Lightning Round – 2012/05/22

Remember, your superiors know better than you how to raise your children. (In this case, your superiors are the least competent of those our college system has pumped out).

Government theft can sometimes be more blatant than usual.

The government also hates it when you deprive them of their theft.

Never forget that Paul Krugman, while intelligent, is a complete idiot. From 2002, “Alan Greenspan needs to create a housing bubble to replace the Nasdaq bubble.” And people still listen to him.

Greens have just as much disdain for life as the reds did.

Steyn writes a great article about Geert Wilders. Read it.

CDMN has an interesting conversation with Christian marriage counselors hamster. Spin once and spin again.

(h/t SDA)



  1. I noticed Kate on your political blog roll. Do you read five feet and Blazing?

  2. Does anyone else think that CDMN’s habit of quoting “authorities” like Bronze-Age Middle Eastern Nomads as if they were irrefutable experts is kinda odd? Ditto for the blogging of the supposedly celibate Apostle Paul? Is it a wonder that the Christian Counseling industry has about the same success/failure ratio as the secular versions?

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