Category Archives: Lightning Round

Lightning Round -2016/11/02

Remember to use InfoGalactic instead of Wikipedia.

The average American.

There is always a king; how to find him.

Narrative vs. reality.

Cognitive dissonance judo.

Passivism and struggle.

Related: Most of the Bundy occupation were federal informants.

What happened to the samurai?

How to implement patriarchy.

Maybe a relatively painless Soviet–style collapse?
Related: Aesthetics of decline.


The rise of white identity: I warned of this years ago.
Related: The great white suicide.
Related: Ethnic cleansing in Santa Ana.
Related: Restoring the West or bringing the next stage?
Related: The demographic conquest of America.
Related: Through ground-covered glasses.
Related: Saving nature’s diversity.
Related: Immigrants cost the US $231,000 each.
Related: Immigrants are not American.

An open letter to Jews.

A Wikileaks summary.
Related: What if the rot is too deep?
Related: The shadow government mentioned.

The Trumpslide.
Related: Trump’s revenge.
Related: On the Trump master persuader theory.
Related: Trump’s knowledge and prescience.
Related: Trump, the third black president.
Related: The dam is breaking.
Related: Father-son chats.
Related: The smear job on Trump.
Related: A standby speech for Trump.
Related: Contempt in stone.
Related: The bimbo that didn’t bark.
Related: List of anti-Trump Republicans.

The house always wins elections.
Related: Voting is rational for the ruling class and heroin for the people.
Related: Rigging elections.

Some conspiracy theory: The revived investigation; rumours of pedophile ring.
Related: NYPD discovers Weiner’s “life insurance” folder. More.
Related: The fatal shot and FBI Anon.

The two-bullet theory of Comey.
Related: DoJ source: Almost everyone wanted to prosecute Hillary.

No muscles in Brussels.

US contemplates WW3.
Related: Game theory and Putin’s gamble.
Related: Front-line Europe.
Related: The Russian no-fly zone.

Is Duterte a deep state Chinese Communist agent or a reaction against Filipino elites.
Related: The Philippines abandons the US.

4GW in Syria.
Related: On the Free Syrian Army.

On Maine and Moldbug.

On Dugin’s Last War of the World Island.

On charter school foundations.

The new Trudeaupia.

No collusion here at all. None.

Leftward drift: Bill Bradley to Hillary Clinton.

Obamacare working as designed.

SS receipts confirm no recovery.

Reality and gun control.

How rule by banker manifests itself.

On the gold standard. More. More.

There is no national debt. Comments discuss Moldbug’s work on sovereign debt. More.
Related: A trillion for your thoughts.

PoC is a terrible term.

Most American Christians are heretics.

Brining murderesses to the gospel through accompaniment.

On tithing.

The paradox of modern masculinity.

Lottery perverts.

The unspoken lesson.

Jobs and education make women unattractive.

The suicidal altruism of Western women.

Malice in Blunderland.

Small lies lead to bigger lies.

A belated surrender.

Winning Gamergate.
Related: Why the left is winning.

Violence in the name of compassion.

The church of Chick.

Adventures in missing the point.

Tears of a cuck.

Hillary supports rigged elections.

Degeneracy of type.



Lightning Round – 2016/10/12

Infogalactic has been launched. Check it here.

Activism vs. territorialism.

The ritual humiliation of misunderstanding power.

Yesterday’s liberal is today’s conservative.
Related: Fascism is modernism.

Where did it all go wrong?

On the current path.
Related: Balancing the natural and the social world.
Realted: The will of the people is a farce.

Cathedral decision-making.
Related: On Aleppo.
Related: WW3 by proxy.
Related: Who’s the outlaw?

The Hungary games.

Misreading the reactionary mind.

On meritocracy and experts.

The asset-bubble cements the high-low alliance.

Donald Trump is a great man.
Related: Presidential temperament.

Et tu parte?
Related: The loudspeaker.

This won’t end well.

Clowns expose American Anxiety.

On Francis’ the Leviathan.

The business of Harvard.

Modern art was CIA propaganda.

The long shadow of decolonization.
Related: SA learns the wonders of equality.

Immigration trumps law.
Related: Fake refugees on vacation.

Unboxing the fiat dollar.

Possible chaos at future protests.

On hate.
Related: Crime as a euphemism for lynching.

Cowards are for tolerance.

The nationalization of police.

Personal and collective power.

The pain of Kaine.

