soon, unless things change, the US politics will be only have a single tribal : white males and their wives against everybody else.

You are the reason white consciousness has risen.

If you had been content with winning, white males would probably have surrendered. You could have had everything you wanted had you shown the slightest magnanimity. Whites are long-suffering and slow to anger.

But you chose not to let us alone. You chose to attack us, to not just win, but to try to personally destroy us and rub our noses in the wreckage.

We’re starting to realize we have no choice but to fight. If we’re going to persecuted as white males, we’ll identify as white males and act as white males. The white male tribe will grow, and we are still the majority.

You the left have only yourselves to blame for Trump. Trump is your creation and he’s your fault.

I tell you this, because there’s still time. Trump is just the first salvo and he’s not going to hurt you all that badly. He’ll still conserve liberalism, he’s just going to eliminate some of the worst excesses. If you repent now, and stop your persecution of white males, in 8 years, you could elect a Democrat and things could go back to normal, your victories would be conserved and we could have peace. Most whites still don’t really want to do this and will back off if you let off.

If you continue though, you will enrage whites and their conciousness will grow. Then we whites will truly come for there will be very few options for you to avoid future horrors.

I doubt this will change anything, but it must be said. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Lightning Round – 2016/11/09

As of my posting this, Trump just got Pennsylvania and 264 electoral votes, with Wisconsin, Michigan, Alaska, and Arizona all looking safely Trump as well. It’s safe to say, Trump won. We won. Hopefully we will see King Trump in a few years.

Trump needs friends.
Related: Nobody rules alone.

Miss Congeniality no more.
Related: The strife of the party.
Related: Carpe Collum.

Meet the new cuck, same as the old cuck. He’s right, but stopping white genocide is worthwhile.
Related: The alt-right is liberalism.

Long-term election changes.

The treason of McAuliffe, Obama, and Clinton.

Spandrell on faith.

From Frost and Enoch to NPR.

The wicked flee when no man pursueth.

The French colour revolution. More.

Is America done?

Nixon’s election eve call.

Islam’s cowardly critics.

Material evil.

The lie of parenting.

Women as responders.

Women’s desire to teach.
Related: Why there is controversy.
Related: What does it mean to teach?

The average woman extorts $150k in taxes from the average man.

Reading  Jessica Valenti’s book confirms much manosphere wisdom.

Counter-BLM demonstration in Chicago.

Migrant nightmares in Sweden and Germany.

Brexit blocked.

The marriage gap.

More conspiracy: Cheese, pasta, and Podesta.
Related: Bill, Hillary, and the Lolita Express.
Related: Spirit cooking.
Related: Code?
Related: High and hidden weirdness.
Related: Weird links.
Related: Trump’s grimness.
Related: The Comet connection.

What are TERFs?