Retreat is pointless.

Respect for murderesses Sunday.

Reworking Malachi 2Part 2.

Learning from the mistakes of others.

Sex discrimination at Yahoo.

For younger readers: Little known, lucrative career paths.

Noblesse Oblige.

Sticky brains and forgiveness.

When Scott Adams became a target.

On Buckley.

Obamacare in action.

Government shuts down free online courses because they aren’t accessible.

A brief history of the replication crisis.
Related: 13% of papers contain a mathematical error.

When memes become real.

The broken freaks of fandom.

Clearing up the Gab drama.

The Twitter purges continue.

Memory-holes on Wiki.

Download Brave.


Lightning Round – 2016/09/29

The alt-west and alt-white.

Two kinds of nationalism.

Power, authority, and legitimacy.

Esoteric populism.

On physical removal.

How to survive the mob.

How to determine the price you’re sold for on the slave market.
Related: Crypto-currency: Fool’s gold.

On kings and accidents of birth.
Related: Forgotten crowns of Europe.

What is the natural aristocracy?

On dysgenics.

Understanding the 20th century.

Nitrocellulose illegalized.

Venezuelan socialism.

Section 207.
Related: Hillary will let in 37 million more foreigners than Trump.

The black-white crime ratio is worse than official stats show.

Using the term google.

The politicization of medicine.

On Ancient Sparta.

Ethnonymic creep.

Disney’s smart purchase of Marvel and Star Wars.

The Twitter lockdown.
Related: Twitter locked out VD, Roissy, and Instapundit.
Related: Instapundit is being investigated by his university for a tweet.

Christian denominations indicting themselves.

Christian teaching on immigration.

A draft war manual against the necropolis.

Hierarchy equals abuse.
Related: On complementarianism.
Related: Complementarians are worse than egalitarians.

Frequent denial of sex breaks the marriage covenant.

On whores.

My sides: Trump has liberals in fear.
Related: Scott Adams switches his endorsement to Trump.

The waste of teaching children what they already know.


Lightning Round – 2016/09/21

Open now: Counter-Search.

Babylon the necropolis.

A response to the Flight 93 election.

The High Tory tradition.

On socialism kills.

How to inquisition.

Why the memes are strong.
Related: Hillary running scared from meme magic.

The alt-lite.

The slow death of English.

How to remove 11 million illegals.

Politics is war.
Related: Tensions over identity well contained.

The suicide of the neocons.

The Soviet’s CIA head.
Related: Hidden history: Black mutinies in WW2.

Some right-wing news.

What’s the value of the Bill of Rights?

Shia geopolitics.

Yes, Trump can fire the bastards.
Related: Rumours that Trump would appoint Thiel to the SC.
Related: Thiel on effective government.
Related: Is Trump’s endorsement by 88 retired general a neo-nazi code?

The origins of the Anglo-Saxon.

The puritan hypothesis in short.
Related: Against the puritan hypothesis.

Full automation.

A return to noblesse oblige.

Real news and fake news.

Politics is upstream of AI.

The rot of positivism.
Related: The seven deplorable sins of secularism.

Value change.

William Glaston lays out hard truths.

Cryptocurrency as cuck finance.

Literally shaking.

Google erases white inventors.

Being a white minority in Georgia.

When did whites evolve?

CNN: Math is racist.

The diverse are using BDS to discriminate against Jewish SJW’s.

Concentration and IQ tests.

On the NFL.

The surrender-by-death of ethno-nationalism.

When your church converges.

On Rome in Revelations.
Related: RC and canonicity.
Related: More on Protestantism.

Cane changes his mind on some things.

Special might be destroying you.

Age of cross-dressing.

Marriage: Bearing a double burden.

The problems with “intelligent” submission.
Related: Submission is easy.
Related: She’s in control.
Related: To the defenders of rebellion.
Related: Starting with the right question.
Related: Jenny Erickson: Warning signs.

Are real men attracted to boisterous women?

A sexual market oddity.

Why modern women are angry all the time. Related.

Feeding off the hatred of others.

The idiot intellectuals.

Electoral classism.

These people really do control our society.

Keoni Galt got vaxxed.

Smells like victory.
Related: Trump handling the media.
Related: A question for Never Trumpers.

A note on Clinton.
Related: The shifting narrative.
Related: Clinton is worried Trump will hang her.

James D Watson still banned from polite society.

Fragile infrastructure.

The Hakka market dominant minority.

Pedoface exists.

On early mapsMore.

Chesterton on the Civil War and honour.

On communist atrocities.

Synthetic heroin.

Brand-name drugs.

Lightning Round – 2016/09/08

The jungle is a choice.
Related: Fury and fear in Paris.
Related: Redefining the nation.
Related: We Danes.
Related: The mystery of rising tensions.

Our continuing asymmetric conflict.

The Benedict Arnold option.

NRx vs. Altright.
Related: Vox on NRx and the Altright.
Related: Alt-Reich: the black hole of modernism.

The full press on the alt-right.
Related: The alt-right big tent.
Related: Edcuation Realist takes a stab at defining the alt-right.
Related: The coming persecution of the alt-right.

Related: Rejecting the alt-RINO’s.

Anti-right forever.
Related: Sam Francis on the JQ.

The Flight 93 election.
Related: The incoherence of conservatism.

Trump’s 10-part immigration plan.

Nixon on Trump.

The Russians aren’t coming.

EvoX with a comprehensive post on education.

Checked power.

End of the revival.

The Christian wentback.

Churchianity and the feminized church.

Seizing the means of home production.

A white woman’s chance of getting married.

A feminist in action.

On epigenetics.

Gawker is finished. Check out the last few posts for some schadenfreude.
Related: Automating Thiel’s lawsuit strategy.

Matt Taibi recognizes everybody hates journalists.

Terrorism and outliers.

The most intolerant wins.

Jonah Goldberg trying to be the new Buckley.

When Shapiro’s lies fail.
Related: Rewriting history.

The balkanization of SF/F.
Related: On the state of science fiction.

H/T: Land

Lightning Round – 2016/08/31

What the alt-right is.

Who is Pepe , really?
Related: The chaos magic of the alt-right.
Related: On writing for the Daily Caller.
Related: Spandrell on the alt-right.

Trichotomy Down.

Clinton’s booby-trap.
Related: Politics beyond the pale.
Related: On Hillary’s alt-right speech.

Why the press feels so free to criticize Trump.

Assimilationist liars.

The Frankfurt School didn’t cause progressivism, but it made it worse.
Related: Jim argues natsocs are centre-left.

Correct naming.

The West must be defended in secret.
Related: Multiculturalism erodes security.

The myopia of H1B.

On Dems R Real Racists.

Cold war 2.

The Netherlands belongs to us.
Related: Fundamentals matter.

By order of the court.

America as communist.

Why do democracies get weaker?

Marginialization and class.

Brutality can terminate riots promptly.

Do universities do anything good?
Related: Diversity indoctrination fail.

Examining a shitlib GoFundMe.
Related: GoFundMe 2-minute love.

Naming the enemy: Babel.

By the rivers of Babylon.

Christian nationalism.
Related: The family that feuds.
Related: The Christian nation.
Related: Judeo-Christian is anti-Christian.
Related: Churchianity.
Related: Andrew Klavan cucks, as does Cathy Young.

The voice.

The evolution of evolution.

The black hole of modern politics.


On Idiocracy.

The Great Ming Emperor on women.

Harper Lee and sexual strategy.

Cash and prizes causes ~40% of divorces.

The crisis of female porn addiction.

Trump did not flip-flop on immigration.

Playing the Buckley card.

Shapiro attacks the alt-right, then runs away.

Spot the common denominator.

The bizarre media blackout of the hacked Soros documents.

Is ISIS good for Israel?

Never donate to the Red Cross.

Fat pictures please.

Why EpiPens are expensive.


Lightning Round – 2016/08/24

Civilization and dysgenics.

The priest-warrior conflict.

Protecting the consumers.

White privilege and race relations.

Lesbos and immigration.

A response to Searle.

Visual pwnage.

Israel is the top cuck point.

Chimpanzees, the Congo, and war.

Sam Francis on masculinity.

Trump: A little too bright.
Related: Conservatives don’t get it.

How PAC’s murdered the Tea Party.

America was never a nation of immigrants.

On the Gini coefficient.

A review of the Master and the Margarita.


The condensed red pill.

Feminist witch hunts are rape.

Game: the gateway drug.

The tax gap.

Of course Hillary is ill.

The unruly coalition.

The implacable enemy.

The media contacts VD.

Wright comments on the Hugo winners.
Related: VD’s comments.
Related: The Morlocks Morlock.
Related: More Hugo thoughts.

The Birth of a Rapist/The Rape of a Nation.

Lawful gun owners commit less than a fifth of all gun crimes.

Sailer in the Washington Post.

The big 6: the Olmecs.
Related: China, treasure ships, and eunuchs.


Lightning Round – 2016/08/18

Right-wing intersectionality.

What talk of tradition really means.
Related: Conservatism is a feeling, not an ideology.

The West should consider Christ’s victory.

One man, one vote, one time.
Related: The decline of white America.
Related: Where did the London British go?
Related: New Jersey enjoys the fruits of tolerance.

Gazing at the black Madonna.

Detroit vs. Hiroshima.
Related: Gentrification or revitalization.

The soldier of industry.

Off-shoring and “our” economy.

A letter to Ukraine.

The forest and the Faustian soul.

The will to not power.

Common Core explained; it is sabotage.

Elite conversion to Islam.

The peasants are revolting.

Where to for the conservative media?

Progressivism and the left coalition.

The political economy of Starship Troopers.

Politics as gossip.

The evil of innocents abroad.

Why don’t we evangelize the rich?

The fruits of cuckservative Christianity.

Why women sleep with chads.

Vox debates marital rape.

The smart girl penalty.

The thousand cuck stare.
Related: On Caplan and Shapiro.
Related: Ben Shapiro is glad you hate him.

On human evolution.

Danes live better in the US.

Don’t you know who I am?

Pity the millennials.
Related: Boomers learned nothing.
Related: The stock market is too small for boomers to retire.

The SJW narrative sale.

How you can identify a sociopath.

How to identify the brainwashed.

How to surrender to the cops.

On stopping power.

Reality TV and the fall of civilization.

The Indus Valley civilization.
Related: Norte Chico.



Lightning Round -2016/08/11

Church, mannerbund, militia.

Spain’s cautionary tale.
Related: Towards civil war.

Going for the throat.

Natural and artificial.
Related: Social constructs.

A nation’s future in one number.

Trump has intrinsic geopolitical value.
Related: Trump, Hillary, and who we are.
Related: Commentary on Trump.
Related: Yes we Khan… send them back.

How small-scale, but intense action works.

Americanism is expanded Anglo-Saxonism.
Related: Lovecraft’s prophecy.

Why the alt-right isn’t wrong.
Related: The alt-right as an antidote to neocon warmongering.

Ideological inertia in institutions.

Social media is a state tool.

The horror of rising wages in Hungary.

Japan shifting right.

End of Jewish rule.

Quick student loan forgiveness program.

There is no such thing as moderate Islam.

New Jersey enjoys the fruits of tolerance.

NRx and the orthosphere.

The West should consider Christ’s victory.

The pope is not the pope.

Let them go their wicked ways.

Today’s women are yesterday’s prostitutes.

The smart girl penalty.

Before patriarchal fire and writing.

Feminist Atlantic waxes conservative on men’s gender roles.

The stock market is too small for boomers to retire.

The bait-and-switch confusopoly economy.

The philosophy of failure.

The value extractors.

Is martial law coming?

The Trump media narrative.
Related: Listening to Trump voters.
Related: Journalists have dispensed with objectivity.

Gadsden flag declared racist.

Obscure deep-stater tapped to stump Trump.

Hillary’s handler.
Related: Hillary’s condition.
Related: Media cover.

The privilege of Bret Stevens and Fareed Zakaria.
Related: The lies of Bret Stevens.

Murdered DNC staffer may have been a whistleblower.
Related: More mysterious deaths around Clinton.

Lewis on reading old books.

H/T: Land


Lightning Round – 2016/08/03

They want you to give up.
Related: The dead end of MGTOW.

Terrorism creates jobs.
Related: The French Republic is finished.
Related: A beautiful disaster.

Why Trump is Hitler.
Related: Why Trump?

High-low at the DNC.

Stop fearing crime, fear guns.

The pillaging of Russia.

More Americans dead from Muslim-American soldiers than died the latter.

BLM and 401k’s.

Cathedral round-up: the rise of mommy law.

Paid trolls.

Catholicism will survive the pope.
Related: Time for a new Catholic schism.

The mysterious male marriage premium.

Most campus rape accusation are false.

Fertility and corporal punishment.

Horny geeks love Ghostbusters.

The content censors.

Showing off.

Post-partisanship is hyper-partisanship.